31 research outputs found

    Measuring charge fluctuations in high-energy nuclear collisions

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    Various measures of charge fluctuations in heavy-ion collisions are discussed. Advantages of the Phi-measure are demonstrated and its relation to other fluctuation measures is established. To get the relation, Phi is expressed through the moments of multiplicity distribution. We study how the measures act in the case of a `background' model which represents the classical hadron gas in equilibrium. The model assumes statistical particle production constrained by charge conservation. It also takes into account both the effect of incomplete experimental apparatus acceptance and that of tracking inefficiency. The model is shown to approximately agree with the PHENIX and preliminary STAR data on the electric charge fluctuations. Finally, `background-free' measures are discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, numerous but minor changes, Phys. Rev. C in prin

    Time and Amplitude of Afterpulse Measured with a Large Size Photomultiplier Tube

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    We have studied the afterpulse of a hemispherical photomultiplier tube for an upcoming reactor neutrino experiment. The timing, the amplitude, and the rate of the afterpulse for a 10 inch photomultiplier tube were measured with a 400 MHz FADC up to 16 \ms time window after the initial signal generated by an LED light pulse. The time and amplitude correlation of the afterpulse shows several distinctive groups. We describe the dependencies of the afterpulse on the applied high voltage and the amplitude of the main light pulse. The present data could shed light upon the general mechanism of the afterpulse.Comment: 11 figure

    Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry in the Large Hadron Collider

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    The matter-antimatter asymmetry is one of the greatest challenges in the modern physics. The universe including this paper and even the reader him(her)self seems to be built up of ordinary matter only. Theoretically, the well-known Sakharov's conditions remain the solid framework explaining the circumstances that matter became dominant against the antimatter while the universe cools down and/or expands. On the other hand, the standard model for elementary particles apparently prevents at least two conditions out of them. In this work, we introduce a systematic study of the antiparticle-to-particle ratios measured in various NNNN and AAAA collisions over the last three decades. It is obvious that the available experimental facilities turn to be able to perform nuclear collisions, in which the matter-antimatter asymmetry raises from 0\sim 0% at AGS to 100\sim 100% at LHC. Assuming that the final state of hadronization in the nuclear collisions takes place along the freezeout line, which is defined by a constant entropy density, various antiparticle-to-particle ratios are studied in framework of the hadron resonance gas (HRG) model. Implementing modified phase space and distribution function in the grand-canonical ensemble and taking into account the experimental acceptance, the ratios of antiparticle-to-particle over the whole range of center-of-mass-energies are very well reproduced by the HRG model. Furthermore, the antiproton-to-proton ratios measured by ALICE in pppp collisions is also very well described by the HRG model. It is likely to conclude that the LHC heavy-ion program will produce the same particle ratios as the pppp program implying the dynamics and evolution of the system would not depend on the initial conditions. The ratios of bosons and baryons get very close to unity indicating that the matter-antimatter asymmetry nearly vanishes at LHC.Comment: 9 pages, 5 eps-figures, revtex4-styl

    Limiting fragmentation in hadron-hadron collisions at high energies

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    Limiting fragmentation in proton-proton, deuteron-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions is analyzed in the framework of the Balitsky-Kovchegov equation in high energy QCD. Good agreement with experimental data is obtained for a wide range of energies. Further detailed tests of limiting fragmentation at RHIC and the LHC will provide insight into the evolution equations for high energy QCD.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures (2 new figures, text slightly expanded, and some additional references

    Formation of dense partonic matter in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC: Experimental evaluation by the PHENIX collaboration

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    Extensive experimental data from high-energy nucleus-nucleus collisions were recorded using the PHENIX detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). The comprehensive set of measurements from the first three years of RHIC operation includes charged particle multiplicities, transverse energy, yield ratios and spectra of identified hadrons in a wide range of transverse momenta (p_T), elliptic flow, two-particle correlations, non-statistical fluctuations, and suppression of particle production at high p_T. The results are examined with an emphasis on implications for the formation of a new state of dense matter. We find that the state of matter created at RHIC cannot be described in terms of ordinary color neutral hadrons.Comment: 510 authors, 127 pages text, 56 figures, 1 tables, LaTeX. Submitted to Nuclear Physics A as a regular article; v3 has minor changes in response to referee comments. Plain text data tables for the points plotted in figures for this and previous PHENIX publications are (or will be) publicly available at http://www.phenix.bnl.gov/papers.htm

    Slow control systems of the Reactor Experiment for Neutrino Oscillation

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    The RENO experiment has been in operation since August 2011 to measure reactor antineutrino disappearance using identical near and far detectors. For accurate measurements of neutrino mixing parameters and efficient data taking, it is crucial to monitor and control the detector in real time. Environmental conditions also need to be monitored for stable operation of detectors as well as for safety reasons. In this paper, we report the design, hardware, operation, and performance of the slow control system. © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved1571sciescopu

    Observation of Energy and Baseline Dependent Reactor Antineutrino Disappearance in the RENO Experiment

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    The RENO experiment has analyzed about 500 live days of data to observe an energy dependent disappearance of reactor νe by comparing their prompt signal spectra measured in two identical near and far detectors. In the period between August of 2011 and January of 2013, the far (near) detector observed 31 541 (290 775) electron antineutrino candidate events with a background fraction of 4.9% (2.8%). The measured prompt spectra show an excess of reactor νe around 5 MeV relative to the prediction from a most commonly used model. A clear energy and baseline dependent disappearance of reactor νe is observed in the deficit of the observed number of νe. Based on the measured far-to-near ratio of prompt spectra, we obtain sin22θ13=0.082±0.009(stat)±0.006(syst) and |Δmee2|=[2.62-0.23+0.21(stat)-0.13+0.12(syst)]×10-3 eV2. © 2016 American Physical Society171781sciescopu