2,702 research outputs found

    Identités culturelles et espaces ouvriers : l’exemple des jardiniers immigrés de Saint-Étienne (france)

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    Jusqu’à très récemment, les études historiques sur l’immigration en France se sont principalement posées la question de l’intégration des étrangers au sein d’une société française le plus souvent perçue comme culturellement homogène. L’objectif de cette recherche est de montrer à un niveau local (la ville de Saint-Étienne) comment les populations immigrées se sont appropriées des espaces traditionnellement ouvriers pour exprimer leur expérience migratoire, leur identité transnationale ainsi que leur attachement à la ville d’accueil. L’étude micro-historique de la présence immigrée dans les jardins ouvriers de Saint-Étienne met tout particulièrement en valeur la diversité des pratiques sociales et culturelles d’individus le plus souvent marginalisés et socialement invisibles. Ce regard porté sur le patrimoine commun des « Stéphanois d’ici et d’ailleurs » est un pas vers la construction d’une nouvelle histoire de France à la fois décentralisée, plurielle et inclusive.Until very recently, historical studies on immigration in France have focused mainly on the integration of foreigners into a French society perceived as culturally homogenous. The objective of this research is to show, at a local level (the city of Saint-Étienne), how immigrant populations have appropriated traditional working-class spaces to express their migratory experience, their transnational identity as well as their attachment to the host city. This micro-historical study of the immigrant presence in the workers’ gardens of Saint-Étienne highlights the diversity of the social and cultural practices of individuals who are most often marginalized and socially invisible. Such a focus on the shared heritage of the “Stéphanois from here and from there” represents one step in the direction of a new history of France that would be both diverse and inclusive

    Biomass boilers

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá kotli na biomasu. První část je věnována samotné biomase, jejímu rozdělení, vlastnostem a potenciálu. Druhá část popisuje proces spalování, dělení a konstrukci kotlů na biomasu. Poslední část této práce porovnává vybrané kotle na biomasu z hlediska pořizovacích a následujících nákladů.This bachelor’s thesis deals with biomass boilers. The first part is dedicated to biomass, its distribution, characteristics and potential. The second part describes a combustion process, construction and severance of biomass boilers. The last part of this thesis compares the selected biomass boilers from an economic perspective.

    Spatial analysis of ethnopolitical mobilisation in the Caucasus in the 1980s and 1990s.

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    The paper aims to create a set of indicators which could best explain the varying intensity of ethnopolitical mobilisation in the Caucasian region. Selected data on social indicators of individual Caucasian territorial units are examined with help of correlation and regression analysis. The analysis results also show relations among individual social indicators which can help understand social and ethnic processes within the units

    The Challenges for Peace and Solidarity

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    I like to think like this: human beings have always tried to organize themselves to better face the various challenges, to solve the various problems of survival, depending on the circumstances, applying criteria of collaboration or competition for resources that can be limited or renewable, material or immaterial. I mean, human beings are characterized by a spontaneous connatured tendency to improve their condition – (otherwise, I suppose, we wouldn’t be here today, since out ancestors would be already perished in some merciless tribal vendetta). In this way, since the primordial times, the societies have gone from an economy of mere exploitation of resources, human and natural, from a commandeering economics, from a predatory politics, in which the war for resources is a way to survive, to a more efficient life, developing gradually codes, techniques, values, ways of communicate, which allow an economy of collaboration, innovation, value creation, inducing and requiring increasingly complex relationships, specialization, work understood as a commitment, not as the mere execution of a task

    The Formulation of a Bone Targeted Drug Delivery System of Poly(Glycolic Acid)-Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Coated Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles for the Delivery of Statins

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    Bone is a form of mineralized connective tissue that provides strength and rigidity to the skeleton. The two primary components within bone tissue are an organic extracellular matrix, containing type I collagen, and an inorganic mineral component composed mainly of calcium phosphate hydroxyapatite crystals. Over time the microarchitecture of bone can break down due to a variety of different factors, mainly the onset of osteoporosis in post-menopausal women, Paget\u27s disease, and the experience of a loss of gravity during space flight. Currently there are about ten million people in the United States alone suffering from osteoporosis. The prevention of further damage as well as the replacement of lost bone tissue is the focus of many therapeutic approaches. A large number of available treatments rely on the concept of blocking further bone loss by inhibiting the natural resorption process. Bisphosphonates are the most popular drug therapy in this category. But there are many other treatments that strive to prevent further bone resorption such as hormone therapy, estrogen agonist / antagonists, calcitonin, and denosumab. Other therapies approach the problem of bone loss by inducing the formation of new bone tissue to replace that lost to these pathologies. These include teriparatide, strontium ranelate, and statins, which are the focus of this research. The goal of this research was to formulate a targeted nanoparticle drug delivery system for the treatment of bone diseases. A hydroxyapatite nanoparticle conjugated with poly(glycolic acid)-poly(ethylene glycol) diblock copolymer was created to deliver statin drugs. These drugs act as competitive inhibitors of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase, for the lowering of serum cholesterol. Recently, statins have been investigated for their ability to induce bone formation by enhancing expression of bone morphogenic protein-2. In addition to formulation, studies were completed to prove the particle\u27s low toxicity, loading abilities, and release pharmacokinetics. In order to enhance the specificity with which these particles are delivered to bone, targeting peptides were tested for in vitro and in vivo targeting efficiency and exclusivity

    Un contributo allo studio della geografia dei distretti industriali

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    Abstract. Die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung der norditalienischen Regionen weist in letzter Zeit einige charakteristische Züge auf, die ein besonderes Territorialmodell darstellen. Es basiert auf einem Industrialisierungsprozeß im peripheren Raum und widerspricht in gewissen Punkten dem klassischen raumwirtschaftlichen Paradigma, das sich vorwiegend auf eine starke Urbanisierung abstützt. Dieses Produktionsmodell kann kurz folgendermaßen beschrieben werden: Gruppen von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen, die vorwiegend im landlichen Raum angesiedelt sind, haben Zonen von integrierter Industrialisierung geschaffen. Die einzelnen Betriebe sind über Zuliefer- und Absatzbeziehungen voneinander abhängig. Auf diese Weise entstehen die sog «industrial districts». Der Erfolg und die Verbreitung dieser »industrial districts» beruhen auf besonderen geschichtlichen, soziologischen und ökonomischen Voraussetzungen. Sie haben meist an Standorten Fuß gefaßt, wo schon früher das Handwerk neben der landwirtschaftlichen Subsistenzwirtschaft existierte. Es kann nachgewiesen werden, daß sich bereits damals aus Handwerksproduktionsgruppen kleinere Industrien bildeten, für welche die Anfangsinvestitionen nicht allzu hoch waren. Als Fortsetzung dieser Entwicklung finden wir heute diese «industrial districts» fast ausschließlich in den Sektoren der sog. Leichtindustrie (Holz-. Textil- und Lebensmittelindustrie). Obwohl diese «industrial districts» eine sehr komplexe Innenstruktur besitzen, wurden sie bis heute in Untersuchungen fast immer ausschließlich als einheitliche Räume erfaßt. Aus einer Analyse, basierend auf statistischen Daten und einfachen empirischen Beobachtungen, wird ersichtlich, daß sie ein Phänomen von räumlicher und zeitlicher Dynamik darstellen. Es scheint deshalb zweckmäßig, geographische Untersuchungsmethoden anzuwenden. In diesem Artikel wurde als Untersuchungsraum Ostfnaul gewählt, wo sich die Unternehmen auf etwa 10 Gemeinden mit einer Gesamtflachevon 400 km konzentrieren. Es handelt sich dabei um einen mittleren «industrial district» mit etwa 10 000 Beschäftigten in 1300 Betrieben, alle fast ausschließlich auf die Herstellung von Holzstuhlen spezialisiert, mit einem Umsatz von etwa 1000 Milliarden Lire (Stand 1990). Die Studie hat sich vor allem diese Spezialisierung mit den entsprechenden Zuliefer- und Absatzbeziehungen zur Aufgabe gestellt. Sie kann sicher kein vollständiges Bild vermitteln, erscheinen doch gewisse Produktionsfunktionen teils dispers, teils konzentriert, was mit den unterschiedlichen Standortfaktoren erklärt werden kann Interessant ist die daraus resultierende Tatsache, daß sich innerhalb dieser «industrial districts» oft »subdistricts» bilden, zwischen welchen sich hierarchische Beziehungsfaktoren etablieren

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    President of state in face of mortality: Exploring implications of Drnovšek’s radical shift on media, public relations and relationships between the two

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    The purpose of this article is to explore the influence a radical transformation of a politician facing mortality has on public relations, media and relationships between the two, focusing on the case of former Slovenian President Janez Drnovšek, who towards the end of his mandate transformed from a conventional, pragmatic politician to a New Age critical spiritual leader. Drawing on grounded theory approach, 12 qualitative interviews with journalists and Drnovšek's political advisers were conducted. The results show that while the opinions and perceptions of Drnovšek's change differed significantly between political advisers and journalists with the former neutralising it and the latter emphasising it, the methods of communication and relationships between them somewhat surprisingly remained the same, indicating their endurance and resistance to a radical political transformation in the process of public dying. What changed were Drnovšek himself and his ‘private' style of communication with the media, and journalistic routines, resulting in amplified media coverage of an unconventional and ‘loopy' President

    Turning Back the Clock: Assessing Ohio\u27s 2017 Amendment to Reduce the Statute of Limitations to File a Claim for an Injury or Death Benefits Under the Ohio Workers\u27 Compensation Act

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    In 2017, Ohio reduced the statute of limitations to file a claim for an injury or death benefits under the Ohio Workers’ Compensation Act from two years to one year. The amendment was launched as a means to possibly decrease benefits payments made from the State Insurance Fund. Yet statistics reveal an average of only 1.13% of workers’ compensation claims in Ohio were filed after one year from the date of injury. Given the scant percentage of claims filed after one year, the financial impact of the amendment may be nominal. Meanwhile, the amendment will bar as many as 2,000 injured workers each year from availing themselves of the right to receive workers’ compensation. Indeed, those barred are likely to be injured workers who have been disadvantaged by the workers’ compensation system due to fear of employer retaliation or stigmatization from co-workers. This Comment argues Ohio’s reduction of the statute of limitations to file a claim for an injury or death benefits under the Ohio Workers’ Compensation Act is futile. This Comment draws on economic principles to evince the amendment has a disparate impact on injured workers and their families. Finally, this Comment recommends Ohio revert the statute of limitations to file a workers’ compensation claim for an injury or death benefits to two years

    Moorish Revival Synagogue Architecture: Community and Style, Past and Present

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    The Moorish architectural style, originating in medieval Spain, was revived in the mid-nineteenth century. It became strongly linked with synagogues, first in Germany and then throughout the Western world. My research analyzes why the architects and Jewish communities were so attracted to the Moorish Revival style. During this period, European Jewish communities were tasked with constructing synagogues that could showcase their newfound freedoms as well as their history, culture and aspirations. Many argue that this style was chosen to demonstrate the connection between the communities and their ancient Middle Eastern history