221 research outputs found

    The role and representation of nature in a selection of English-Canadian dystopian novels

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    ITGA1 (integrin, alpha 1)

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    The α1 integrin subunit (SU) belongs to a large family of α and β subunits that are noncovalently linked to constitute αβ transmembrane units. To date, 18 α and 8 β subunits are known to form 24 αβ units (Takada et al., 2007; Barczyk et al., 2010) which are involved in cell-cell and cell-matrix attachment and can drive inside-out and outside-in cell signaling (Shattil et al., 2010). Integrins are known to participate in different cell processes including cell shape, differentiation, migration, survival and proliferation (Giancotti, 1997; Vachon, 2011; Beauséjour et al., 2012). The &alpha ;1 SU was discovered in 1986 as the Very Late Antigen 1 (VLA1) and is highly expressed in activated lymphocytes in the joints of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (Hemler et al., 1986). In fibroblasts, α1 is known to activate the RAS/ERK proliferative pathway and has a pro-invasive function in certain cancers. In megakaryocyte differentiation α1 is silenced by DNA methylation but not histone modification (Cheli et al., 2007). Different transcription factors involved in cancer progression can bind to the ITGA1 promoter. Integrin α1 transcriptional regulation remains to be further defined

    P-glycoprotein of blood brain barrier: cross-reactivity of MAb C219 with a 190 kDa protein in bovine and rat isolated brain capillaries

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    AbstractP-glycoprotein (P-gp), an active efflux pump of antitumor drugs, is strongly expressed in endothelial cells of the blood brain barrier (BBB). Two proteins (155 and 190 kDa) were detected by Western blot analysis of beef and rat capillaries with the monoclonal antibody (MAb) C219. In order to characterize the nature of these proteins, their profile of solubilization by different detergents was established and compared with that of P-gp from the CHRC5 tumoral cell line. The 155 kDa protein (p155) of capillaries and the P-gp of CHRC5 cells were well solubilized by deoxycholate and Elugent, whereas the 190 kDa protein (p190) was only solubilized by sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS). Both proteins have different patterns of extraction by Triton X-114, p155 partitioning as a membrane protein, while p190 was insoluble. Deglycosylation of capillary proteins resulted in a 27–28 kDa decrease in the apparent molecular weight of p155, similar to that observed for the P-gp of CHRC5 cells, but a decrease of only 7–8 for p190. Only p155 was immunoprecipitated by MAb C219. These results suggest that only p155 is the P-gp in BBB and that MAb C219 cross-reacts with a 190 kDa MDR-unrelated glycosylated protein. Consequently, the use of this antibody, which is frequently used to detect P-gp in tumors, could be a pitfall of immunohistochemistry screening for cancer tissues and lead to false positive in the diagnosis of MDR

    MIQE précis: Practical implementation of minimum standard guidelines for fluorescence-based quantitative real-time PCR experiments

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    The conclusions of thousands of peer-reviewed publications rely on data obtained using fluorescence-based quantitative real-time PCR technology. However, the inadequate reporting of experimental detail, combined with the frequent use of flawed protocols is leading to the publication of papers that may not be technically appropriate. We take the view that this problem requires the delineation of a more transparent and comprehensive reporting policy from scientific journals. This editorial aims to provide practical guidance for the incorporation of absolute minimum standards encompassing the key assay parameters for accurate design, documentation and reporting of qPCR experiments (MIQE précis) and guidance on the publication of pure 'reference gene' articles

    Tabletop imaging of structural evolutions in chemical reactions

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    The introduction of femto-chemistry has made it a primary goal to follow the nuclear and electronic evolution of a molecule in time and space as it undergoes a chemical reaction. Using Coulomb Explosion Imaging we have shot the first high-resolution molecular movie of a to and fro isomerization process in the acetylene cation. So far, this kind of phenomenon could only be observed using VUV light from a Free Electron Laser [Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 263002 (2010)]. Here we show that 266 nm ultrashort laser pulses are capable of initiating rich dynamics through multiphoton ionization. With our generally applicable tabletop approach that can be used for other small organic molecules, we have investigated two basic chemical reactions simultaneously: proton migration and C=C bond-breaking, triggered by multiphoton ionization. The experimental results are in excellent agreement with the timescales and relaxation pathways predicted by new and definitively quantitative ab initio trajectory simulations
