63 research outputs found

    Tunable coupling scheme for flux qubits at the optimal point

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    We discuss a practical design for tunably coupling a pair of flux qubits via the quantum inductance of a third high-frequency qubit. The design is particularly well suited for realizing a recently proposed microwave-induced parametric coupling scheme. This is attractive because the qubits can always remain at their optimal points. Furthermore, we will show that the resulting coupling also has an optimal point where it is insensitive to low-frequency flux noise. This is an important feature for the coherence of coupled qubits. The presented scheme is an experimentally realistic way of carrying out two-qubit gates and should be easily extended to multiqubit systems.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, minor change

    Noise properties of a Josephson parametric oscillator

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    We perform the noise spectroscopy of a Josephson parametric oscillator (JPO) by implementing a microwave homodyne interferometric measurement scheme. We observe the fluctuations in the self-oscillating output field of the JPO for a long 10 s time interval in a single shot measurement and characterize the phase and amplitude noise. Furthermore, we investigate the effects of the pump strength on the output noise power spectra of the JPO. We found strong fluctuations in the phase with a 1/f21/f^2 characteristics in the phase noise power spectrum, which is suppressed by increasing the pump strength

    Power-dependent internal loss in Josephson bifurcation amplifiers

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    We have studied nonlinear superconducting resonators: lambda/2 coplanar-waveguide (CPW) resonators with Josephson junctions (JJs) placed in the middle and lambda/4 CPW resonators terminated by JJs, which can be used for the qubit readout as "bifurcation amplifiers." The nonlinearity of the resonators arises from the Josephson junctions, and because of the nonlinearity, the resonators with appropriate parameters are expected to show a hysteretic response to the frequency sweep, or "bifurcation," when they are driven with a sufficiently large power. We designed and fabricated resonators whose resonant frequencies were around 10 GHz. We characterized the resonators at low temperatures, T<0.05 K, and confirmed that they indeed exhibited hysteresis. The sizes of the hysteresis, however, are sometimes considerably smaller than the predictions based on the loaded quality factor in the weak drive regime. When the discrepancy appears, it is mostly explained by taking into account the internal loss, which often increases in our resonators with increasing drive power in the relevant power range. As a possible origin of the power-dependent loss, the quasiparticle channel of conductance of the JJs is discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Single microwave-photon detector using an artificial Λ\Lambda-type three-level system

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    Single photon detection is a requisite technique in quantum-optics experiments in both the optical and the microwave domains. However, the energy of microwave quanta are four to five orders of magnitude less than their optical counterpart, making the efficient detection of single microwave photons extremely challenging. Here, we demonstrate the detection of a single microwave photon propagating through a waveguide. The detector is implemented with an "impedance-matched" artificial Λ\Lambda system comprising the dressed states of a driven superconducting qubit coupled to a microwave resonator. We attain a single-photon detection efficiency of 0.66±0.060.66 \pm 0.06 with a reset time of 400\sim 400~ns. This detector can be exploited for various applications in quantum sensing, quantum communication and quantum information processing.Comment: 5 pages (4 figures) + 4 pages (5 figures

    Ultrastrong tunable coupler between superconducting LC resonators

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    We investigate the ultrastrong tunable coupler for coupling of superconducting resonators. Obtained coupling constant exceeds 1 GHz, and the wide range tunability is achieved both antiferromagnetics and ferromagnetics from 1086-1086 MHz to 604 MHz. The ultrastrong coupler is composed of rf-SQUID and dc-SQUID as tunable junctions, which connected to resonators via shared aluminum thin film meander lines enabling such a huge coupling constant. The spectrum of the coupler obviously shows the breaking of the rotating wave approximation, and our circuit model treating the Josephson junction as a tunable inductance reproduces the experimental results well. The ultrastrong coupler is expected to be utilized in quantum annealing circuits and/or NISQ devices with dense connections between qubits.Comment: 12pages, 7 figure