228 research outputs found

    Electropneumatic rheostat regulates high current

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    Electropneumatic rheostat maintains a constant direct current in each of several high-power parallel loads, of variable resistance, across a single source. It provides current regulation at any preset value by dissipating the proper amount of energy thermally, and uses a column of mercury to vary the effective length of a resistance element

    Effects of Condensed Corn Distillers Solubles on Steer Performance and Carcass Composition

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    Condensed corn distillers solubles (CCDS) have become a prevalent feed source in Iowa. In this study, we looked at the impact of CCDS in finishing steer rations and the influence CCDS had on steer performance as well as carcass composition. In the first year of the study, 112 steers were randomly sorted into four equal groups where each group contained four pens and 7 steers per pen. The second year of the study was a repeat of the first year however a fifth treatment was added in which 28 steers were placed on pasture and provided a finishing grain diet. The first of the four treatments consisted of the feedlot group (F), which was placed directly in to the feedlot and fed shelled corn, alfalfa hay, a protein, vitamin, and mineral supplement, and molasses. The second treatment was feedlot + CCDS (F+CCDS). This treatment group was placed directly into the feedlot and received shelled corn, alfalfa hay, a protein, vitamin and mineral supplement, and CCDS. The third treatment group was backgrounded on pasture for the duration of the summer (P), and then put into the feedlot where they received the same ration as the F group. The fourth treatment group was backgrounded on pasture for the duration of the summer, and while on pasture had access to free choice CCDS via a lick tank (P+CCDS). In the fall this group was placed into the feedlot and received the same ration as the F+CCDS group. In the second year, a fifth treatment was added, called the pasture finishing group (PF). The steers in this treatment received the same shelled corn, and protein, vitamin and mineral supplement, and CCDS as the cattle in the F+CCDS treatment, minus the alfalfa hay. Grass consumption for the PF cattle was estimated using the 2007 BRANDS program. Although the study is not yet completed, it appears as though CCDS can be implemented in feedlot rations successfully. The existing trends of the study would indicate that a feedlot ration containing CCDS will slightly increase steer ADG and improve F:G, without effecting QG

    Progress Report: Effects of Condensed Corn Distillers Solubles on Steer Performance and Carcass Composition

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    This study looked at the use of condensed corn distillers solubles (CCDS) as a feed source for steers backgrounded on pasture as well as steers being fed in the feedlot. In addition, a treatment group was finished on pasture with CCDS as a part of their ration. The two feedlot rations were isocaloric and isonitrogenous. The pasture finishing steers were fed a ration based on the feedlot ration containing CCDS but were not fed any hay. The goal of this study was to establish the benefits, as well as the limitations, of feeding CCDS to feedlot and backgrounded steers

    Diverse Intestinal Bacteria Contain Putative Zwitterionic Capsular Polysaccharides with Anti-inflammatory Properties

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    Zwitterionic capsular polysaccharides (ZPSs) are bacterial products that modulate T cells, including inducing anti-inflammatory IL-10-secreting T regulatory cells (Tregs). However, only a few diverse bacteria are known to modulate the host immune system via ZPS. We present a genomic screen for bacteria encoding ZPS molecules. We identify diverse host-associated bacteria, including commensals and pathogens with known anti-inflammatory properties, with the capacity to produce ZPSs. Human mononuclear cells stimulated with lysates from putative ZPS-producing bacteria induce significantly greater IL-10 production and higher proportions of Tregs than lysates from non-ZPS-encoding relatives or a commensal strain of Bacteroides cellulosilyticus in which a putative ZPS biosynthetic operon was genetically disrupted. Similarly, wild-type B. cellulosilyticus DSM 14838, but not a close relative lacking a putative ZPS, attenuated experimental colitis in mice. Collectively, this screen identifies bacterial strains that may use ZPSs to interact with the host as well as those with potential probiotic properties

    The subduction structure of the Northern Apennines: results from the RETREAT seismic deployment

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    The project Retreating-trench, extension, and accretion tectonics, RETREAT, is a multidisciplinary study of the Northern Apennines (earth.geology.yale.edu/RETREAT/), funded by the United States National Science Foundation (NSF) in collaboration with the Italian Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) and the Grant Agency of the Czech Academy of Sciences (GAAV). The main goal of RETREAT is to develop a self-consistent dynamic model of syn-convergent extension, using the Northern Apennines as a natural laboratory. In the context of this project a passive seismological experiment was deployed in the fall of 2003 for a period of three years. RETREAT seismologists aim to develop a comprehensive understanding of the deep structure beneath the Northern Apennines, with particular attention on inferring likely patterns of mantle flow. Specific objectives of the project are the crustal and lithospheric thicknesses, the location and geometry of the Adriatic slab, and the distribution of seismic anisotropy laterally and vertically in the lithosphere and asthenosphere. The project is collecting teleseismic and regional earthquake data for 3 years. This contribution describes the RETREAT seismic deployment and reports on key results from the first year of the deployment. We confirm some prior findings regarding the seismic structure of Central Italy, but our observations also highlight the complexity of the Northern Apennines subduction system

    The Rise of Three Rs Centres and Platforms in Europe*

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    Public awareness and discussion about animal experiments and replacement methods has greatly increased in recent years. The term 'the Three Rs', which stands for the Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of animal experiments, is inseparably linked in this context. A common goal within the Three Rs scientific community is to develop predictive non-animal models and to better integrate all available data from in vitro, in silico and omics technologies into regulatory decision-making processes regarding, for example, the toxicity of chemicals, drugs or food ingredients. In addition, it is a general concern to implement (human) non-animal methods in basic research. Toward these efforts, there has been an ever-increasing number of Three Rs centres and platforms established over recent years - not only to develop novel methods, but also to disseminate knowledge and help to implement the Three Rs principles in policies and education. The adoption of Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes gave a strong impetus to the creation of Three Rs initiatives, in the form of centres and platforms. As the first of a series of papers, this article gives an overview of the European Three Rs centres and platforms, and their historical development. The subsequent articles, to be published over the course of ATLA's 50th Anniversary year, will summarise the current focus and tasks as well as the future and the plans of the Three Rs centres and platforms. The Three Rs centres and platforms are very important points of contact and play an immense role in their respective countries as 'on the ground' facilitators of Directive 2010/63/EU. They are also invaluable for the widespread dissemination of information and for promoting implementation of the Three Rs in general

    The Current Status and Work of Three Rs Centres and Platforms in Europe*

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    The adoption of Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes has given a major push to the formation of Three Rs initiatives in the form of centres and platforms. These centres and platforms are dedicated to the so-called Three Rs, which are the Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of animal use in experiments. ATLA's 50th Anniversary year has seen the publication of two articles on European Three Rs centres and platforms. The first of these was about the progressive rise in their numbers and about their founding history; this second part focuses on their current status and activities. This article takes a closer look at their financial and organisational structures, describes their Three Rs focus and core activities (dissemination, education, implementation, scientific quality/translatability, ethics), and presents their areas of responsibility and projects in detail. This overview of the work and diverse structures of the Three Rs centres and platforms is not only intended to bring them closer to the reader, but also to provide role models and show examples of how such Three Rs centres and platforms could be made sustainable. The Three Rs centres and platforms are very important focal points and play an immense role as facilitators of Directive 2010/63/EU 'on the ground' in their respective countries. They are also invaluable for the wide dissemination of information and for promoting the implementation of the Three Rs in general

    Diverse Intestinal Bacteria Contain Putative Zwitterionic Capsular Polysaccharides with Anti-inflammatory Properties

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    Zwitterionic capsular polysaccharides (ZPSs) are bacterial products that modulate T cells, including inducing anti-inflammatory IL-10-secreting T regulatory cells (Tregs). However, only a few diverse bacteria are known to modulate the host immune system via ZPS. We present a genomic screen for bacteria encoding ZPS molecules. We identify diverse host-associated bacteria, including commensals and pathogens with known anti-inflammatory properties, with the capacity to produce ZPSs. Human mononuclear cells stimulated with lysates from putative ZPS-producing bacteria induce significantly greater IL-10 production and higher proportions of Tregs than lysates from non-ZPS-encoding relatives or a commensal strain of Bacteroides cellulosilyticus in which a putative ZPS biosynthetic operon was genetically disrupted. Similarly, wild-type B. cellulosilyticus DSM 14838, but not a close relative lacking a putative ZPS, attenuated experimental colitis in mice. Collectively, this screen identifies bacterial strains that may use ZPSs to interact with the host as well as those with potential probiotic properties
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