1,627 research outputs found

    Neuroendocrinology and resistance training in adult males

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    An understanding of the neuroendocrine system will assist the Strength and Conditioning coach in the design of progressive strength training programmes by allowing them to manipulate acute training variables according to hormone release profiles. For muscle hypertrophy, training programmes should utilise 3 sets of 10 repetitions at 10RM loads, with short rest periods of no longer than 1 minute. This will ensure the accumulation and maintenance of lactate and hydrogen ions, to which anabolic hormone release is correlated. For strength adaptations without concomitant muscle hypertrophy, the training load and the length of rest periods should be increased, (>85% 1RM and >2mins respectively), and body parts should be rotated (e.g. upper body to lower body or agonist to antagonist). Finally, catabolic hormones and neurohormones significantly affect training adaptations. Therefore the strength and conditioning coach should be cognisant of the specific exercise programming and psychological interventions that manipulate their release

    Vertical force production in soccer: mechanical aspects and applied training strategies

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    Vertical force production (VFP) is widely recognized as a critical determinant of performance in a series of soccer-specific activities, such as sprinting, jumping, and changing direction. Therefore, practitioners are constantly seeking better and more effective strategies to improve VFP in professional soccer players. This article analyzes the mechanical aspects associated with the actual role played by VFP in elite soccer, and also examines and highlights the training considerations related to its appropriate and effective development during modern soccer seasons

    The length of time's arrow

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    An unresolved problem in physics is how the thermodynamic arrow of time arises from an underlying time reversible dynamics. We contribute to this issue by developing a measure of time-symmetry breaking, and by using the work fluctuation relations, we determine the time asymmetry of recent single molecule RNA unfolding experiments. We define time asymmetry as the Jensen-Shannon divergence between trajectory probability distributions of an experiment and its time-reversed conjugate. Among other interesting properties, the length of time's arrow bounds the average dissipation and determines the difficulty of accurately estimating free energy differences in nonequilibrium experiments

    Self-gravitating astrophysical mass with singular central density vibrating in fundamental mode

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    The fluid-dynamical model of a self-gravitating mass of viscous liquid with singular density at the center vibrating in fundamental mode is considered in juxtaposition with that for Kelvin fundamental mode in a homogeneous heavy mass of incompressible inviscid liquid. Particular attention is given to the difference between spectral formulae for the frequency and lifetime of ff-mode in the singular and homogeneous models. The newly obtained results are discussed in the context of theoretical asteroseismology of pre-white dwarf stage of red giants and stellar cocoons -- spherical gas-dust clouds with dense star-forming core at the center.Comment: Mod. Phys. Lett. A, Vol. 24, No. 40 (2009) pp. 3257-327

    Gravitational oscillations in multidimensional anisotropic model with cosmological constant and their contributions into the energy of vacuum

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    Were studied classical oscillations of background metric in the multidimensional anisotropic model of Kazner in the de-Sitter stage. Obtained dependence of fluctuations on dimension of space-time with infinite expansion. Stability of the model could be achieved when number of space-like dimensions equals or more then four. Were calculated contributions to the density of "vacuum energy", that are providing by proper oscillations of background metric and compared with contribution of cosmological arising of particles due to expansion. As it turned out, contribution of gravitational oscillation of metric into density of "vacuum energy" should play significant role in the de-Sitter stage

    Multiscale modeling and simulation for polymer melt flows between parallel plates

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    The flow behaviors of polymer melt composed of short chains with ten beads between parallel plates are simulated by using a hybrid method of molecular dynamics and computational fluid dynamics. Three problems are solved: creep motion under a constant shear stress and its recovery motion after removing the stress, pressure-driven flows, and the flows in rapidly oscillating plates. In the creep/recovery problem, the delayed elastic deformation in the creep motion and evident elastic behavior in the recovery motion are demonstrated. The velocity profiles of the melt in pressure-driven flows are quite different from those of Newtonian fluid due to shear thinning. Velocity gradients of the melt become steeper near the plates and flatter at the middle between the plates as the pressure gradient increases and the temperature decreases. In the rapidly oscillating plates, the viscous boundary layer of the melt is much thinner than that of Newtonian fluid due to the shear thinning of the melt. Three different rheological regimes, i.e., the viscous fluid, visco-elastic liquid, and visco-elastic solid regimes, form over the oscillating plate according to the local Deborah numbers. The melt behaves as a viscous fluid in a region for ωτR1\omega\tau^R\lesssim 1, and the crossover between the liquid-like and solid-like regime takes place around ωτα1\omega\tau^\alpha\simeq 1 (where ω\omega is the angular frequency of the plate and τR\tau^R and τα\tau^\alpha are Rouse and α\alpha relaxation time, respectively).Comment: 13pages, 12figure

    A comes before B, like 1 comes before 2. Is the parietal cortex sensitive to ordinal relationships in both numbers and letters? An fMRI-adaptation study

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    How are number symbols (e.g., Arabic digits) represented in the brain? Functional resonance imaging adaptation (fMRI-A) research has indicated that the intraparietal sulcus (IPS) exhibits a decrease in activation with the repeated presentation of the same number, that is followed by a rebound effect with the presentation of a new number. This rebound effect is modulated by the numerical ratio or difference between presented numbers. It has been suggested that this ratio-dependent rebound effect is reflective of a link between the symbolic numerical representation system and an approximate magnitude system. Experiment 1 used fMRI-A to investigate an alternative hypothesis: that the rebound effect observed in the IPS is related to the ordinal relationships between symbols (e.g., 3 comes before 4; C after B). In Experiment 1, adult participants exhibited the predicted distance-dependent parametric rebound effect bilaterally in the IPS for number symbols during a number adaptation task, however, the same effect was not found anywhere in the brain in response to letters. When numbers were contrasted with letters (numbers \u3e letters), the left intraparietal lobule remained significant. Experiment 2 demonstrated that letter stimuli used in Experiment 1 generated a behavioral distance effect during an active ordinality task, despite the lack of a neural distance effect using fMRI-A. The current study does not support the hypothesis that general ordinal mechanisms underpin the neural parametric recovery effect in the IPS in response to number symbols. Additional research is needed to further our understanding of mechanisms underlying symbolic numerical representation in the brain

    Convergence of the expansion of the Laplace-Borel integral in perturbative QCD improved by conformal mapping

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    The optimal conformal mapping of the Borel plane was recently used to accelerate the convergence of the perturbation expansions in QCD. In this work we discuss the relevance of the method for the calculation of the Laplace-Borel integral expressing formally the QCD Green functions. We define an optimal expansion of the Laplace-Borel integral in the principal value prescription and establish conditions under which the expansion is convergent.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    Consistency of the Shannon entropy in quantum experiments

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    The consistency of the Shannon entropy, when applied to outcomes of quantum experiments, is analysed. It is shown that the Shannon entropy is fully consistent and its properties are never violated in quantum settings, but attention must be paid to logical and experimental contexts. This last remark is shown to apply regardless of the quantum or classical nature of the experiments.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX2e/REVTeX4. V5: slightly different than the published versio

    Considerations for the development of agility during childhood and adolescence

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    Despite being recognized as an essential component of sports performance, agility development in youths is largely under-researched. this article reviews the evidence examining the effects of growth, maturation and training on both change of direction speed and cognitive processing in children and adolescents, and how combined, these factors may influence agility. training guidelines are provided to help strength and conditioning coaches prescribe agility training for youths at different stages of maturation, in a safe and effective manner