6 research outputs found

    Normalized read abundance family level

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    Relative read abundance (CSS normalized) at the fungal family level by sample. Data for HMSC analysis

    Alpha diversity by sample

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    Alpha diversity (chao1 and OTU richness) and abiotic variables (TOC, TON, VWC, and soil pH) by sample. Sample metadata included (elevation, treatment, DNA conc.) Treatments (S=shrub, OS=outside shrub/shrub interspace, SR=shrub removal

    NMDS coordinates

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    NMDS coordinates by sample for beta diversity analyses (generated from bray curtis distance matrix)

    Normalized read abundance family level

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    Relative read abundance (CSS normalized) at the fungal order level by sample. Data for HMSC analysis

    Normalized read abundance class level

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    Relative read abundance (CSS normalized) at the fungal class level by sample. Data for HMSC analysis