3,351 research outputs found

    Efficient computation of the Shapley value for game-theoretic network centrality

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    The Shapley value—probably the most important normative payoff division scheme in coalitional games—has recently been advocated as a useful measure of centrality in networks. However, although this approach has a variety of real-world applications (including social and organisational networks, biological networks and communication networks), its computational properties have not been widely studied. To date, the only practicable approach to compute Shapley value-based centrality has been via Monte Carlo simulations which are computationally expensive and not guaranteed to give an exact answer. Against this background, this paper presents the first study of the computational aspects of the Shapley value for network centralities. Specifically, we develop exact analytical formulae for Shapley value-based centrality in both weighted and unweighted networks and develop efficient (polynomial time) and exact algorithms based on them. We empirically evaluate these algorithms on two real-life examples (an infrastructure network representing the topology of the Western States Power Grid and a collaboration network from the field of astrophysics) and demonstrate that they deliver significant speedups over the Monte Carlo approach. Fo

    Finite formation time effects in quasi-elastic (e,e)(e,e') scattering on nuclear targets

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    The problem of the final state interaction in quasi-elastic (e,e)(e,e') scattering at large Q2Q^2, is investigated by exploiting the idea that the ejected nucleon needs a finite amount of time to assume its asymptotic form. It is shown that when the dependence of the scattering amplitude of the ejected nucleon on its virtuality is taken into account, the final state interaction is decreased. The developed approach is simpler to implement than the one based on the color transparency description of the damping of the final state interaction, and is essentially equivalent to the latter in the case of the single rescattering term. The (e,e)(e,e') process on the deuteron is numerically investigated and it is shown that, at x=1x=1, appreciable finite formation time effects at Q2Q^2 of the order of 10 (GeV/c)2^2 are expected.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figure

    Moving the Horse before the Cart: Aligning Fundraising with Academic Library Trends

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    Academic libraries undergo change at an almost constant rate, yet the effect of change can differ across various institutions. As technological and educational environments evolve, the impact to advancement activities can be overlooked if not kept in consideration as it relates to engaging donor investment. Strategically these opportunities for the organization may be hidden and not as visible to stakeholders as traditional or legacy options. This panel will explore six of these broader academic library trends and lead discussion regarding impact to donors, potential modification to fundraising strategies and challenges to library administrators. This panel of senior library and advancement leaders will provide strategies, examples and concepts for recognizing these trends as well as modifying and aligning your library’s institutional advancement efforts

    Solar Magnetic Field Studies Using the 12-Micron Emission Lines. IV. Observations of a Delta-Region Solar Flare

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    We have recently developed the capability to make solar vector (Stokes IQUV) magnetograms using the infrared line of MgI at 12.32 microns. On 24 April 2001, we obtained a vector magnetic map of solar active region NOAA 9433, fortuitously just prior to the occurrence of an M2 flare. Examination of a sequence of SOHO/MDI magnetograms, and comparison with ground-based H-alpha images, shows that the flare was produced by the cancellation of newly emergent magnetic flux outside of the main sunspot. The very high Zeeman-sensitivity of the 12-micron data allowed us to measure field strengths on a spatial scale which was not directly resolvable. At the flare trigger site, opposite polarity fields of 2700 and 1000 Gauss occurred within a single 2 arc-sec resolution element, as revealed by two resolved Zeeman splittings in a single spectrum. Our results imply an extremely high horizontal field strength gradient (5 G/km) prior to the flare, significantly greater than seen in previous studies. We also find that the magnetic energy of the cancelling fields was more than sufficient to account for the flare's X-ray luminosity.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, accepted for Ap.

    A study of temperature-related non-linearity at the metal-silicon interface

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    In this paper, we investigate the temperature dependencies of metal-semiconductor interfaces in an effort to better reproduce the current-voltage-temperature (IVT) characteristics of any Schottky diode, regardless of homogeneity. Four silicon Schottky diodes were fabricated for this work, each displaying different degrees of inhomogeneity; a relatively homogeneous NiV/Si diode, a Ti/Si and Cr/Si diode with double bumps at only the lowest temperatures, and a Nb/Si diode displaying extensive non-linearity. The 77–300 K IVT responses are modelled using a semi-automated implementation of Tung's electron transport model, and each of the diodes are well reproduced. However, in achieving this, it is revealed that each of the three key fitting parameters within the model display a significant temperature dependency. In analysing these dependencies, we reveal how a rise in thermal energy “activates” exponentially more interfacial patches, the activation rate being dependent on the carrier concentration at the patch saddle point (the patch's maximum barrier height), which in turn is linked to the relative homogeneity of each diode. Finally, in a review of Tung's model, problems in the divergence of the current paths at low temperature are explained to be inherent due to the simplification of an interface that will contain competing defects and inhomogeneities

    Simple model for scanning tunneling spectroscopy of noble metal surfaces with adsorbed Kondo impurities

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    A simple model is introduced to describe conductance measurements between a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) tip and a noble metal surface with adsorbed transition metal atoms which display the Kondo effect. The model assumes a realistic parameterization of the potential created by the surface and a d3z2-r2 orbital for the description of the adsorbate. Fano lineshapes associated with the Kondo resonance are found to be sensitive to details of the adsorbate-substrate interaction. For instance, bringing the adsorbate closer to the surface leads to more asymmetric lineshapes while their dependence on the tip distance is weak. We find that it is important to use a realistic surface potential, to properly include the tunnelling matrix elements to the tip and to use substrate states which are orthogonal to the adsorbate and tip states. An application of our model to Co adsorbed on Cu explains the difference in the lineshapes observed between Cu(100) and Cu(111) surfaces.Comment: 11 pages, 8 eps figure

    Extrasolar Planet Transits Observed at Kitt Peak National Observatory

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    We obtained J-, H- and JH-band photometry of known extrasolar planet transiting systems at the 2.1-m Kitt Peak National Observatory Telescope using the FLAMINGOS infrared camera between October 2008 and October 2011. From the derived lightcurves we have extracted the mid-transit times, transit depths and transit durations for these events. The precise mid-transit times obtained help improve the orbital periods and also constrain transit-time variations of the systems. For most cases the published system parameters successfully accounted for our observed lightcurves, but in some instances we derive improved planetary radii and orbital periods. We complemented our 2.1-m infrared observations using CCD z'-band and B-band photometry (plus two Hydrogen Alpha filter observations) obtained with the Kitt Peak Visitor's Center telescope, and with four H-band transits observed in October 2007 with the NSO's 1.6-m McMath-Pierce Solar Telescope. The principal highlights of our results are: 1) our ensemble of J-band planetary radii agree with optical radii, with the best-fit relation being: (Rp/R*)J = 0.0017 + 0.979 (Rp/R*)optical, 2) We observe star spot crossings during the transit of WASP-11/HAT-P-10, 3) we detect star spot crossings by HAT-P-11b (Kepler-3b), thus confirming that the magnetic evolution of the stellar active regions can be monitored even after the Kepler mission has ended, and 4) we confirm a grazing transit for HAT-P-27/WASP-40. In total we present 57 individual transits of 32 known exoplanet systems.Comment: 33 pages, 6 figures, accepted in Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacifi

    Chiral Transparency

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    Color transparency is the vanishing of initial and final state interactions, predicted by QCD to occur in high momentum transfer quasielastic nuclear reactions. For specific reactions involving nucleons, the initial and final state interactions are expected to be dominated by exchanges of pions. We argue that these interactions are also suppressed in high momentum transfer nuclear quasielastic reactions; this is ``chiral transparency". We show that studies of the e3HeeΔ++nne ^3He \to e'\Delta^{++} nn reaction could reveal the influence of chiral transparency.Comment: 20 pages, three figures available by fax from [email protected]; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Symmetry Decomposition of Potentials with Channels

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    We discuss the symmetry decomposition of the average density of states for the two dimensional potential V=x2y2V=x^2y^2 and its three dimensional generalisation V=x2y2+y2z2+z2x2V=x^2y^2+y^2z^2+z^2x^2. In both problems, the energetically accessible phase space is non-compact due to the existence of infinite channels along the axes. It is known that in two dimensions the phase space volume is infinite in these channels thus yielding non-standard forms for the average density of states. Here we show that the channels also result in the symmetry decomposition having a much stronger effect than in potentials without channels, leading to terms which are essentially leading order. We verify these results numerically and also observe a peculiar numerical effect which we associate with the channels. In three dimensions, the volume of phase space is finite and the symmetry decomposition follows more closely that for generic potentials --- however there are still non-generic effects related to some of the group elements