4,444 research outputs found

    Chiral aspects of hadron structure

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    Chiral loop corrections for hadronic properties are considered in a constituent quark model. It is emphasized that the correct implementation of such corrections requires a sum over intermediate hadronic states. The leading non-analytic corrections are very important for baryon magnetic moments and explain the failure of the sum rule (μΣ++2μΣ−)/μΛ=−1(\mu_{\Sigma^{+}}+2\mu_{\Sigma^{-}})/\mu_{\Lambda}=-1 predicted by the constituent quark model.Comment: 10 pages, latex, 2 ps figures, to appear in Phys. Lett.

    Lidar measurements of thermal structure

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    Rayleigh backscatter observations at 532 nm and 355 nm of relative atmospheric density above Aberystwyth on a total of 93 nights between Dec. 1982 and Feb. 1985 were used to derive the height variation of temperature in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere. Preliminary results for height up to about 25 km were also obtained from observations of Raman backscattering from nitrogen molecules. Comparisons were carried out for stratospheric heights with satellite borne measurements; good agreement was found between equivalent black body temperatures derived from the lidar observations and those obtained from nadir measurements in three channels of the stratosphere sounder units on NOAA satellites; the lidar based atmospheric temperatures have shown general agreement with but a greater degree of structure than the limb sounding measurements obtained using the SAMS experiment on the NOAA-7 satellite. In summer, stratospheric and mesospheric temperatures showed a smooth height variation similar to that of the CIRA model atmosphere. In contrast, the winter data showed a great variability with height, and marked temperature changes both from night to night and within a given night

    Chiral corrections in hadron spectroscopy

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    We show that the implementation of chiral symmetry in recent studies of the hadron spectrum in the context of the constituent quark model is inconsistent with chiral perturbation theory. In particular, we show that the leading nonanalytic (LNA) contributions to the hadron masses are incorrect in such approaches. The failure to implement the correct chiral behaviour of QCD results in incorrect systematics for the corrections to the masses.Comment: 7 pages, latex, 1 eps figure, version to appear in Phys. Lett.

    Observations of stratospheric aerosols associated with the El Chichon eruption

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    Lidar observations of aerosols were carried out at Aberystwyth between Nov. 1982 and Dec. 1985 using a frequency doubled and frequency tripled Nd/Yag laser and a receiver incorporating a 1 m diameter in a Newtonian telescope configuration. In analyses of the experimental data attention is paid to the magnitude of the coefficient relating extinction and backscatter, the choice being related to the possible presence of aerosols in the upper troposphere and the atmospheric densities employed in the normalisation procedure. The aerosol loading showed marked day to day changes in early months and an overall decay was apparent only after April 1983, this decay being consistent with an e sup -1 time of about 7 months. The general decay was accompanied by a lowering of the layer but layers of aerosols were shown intermittently at heights above the main layer in winter months. The height variations of photon counts corrected for range, or of aerosol backscatter ratio, showed clear signatures of the tropopause. A strong correlation was found between the heights of the tropopause identified from the lidar measurements and from radiosonde-borne temperature measurements. A notable feature of the observations is the appearance of very sharp height gradients of backscatter ratio which seem to be produced by differential advection

    Infrared regularization with spin-3/2 fields

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    We present a Lorentz-invariant formulation of baryon chiral perturbation theory including spin-3/2 fields. Particular attention is paid to the projection on the spin-3/2 components of the delta fields. We also discuss the nucleon mass and the pion-nucleon sigma term.Comment: 9 pp, 1 fi

    Contrasting levels of fructose and urea added to an annual ryegrass based diet: effects on microbial protein synthesis, nutrient digestibility and fermentation parameters in continuous culture fermenters

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    El objetivo de este experimento fue evaluar los efectos de la adición de fructosa cristalina y urea a una dieta basada en raigrás anual sobre la síntesis de proteína microbiana, la fermentación y la digestibilidad de los nutrientes, usando fermentadores de flujo continuo. Se usaron seis fermentadores de flujo continuo en un arreglo factorial 3x2, con tres niveles de hidratos de carbono solubles (WSC) obtenidos por la adición de fructosa cristalina (21, 24 y 27 g.100 g MS1; LWSC, MWSC y HWSC, respectivamente) y dos niveles de proteína bruta (CP) obtenidos por la adición de urea (14,6 y 18,6 g.100 g MS1, LCP y HCP, respectivamente). Se corrieron sucesivamente cuatro períodos de 10d (7d para adaptación, 3d para muestreo). La síntesis de proteína microbiana se estimó por la relación purinas: N. Hubo una interacción significativa entre niveles de WSC y CP para síntesis de proteína microbiana (P<0,001). El nivel de WSC no afectó el pH, la concentración de amonio ni la concentración de ácidos grasos volátiles (VFA). Niveles más altos de CP aumentaron la proporción de ácido acético y tendieron a aumentar la relación acético propiónico, mientras que el nivel de WSC no afectó las proporciones de VFA. Los tratamientos no afectaron la digestibilidad de los nutrientes. Concluimos que la adición de fructosa cristalina a dietas basadas en raigrás anual aumentó la síntesis de proteína microbiana a los niveles más altos de CP en la dieta.The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of the addition of crystalline fructose and urea to an annual ryegrassbased diet on microbial protein synthesis, fermentation profile and nutrient apparent digestibility, using continuous culture fermenters. Six fermenters were used in a 3 x 2 factorial arrangement with three levels of water soluble carbohydrates (WSC) obtained by crystalline fructose addition (21, 24 and 27 g.100 g DM1; LWSC, MWSC and HWSC, respectively) and two levels of CP obtained by urea addition (14.6 and 18.6 g.100 g DM1, LCP and HCP, respectively). Four 10d periods were ran sequentially (7d for adaptation, 3d for sampling). Microbial protein synthesis was assessed by purine to N ratio. There was a positive interaction between WSC and CP level on microbial protein synthesis (P<0.001). Water soluble carbohydrate level did not affect fermentation pH, ammonia concentration or total volatile fatty acids concentration (VFA). Greater CP levels also increased acetic acid proportion and tended to increase acetic to propionic acid ratio, whereas WSC level did not affect VFA proportions. Treatments did not affect nutrient digestibility. We conclude that the addition of crystalline fructose to annual ryegrass samples increased microbial protein synthesis at the greater levels of CP in diet
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