10 research outputs found
Vital staining of calcifying tissue in animals with Tetracycline, Calcein green and Xylenol orange
Vital staining of calcifying tissue has been reported in previous studies‘ but such investigations have involved either a constant labelling with one dye. or double or triple labelling; with one or more dyes. 1n the present study five adult dogs had a constant oral administration of Tetracyclines and two infusions of Caleein green and Xylenol orange, each administered twice after 3 and 4 weeks and 11 and 12 weeks, respectively. This method caused all newly formed bone to be marked with Tetracycline. Qualitative information can be obtained by observing the location of the Caleein green bands and the Xy1enol orange bands. The bone formation rate can be determined by measuring the distance between labelling bands of Caleein green and Xylenol orange. We found this method of combined labelling to be of value in the investigation of bone remodelling, particularly in cases ofsurgieal trauma
DanNet: udvikling og anvendelse af det danske wordnet
A wordnet for Danish is under compilation as a joint project between the Centre forLanguage Technology at the University of Copenhagen and the Society for Danish Languageand Literature. Both partners have recently been involved in the development ofrelevant lexical resources which are utilized as an important part of the current project,most importantly The Danish Dictionary, a corpus-based dictionary of modern Danish,and the international SIMPLE project. This article describes how the existing data arereused to create a much sought-after resource within Danish language technology. Typicalexamples and problems faced during the editing process are presented, with focus onpolysemy, synonymy and semantic classification. Finally, we outline some perspectivesfor lexicographic products aimed at human users. Specifically, the development potentialfor the productive function of dictionaries is discussed, as are ways of improving thepedagogical function of learners’ dictionaries