26 research outputs found

    Aquaglyceroporin-null trypanosomes display glycerol transport defects and respiratory-inhibitor sensitivity

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    Aquaglyceroporins (AQPs) transport water and glycerol and play important roles in drug-uptake in pathogenic trypanosomatids. For example, AQP2 in the human-infectious African trypanosome, Trypanosoma brucei gambiense, is responsible for melarsoprol and pentamidine-uptake, and melarsoprol treatment-failure has been found to be due to AQP2-defects in these parasites. To further probe the roles of these transporters, we assembled a T. b. brucei strain lacking all three AQP-genes. Triple-null aqp1-2-3 T. b. brucei displayed only a very moderate growth defect in vitro, established infections in mice and recovered effectively from hypotonic-shock. The aqp1-2-3 trypanosomes did, however, display glycerol uptake and efflux defects. They failed to accumulate glycerol or to utilise glycerol as a carbon-source and displayed increased sensitivity to salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM), octyl gallate or propyl gallate; these inhibitors of trypanosome alternative oxidase (TAO) can increase intracellular glycerol to toxic levels. Notably, disruption of AQP2 alone generated cells with glycerol transport defects. Consistent with these findings, AQP2-defective, melarsoprol-resistant clinical isolates were sensitive to the TAO inhibitors, SHAM, propyl gallate and ascofuranone, relative to melarsoprol-sensitive reference strains. We conclude that African trypanosome AQPs are dispensable for viability and osmoregulation but they make important contributions to drug-uptake, glycerol-transport and respiratory-inhibitor sensitivity. We also discuss how the AQP-dependent inverse sensitivity to melarsoprol and respiratory inhibitors described here might be exploited

    Instability of aquaglyceroporin (Aqp) 2 contributes to drug resistance in trypanosoma brucei

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    Defining mode of action is vital for both developing new drugs and predicting potential resistance mechanisms. Sensitivity of African trypanosomes to pentamidine and melarsoprol is predominantly mediated by aquaglyceroporin 2 (TbAQP2), a channel associated with water/glycerol transport. TbAQP2 is expressed at the flagellar pocket membrane and chimerisation with TbAQP3 renders parasites resistant to both drugs. Two models for how TbAQP2 mediates pentamidine sensitivity have emerged; that TbAQP2 mediates pentamidine translocation across the plasma membrane or via binding to TbAQP2, with subsequent endocytosis and presumably transport across the endosomal/lysosomal membrane, but as trafficking and regulation of TbAQPs is uncharacterised this remains unresolved. We demonstrate that TbAQP2 is organised as a high order complex, is ubiquitylated and is transported to the lysosome. Unexpectedly, mutation of potential ubiquitin conjugation sites, i.e. cytoplasmic-oriented lysine residues, reduced folding and tetramerization efficiency and triggered ER retention. Moreover, TbAQP2/TbAQP3 chimerisation, as observed in pentamidine-resistant parasites, also leads to impaired oligomerisation, mislocalisation and increased turnover. These data suggest that TbAQP2 stability is highly sensitive to mutation and that instability contributes towards the emergence of drug resistance

    Pathological structural conversion of α-synuclein at the mitochondria induces neuronal toxicity

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    Aggregation of alpha-synuclein (α-Syn) drives Parkinson’s disease (PD), although the initial stages of self-assembly and structural conversion have not been directly observed inside neurons. In this study, we tracked the intracellular conformational states of α-Syn using a single-molecule Förster resonance energy transfer (smFRET) biosensor, and we show here that α-Syn converts from a monomeric state into two distinct oligomeric states in neurons in a concentration-dependent and sequence-specific manner. Three-dimensional FRET-correlative light and electron microscopy (FRET-CLEM) revealed that intracellular seeding events occur preferentially on membrane surfaces, especially at mitochondrial membranes. The mitochondrial lipid cardiolipin triggers rapid oligomerization of A53T α-Syn, and cardiolipin is sequestered within aggregating lipid–protein complexes. Mitochondrial aggregates impair complex I activity and increase mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, which accelerates the oligomerization of A53T α-Syn and causes permeabilization of mitochondrial membranes and cell death. These processes were also observed in induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)–derived neurons harboring A53T mutations from patients with PD. Our study highlights a mechanism of de novo α-Syn oligomerization at mitochondrial membranes and subsequent neuronal toxicity