4,742 research outputs found

    An Examination of Mathematical Models for Infectious Disease

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    Starting with the original 1926 formulation of the SIR (Susceptible-Infected-Removed) model for infectious diseases, mathematical epidemiology continued to grow. Many extensions such as the SEIR, MSIR, and MSEIR models were developed using SIR as a basis to model diseases in a variety of circumstances. By taking the original SIR model, and reducing the system of three first-order equations to a single first-order equation, analysis shows that the model predicts two possible situations. This analysis is followed by discussion of an alternative use of the SIR model which allows for one to track the amount of sustainable genetic variation in a population of pathogens as a quantity π. Finally, using the 2014 West African Ebola epidemic as an example, an alternative model to SIR is presented and discussed

    A Comparison of Absorption and Emission Line Abundances in the Nearby Damped Lyman-alpha Galaxy SBS 1543+593

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    We have used the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) aboard HST to measure a sulfur abundance of [S/H] = -0.41 +/-0.06 in the interstellar medium (ISM) of the nearby damped Lyman-alpha (DLA) absorbing galaxy SBS 1543+593. A direct comparison between this QSO absorption line abundance on the one hand, and abundances measured from HII region emission line diagnostics on the other, yield the same result: the abundance of sulfur in the neutral ISM is in good agreement with that of oxygen measured in an HII region 3 kpc away. Our result contrasts with those of other recent studies which have claimed order-of-magnitude differences between HI (absorption) and HII (emission) region abundances. We also derive a nickel abundance of [Ni/H] < -0.81, some three times less than that of sulfur, and suggest that the depletion is due to dust, although we cannot rule out an over-abundance of alpha-elements as the cause of the lower metallicity. It is possible that our measure of [S/H] is over-estimated if some SII arises in ionized gas; adopting a plausible star formation rate for the galaxy along the line of sight, and a measurement of the CII* 1335.7 absorption line detected from SBS 1543+593, we determine that the metallicity is unlikely to be smaller than we derive by more than 0.25 dex. We estimate that the cooling rate of the cool neutral medium is log [l_c (ergs s^{-1} H atom^{-1})] = -27.0, the same value as that seen in the high redshift DLA population.Comment: 31 pages; accepted for publication in the Ap

    Activation of mammalian Chk1 during DNA replication arrest: a role for Chk1 in the intra-S phase checkpoint monitoring replication origin firing

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    Checkpoints maintain order and fidelity in the cell cycle by blocking late-occurring events when earlier events are improperly executed. Here we describe evidence for the participation of Chk1 in an intra-S phase checkpoint in mammalian cells. We show that both Chk1 and Chk2 are phosphorylated and activated in a caffeine-sensitive signaling pathway during S phase, but only in response to replication blocks, not during normal S phase progression. Replication block–induced activation of Chk1 and Chk2 occurs normally in ataxia telangiectasia (AT) cells, which are deficient in the S phase response to ionizing radiation (IR). Resumption of synthesis after removal of replication blocks correlates with the inactivation of Chk1 but not Chk2. Using a selective small molecule inhibitor, cells lacking Chk1 function show a progressive change in the global pattern of replication origin firing in the absence of any DNA replication. Thus, Chk1 is apparently necessary for an intra-S phase checkpoint, ensuring that activation of late replication origins is blocked and arrested replication fork integrity is maintained when DNA synthesis is inhibited

    21-cm H I emission from the Damped Lyman-alpha absorber SBS 1543+593

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    We detect 21-cm emission from the Low Surface Brightness (LSB) galaxy SBS 1543+593, which gives rise to a Damped Lyman-alpha (DLA) absorption line in the spectrum of the background QSO HS 1543+5921 (z=0.807). We obtain an accurate measure of the velocity of the H I gas in the LSB galaxy, v=2868 km/s, and derive a mass of 1.3e9 solar masses. We compare this value with limits obtained towards two other z~0.1 DLA systems, and show that SBS 1543+593 would not have been detected. Hence LSB galaxies similar to SBS 1543+593 can be responsible for DLA systems at even modest redshifts without being detectable from their 21-cm emission.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in A&

    The O VI Absorbers Toward PG0953+415: High Metallicity, Cosmic-Web Gas Far From Luminous Galaxies

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    The spectrum of the low-redshift QSO PG0953+415 shows two strong, intervening O VI absorption systems. To study the nature of these absorbers, we have used the Gemini Multiobject Spectrograph to conduct a deep spectroscopic galaxy redshift survey in the 5' x 5' field centered on the QSO. This survey is fully complete for r' < 19.7 and is 73% complete for r' < 21.0. We find three galaxies at the redshift of the higher-z O VI system (z = 0.14232) including a galaxy at projected distance rho = 155 kpc. We find no galaxies in the Gemini field at the redshift of the lower-z O VI absorber (z = 0.06807), which indicates that the nearest galaxy is more than 195 kpc away or has L < 0.04 L*. Previous shallower surveys covering a larger field have shown that the z = 0.06807 O VI absorber is affiliated with a group/filament of galaxies, but the nearest known galaxy has rho = 736 kpc. The z = 0.06807 absorber is notable for several reasons. The absorption profiles reveal simple kinematics indicative of quiescent material. The H I line widths and good alignment of the H I and metal lines favor photoionization and, moreover, the column density ratios imply a high metallicity: [M/H] = -0.3 +/- 0.12. The z = 0.14232 O VI system is more complex and less constrained but also indicates a relatively high metallicity. Using galaxy redshifts from SDSS, we show that both of the PG0953+415 O VI absorbers are located in large-scale filaments of the cosmic web. Evidently, some regions of the web filaments are highly metal enriched. We discuss the origin of the high-metallicity gas and suggest that the enrichment might have occurred long ago (at high z).Comment: Submitted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters. Figs. 1 and 2 compressed for astro-ph. High-resolution version available at http://www.astro.umass.edu/~tripp/astro/qualitypreps/pg0953tripp.pd

    Solution and Solid-State Spin-Crossover Behavior in a Pseudotetrahedral d^7 Ion

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    This Communication describes a pseudotetrahedral d^(7) complex, [PhBP_(3)]Co(OSiPh_(3)), that exhibits thermally induced spin-crossover both in solution and in the solid state. Magnetic crossover behavior is achieved by confluence of the X-type ligand and the tripodal auxiliary employed. Four-coordinate platforms of the present geometry type may offer a new approach to magnetic spin-crossover behavior distinct from their electronically related pseudooctahedral counterparts

    Discovery and Validation of Kepler-452b: A 1.6 R⨁ Super Earth Exoplanet in the Habitable Zone of a G2 Star

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    We report on the discovery and validation of Kepler-452b, a transiting planet identified by a search through the 4 years of data collected by NASA's Kepler Mission. This possibly rocky 1.63_(-0.20)^(+0.23) R⨁ planet orbits its G2 host star every 384.843_(-0.012)^(+0.007) days, the longest orbital period for a small (R_p < 2 R⨁) transiting exoplanet to date. The likelihood that this planet has a rocky composition lies between 49% and 62%. The star has an effective temperature of 5757 ± 85 K and a log g of 4.32 ± 0.09. At a mean orbital separation of 1.046_(-0.015)^(+0.019) AU, this small planet is well within the optimistic habitable zone of its star (recent Venus/early Mars), experiencing only 10% more flux than Earth receives from the Sun today, and slightly outside the conservative habitable zone (runaway greenhouse/maximum greenhouse). The star is slightly larger and older than the Sun, with a present radius of 1.11_(-0.09)^(+0.15) R⨁ and an estimated age of ~6 Gyr. Thus, Kepler-452b has likely always been in the habitable zone and should remain there for another ~3 Gyr

    A homoleptic phosphine adduct of Tl(I)

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    A homoleptic phosphine adduct of thallium(I) supported by a tris(phosphino)borate ligand has been isolated and structurally characterized

    A Sub-Damped Lyα\alpha Absorber with Unusual Abundances: Evidence of Gas Recycling in a Low-Redshift Galaxy Group

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    Using Hubble Space Telescope/Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph G140M spectroscopy, we investigate an absorption-line system at zz=0.07489 in the spectrum of the quasi-stellar object PG 1543+489 (zQSOz_{QSO}=0.401). The sightline passes within ρ=66\rho = 66 kpc of an edge-on 2L2L^* disk galaxy at a similar redshift, but the galaxy belongs to a group with four other galaxies within ρ=160\rho =160 kpc. We detect H I [log NN(H I/cm2cm^{-2}) = 19.12±\pm0.04] as well as N I, Mg II, Si II, and Si III, from which we measure a gas-phase abundance of [N/H] = 1.0±0.1-1.0\pm 0.1. Photoionization models indicate that the nitrogen-to-silicon relative abundance is solar, yet magnesium is underabundant by a factor of \approx 2. We also report spatially resolved emission-line spectroscopy of the nearby galaxy, and we extract its rotation curve. The galaxy's metallicity is 8×\approx 8 \times higher than [N/H] in the absorber, and interestingly, the absorber velocities suggest that the gas at ρ=\rho = 66 kpc is corotating with the galaxy's stellar disk, possibly with an inflow component. These characteristics could indicate that this sub-damped Lyα\alpha absorber system arises in a "cold-accretion" flow. However, the absorber abundance patterns are peculiar. We hypothesize that the gas was ejected from its galaxy of origin (or perhaps is a result of tidal debris from interactions between the group galaxies) with a solar nitrogen abundance, but that subsequently mixed with (and was diluted by) gas in the circumgalactic medium (CGM) or group. If the gas is bound to the nearby galaxy, this system may be an example of the gas "recycling" predicted by theoretical galaxy simulations. Our hypothesis is testable with future observations.Comment: 16 pages (in print): The Astrophysical Journal, vol 872, 12