14 research outputs found

    Optimal filtering versus regularization methods in the Fourier precompensation based proximity neurocorrection in Electron Beam Lithography.

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    this paper proximity effects correction in Electron Beam Lithography by means of an artificial neural network is presented. Supporting approximations to cope with negative doses inherent in Gibbs oscillations which occur from step-like function representation in the Fourier space are introduced. Miller regularization theory as better alternative to Tikhonov one is presented. Optimal filtering with prolate spheriodal wave functions ( PSWFs ) is exploited and as an ultimate solution for neurocorrection is proposed. A quasi-autoassociative network with Optimal Brain Surgeon ( OBS ) pruning method is suggested. The error analysis for the generalisation process as a function of the pruning process will be discussed. The possible hardware implementations of the neurocrrector will be proposed. 1. Introductio

    Vertical single nanowire devices based on conducting polymers.

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    A simple scheme for single conducting polymer nanowire fabrication and device integration is presented. We discuss a combined top-down and bottom-up approach for the sequential, precise manufacture of vertical polyaniline nanowires. The method is scalable and can be applied on rigid as well as on flexible substrates. The kinetics of the template-confined growth is presented and discussed. We further study the electrical behavior of single vertical polyaniline nanowires and address the fabrication of crossbar latches using a criss-cross arrangement of electrodes. The as-synthesized polyaniline nanowires display electric conductivities reaching values as high as 0.4 S cm−1

    Adjustment of self-heating in long superconducting thin film NbN microbridges

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    The self-heating in long superconducting microbridges made from thin NbN films deposited on top of high silicon mesa structures was studied by analyzing the hysteresis current density jH. We observed a more than twofold decrease of jH with increase in the ratio of the height of the Si mesa, h, to the width of the microbridge, W, from 0 to 24. We describe our experimental results using one-dimensional thermal balance equations taking into account disordered matter in our thin NbN films and limitations imposed on the phonon mean free path by the width of the Si mesa. In the framework of this model we obtain a good agreement between theory and experiment over a wide temperature range from 4.2 K up to the critical temperature TC for all h=W ratios

    Hybrid synthesis and processing schemes for highly-ordered polyaniline nanoarchitectures

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    We report on a newly developed technology for the nanoscale processing of the conducting polyaniline (PANI) with an unprecedented areal patterning order and density control exceeding 0.25 teradot/inch 2 . A simple two-step process is put forward to hierarchically build a large variety of functional PANI nanostructures on virtually any type of flexible or rigid substrates. Using template confinement, through Pt catalyzed electroless growth, highly-ordered arrays of distinct PANI nanowires are produced. Complex three-dimensional (3D) structural control is achieved through a direct pattern transfer using a novel type of resist- and dose-modulated 3D electron beam lithography. The method is scalable and provides a generic approach for nanopatterning surfaces with functional polymers. Aspects of the nanoscale PANI growth mechanism are discussed and the highly controllable, sub-picogram scale fabrication is emphasized. Simple schemes for single PANI nanowire fabrication, processing and device integration are presented. \ua92010 IEEE