91 research outputs found

    The contribution of myelin to magnetic susceptibility-weighted contrasts in high-field MRI of the brain

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    T(2)*-weighted gradient-echo MRI images at high field (≥ 7T) have shown rich image contrast within and between brain regions. The source for these contrast variations has been primarily attributed to tissue magnetic susceptibility differences. In this study, the contribution of myelin to both T(2)* and frequency contrasts is investigated using a mouse model of demyelination based on a cuprizone diet. The demyelinated brains showed significantly increased T(2)* in white matter and a substantial reduction in gray-white matter frequency contrast, suggesting that myelin is a primary source for these contrasts. Comparison of in-vivo and in-vitro data showed that, although tissue T(2)* values were reduced by formalin fixation, gray-white matter frequency contrast was relatively unaffected and fixation had a negligible effect on cuprizone-induced changes in T(2)* and frequency contrasts

    Serial whole-brain magnetization transfer imaging in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis at baseline and during treatment with interferon beta-1b

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: To determine whether occult disease fluctuates with macroscopic lesions during the natural history of multiple sclerosis (MS) and whether therapeutic interventions affect occult disease, we performed serial monthly magnetization transfer (MT) imaging in patients with relapsing-remitting MS in a crossover trial with interferon beta-1b. METHODS: Serial whole-brain magnetization transfer ratios (MTRs) in eight patients with relapsing-remitting MS and in four control subjects were plotted as normalized histograms, and MTR parameters were compared with contrast-enhancing lesions and bulk white matter lesion load. RESULTS: In patients with relapsing-remitting MS, the histographic peak of 0.25 ØŽ 0.01 and the histographic mean of 0.21 ØŽ 0.01 were statistically lower than corresponding values in control subjects, in whom the histographic peak was 0.27 ØŽ 0.01 and the histographic mean was 0.23 ØŽ 0.01. When histograms (with MTRs ranging from 0.0 to 0.5) were analyzed by quartiles (quartile 1 to quartile 4) based on histographic area, voxels with low MTRs in quartile 1 (0 to 0.12) increased during the baseline period and corresponded to bulk white matter lesion load. Interferon beta-1b reduced enhancing lesions by 91% and mean bulk white matter lesion load by 15%, but had no effect on MTR in this patient cohort. CONCLUSION: Occult disease in normal-appearing white matter of patients with relapsingremitting MS measured by MTR parallels the waxing and waning pattern of enhancing lesions and bulk white matter lesion load during the baseline period. MTR is not altered by interferon beta-1b, which raises the possibility of ongoing disease in normal-appearing white matter (not detected by conventional MR sequences)

    Recommended Implementation of Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping for Clinical Research in The Brain: A Consensus of the ISMRM Electro-Magnetic Tissue Properties Study Group

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    This article provides recommendations for implementing quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) for clinical brain research. It is a consensus of the ISMRM Electro-Magnetic Tissue Properties Study Group. While QSM technical development continues to advance rapidly, the current QSM methods have been demonstrated to be repeatable and reproducible for generating quantitative tissue magnetic susceptibility maps in the brain. However, the many QSM approaches available give rise to the need in the neuroimaging community for guidelines on implementation. This article describes relevant considerations and provides specific implementation recommendations for all steps in QSM data acquisition, processing, analysis, and presentation in scientific publications. We recommend that data be acquired using a monopolar 3D multi-echo GRE sequence, that phase images be saved and exported in DICOM format and unwrapped using an exact unwrapping approach. Multi-echo images should be combined before background removal, and a brain mask created using a brain extraction tool with the incorporation of phase-quality-based masking. Background fields should be removed within the brain mask using a technique based on SHARP or PDF, and the optimization approach to dipole inversion should be employed with a sparsity-based regularization. Susceptibility values should be measured relative to a specified reference, including the common reference region of whole brain as a region of interest in the analysis, and QSM results should be reported with - as a minimum - the acquisition and processing specifications listed in the last section of the article. These recommendations should facilitate clinical QSM research and lead to increased harmonization in data acquisition, analysis, and reporting

    Practice Induces Function-Specific Changes in Brain Activity

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    Practice can have a profound effect on performance and brain activity, especially if a task can be automated. Tasks that allow for automatization typically involve repeated encoding of information that is paired with a constant response. Much remains unknown about the effects of practice on encoding and response selection in an automated task.To investigate function-specific effects of automatization we employed a variant of a Sternberg task with optimized separation of activity associated with encoding and response selection by means of m-sequences. This optimized randomized event-related design allows for model free measurement of BOLD signals over the course of practice. Brain activity was measured at six consecutive runs of practice and compared to brain activity in a novel task.Prompt reductions were found in the entire cortical network involved in encoding after a single run of practice. Changes in the network associated with response selection were less robust and were present only after the third run of practice.This study shows that automatization causes heterogeneous decreases in brain activity across functional regions that do not strictly track performance improvement. This suggests that cognitive performance is supported by a dynamic allocation of multiple resources in a distributed network. Our findings may bear importance in understanding the role of automatization in complex cognitive performance, as increased encoding efficiency in early stages of practice possibly increases the capacity to otherwise interfering information

    The role of iron in brain ageing and neurodegenerative disorders

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    In the CNS, iron in several proteins is involved in many important processes such as oxygen transportation, oxidative phosphorylation, myelin production, and the synthesis and metabolism of neurotransmitters. Abnormal iron homoeostasis can induce cellular damage through hydroxyl radical production, which can cause the oxidation and modification of lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, and DNA. During ageing, different iron complexes accumulate in brain regions associated with motor and cognitive impairment. In various neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease, changes in iron homoeostasis result in altered cellular iron distribution and accumulation. MRI can often identify these changes, thus providing a potential diagnostic biomarker of neurodegenerative diseases. An important avenue to reduce iron accumulation is the use of iron chelators that are able to cross the blood-brain barrier, penetrate cells, and reduce excessive iron accumulation, thereby affording neuroprotection

    Early anti-correlated BOLD signal changes of physiologic origin

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    Negative BOLD signals that are synchronous with resting state fluctuations have been observed in large vessels in the cortical sulci and surrounding the ventricles. In this study, we investigated the origin of these negative BOLD signals by applying a Cued Deep Breathing (CDB) task to create transient hypocapnia and a resultant global fMRI signal decrease. We hypothesized that a global stimulus would amplify the effect in large vessels and that using a global negative (vasoconstrictive) stimulus would test whether these voxels exhibit either inherently negative or simply anti-correlated BOLD responses. Significantly anti-correlated, but positive, BOLD signal changes during respiratory challenges were identified in voxels primarily located near edges of brain spaces containing CSF. These positive BOLD responses occurred earlier than the negative CDB response across most of gray matter voxels. These findings confirm earlier suggestions that in some brain regions, local, fractional changes in CSF volume may overwhelm BOLD-related signal changes, leading to signal anti-correlation. We show that regions with CDB anti-correlated signals coincide with most, but not all, of the regions with negative BOLD signal changes observed during a visual and motor stimulus task. Thus, the addition of a physiological challenge to fMRI experiments can help identify which negative BOLD signals are passive physiological anti-correlations and which may have a putative neuronal origin
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