781 research outputs found

    Lentiviral Vector-Mediated Gene Transfer and RNA Silencing Technology in Neuronal Dysfunctions

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    Lentiviral-mediated gene transfer in vivo or in cultured mammalian neurons can be used to address a wide variety of biological questions, to design animals models for specific neurodegenerative pathologies, or to test potential therapeutic approaches in a variety of brain disorders. Lentiviruses can infect non-dividing cells, thereby allowing stable gene transfer in post-mitotic cells such as mature neurons. An important contribution has been the use of inducible vectors: the same animal can thus be used repeatedly in the doxycycline-on or -off state, providing a powerful mean for assessing the function of a gene candidate in a disorder within a specific neuronal circuit. Furthermore, lentivirus vectors provide a unique tool to integrate siRNA expression constructs with the aim to locally knockdown expression of a specific gene, enabling to assess the function of a gene in a very specific neuronal pathway. Lentiviral vector-mediated delivery of short hairpin RNA results in persistent knockdown of gene expression in the brain. Therefore, the use of lentiviruses for stable expression of siRNA in brain is a powerful aid to probe gene functions in vivo and for gene therapy of diseases of the central nervous system. In this chapter I review the applications of lentivirus-mediated gene transfer in the investigation of specific gene candidates involved in major brain disorders and neurodegenerative processes. Major applications have been in polyglutamine disorders, such as synucleinopathies and Parkinson's disease, or in investigating gene function in Huntington's disease, dystonia, or muscular dystrophy. Recently, lentivirus gene transfer has been an invaluable tool for evaluation of gene function in behavioral disorders such as drug addiction and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder or in learning and cognitio

    New insights into the roles of microRNAs in drug addiction and neuroplasticity

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    Drug addiction is a major public health issue. It is typically a multigenetic brain disorder, implying combined changes of expression of several hundred genes. Psychostimulants (such as cocaine, heroin and amphetamines) induce strong and persistent neuroadaptive changes through a surfeit of gene regulatory mechanisms leading to addiction. Activity-dependent synaptic plasticity of the mesolimbic dopaminergic system, known as the 'reward pathway', plays a crucial role in the development of drug dependence. miRNAs are small non-coding RNAs, particularly abundant in the nervous system, that play key roles as regulatory molecules in processes such as neurogenesis, synapse development and plasticity in the brain. They also act as key spatiotemporal regulators during dendritic morphogenesis, controlling the expression of hundreds of genes involved in neuroplasticity and in the function of synapses. Recent studies have identified changes of several specific miRNA expression profiles and polymorphisms affecting the interactions between miRNAs and their targets in various brain disorders, including addiction: miR-16 causes adaptive changes in production of the serotonin transporter; miR-133b is specifically expressed in midbrain dopaminergic neurons, and regulates the production of tyrosine hydroxylase and the dopamine transporter; miR-212 affects production of striatal brain-derived neurotrophic factor and synaptic plasticity upon cocaine. Clearly, specific miRNAs have emerged as key regulators leading to addiction, and could serve as valuable targets for more efficient therapies. In this review, the aim is to provide an overview of the emerging role of miRNAs in addiction

    Involvement of nucleus accumbens dopamine D1 receptors in ethanol drinking, ethanol-induced conditioned place preference, and ethanol-induced psychomotor sensitization in mice

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    Rationale: Dopamine D1 receptor (D1R) signaling has been associated to ethanol consumption and reward in laboratory animals.Objectives: Here, we hypothesize that this receptor, which is located within the nucleus accumbens (NAc) neurons, modulates alcohol reward mechanisms.Methods: To test this hypothesis, we measured alcohol consumption and ethanol-induced psychomotor sensitization and conditioned place preference (CPP) in mice that received bilateral microinjections of small interference RNA (siRNA)-expressing lentiviral vectors (LV-siD1R) producing D1R knock-down. The other group received control (LV-Mock) viral vectors into the NAc.Results: There were no differences in the total fluid consumed and also no differences in the amount of ethanol consumed between groups prior to surgery. However, after surgery, the LV-siD1R group consumed less ethanol than the control group. This difference was not associated to taste neophobia. In addition, results have shown that down-regulation of endogenous D1R using viral-mediated siRNA in the NAc significantly decreased ethanol-induced behavioral sensitization as well as acquisition, but not expression, of ethanol-induced place preference.Conclusions: We conclude that decreased D1R expression into the NAc led to reduced ethanol rewarding properties, thereby leading to lower voluntary ethanol consumption. Together, these findings demonstrate that the D1 receptor pathway within the NAc controls ethanol reward and intake

    The role of gamma-synuclein in cocaine-induced behaviour in rats

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the role of γ-synuclein in the rewarding effects of chronic cocaine administration and its putative interaction with the dopamine transporter (DAT). For this purpose, regulatable lentiviruses driving overexpression of the rat γ-synuclein or DAT have been prepared, as well as lentiviruses expressing siRNAs, aimed at silencing either DAT or γ-synuclein mRNA expression. Overexpression of DAT in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) induced a 35% decrease in locomotor activity, which could be abolished when the same animal was fed doxycycline. Furthermore, local inhibition of DAT in the NAc, using lentiviruses expressing siRNAs targeted against DAT, resulted in significant hyperlocomotion activity (72% increase over controls). By contrast, overexpression of γ-synuclein in the NAc alone had no effect, while local silencing lead to a significant decrease in cocaine-induced locomotor activity (47% decrease compared with controls). Surprisingly, coinjection lentiviruses expressing DAT and γ-synuclein − leading to overexpression of both proteins in the NAc − resulted in a strong increase in cocaine-induced rat locomotor activity (52% increase compared with controls), which was abolished upon locally silencing these genes, suggesting a synergetic role of both proteins, possibly mediated through a direct interaction

    Viral-mediated overexpression of the Myelin Transcription Factor 1 (MyT1) in the dentate gyrus attenuates anxiety- and ethanol-related behaviors in rats

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    Myelin Transcription Factor 1 (MyT1), a member of the Zinc Finger gene family, plays a fundamental role in the nervous system. Recent research has suggested that this transcription factor is associated with the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders including addiction, schizophrenia, and depression. However, the role of MyT1 in anxiety- and ethanol-related behaviors is still unknown.Objectives: We evaluated the effects of lentiviral-mediated overexpression of MyT1 in the dentate gyrus (DG) on anxiety- and ethanol-related behaviors in rats.Methods: We used the elevated plus maze (EPM) and the open field (OF) tests to assess anxiety-like behavior and a two- bottle choice procedure to measure the effects of MyT1 on ethanol intake and preference.Results: MyT1 overexpression produced anxiolytic-like effects in the EPM test and decreased the number of fecal boli in the OF test, without affecting locomotor activity in both behavioral tests. Next, we demonstrated that ethanol intake and preference were decreased in the MyT1-overexpressing rats with no effect on saccharin and quinine, used to assess taste discrimination, and no effect on ethanol clearance suggesting specific alterations in the rewarding effects of ethanol. Most importantly, ectopic MyT1 overexpression increased both MyT1 and BDNF mRNA levels in the DG. Using Pearson’s correlation, results showed a strong negative relationship between MyT1 mRNA and anxiety parameters and ethanol consumption and a positive correlation between MyT1 and BDNF mRNAs.Conclusion: Taken together, MyT1 along with being a key component in anxiety may be a suitable candidate in the search of the molecular underpinnings of alcoholism

    Hippocampus-specific deletion of tissue plasminogen activator “tPA” in adult mice impairs depression- and anxiety-like behaviors

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    Anxiety and depression are multifactorial disorders that have become prominent health problems all over the world. Neurotrophic factors have emerged underlying pathogenesis of these diseases. Although a number of studies indicate that the hippocampus-brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) may be involved in these psychiatric illnesses, little is known about the molecular mediators of these disorders. In this study we further investigate the role of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), a serine protease involved in pro-BDNF cleavage to BDNF, in depression and anxiety-like behaviors in adult mice. To address this issue, we investigated the effect of hippocampus tPA manipulation, using viral vectors, on anxiety- and depression-like behaviors, including the marble burying test (MBT), elevated plus maze (EPM), tail suspension test (TST), novelty suppressed feeding (NSF) and forced swim test (FST). Our results showed that tPA knock-down – using lentiviral vectors expressing specific short hairpin RNAs (LV-shRNA) – increased the number of buried marbles together with the digging time in the MBT and decreased the time spent in open the arms of an EPM. In addition, tPA-knock down in the hippocampus increased immobility in the FST and TST, and increased time to feed in the NSF test. These effects were reversed when tPA-over-expressing vectors (LV-tPA) were injected in the hippocampus. We also found that BDNF protein levels were elevated in the hippocampus of mice receiving tPA-expressing vectors. Together, our results imply that tPA manipulation may provide an effective therapeutic intervention for depression and anxiety disorders

    The Brain-Specific Neural Zinc Finger Transcription Factor 2b (NZF-2b/7ZFMyt1) Suppresses Cocaine Self-Administration in Rats

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    Brain-specific neural-zinc-finger transcription factor-2b (NZF2b/7ZFMyt1) is induced in the mesolimbic dopaminergic region after chronic cocaine exposure and lentiviral-mediated expression of NZF2b/7ZFMyt1 in the nucleus accumbens results in decreased locomotor activity (Chandrasekar and Dreyer, 2010). In this study the role of NZF2b/7ZFMyt1 in active cocaine seeking and of its interaction with histone deacetylase on the altered behavior has been observed. Localized expression of NZF2b/7ZFMyt1 in the nucleus accumbens resulted in attenuated cocaine self-administration, whereas silencing this transcription factor with lentiviruses expressing siRNAs increased the animal′s motivation to self-infuse cocaine. Low doses of sodium butyrate, a potent inhibitor of histone deacetylase, were sufficient to reverse the NZF2b/7ZFMyt1-mediated decrease in cocaine self-administration. NZF2b/7ZFMyt1 expression resulted in strong induction of transcription factors REST1 and NAC1 and of the dopamine D2 receptor, with concomitant inhibition of BDNF and its receptor TrkB. We show that NZF2b/7ZFMyt1 colocalizes with histone deacetylase-2 (HDAC2), probably overcoming the suppression of transcriptional activity caused by Lingo1. These findings show that molecular adaptations mediated by NZF2b/7ZFMyt1 expression possibly lead to decreased responsiveness to the reinforcing properties of cocaine and play a prominent role in affecting the behavioral changes induced by the drug

    Environmental enrichment decreases chronic psychosocial stress-impaired extinction and reinstatement of ethanol conditioned place preference in C57BL/6 male mice

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    During the last few decades, alcohol use disorders (AUD) have reached an epidemic prevalence, yet social influences on alcoholism have not been fully addressed. Several factors can modulate alcohol intake. On one hand, stress can reinforce ethanol-induced behaviors and be an important component in AUD and alcoholism. On the other hand, environmental enrichment (EE) has a neuroprotective role and prevents the development of excessive ethanol intake in rodents. However, studies showing the role of EE in chronic psychosocial stress-impaired ethanol-conditioned rewards are nonexistent.Aim: The purpose of the current study is to explore the potential protective role of EE on extinction and reinstatement of ethanol-conditioned place preference (EtOH-CPP) following chronic psychosocial stress.Methods: In the first experiment and after the EtOH-CPP test, the mice were subjected to 15 days of chronic stress, then housed in a standard (SE) or enriched environment (EE) while EtOH-CPP extinction was achieved by repeated exposure to the CPP chambers without ethanol injection. In the second experiment and after the EtOH-CPP test, extinction was achieved as described above. Mice were then exposed to chronic stress for 2 weeks before being housed in a SE or EE. EtOH-CPP reinstatement was induced by a single exposure to the conditioning chambers.Results: As expected, stress exposure increased anxiety-like behavior and reduced weight gain. More importantly, we found that EE significantly shortened chronic stress-delayed extinction and decreased the reinstatement of EtOH-CPP.Conclusion: These results support the hypothesis that EE reduces the impact of alcohol-associated environmental stimuli, and hence it may be a general intervention for reducing cue-elicited craving and relapse in humans

    Lentiviral vector-mediated dopamine D3 receptor modulation in the rat brain impairs alcohol intake and ethanol-induced conditioned place preference

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    Background: It has been reported that dopamine D3 receptor (D3R) knockout mice display similar ethanol (EtOH) consumption compared to wild types. In addition, studies with D3R pharmacological targeting were inconclusive.Methods: In the current study, we used both gain- and loss-of-function approaches to test the effects of central D3R manipulation on voluntary alcohol intake and EtOH-induced conditioned place preference (CPP) in rats. To this aim, we developed a lentiviral-mediated gene transfer approach to examine whether D3R knockdown (LV-siD3R) or overexpression (LV-D3R) in the nucleus accumbens (NAcc) is sufficient to modulate voluntary alcohol consumption and EtOH-CPP.Results: Using the standard 2-bottle choice drinking paradigm and an unbiased CPP procedure, our results indicated that, like the D3R selective antagonist SB-277011-A, LV-siD3R attenuated voluntary alcohol consumption. In contrast, LV-D3R increased EtOH intake with no effect on total fluid intake. Similarly, the D3R agonist 7-OH-DPAT also exacerbated EtOH intake. Interestingly, neither pharmacological nor genetic manipulation of D3R activity affected saccharin and quinine consumption and preference. More importantly, we report that LV-siD3R blocked, whereas LV-D3R exacerbated, EtOH-CPP.Conclusions: These results support the notion that the D3R plays an important role in alcohol reward in rats and suggest that a key threshold range of D3R levels is associated with impaired alcohol consumption. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that the D3R is an essential component of the molecular pathways underlying the reinforcing properties of alcohol. Thus, medications targeting the D3Rs may be beneficial to tackle EtOH abuse and alcoholism in humans

    Role of accumbens BDNF and TrkB in cocaine-induced psychomotor sensitization, conditioned-place preference, and reinstatement in rats

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    Background: Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is involved in the survival and function of midbrain DA neurons. BDNF action is mediated by the TrkB receptor-tyrosine kinase, and both BDNF and TrkB transcripts are widely expressed in the rat mesolimbic pathway, including the nucleus accumbens (NAc) and the ventral tegmentum area (VTA). Objective: BDNF was previously shown to be involved in cocaine reward and relapse, as assessed in rat models. The goal of this study is to explore the role of BDNF and TrkB in the rat nucleus accumbens (NAc) in cocaine-induced psychomotor sensitization and in conditioned-place preference acquisition, expression, and reinstatement. Materials and methods: In vivo genetic manipulations of BDNF and TrkB were performed using a lentiviral gene delivery approach to over-express these genes in the NAc and siRNA-based technology to locally knockdown gene expression. Behavioral experiments consisted of locomotor activity monitoring or cocaine-induced conditioned-place preference (CPP). Results: BDNF and/or its receptor TrkB in the NAc enhance drug-induced locomotor activity and induce sensitization in rats. Furthermore, LV-BDNF- and LV-TrkB-treated rats display enhanced cocaine-induced CPP, delayed CPP-extinction upon repeated measurements, and increased CPP reinstatement. In contrast, expression of TrkT1 (truncated form of TrkB, acting as a dominant negative) inhibits these behavioral changes. This inhibition is also observed when rats are fed doxycycline (to block lentivirus-mediated gene expression) or when injected with siRNAs-expressing lentiviruses against TrkB. In addition, we investigate the establishment, maintenance, extinction, and reinstatement of cocaine-induced CPP. We show that BDNF and TrkB-induced CPP takes place during the learning period (conditioning), whereas extinction leads to the loss of CPP. Extinction is delayed when rats are injected LV-BDNF or LV-TrkB, and in turn, priming injections of 2mg/kg of cocaine reinstates it. Conclusions: These results demonstrate the crucial function of BDNF—through its receptor TrkB—in the enhancement of locomotor activity, sensitization, conditioned-place preference, CPP-reinstatement, and rewarding effects of cocaine in the mesolimbic dopaminergic pathwa