129 research outputs found

    Aggressive media content and preschool children

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    Mediji su sve više prisutni u našim životima. Djeca predškolske dobi slobodno vrijeme provode uz televiziju, mobitele i Internet i to im je postao glavni način zabave. Na taj način mediji manipuliraju djecom i njihovim osjećajima putem raznih reklama, crtanih filmova, glazbenih spotova i slično. U medijima je sve više prisutno destruktivno ponašanje poput agresije, nasilja, psovanja i djeci neprimjerenih sadržaja. Ovim radom objasnit će se što su mediji, koji su pozitivni i negativni aspekti medija, na koji način manipuliraju djecom, koje im poruke prenose, kako agresivni sadržaji djeluju na djecu predškolske dobi te na koji način spriječiti loš utjecaj na dječji razvoj.The media is increasingly present in our lives. Preschoolers spend their free time with television, cell phones and the Internet, and this has become their main way of entertainment. In this way, the media manipulates children and their feelings through various commercials, cartoons, music videos and the like. Destructive behaviors such as aggression, violence, swearing and inappropriate content are increasingly present in the media. This paper will explain what the media are, which are positive and negative aspects of the media, how they manipulate children, what messages they convey, how aggressive content affects pre-school children and how to prevent bad influence on children's development

    Analiza primjene algoritama problema trgovačkog putnika kod komisioniranja unutar visokoregalnog skladišta s vrlo uskim prolazima

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    U ovom radu obrađena je tema analize primjene algoritma problema trgovačkog putnika kod komisioniranja unutar visokoregalnog skladišta s vrlo uskim prolazima. U prvom dijelu rada dan je uvid u klasična i automatizirana skladišta s detaljnim opisom visokoregalnih skladišta s vrlo uskim prolazom i Person-on-board sustava. U drugom, praktičnom dijelu, opisana je primjena 4 metode komisioniranja. Prva metoda je primjena klasičnog komisioniranja po x osi, druga je primjena band heuristike, treća primjena heuristike problema trgovačkog putnika preko algoritma najbližeg susjeda i četvrta kombinacija druge i treće metode tj. band heuristike i algoritma najbližeg susjeda. Sva 4 slučaja koristila su se u slučaju simultanog i rektilinearnog kretanja. Ispitivanje je provedeno na 10 000 testova koji su provedeni u programu 'Eclipse' napisanom u Java programskom jeziku. Na kraju je dana usporedba rezultata dobivenih programom kod simultanog i rektilinearnog kretanja

    Aggressive media content and preschool children

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    Mediji su sve više prisutni u našim životima. Djeca predškolske dobi slobodno vrijeme provode uz televiziju, mobitele i Internet i to im je postao glavni način zabave. Na taj način mediji manipuliraju djecom i njihovim osjećajima putem raznih reklama, crtanih filmova, glazbenih spotova i slično. U medijima je sve više prisutno destruktivno ponašanje poput agresije, nasilja, psovanja i djeci neprimjerenih sadržaja. Ovim radom objasnit će se što su mediji, koji su pozitivni i negativni aspekti medija, na koji način manipuliraju djecom, koje im poruke prenose, kako agresivni sadržaji djeluju na djecu predškolske dobi te na koji način spriječiti loš utjecaj na dječji razvoj.The media is increasingly present in our lives. Preschoolers spend their free time with television, cell phones and the Internet, and this has become their main way of entertainment. In this way, the media manipulates children and their feelings through various commercials, cartoons, music videos and the like. Destructive behaviors such as aggression, violence, swearing and inappropriate content are increasingly present in the media. This paper will explain what the media are, which are positive and negative aspects of the media, how they manipulate children, what messages they convey, how aggressive content affects pre-school children and how to prevent bad influence on children's development

    Pastorala kao dramski žanr u dubrovačkoj renesansnoj književnosti

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    Pastoralna književnost afirmirala se još u razdoblju antičke književnosti. Grčki pjesnik Teokrit (oko 310.-245. p.n.e) piše Idile, tj. pastirske pjesme s tematikom iz pastirskog života i ljubavi. Teokritovu tradiciju nastavlja rimski pjesnik Vergilije (70.-19. p.n.e) svojim Bukolikama ili Eklogama. Pojam pastoralnog vezan je uz idiličan pastirski život u arkadijskom ugođaju, u skladu s prirodom. U hrvatskoj se književnosti, u rasponu od 15. do 18. stoljeća, pastoralno realiziralo u mnogim žanrovima. Ovaj se rad bavi pastoralom kao pastirskom dramom, tj. žanrom nastalim u Italiji krajem 15. stoljeća namijenjenom scenskom izvođenju. Bitna obilježja pastorale jesu opis ljubavnog života pastira, tj. ljubav pastira prema vili, vila kao objekt žudnje, središnje mjesto jest locus amoenus, izvor vode na kojem žive vile i gdje se sreću prirodno i natprirodno, radnja se odvija u idiličnom, arkadijskom okruženju, bije se boj između suparnika, ponekad vila umire te na kraju uskrsne. Ispod pastoralnog vela kadikad su skrivena različita društvena i moralna značenja. Pastoralnu književnost u hrvatskoj književnosti utemeljila je pastorala Radmio i Ljubmir Dubrovčanina Džore Držića (1461.-1501). Mavro Vetranović (1482.-1576.) piše pastirske igre Lovca i vilu i Istoriju od Dijane, Nikola Nalješković (1505.-1587.) autor je četiriju pastirskih drama: Komedije I., Komedije II., Komedije III. i Komedije IV. Osebujnu varijantu pastoralnog žanra ostvario je Marin Držić (1508.-1567.) prepletanjem idiličnog svijeta pastira sa svijetom seljaka u pastorali Tireni. Držić je napisao još dvije pastirske drame Venere i Adon i Grižulu. Grižula je primjer netipične pastorale, štoviše ona se u njoj dekonstruira. Antun Sasina (oko 1520.-1595.) piše dvije pastirske drame - Floru i Filide. U renesansi se pišu i prijevodi i prerade talijanskih pastirskih igri: Domniko Zlatarić (1558.-1613.) piše Ljubmira - prijevod Aminte; Sabo Gučetić Bendešević (1531.-1603.) Raklicu - preradu Aminte; Frano Lukarević Burina (1541.-1603.) Vjernog pastijera - prijevod djela Pastor fido

    Development and adaptation of instruments in professional growth of pharmacists

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    Cilj disertacije je bio da se kod farmaceuta procijene: izazovi sa kojima se susrećutokom profesionalne prakse; motivacioni faktori i vrijednosti podsticaja za mentorstvo;profesionalno zadovoljstvo; prediktori zainteresovanosti mentora prakse za edukacijustažista; te da se novokreiranim instrumentima evaluira farmakoterapijsko znanje farmaceutau pogledu primjene oralne kontracepcije; i da se ispitaju implikacije nedovoljnogsavjetovanja i edukacije farmaceuta u oblasti reproduktivnog zdravlja i njihovih kompetencijau vanrednim situacijama.Istraživanja su sprovedena uz: (i) sistematski pregled i meta sintezu odabranihpublikacija koje su se bavile programima za profesionalno usavršavanje farmaceuta imentora, (ii) korištenje adaptiranog upitnika JSAMPPP (Job satisfaction, attitudes andmotivation of preceptors in pharmacy practice) kojim su prikupljeni podaci osociodemografskim, radnim karakteristikama i stavovima ispitanika vezanim za mentorstvo iprofesionalni život, (iii) kreiranje upitnika sa dva instrumenta za evaluaciju (objektivnaprocjena i samoevaluacija) znanja i prakse farmaceuta o bezbjednoj primjeni oralnekontracepcije i (iv) metodu refleksivnog promišljanja (o implikacijama) odabrane grupe od 5eksperata – učesnika istraživanja. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da se adaptirani upitnikJSAMPPP može koristiti i za identifikaciju prediktora zainteresovanosti farmaceuta zamentorstvo. Kreirani upitnik u ovoj disertaciji se pokazao kao dobar za procjenu znanja ivještina farmaceuta, i ukazao na prednosti objektivne procjene i potrebe za unapređenjemvještina sopstvene procjene. Implikacije sadašnje farmaceutske prakse po javno zdravlje ženasu ukazale na prve potrebne korake i mjere za razvijanje usluga savjetovanja oreproduktivnom zdravlju žena u apotekama javnog tipa, a sa ciljem budućeg impakta naunapređenje zdravlja žena, i kompetencija farmaceuta za vanredne situacije. Posebnu pažnjuu budućim mentorskim programima trebalo bi posvetiti savladavanju vještina povezanih sakritičkim razmišljanjem, do čega smo došli kvalitativnom metodom (sistematskog pregledasa meta sintezom).The aim of the dissertation was to assess pharmacists’: most common challengesduring professional practice; motivational factors and incentives for precepting; professionalsatisfaction; predictors of preceptors’ higher interest in precepting pharmacy interns; then, toassess and evaluate clinical knowledge and practice in the safe use of contraceptives withcreated instruments; and to examine the implications of insufficient counseling and educationof pharmacists in the area of women's reproductive health and their competencies duringemergencies in public health.Researh included: (i) a systematic review and meta-synthesis of selected publicationsconsidering professional development programs for pharmacists and preceptors, (ii) the useof an adapted version of JSAMPPP (Job satisfaction, attitudes and motivation of preceptorsin pharmacy practice) questionnaire to collect sociodemographic and working experiencecharacteristics data and to measure pharmacists’ attitudes related to precepting andprofessional life, (iii) a creation of the questionnaire with two instruments for evaluation (realknowledge and self-assessment) of pharmacists' knowledge and practice in the safe use oforal contraception and (iv) conducting reflexive methodology (about the implications) with aselected group of 5 experts - research participants. The results from this disertation haveshown that the adapted JSAMPPP questionnaire can also be used to identify predictors ofpharmacists' interest in precepting. The questionnaire we created within this dissertation isadequate for assessing the knowledge and practice skills of pharmacists. We also pointed outthe advantages of objective assessment and the need for self-assessment skills improvingthrough continuing education programs integrative with critical thinking skills. Theimplications of current pharmaceutical practice for women's public health have indicated thefirst necessary steps and measures in order to develop women's reproductive healthcounseling services in community pharmacies. These steps and measures would have positiveimpact on pharmacists' competencies related to women's health and emergences in publichealth. Special attention in future professional development programs should be dedicated tothe skills related to critical thinking. This conclusion was revealed by a qualitative method,systematic review and meta-synthesis

    Development and adaptation of instruments in professional growth of pharmacists

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    Cilj disertacije je bio da se kod farmaceuta procijene: izazovi sa kojima se susreću tokom profesionalne prakse; motivacioni faktori i vrijednosti podsticaja za mentorstvo; profesionalno zadovoljstvo; prediktori zainteresovanosti mentora prakse za edukaciju stažista; te da se novokreiranim instrumentima evaluira farmakoterapijsko znanje farmaceuta u pogledu primjene oralne kontracepcije; i da se ispitaju implikacije nedovoljnog savjetovanja i edukacije farmaceuta u oblasti reproduktivnog zdravlja i njihovih kompetencija u vanrednim situacijama. Istraživanja su sprovedena uz: (i) sistematski pregled i meta sintezu odabranih publikacija koje su se bavile programima za profesionalno usavršavanje farmaceuta i mentora, (ii) korištenje adaptiranog upitnika JSAMPPP (Job satisfaction, attitudes and motivation of preceptors in pharmacy practice) kojim su prikupljeni podaci o sociodemografskim, radnim karakteristikama i stavovima ispitanika vezanim za mentorstvo i profesionalni život, (iii) kreiranje upitnika sa dva instrumenta za evaluaciju (objektivna procjena i samoevaluacija) znanja i prakse farmaceuta o bezbjednoj primjeni oralne kontracepcije i (iv) metodu refleksivnog promišljanja (o implikacijama) odabrane grupe od 5 eksperata – učesnika istraživanja. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da se adaptirani upitnik JSAMPPP može koristiti i za identifikaciju prediktora zainteresovanosti farmaceuta za mentorstvo. Kreirani upitnik u ovoj disertaciji se pokazao kao dobar za procjenu znanja i vještina farmaceuta, i ukazao na prednosti objektivne procjene i potrebe za unapređenjem vještina sopstvene procjene. Implikacije sadašnje farmaceutske prakse po javno zdravlje žena su ukazale na prve potrebne korake i mjere za razvijanje usluga savjetovanja o reproduktivnom zdravlju žena u apotekama javnog tipa, a sa ciljem budućeg impakta na unapređenje zdravlja žena, i kompetencija farmaceuta za vanredne situacije. Posebnu pažnju u budućim mentorskim programima trebalo bi posvetiti savladavanju vještina povezanih sa kritičkim razmišljanjem, do čega smo došli kvalitativnom metodom (sistematskog pregleda sa meta sintezom).The aim of the dissertation was to assess pharmacists’: most common challenges during professional practice; motivational factors and incentives for precepting; professional satisfaction; predictors of preceptors’ higher interest in precepting pharmacy interns; then, to assess and evaluate clinical knowledge and practice in the safe use of contraceptives with created instruments; and to examine the implications of insufficient counseling and education of pharmacists in the area of women's reproductive health and their competencies during emergencies in public health. Researh included: (i) a systematic review and meta-synthesis of selected publications considering professional development programs for pharmacists and preceptors, (ii) the use of an adapted version of JSAMPPP (Job satisfaction, attitudes and motivation of preceptors in pharmacy practice) questionnaire to collect sociodemographic and working experience characteristics data and to measure pharmacists’ attitudes related to precepting and professional life, (iii) a creation of the questionnaire with two instruments for evaluation (real knowledge and self-assessment) of pharmacists' knowledge and practice in the safe use of oral contraception and (iv) conducting reflexive methodology (about the implications) with a selected group of 5 experts - research participants. The results from this disertation have shown that the adapted JSAMPPP questionnaire can also be used to identify predictors of pharmacists' interest in precepting. The questionnaire we created within this dissertation is adequate for assessing the knowledge and practice skills of pharmacists. We also pointed out the advantages of objective assessment and the need for self-assessment skills improving through continuing education programs integrative with critical thinking skills. The implications of current pharmaceutical practice for women's public health have indicated the first necessary steps and measures in order to develop women's reproductive health counseling services in community pharmacies. These steps and measures would have positive impact on pharmacists' competencies related to women's health and emergences in public health. Special attention in future professional development programs should be dedicated to the skills related to critical thinking. This conclusion was revealed by a qualitative method, systematic review and meta-synthesis

    Ranking EU Countries According to Their Level of Success in Achieving the Objectives of the Sustainable Development Strategy

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    Sustainable development as a concept, is extremely important both at national and international levels. To achieve the goals of sustainable development, international cooperation among countries is of vital importance because no one nation can accomplish these goals independently. In order to implement the sustainable development strategy, first discussed in 1992 at the UN Conference of Environment and Development, the indicators of sustainable development first had to be defined. Considering that the first set of indicators was defined by the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD), they were entitled CSD indicators. The smaller set of CSD indicators in the European Union countries (EU-28) is observed in this study. These indicators cover three aspects of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental. The goal of this study is to rank EU countries according to the level that they were able to achieve the objectives of their respective sustainable development strategies individually, according to the 2013 database. The appropriate statistical I-distance method was used for this purpose. In the first step, the significant indicators are distinguished and ranked according to the quantity and importance of the information they provide for specific research. Subsequently, this method then converts the indicators into a single measure that reflects the level at which each country has achieved the goal