853 research outputs found

    The relocation of subjectivities in marginallzed spaces in instructions for Saving the world

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    La novela de 2008 de Rosa Montero Instrucciones para salvar el mundo ofrece un mejor entendimiento de la relación compleja entre el espacio urbano y los seres humanos en el contexto de la España del siglo XXI. Después de que falleció su pareja, el protagonista de la novela Matías Balboa alterna entre espacios marginales en las afueras de Madrid en búsqueda de sí mismo. El ambiente liminal de esos espacios le ayuda a poder restablecer su subjetividad y, como consecuencia, abre la posibilidad de redefinir lo que es una comunidad colectiva. En este estudio se analiza la trayectoria de dos personajes según el marco teórico de los estudios urbanos, específicamente, de las ideas de Henri Lefebvre.The 2008 novel by Rosa Montero Instrucciones para salvar el mundo offers insight into the complicated relationship between urban space and human beings in the con text of twenty-first-century Spain. After his wife passes away, the protagonist of the novel Matías Balboa alternates between marginal spaces in the outskirts of Madrid in search of himself. The transitory environment of such spaces helps him to be able to reestablish his subjectivity and, as a consequence, opens up the possibility of redefining the idea of a collective community. In this current study, the trajectory of two characters is analyzed according to urban studies theories, specifically those by Henri Lefebvre

    The Philosophy of Pain - Introduction

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    Over recent decades, pain has received increasing attention as – with ever greater sophistication and rigour – theorists have tried to answer the deep and difficult questions it poses. What is pain’s nature? What is its point? In what sense is it bad? The papers collected in this volume are a contribution to that effort ..

    Co-Teaching Social Emotional Learning to Improve Regulation and Mental Health: Implications for School Based Practice

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    Addressing sensory processing and integration difficulties is a primary area of assessment and intervention for school-based occupational therapists. School-based occupational therapists support students with these difficulties through interventions that target self-regulation, motor development, teacher and educator training, and accommodations. In an effort to better meet these student’s needs, this knowledge translation doctoral project reviewed evidence in self regulation interventions which considered student mental health needs. Although there are meta analyses on interventions to support self-regulation in occupational therapy (Battin, et al., 2020; Bodison, et al., 2018; Miller-Kuhaneck, et al., 2018; Pfeirffer, et al., 2018) many of these studies lacked a large subject size, randomization, developing student lifelong skills development, and mental health considerations. To fill this gap in school based practice, a database search for an intervention that met these missing criteria was completed. This database search led to an intervention with level 1 and 2 evidence, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), a mental health intervention that supports student self-regulation, teaches emotional skills and allows student to practice these skills in a culture that fosters student well-being (Durlak, et al., 2011; Payton, et al., 2008)

    Conservation as Mutualism: A Case Study of Thulo Syafru

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    This study examined the opinions, perceptions, and knowledge of residents of Thulo Syafru, a small village in the buffer zone of Langtang National Park, Nepal, regarding conservation efforts spearheaded by the Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation and the World Wide Fund for Nature. 26 community members were interviewed along with key figures in community leadership and the two aforementioned organizations. Thulo Syafru is an essential location for red panda conservation, leading to many conservation efforts being focused in the area. Overall, people expressed very positive opinions regarding red pandas and their protection, positive attitudes about conservation, and appreciation of the World Wide Fund for Nature. Responses regarding the Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation were mixed between appreciative thoughts and complaints regarding restriction of harvesting natural resources

    Comparing UNMC’s MD-PhD Applications Pre- (2018/2019) and Mid- (2020/2021) COVID-19 Pandemic

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    This project seeks to examine how the application pool for the UNMC MD-PhD Scholars Program compares in pre-pandemic and mid-pandemic admission cycles. This is an important contribution to the field of public administration as it informs administrators working in higher education how the global pandemic impacts higher education admission processes and outcomes. Secondly, this research will explore if and how the pandemic has observable impacts on the quality (GPA, MCAT, prior research experiences) and quantity of applications submitted by applicants of the UNMC MD-PhD Scholars Program. These trends contribute to the larger body of research on how the pandemic (among other crises) impact individuals pursuing higher education

    Limitations of a True Random Number Generator in a Field Programmable Gate Array

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    Random number generators are used in many areas of engineering, computer science, most notably in simulations and cryptographic applications. There are true random number generators (TRNG) and pseudo random number generators (PRNG). Only a true random number generator is secure because the output bits are non-repeating and nonreproducible. As society has become more dependent on electronic technology the need for true random number generators has increased due to processes that require encryption in everyday use. A fast true random number generator on a field programmable gate array presents digital designers with the ability to have the generator on chip. Since random bits do not have to be brought into the processes from an outside source, they cannot be compromised. An oscillator sampling technique has proved to be an effective TRNG in a Xilinx FPGA. This research examines how the time of the differences in period of the two oscillators, the size of the jitter zone, and whether sampling on the rising and falling edge of the oscillator rather than just the rising edge affects the randomness of the TRNG. The proportion of the size of the jitter zone compared to the period difference between the two oscillators limits the performance of this technique. As the jitter zone gets larger, the proportion of the jitter zone to the difference in periods of the oscillators must increase for the output to remain random. Increasing the output rate by sampling on the rising and falling edge instead of only the rising was not effective. The output was random for only a jitter zone of 24 ps with a period difference of 50 ps and 100 ps

    Tenured Teacher Motivation for Self-Directed Professional Development in Literacy

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    After receiving tenure, experienced teachers may choose to not participate in professional development opportunities. In fact, tenured teachers may only complete the minimum professional development hours required by their school districts. Therefore, the purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore the factors that motivated tenured elementary school teachers (grades 3-6) to participate in self-directed professional development (SD-PD) in literacy. This study consisted of six tenured teachers (grades 3-6) who were recruited from three different schools in a suburban elementary school district in Nassau County, New York. Data were collected through one-on-one online interviews, a collection of participants’ written diaries reflecting on their experiences with SD-PD in literacy, and brief descriptions of lesson plans which integrated concepts learned in SD-PD. The findings of this study concluded that tenured teachers in grades 3-6 were motivated to participate in SD-PD in literacy by feelings of competence, autonomy, and relatedness. In terms of autonomy, tenured teachers appeared motivated the most by how they learned (technique), and with whom they learned (team). The results of this study also demonstrated that tenured teachers in grades 3-6 were motivated by four main factors: (1) collaborating with colleagues, (2) gaining control over time, (3) meeting their own needs and their students’ needs, and (4) having choices. The participants also described themselves as reflective teachers. The types of SD-PD in literacy that tenured teachers (grades 3-6) selected included that of literacy coaching and online learning. In addition, the participants applied concepts learned in SD-PD in literacy in four areas: (1) generating writing lesson plans, (2) conducting reading and writing conferences, (3) using digital sources, and (4) conducting small groups online. Implications and recommendations for future research were also discussed
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