19,719 research outputs found

    Women at work in NASA

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    Photographs and brief descriptions summarize the diversity of the female work force at NASA. Jobs are classified as: (1) technical support positions; (2) clerical and nonprofessional administrative; (3) professional administrative; and (4) professional scientific and engineering

    An investigation into the archaeological application of carbon stable isotope analysis used to establish crop water availability: solutions and ways forward

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    Carbon stable isotope analysis of charred cereal remains is a relatively new method employed by archaeological scientists to investigate ancient climate and irrigation regimes. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of environmental variables on carbon isotope discrimination (D) in multiple environments to develop the technique and its archaeological application, using crops grown at three experimental stations in Jordan. There are two key results: (1) as expected, there was a strong positive relationship between water availability and D; (2) site, not water input, was the most important factor in determining D. Future work should concentrate on establishing ways of correcting D for the influence of site specific environmental variables and on assessing how well carbon isotope discrimination values are preserved within the archaeological record

    Crystal lattice properties fully determine short-range interaction parameters for alkali and halide ions

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    Accurate models of alkali and halide ions in aqueous solution are necessary for computer simulations of a broad variety of systems. Previous efforts to develop ion force fields have generally focused on reproducing experimental measurements of aqueous solution properties such as hydration free energies and ion-water distribution functions. This dependency limits transferability of the resulting parameters because of the variety and known limitations of water models. We present a solvent-independent approach to calibrating ion parameters based exclusively on crystal lattice properties. Our procedure relies on minimization of lattice sums to calculate lattice energies and interionic distances instead of equilibrium ensemble simulations of dense fluids. The gain in computational efficiency enables simultaneous optimization of all parameters for Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+, F-, Cl-, Br-, and I- subject to constraints that enforce consistency with periodic table trends. We demonstrate the method by presenting lattice-derived parameters for the primitive model and the Lennard-Jones model with Lorentz-Berthelot mixing rules. The resulting parameters successfully reproduce the lattice properties used to derive them and are free from the influence of any water model. To assess the transferability of the Lennard-Jones parameters to aqueous systems, we used them to estimate hydration free energies and found that the results were in quantitative agreement with experimentally measured values. These lattice-derived parameters are applicable in simulations where coupling of ion parameters to a particular solvent model is undesirable. The simplicity and low computational demands of the calibration procedure make it suitable for parametrization of crystallizable ions in a variety of force fields.Comment: 9 pages, 5 table

    Decuplet baryon magnetic moments in a QCD-based quark model beyond quenched approximation

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    We study the decuplet baryon magnetic moments in a QCD-based quark model beyond quenched approximation. Our approach for unquenching the theory is based on the heavy baryon perturbation theory in which the axial couplings for baryon - meson and the meson-meson-photon couplings from the chiral perturbation theory are used together with the QM moment couplings. It also involves the introduction of a form factor characterizing the structure of baryons considered as composite particles. Using the parameters obtained from fitting the octet baryon magnetic moments, we predict the decuplet baryon magnetic moments. The Ω\Omega^- magnetic moment is found to be in good agreement with experiment: μΩ\mu_{\Omega^-} is predicted to be 1.97μN-1.97 \mu_N compared to the experimental result of (-2.02 ±\pm 0.05) μN\mu_N.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure

    Critical Analysis of Baryon Masses and Sigma-Terms in Heavy Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory

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    We present an analysis of the octet baryon masses and the πN\pi N and KNKN σ\sigma--terms in the framework of heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory. At next-to-leading order, O(q3){\cal O}(q^3), knowledge of the baryon masses and σπN(0)\sigma_{\pi N}(0) allows to determine the three corresponding finite low--energy constants and to predict the the two KNKN σ\sigma--terms σKN(1,2)(0)\sigma^{(1,2)}_{KN} (0). We also include the spin-3/2 decuplet in the effective theory. The presence of the non--vanishing energy scale due to the octet--decuplet splitting shifts the average octet baryon mass by an infinite amount and leads to infinite renormalizations of the low--energy constants. The first observable effect of the decuplet intermediate states to the baryon masses starts out at order q4q^4. We argue that it is not sufficient to retain only these but no other higher order terms to achieve a consistent description of the three--flavor scalar sector of baryon CHPT. In addition, we critically discuss an SU(2) result which allows to explain the large shift of σπN(2Mπ2)σπN(0)\sigma_{\pi N}(2M_\pi^2) - \sigma_{\pi N}(0) via intermediate Δ(1232)\Delta (1232) states.Comment: 18 pp, TeX, BUTP-93/05 and CRN-93-0

    Terahertz Hall Measurements On Optimally Doped Single Crystal Bi-2212

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    The infrared Hall angle in optimally doped single crystal Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x\rm Bi_2 Sr_2 Ca Cu_2 O_{8+x} was measured from 3.05 to 21.75 meV as a continuous function of temperature from 25 to 300\,K. In the normal state, the temperature dependence of the real part of the cotangent of the infrared Hall angle obeys the same power law as dc measurements. The measured Hall frequency ωH\rm \omega_H is significantly larger than the expected value based upon ARPES data analyzed in terms of the relaxation time approximation. This discrepancy as well as the temperature dependence of Re(cotθH)\rm Re(\cot{\theta_H}) and ωH\omega_H is well described by a Fermi liquid theory in which current vertex corrections produced by electron-magnon scattering are included.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Bosonic Operator Methods for the Quark Model

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    Quark model matrix elements can be computed using bosonic operators and the holomorphic representation for the harmonic oscillator. The technique is illustrated for normal and exotic baryons for an arbitrary number of colors. The computations are much simpler than those using conventional quark model wavefunctions