46 research outputs found

    Project management in practice : Evaluating a case project through project management theories

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    The purpose of this thesis was to evaluate a case project and to study whether it was carried out in a correct manner; meaning that did the case project follow the project management models. In addition, part of the study was to determine what could have been improved in the management of the case project. The case project was about creating and launching a communication channel based on a social media service, on a blog platform called Tumblr, for Team Finland in Spain network. The network promotes Finland and its interests in Spain, and is part of global Team Finland network. The main objective of this thesis was to understand better project management, its concepts and models. The thesis is conducted using case study research with qualitative approach as the research method. Case study research is an empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context. Following this method, the case project was first observed in real-life context and then evaluated by comparing it to the models presented in project management literature. The qualitative research data was collected during the case project by observation method and included memos, notes and other documents such as the action plan of Team Finland in Spain network. The result of the study was that the case project was partly following the theories of project management. It was applying some concepts in its project management, for example in areas such as identification of need, communication, monitoring and reporting and evaluating project success. However, there were some areas such as planning project baseline plan, which could have been improved to gain more advantages of the project. The author recommends that some tools and techniques, such as a stakeholder analysis, Gantt chart and work breakdown structure, could have been used to improve the project in general and gain the full benefits of project management. Nevertheless, the project was considered as internal project with internal sponsor, which gave slightly more freedom to the project management. Also, the project and final product, the communication channel, was evaluated as success by project sponsor and team. Overall, the project offered a great change to practice and study project management in real-life context

    Intracapsular tonsillectomy in the treatment of recurrent and chronic tonsillitis in adults : a protocol of a prospective, single-blinded, randomised study with a 5-year follow-up (the FINITE trial)

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    Introduction The standard surgical treatment for recurrent or chronic tonsillitis is extracapsular tonsillectomy. Recent studies show that intracapsular tonsillectomy has the potential to reduce the postoperative morbidity of patients undergoing tonsil surgery. The Finnish Intracapsular Tonsillectomy (FINITE) trial aims to provide level I evidence to support the hypothesis that the recovery time from tonsil surgery can be reduced with intracapsular tonsillectomy. Additionally, from this trial, major benefits in quality of life, reduction of postoperative complications, treatment costs and throat symptoms might be gained. Methods and analysis The FINITE trial is a prospective, randomised, controlled, patient-blinded, three-arm clinical trial. It is designed to compare three different surgical methods being extracapsular monopolar tonsillectomy versus intracapsular microdebrider tonsillectomy versus intracapsular coblation tonsillectomy in the treatment of adult patients (16-65 years) suffering from recurrent or chronic tonsillitis. The study started in September 2019, and patients will be enrolled until a maximum of 200 patients are randomised. Currently, we are in the middle of the study with 125 patients enrolled as of 28 February 2022 and data collection is scheduled to be completed totally by December 2027. The primary endpoint of the study will be the recovery time from surgery. Secondary endpoints will be the postoperative pain scores and the use of analgesics during the first 3 weeks of recovery, postoperative haemorrhage, quality of life, tonsillar remnants, need for revision surgery, throat symptoms, treatment costs and sick leave. A follow-up by a questionnaire at 1-21 days and at 1, 6, 24 and 60 months will be conducted with a follow-up visit at the 6-month time point. Ethics and dissemination Ethical approval was obtained from the Medical Ethics Committee of the Hospital District of Southwest Finland (reference number 29/1801/2019). Results will be made publicly available in peer-reviewed scientific journals.Peer reviewe

    Kinetics of Neutralizing Antibodies of COVID-19 Patients Tested Using Clinical D614G, B.1.1.7, and B 1.351 Isolates in Microneutralization Assays

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    Increasing evidence suggests that some newly emerged SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern (VoCs) resist neutralization by antibodies elicited by the early-pandemic wild-type virus. We applied neutralization tests to paired recoveree sera (n = 38) using clinical isolates representing the first wave (D614G), VoC1, and VoC2 lineages (B.1.1.7 and B 1.351). Neutralizing antibodies inhibited contemporary and VoC1 lineages, whereas inhibition of VoC2 was reduced 8-fold, with 50% of sera failing to show neutralization. These results provide evidence for the increased potential of VoC2 to reinfect previously SARS-CoV-infected individuals. The kinetics of NAbs in different patients showed similar decline against all variants, with generally low initial anti-B.1.351 responses becoming undetectable, but with anti-B.1.1.7 NAbs remaining detectable (>20) for months after acute infection

    Kinetics of Neutralizing Antibodies of COVID-19 Patients Tested Using Clinical D614G, B.1.1.7, and B 1.351 Isolates in Microneutralization Assays

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    Increasing evidence suggests that some newly emerged SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern (VoCs) resist neutralization by antibodies elicited by the early-pandemic wild-type virus. We applied neutralization tests to paired recoveree sera (n = 38) using clinical isolates representing the first wave (D614G), VoC1, and VoC2 lineages (B.1.1.7 and B 1.351). Neutralizing antibodies inhibited contemporary and VoC1 lineages, whereas inhibition of VoC2 was reduced 8-fold, with 50% of sera failing to show neutralization. These results provide evidence for the increased potential of VoC2 to reinfect previously SARS-CoV-infected individuals. The kinetics of NAbs in different patients showed similar decline against all variants, with generally low initial anti-B.1.351 responses becoming undetectable, but with anti-B.1.1.7 NAbs remaining detectable (>20) for months after acute infection

    Kinetics of Neutralizing Antibodies of COVID-19 Patients Tested Using Clinical D614G, B.1.1.7, and B 1.351 Isolates in Microneutralization Assays

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    Increasing evidence suggests that some newly emerged SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern (VoCs) resist neutralization by antibodies elicited by the early-pandemic wild-type virus. We applied neutralization tests to paired recoveree sera (n = 38) using clinical isolates representing the first wave (D614G), VoC1, and VoC2 lineages (B.1.1.7 and B 1.351). Neutralizing antibodies inhibited contemporary and VoC1 lineages, whereas inhibition of VoC2 was reduced 8-fold, with 50% of sera failing to show neutralization. These results provide evidence for the increased potential of VoC2 to reinfect previously SARS-CoV-infected individuals. The kinetics of NAbs in different patients showed similar decline against all variants, with generally low initial anti-B.1.351 responses becoming undetectable, but with anti-B.1.1.7 NAbs remaining detectable (>20) for months after acute infection

    Intracapsular tonsillectomy in the treatment of recurrent and chronic tonsillitis in adults: a protocol of a prospective, single-blinded, randomised study with a 5-year follow-up (the FINITE trial)

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    INTRODUCTIONThe standard surgical treatment for recurrent or chronic tonsillitis is extracapsular tonsillectomy. Recent studies show that intracapsular tonsillectomy has the potential to reduce the postoperative morbidity of patients undergoing tonsil surgery. The Finnish Intracapsular Tonsillectomy (FINITE) trial aims to provide level I evidence to support the hypothesis that the recovery time from tonsil surgery can be reduced with intracapsular tonsillectomy. Additionally, from this trial, major benefits in quality of life, reduction of postoperative complications, treatment costs and throat symptoms might be gained.METHODS AND ANALYSISThe FINITE trial is a prospective, randomised, controlled, patient-blinded, three-arm clinical trial. It is designed to compare three different surgical methods being extracapsular monopolar tonsillectomy versus intracapsular microdebrider tonsillectomy versus intracapsular coblation tonsillectomy in the treatment of adult patients (16-65 years) suffering from recurrent or chronic tonsillitis. The study started in September 2019, and patients will be enrolled until a maximum of 200 patients are randomised. Currently, we are in the middle of the study with 125 patients enrolled as of 28 February 2022 and data collection is scheduled to be completed totally by December 2027. The primary endpoint of the study will be the recovery time from surgery. Secondary endpoints will be the postoperative pain scores and the use of analgesics during the first 3 weeks of recovery, postoperative haemorrhage, quality of life, tonsillar remnants, need for revision surgery, throat symptoms, treatment costs and sick leave. A follow-up by a questionnaire at 1-21 days and at 1, 6, 24 and 60 months will be conducted with a follow-up visit at the 6-month time point.ETHICS AND DISSEMINATIONEthical approval was obtained from the Medical Ethics Committee of the Hospital District of Southwest Finland (reference number 29/1801/2019). Results will be made publicly available in peer-reviewed scientific journals.</p

    A Synthesis of Marine Monitoring Methods With the Potential to Enhance the Status Assessment of the Baltic Sea

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    Highlights - We rated novel methods regarding their ability to improve the Baltic Sea monitoring. - Methods were assessed with respect to their costs and applicability. - All methods can potentially increase data resolution or monitor novel ecosystem elements. - We recommend several novel methods for the Baltic status assessment.A multitude of anthropogenic pressures deteriorate the Baltic Sea, resulting in the need to protect and restore its marine ecosystem. For an efficient conservation, comprehensive monitoring and assessment of all ecosystem elements is of fundamental importance. The Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission HELCOM coordinates conservation measures regulated by several European directives. However, this holistic assessment is hindered by gaps within the current monitoring schemes. Here, twenty-two novel methods with the potential to fill some of these gaps and improve the monitoring of the Baltic marine environment are examined. We asked key stakeholders to point out methods likely to improve current Baltic Sea monitoring. We then described these methods in a comparable way and evaluated them based on their costs and applicability potential (i.e., possibility to make them operational). Twelve methods require low to very low costs, while five require moderate and two high costs. Seventeen methods were rated with a high to very high applicability, whereas four methods had moderate and one low applicability for Baltic Sea monitoring. Methods with both low costs and a high applicability include the Manta Trawl, Rocket Sediment Corer, Argo Float, Artificial Substrates, Citizen Observation, Earth Observation, the HydroFIA®pH system, DNA Metabarcoding and Stable Isotope Analysis

    Role of Matrix Metalloproteinase 13 in Both Endochondral and Intramembranous Ossification during Skeletal Regeneration

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    Extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling is important during bone development and repair. Because matrix metalloproteinase 13 (MMP13, collagenase-3) plays a role in long bone development, we have examined its role during adult skeletal repair. In this study we find that MMP13 is expressed by hypertrophic chondrocytes and osteoblasts in the fracture callus. We demonstrate that MMP13 is required for proper resorption of hypertrophic cartilage and for normal bone remodeling during non-stabilized fracture healing, which occurs via endochondral ossification. However, no difference in callus strength was detected in the absence of MMP13. Transplant of wild-type bone marrow, which reconstitutes cells only of the hematopoietic lineage, did not rescue the endochondral repair defect, indicating that impaired healing in Mmp13−/− mice is intrinsic to cartilage and bone. Mmp13−/− mice also exhibited altered bone remodeling during healing of stabilized fractures and cortical defects via intramembranous ossification. This indicates that the bone phenotype occurs independently from the cartilage phenotype. Taken together, our findings demonstrate that MMP13 is involved in normal remodeling of bone and cartilage during adult skeletal repair, and that MMP13 may act directly in the initial stages of ECM degradation in these tissues prior to invasion of blood vessels and osteoclasts

    Meriseurannan tiekartta – SYKEn ylläpitämien ja koordinoimien meren tilaseurantojen nykytila ja kehittäminen

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    Raportissa kuvataan nykyiset SYKEn ylläpitämät ja koordinoimat meren kuormitus- ja tilaseurannat ja esitetään tavoitteita seurantojen kehittämiselle ja seurantatiedon käytön tehostamiselle vuoteen 2026 mennessä. Työ perustuu vuonna 2016 tehtyyn meriseurantojen toteutusta ja niiden kehittämistarvetta koskeneeseen kyselyyn, joka lähetettiin n. 30 seurantojen ja kehittämishankkeiden vastuuhenkilölle SYKEssä. Vastausten perusteella koottiin tiekartan alustava luonnos, jota on vuosina 2018-2019 päivitetty ja tarkistettu yhteistyössä seurantojen ja kehittämishankkeiden vastuuhenkilöiden kanssa. Nyt raportoitava versio antaa ajantasaisen kuvan SYKEn ylläpitämistä ja koordinoimista meren tilaseurannoista ja niiden kehittämisestä heinäkuussa 2020 alkaneen merenhoidon toisen seurantakauden kynnyksellä. Työ jakautuu aihealueisiin, joita ovat manuaaliseen näytteenottoon perustuva seuranta, automaatio, kaukokartoitus, kansalaishavainnointi, seurannan tietojärjestelmät, mallinnus ja sen tietotarpeet, seurantojen optimointi ja aineistojen yhteiskäyttö sekä merenhoidon ja HELCOM -työn tietotarpeet. Lisäksi tarkastellaan seuranta-aineistojen käyttöä. Seurantojen kehittämiselle esitetään välittömät tavoitteet (vastikään valmistunut tai valmistumassa oleva kehittämistyö) sekä tavoitteet vuoden 2020 aikana ja vuoteen 2026 mennessä