126 research outputs found

    Variant on Manifestation of Duodenal Metastasis 26 Years after Initial Diagnosis of Primary Cutaneous Melanoma

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    Malignant duodenal neoplasms are relatively rare, and the diagnosis is often delayed because of their vague and nonspecific symptoms. We report the case of a 79-year-old female who had a medical history of malignant melanoma of the cheek that had initially been diagnosed at 53 years of age. Work-up revealed severe stenosis of the duodenum caused by a large mass with ulceration at the tip of its mucosal surface. Tumor biopsy led to a histological diagnosis of extremely poorly differentiated carcinoma, but it was impossible to determine whether the lesion was a primary neoplasm or represented secondary involvement. Pancreatoduodenectomy was performed, and the surgical specimen showed a protuberant tumor in the nonampullary region of the second portion of the duodenum. Final diagnosis of metastatic duodenal melanoma was made by immunohistological examination. She is currently alive without recurrence 28 months after the surgical treatment

    Rectal cancer with synchronous unresectable metastases: arguments for therapeutic choice

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    Environ 4 000 patients sont pris en charge chaque année en France pour un cancer du rectum avec des métastases synchrones jugées non résécables en réunion de concertation pluridisciplinaire (RCP). Il n’existe pas de consensus sur la stratégie thérapeutique à proposer et parmi les trois options possibles, les critères de choix restent relativement imprécis. – La chirurgie première est certes le meilleur traitement pour contrôler les symptômes rectaux mais elle n’a pas démontré qu’elle augmentait la survie et la résécabilité secondaire des métastases par rapport aux autres options et comporte un risque de résection incomplète, de complications pouvant retarder ou empêcher la chimiothérapie, de progression accélérée de la maladie métastatique et de mortalité comprise entre 1 et 5 %. – La radio-chimiothérapie première suivie d’une chirurgie permet le contrôle des symptômes rectaux mais retarde la chimiothérapie pour les métastases qui dominent le pronostic ; elle expose aux mêmes risques de complications que la chirurgie première. – La chimiothérapie première nous paraît intéressante en absence de complications locales sévères (occlusion, hémorragie) ; elle est potentiellement efficace sur les métastases à distance qui conditionnent le pronostic et sur la tumeur primitive qui répond souvent de manière similaire ; elle ne fige pas la stratégie et offre la possibilité de l’adapter à chaque évaluation selon la réponse, la tolérance et les possibilités de résection (tumeur primitive et métastases). Dans tous les cas, il est fondamental de discuter ces dossiers au cas par cas en RCP pour adapter la stratégie thérapeutique aux caractéristiques du patient, de la tumeur primitive et de l’extension métastatique, ainsi qu’à la réponse obtenue aux traitements proposés successivement.Rectal cancers with synchronous unresectable metastases are diagnosed in about 4 000 patients. There is yet no consensus on the therapeutic strategy for these cases which must be discussed during multidisciplinary meeting. Three options are available and arguments of choice remain relatively weak. – First-line resection of the primary rectal tumour is indeed the best treatment to control rectal symptoms but it does not seem to improve survival and secondary resectability of metastases when compared to other options; moreover incomplete resection or complications may delay chemotherapy, accelerate the metastastic process and mortality rate ranges from 1 to 5%. – First-line radio-chemotherapy followed by surgery allows for controlling rectal symptoms but delays chemotherapy for metastases dominating the prognosis; it exposes the patients to the same morbidity and mortality as first-line surgery. – First-line chemotherapy is the third valid option in the absence of major rectal symptoms (occlusion, haemorrhage); chemotherapy is potentially efficient on distant metastases bearing a high prognosis impact and on the primary rectal tumour, which often has a similar response. First-line chemotherapy allows for adapting the therapeutic strategy after each evaluation according to the tumour response, side effects and possibility of resection (primary rectal tumour and metastases). In all cases, medical records of such patients should be discussed during a multidisciplinary meeting to adapt the therapeutic strategy to the patient’s characteristics, primary rectal tumor, metastases staging and evolution

    Acute diarrhea in adults consulting a general practitioner in France during winter: incidence, clinical characteristics, management and risk factors

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    International audienceBackgroundData describing the epidemiology and management of viral acute diarrhea (AD) in adults are scant. The objective of this study was to identify the incidence, clinical characteristics, management and risk factors of winter viral AD in adults.MethodsThe incidence of AD in adults during two consecutive winters (from December 2010 to April 2011 and from December 2011 to April 2012) was estimated from the French Sentinelles network. During these two winters, a subset of Sentinelles general practitioners (GPs) identified and included adult patients who presented with AD and who filled out a questionnaire and returned a stool specimen for virological examination. All stool specimens were tested for astrovirus, group A rotavirus, human enteric adenovirus, and norovirus of genogroup I and genogroup II. Age- and sex-matched controls were included to permit a case¿control analysis with the aim of identifying risk factors for viral AD.ResultsDuring the studied winters, the average incidence of AD in adults was estimated to be 3,158 per 100,000 French adults (95% CI [2,321 ¿ 3,997]). The most reported clinical signs were abdominal pain (91.1%), watery diarrhea (88.5%), and nausea (83.3%). GPs prescribed a treatment in 95% of the patients with AD, and 80% of the working patients with AD could not go to work. Stool examinations were positive for at least one enteric virus in 65% (95% CI [57 ¿ 73]) of patients with AD with a predominance of noroviruses (49%). Having been in contact with a person who has suffered from AD in the last 7 days, whether within or outside the household, and having a job (or being a student) were risk factors significantly associated with acquiring viral AD.ConclusionsDuring the winter, AD of viral origin is a frequent disease in adults, and noroviruses are most often the cause. No preventable risk factor was identified other than contact with a person with AD. Thus, at the present time, reinforcement of education related to hand hygiene remains the only way to reduce the burden of disease

    Differential activity of methylene blue against erythrocytic and hepatic stages of Plasmodium

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    Background: In the context of malaria elimination/eradication, drugs that are effective against the different developmental stages of the parasite are highly desirable. The oldest synthetic anti-malarial drug, the thiazine dye methylene blue (MB), is known for its activity against Plasmodium blood stages, including gametocytes. The aim of the present study was to investigate a possible effect of MB against malaria parasite liver stages. Methods: MB activity was investigated using both in vitro and in vivo models. In vitro assays consisted of testing MB activity on Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium cynomolgi and Plasmodium yoelii parasites in human, simian or murine primary hepatocytes, respectively. MB in vivo activity was evaluated using intravital imaging in BALB/c mice infected with a transgenic bioluminescent P. yoelii parasite line. The transmission-blocking activity of MB was also addressed using mosquitoes fed on MB-treated mice. Results: MB shows no activity on Plasmodium liver stages, including hypnozoites, in vitro in primary hepatocytes. In BALB/c mice, MB has moderate effect on P. yoelii hepatic development but is highly effective against blood stage growth. MB is active against gametocytes and abrogates parasite transmission from mice to mosquitoes. Conclusion: While confirming activity of MB against both sexual and asexual blood stages, the results indicate that MB has only little activity on the development of the hepatic stages of malaria parasites

    Front Cardiovasc Med

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    IntroductionInterventional cardiac MRI in the context of the treatment of cardiac arrhythmia requires submillimeter image resolution to precisely characterize the cardiac substrate and guide the catheter-based ablation procedure in real-time. Conventional MRI receiver coils positioned on the thorax provide insufficient signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and spatial selectivity to satisfy these constraints.MethodsA small circular MRI receiver coil was developed and evaluated under different experimental conditions, including high-resolution MRI anatomical and thermometric imaging at 1.5 T. From the perspective of developing a therapeutic MR-compatible catheter equipped with a receiver coil, we also propose alternative remote active detuning techniques of the receiver coil using one or two cables. Theoretical details are presented, as well as simulations and experimental validation.ResultsAnatomical images of the left ventricle at 170 µm in-plane resolution are provided on ex vivo beating heart from swine using a 2 cm circular receiver coil. Taking advantage of the increase of SNR at its vicinity (up to 35 fold compared to conventional receiver coils), real-time MR-temperature imaging can reach an uncertainty below 0.1°C at the submillimetric spatial resolution. Remote active detuning using two cables has similar decoupling efficiency to conventional on-site decoupling, at the cost of an acceptable decrease in the resulting SNR.DiscussionThis study shows the potential of small dimension surface coils for minimally invasive therapy of cardiac arrhythmia intraoperatively guided by MRI. The proposed remote decoupling approaches may simplify the construction process and reduce the cost of such single-use devices.Thermometrie cardiaque haute résolution sur une IRM clinique en utilisant des antennes intracardiaquesL'Institut de Rythmologie et modélisation CardiaqueFrance Life Imagin

    Assessing Adherence to Healthy Dietary Habits Through the Urinary Food Metabolome:Results From a European Two-Center Study

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    BACKGROUND: Diet is one of the most important modifiable lifestyle factors in human health and in chronic disease prevention. Thus, accurate dietary assessment is essential for reliably evaluating adherence to healthy habits. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to identify urinary metabolites that could serve as robust biomarkers of diet quality, as assessed through the Alternative Healthy Eating Index (AHEI-2010). DESIGN: We set up two-center samples of 160 healthy volunteers, aged between 25 and 50, living as a couple or family, with repeated urine sampling and dietary assessment at baseline, and 6 and 12 months over a year. Urine samples were subjected to large-scale metabolomics analysis for comprehensive quantitative characterization of the food-related metabolome. Then, lasso regularized regression analysis and limma univariate analysis were applied to identify those metabolites associated with the AHEI-2010, and to investigate the reproducibility of these associations over time. RESULTS: Several polyphenol microbial metabolites were found to be positively associated with the AHEI-2010 score; urinary enterolactone glucuronide showed a reproducible association at the three study time points [false discovery rate (FDR): 0.016, 0.014, 0.016]. Furthermore, other associations were found between the AHEI-2010 and various metabolites related to the intake of coffee, red meat and fish, whereas other polyphenol phase II metabolites were associated with higher AHEI-2010 scores at one of the three time points investigated (FDR < 0.05 or β ≠ 0). CONCLUSION: We have demonstrated that urinary metabolites, and particularly microbiota-derived metabolites, could serve as reliable indicators of adherence to healthy dietary habits. CLINICAL TRAIL REGISTRATION: www.ClinicalTrials.gov, Identifier: NCT03169088

    Risques et adaptation nutritionnelle en cancérologie

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    This article starts with a presentation of Caycedian Sophrology. We then evaluate its impact on stress reduction through a questionnaire on a students’ population. It appears that stress level increases between the two sessions in the control group while it decreases in the experimental group

    Towards an In Vitro Model of Plasmodium Hypnozoites Suitable for Drug Discovery

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    Contains fulltext : 96475.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Amongst the Plasmodium species in humans, only P. vivax and P. ovale produce latent hepatic stages called hypnozoites, which are responsible for malaria episodes long after a mosquito bite. Relapses contribute to increased morbidity, and complicate malaria elimination programs. A single drug effective against hypnozoites, primaquine, is available, but its deployment is curtailed by its haemolytic potential in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficient persons. Novel compounds are thus urgently needed to replace primaquine. Discovery of compounds active against hypnozoites is restricted to the in vivo P. cynomolgi-rhesus monkey model. Slow growing hepatic parasites reminiscent of hypnozoites had been noted in cultured P. vivax-infected hepatoma cells, but similar forms are also observed in vitro by other species including P. falciparum that do not produce hypnozoites. METHODOLOGY: P. falciparum or P. cynomolgi sporozoites were used to infect human or Macaca fascicularis primary hepatocytes, respectively. The susceptibility of the slow and normally growing hepatic forms obtained in vitro to three antimalarial drugs, one active against hepatic forms including hypnozoites and two only against the growing forms, was measured. RESULTS: The non-dividing slow growing P. cynomolgi hepatic forms, observed in vitro in primary hepatocytes from the natural host Macaca fascicularis, can be distinguished from similar forms seen in P. falciparum-infected human primary hepatocytes by the differential action of selected anti-malarial drugs. Whereas atovaquone and pyrimethamine are active on all the dividing hepatic forms observed, the P. cynomolgi slow growing forms are highly resistant to treatment by these drugs, but remain susceptible to primaquine. CONCLUSION: Resistance of the non-dividing P. cynomolgi forms to atovaquone and pyrimethamine, which do not prevent relapses, strongly suggests that these slow growing forms are hypnozoites. This represents a first step towards the development of a practical medium-throughput in vitro screening assay for novel hypnozoiticidal drugs