354 research outputs found
Novel intron markers to study the phylogeny of closely related mammalian species
BACKGROUND: Multilocus phylogenies can be used to infer the species tree of a group of closely related species. In species trees, the nodes represent the actual separation between species, thus providing essential information about their evolutionary history. In addition, multilocus phylogenies can help in analyses of species delimitation, gene flow and genetic differentiation within species. However, few adequate markers are available for such studies. RESULTS: In order to develop nuclear markers that can be useful in multilocus studies of mammals, we analyzed the mammalian genomes of human, chimpanzee, macaque, dog and cow. Rodents were excluded due to their unusual genomic features. Introns were extracted from the mammalian genomes because of their greater genetic variability and ease of amplification from the flanking exons. To an initial set of more than 10,000 one-to-one orthologous introns we applied several filters to select introns that belong to single-copy genes, show neutral evolutionary rates and have an adequate length for their amplification. This analysis led to a final list of 224 intron markers randomly distributed along the genome. To experimentally test their validity, we amplified twelve of these introns in a panel of six mammalian species. The result was that seven of these introns gave rise to a PCR band of the expected size in all species. In addition, we sequenced these bands and analyzed the accumulation of substitutions in these introns in five pairs of closely related species. The results showed that the estimated genetic distances in the five species pairs was quite variable among introns and that this divergence cannot be directly predicted from the overall intron divergence in mammals. CONCLUSIONS: We have designed a new set of 224 nuclear introns with optimal features for the phylogeny of closely related mammalian species. A large proportion of the introns tested experimentally showed a perfect amplification and enough variability in most species, indicating that this marker set can be very helpful in multilocus phylogenetics of mammals. Due to the lower variability and stronger stochasticity of nuclear markers with respect to mitochondrial genes, studies should be designed to make use of several markers like the ones designed here
Primera cita de Myotis daubentonii (Kuhl, 1817), per a les Illes Balears
Abstract not availabl
Mitochondrial DNA signatures at different spatial scales: from the effects of the Straits of Gibraltar to population structure in the meridional serotine bat (Eptesicus isabellinus)
The meridional serotine bat Eptesicus isabellinus is found in North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula. We analyzed the genetic structure of E. isabellinus at two different geographic scales to reveal the historical and ecological patterns that have shaped its populations. The role of the Straits of Gibraltar as an isolating barrier between African and Iberian populations is evaluated and the degree of genetic structure and female-mediated gene flow was assessed at a local scale between neighboring colonies. Populations of E. isabellinus from Iberia and northern Morocco show little genetic divergence and share mtDNA haplotypes, indicating that the Straits of Gibraltar are neither
an impediment to dispersal nor a cause of genetic differentiation. Our results also suggest that E. isabellinus may have dispersed from western Andalusia into northern Morocco after the last glacial period. At a smaller geographic scale, the colonies studied showed high variation in genetic variability and structure, indicating that no female-mediated gene flow is present. This pattern is consistent with a described pattern of independent endemic viral circulation of the bat rabies virus EBLV-1, which was found when studying rabies dynamics in the same serotine bat coloniesPeer reviewe
Unravelling the evolutionary history and future prospects of endemic species restricted to former glacial refugia
The contemporary distribution and genetic composition of biodiversity bear a signature of species’ evolutionary histories and the effects of past climatic oscillations. For many European species, the Mediterranean peninsulas of Iberia, Italy and the Balkans acted as glacial refugia and the source of range recolonization, and as a result, they contain disproportionately high levels of diversity. As these areas are particularly threatened by future climate change, it is important to understand how past climatic changes affected their biodiversity. We use an integrated approach, combining markers with different evolutionary rates and combining phylogenetic analysis with approximate Bayesian computation and species distribution modelling across temporal scales. We relate phylogeographic processes to patterns of genetic variation in Myotis escalerai, a bat species endemic to the Iberian Peninsula. We found a distinct population structure at the mitochondrial level with a strong geographic signature, indicating lineage divergence into separate glacial refugia within the Iberian refugium. However, microsatellite markers suggest higher levels of gene flow resulting in more limited structure at recent time frames. The evolutionary history of M. escalerai was shaped by the effects of climatic oscillations and changes in forest cover and composition, while its future is threatened by climatically induced range contractions and the role of ecological barriers due to competition interactions in restricting its distribution. This study warns that Mediterranean peninsulas, which provided refuge for European biodiversity during past glaciation events, may become a trap for limited dispersal and ecologically limited endemic species under future climate change, resulting in loss of entire lineages
Guidelines for improving motorcycle helmet testing standards / Directrices para mejorar las normas de ensayo de los cascos de motocicleta
Investigaciones sobre accidentes reales de motocicletas han demostrado que lesiones graves en la cabeza, como las fracturas en la base del cráneo y las lesiones intracraneales, son todavía comunes entre los motociclistas a pesar de todos los avances en el diseño y fabricación de cascos. Curiosamente, este tipo de lesiones parecen estar correlacionadas con las deficiencias y discrepancias existentes entre las actuales normas de ensayo de cascos de motocicleta. Por lo tanto, el objetivo principal de esta tesis es investigar cómo se pueden mejorar las actuales normas de ensayo de cascos de motocicleta para reducir las fracturas en la base del cráneo y las lesiones intracraneales entre los motociclistas. Aunque es bien conocido que las lesiones intracraneales son causadas principalmente por un movimiento rotacional de la cabeza, las actuales normas de ensayo de cascos se centran más en el movimiento traslacional que en el movimiento rotacional de la cabeza. Las cabezas de ensayo utilizadas actualmente en las normativas de ensayo de cascos no fueron inicialmente diseñadas para la evaluación del movimiento rotacional. Se compararon las propiedades de masa e inercia de las cabezas de ensayo EN960 con una base de datos de propiedades físicas de la cabeza humana creada a partir de una revisión de una selección de estudios realizados con cadáveres humanos. La mayoría de los valores de las cabezas de ensayo estaban dentro del intervalo de predicción del 95% para la mayoría de las propiedades físicas de la cabeza humana, pero se observaron algunas diferencias con respecto a los modelos de regresión calculados. Por lo tanto, un nuevo conjunto de cabezas de ensayo con propiedades de masa e inercia más similares a las calculadas con los modelos de regresión sería beneficioso para mejorar las actuales normas de ensayo de cascos. Todas las normas de ensayo de cascos de motocicleta incluyen pruebas de impacto normal, en las que el vector de velocidad de impacto es normal a la superficie de impacto, para evaluar la protección proporcionada por el casco. Sin embargo, los métodos de impacto normal no miden o no permiten la rotación de la cabeza de ensayo. Se expusieron veinte modelos de cascos integrales y la cabeza de ensayo sin casco a pruebas de impacto normal para estudiar la idoneidad de las pruebas de impacto normal para evaluar el riesgo de lesiones intracraneales. Se demostró que el movimiento angular de la cabeza de ensayo equipada con casco disminuye a medida que la aceleración lineal disminuye durante las pruebas de impacto normal, pero el movimiento angular en este tipo de impactos también depende del diseño geométrico del casco. Este resultado sugiere que el movimiento angular de la cabeza de ensayo debe evaluarse en pruebas de impacto normal en combinación con la evaluación en impactos oblicuos, para evaluar el diseño geométrico del casco en una amplia gama de posibles escenarios de impacto en los que se podrían generar lesiones intracraneales. A pesar de que algunas normas de ensayo de cascos incluyen pruebas de impacto oblicuo para evaluar el movimiento de rotación de la cabeza, requieren diferentes coeficientes de fricción entre el interior del casco y la cabeza de ensayo, lo que se ha demostrado que es un factor crítico para la respuesta angular de la cabeza de ensayo en impactos oblicuos. Dieciocho muestras del mismo modelo de casco fueron probadas con la misma magnitud de la componente normal de la velocidad de impacto, pero con tres magnitudes diferentes de la componente tangencial de la velocidad de impacto y usando dos coeficientes de fricción diferentes entre el interior del casco y la cabeza de ensayo. Se concluyó que el coeficiente de fricción entre la cabeza de ensayo y la superficie interior del casco debe ser lo suficientemente alto como para garantizar el movimiento conjunto de la cabeza de ensayo y el casco, especialmente si la velocidad tangencial incluida en las normas de ensayo de cascos es menor que las encontradas en situaciones reales.La carga axial en la zona superior del cuello fue propuesta como criterio de lesión para las fracturas de la base del cráneo y los accidentes reales de motocicleta han demostrado que las fracturas de la base del cráneo están altamente relacionadas con los impactos en la zona de la mentonera. Sin embargo, los métodos actuales de ensayo de la mentonera incluidos en las normas de prueba de cascos, no incluyen el cuello para medir la fuerza axial del cuello. Se utilizó una metodología combinada que utiliza la cinemática medida con una cabeza de ensayo aislada durante un ensayo físico como entrada para un modelo de elementos finitos de cuerpo completo para estudiar si es posible predecir la carga de tracción del cuello que el modelo del Hibrido III de cuerpo completo experimentaría en un impacto similar al de la prueba de la mentonera de la norma ECE 22.06 utilizando solo métricas basadas en la cinemática del ensayo de la mentonera descrito en la norma. Los resultados mostraron que una simple prueba de impacto en la mentonera utilizando las cabezas de ensayo EN960, como la que se incluye en algunas normas de ensayo de cascos, podría considerar el riesgo de fractura de la base del cráneo mediante una combinación del pico de aceleración lineal en el eje Z y la velocidad lineal resultante al final del impacto.El ensayo de penetración es uno de los ensayos más controvertidos entre las normas de ensayo de cascos y actualmente no es requerido por algunos programas de ensayo, mientras que otros continúan exigiendo esta prueba. Basado en los resultados del ensayo de penetración de veinte modelos de casco, cuatro cascos fueron clasificados como cascos de calota dura, mientras que seis de ellos fueron clasificados como cascos de calota blanda. Solo estos diez modelos de cascos fueron sometidos a pruebas de impacto a dos velocidades diferentes para estudiar el efecto de incluir el ensayo de penetración en el comportamiento global de los cascos frente a impactos. Se concluyó que la prueba de penetración podría influir positivamente en el diseño del casco al proporcionar protección contra lesiones en la cabeza inducidas principalmente por la cinemática lineal, mientras que podría influir negativamente en el diseño del casco al proporcionar protección contra lesiones en la cabeza inducidas principalmente por la cinemática de rotación.<br /
Plasticity in the Echolocation Inventory of Mormopterus minutus (Chiroptera, Molossidae)
We recorded the echolocation behavior of the molossid bat Mormopterus minutus, a species that uses a plastic call inventory. During its foraging activity, M. minutus searches for insects emitting rather long and narrow-band echolocation calls. Search call design however, can vary noticeably even in a continuous foraging pass. While echolocating in different flying conditions M. minutus uses several other call designs such as short CF, QCF, FM/QCF, FM and multi-harmonic FM, with or without harmonic overlap, and QCF/FM. Call plasticity characterizes most echolocation sequences, particularly in bats flying in open spaces. Call variation was also influenced by the presence of conspecifics. In those sequences containing echolocation calls from more than one bat, signals from different individuals were reliably identified. In contrast to other small molossids, the call designs in the echolocation inventory of M. minutus show a high level of plasticity. Our results suggest that M. minutus has combined the advantages of emitting several call designs, as shown by molossids, with the advantages of manipulating one signal design as shown by vespertilionids within the same sonar inventory.Peer reviewe
Patología cardiaca en el síndrome Cornelia de Lange
El síndrome Cornelia de Lange es un trastorno congénito del desarrollo con una incidencia que oscila entre 1:10.000 a 1:30.000 nacidos vivos. De herencia autosómica dominante o ligada al cromosoma X, es esporádico en la mayoría de los casos. En la actualidad se conocen cinco genes causales del síndrome que codifican proteínas del complejo de cohesinas: NIPBL, SMC1A, SMC3, HDAC8 y RAD21. La clínica se caracteriza por: aspecto craneofacial distintivo, discapacidad intelectual, retraso de crecimiento y del desarrollo, malformaciones de las extremidades superiores, hirsutismo generalizado y afectación multisistémica. Aunque estos pacientes presentan una alta incidencia de malformaciones cardíacas no se considera esta patología como un criterio diagnóstico principal. En este trabajo se estudia por primera vez una población española de 148 pacientes con SCdL de los que 51 presentan patología cardíaca (34.46%). Las malformaciones congénitas más frecuentes son la estenosis pulmonar y los defectos septales, con una incidencia del 27.05% y 47.05% respectivamente. Estas cifras coinciden, con pequeñas diferencias, con los estudios de Selicorni en población italiana y Chatfield en población americana. Sin embargo, se observa por primera vez que el gen que más se asocia con cardiopatía congénita no es el NIPBL sino el HDAC8, aunque la baja casuística recogida recomienda aumentar el tamaño de la muestra. Además, a pesar de ser considerados como defectos menores, el foramen oval permeable y/o el ductus arterioso persistente cerrado espontáneamente, son alteraciones cardíacas muy prevalentes en estos pacientes
Current Knowledge and Conservation of the Wild Mammals of the Gulf of Guinea Oceanic Islands
Oceanic islands are usually difficult for mammals to colonize; consequently, the native mammal fauna is typically species-poor, often consisting of just a few species of bats. The oceanic islands of the Gulf of Guinea are no exception to this pattern. Still, the known mammal richness is relatively high for the small size of the islands. Out of a total of 13 native species, including 11 bats and 2 shrews, at least 7 species and 3 subspecies are single-island endemics. In addition to native species, at least 6 other wild mammals have been introduced to the islands purposely or accidentally by humans. Some of these are among the world’s most notorious invasive species and cause damage to native species, ecosystems, and humans. Predation by exotic species can threaten native island mammals, which are especially sensitive due to their small populations and limited ranges. These impacts are likely worsened by other threats, such as forest degradation and climate change, and a general lack of knowledge about the natural history of most species also hampers the implementation of conservation measures. Therefore, fostering further research on the endemic-rich mammal fauna of these islands is vital to ensure their persistence.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
the role of adenosine monophosphate
Funding Information: The authors acknowledge financial support from the European Innovation Council (Horizon 2020 Project: 965018—BIOCELLPHE), the MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (grant PID2019-108954RB-I00), the FSE (“El FSE invierte en tu futuro”), the Xunta de Galicia/FEDER (grant GRC ED431C 2020/09), the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia and Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior, FCT-MCTES (grants UIDB/50006/2020, UIDP/50006/2020 and Met4cat, EXPL/QUI-COL/0263/2021). J. F.-L. thanks FCT-UNL for the research contract through the Program DL 57/2016−Norma Transitória. S. N. thanks the FCT-MCTES Portugal for her doctoral grant associated with the Chemistry PhD program (SFRH/BD/144618/2019). C. F.-L. acknowledges Xunta de Galicia for a predoctoral scholarship (Programa de axudas á etapa predoutoral). C. L., A. F. L., S. N and J. F. L thank the financial support of the PROTEOMASS Scientific Society (Portugal) (General Funding Grants 2022-2023) and the Associate Laboratory Research Unit for Green Chemistry-Clean Processes and Technologies - LAQV/REQUIMTE. This work was carried out in part through the use of the INL Advanced Electron Microscopy, Imaging and Spectroscopy Facility and Microscopy Facility at CACTI (Universidade de Vigo). The authors thank Dr. Jamila Djafari for her assistance with the graphical abstract. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The Royal Society of Chemistry.The seed-mediated growth of gold nanostructures is known to be strongly dependent not only on the gold seed nanocrystal structure but also on the presence of different additives that may influence the morphology, and therefore the crystalline structure of the final nanoparticle. Among the different additives or capping ligands, biomolecules are an interesting family due to their potential biomedical applications such as drug delivery, bioimaging, biosensing, phototherapy, and antimicrobial activities. Here, we develop a seed-mediated strategy for synthesizing uniform Au nanostars with tuneable optical properties which involves adenosine monophosphate (AMP) as a capping ligand. The experimental data reveal the key role of AMP not just providing colloidal stability and directing the reduction of the gold precursor via complexation but also mediating the anisotropic growth of the Au seeds via its selective adsorption on the different crystalline facets of Au nanoparticles. These observations agree with theoretical simulations carried out using molecular dynamics and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Interestingly, the obtained Au nanostars showed high thermal stability as well as colloidal stability in polar organic solvents, which allowed their direct silica coating via the Stöber method. Importantly, we also explored the mimic enzymatic activity of the resulting gold nanostars and observed a superior catalytic activity compared with other gold nanoparticles reported in the literature.publishersversionpublishe
Synthesis of tuneable gold nanostars: the role of adenosine monophosphate
The seed-mediated growth of gold nanostructures is known to be strongly dependent not only on the gold seed nanocrystal structure but also on the presence of different additives that may influence the morphology, and therefore the crystalline structure of the final nanoparticle. Among the different additives or capping ligands, biomolecules are an interesting family due to their potential biomedical applications such as drug delivery, bioimaging, biosensing, phototherapy, and antimicrobial activities. Here, we develop a seed-mediated strategy for synthesizing uniform Au nanostars with tuneable optical properties which involves adenosine monophosphate (AMP) as a capping ligand. The experimental data reveal the key role of AMP not just providing colloidal stability and directing the reduction of the gold precursor via complexation but also mediating the anisotropic growth of the Au seeds via its selective adsorption on the different crystalline facets of Au nanoparticles. These observations agree with theoretical simulations carried out using molecular dynamics and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Interestingly, the obtained Au nanostars showed high thermal stability as well as colloidal stability in polar organic solvents, which allowed their direct silica coating via the Stöber method. Importantly, we also explored the mimic enzymatic activity of the resulting gold nanostars and observed a superior catalytic activity compared with other gold nanoparticles reported in the literature.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2019-108954RB-I00Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2020/09Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. UIDB/50006/2020Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. UIDP/50006/2020Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. EXPL/QUI-COL/0263/2021Universidade de Vigo/CISU
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