133 research outputs found

    Enhanced direct oxidation of diclofenac (DCF) at a carbon paste electrode (CPE) modified with cellulose and its biodegradability by Scedosporium dehoogii

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    A novel carbon paste electrode modified with cellulose fibers and dedicated to diclofenac electroanalysis was prepared, optimized, and used for the determination of the kinetic parameters of DCF biodegradation by a filamentous fungus. The electrochemical response of the modified CPE was compared to that of the unmodified. This study conducted by cyclic voltammetry and linear sweep voltammetry allowed the optimization of the cellulose fibers modified CPE in terms of absence/presence of cellulose fibers, accumulation time (250 s), and initial potential (- 0.4 V/Ag/AgCl). Interestingly, in these conditions, the limit of detection observed through linear sweet voltammetry was found to be as low as 0.020 µmol L-1. This electrode was then used to follow the degradation of DCF. Our results demonstrated that among species belonging to the Scedosporium genus, S. dehoogii displayed the best assets in our process in terms of growth temperature and ability to metabolize DCF. More precisely, DCF biodegradation using S. dehoogii in the process revealed a kinetic of order of 1, a kinetic constant k of 0.012 day-1 and a half time of 57.8 days for an initial concentration of DCF of 1.65 ± 0.05 mg L-1 and at a temperature of 25°C. This study constitutes a solid proof of concept for future developments of fungal wastewater treatments for bioremediation of DCF which is refractory to standard bacterial-based bioprocesses

    Pair Selection Optimization for InSAR Time Series Processing

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    peer reviewedThe ever-increasing amount of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data motivates the development of automatic processing chains to fully exploit the opportunities offered by these large databases. The Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) Mass processing Toolbox for Multidimensional time series is an optimized tool to automatically download SAR data, select the interferometric pairs, perform the interferometric mass processing, compute the geocoded deformation maps, invert and display the velocity maps and the 2D time series on a web page updated incrementally as soon as a new image is available. New challenges relate to data management and processing load. We address them through methodological improvements dedicated to optimizing the InSAR pair selection. The proposed algorithm narrows the classical selection based on the shortest temporal and spatial baselines thanks to a coherence proxy and balances the use of each image as Primary and Secondary images thanks to graph theory methods. We apply the processing to three volcanic areas characterized with different climate, vegetation, and deformation characteristics: the Virunga Volcanic Province (DR Congo), the Reunion Island (France), and the Domuyo and Laguna del Maule area (Chile-Argentina border). Compared to pair selection based solely on baseline criteria, this new tool produces similar velocity maps while reducing the total number of computed differential InSAR interferograms by up to 75%, which drastically reduces the computation time. The optimization also allows to reduce the influence of DEM errors and atmospheric phase screen, which increase the signal-to-noise ratio of the inverted displacement time series

    Fzd7 (Frizzled-7) Expressed by Endothelial Cells Controls Blood Vessel Formation Through Wnt/β-Catenin Canonical Signaling.

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    Abstract OBJECTIVE: Vessel formation requires precise orchestration of a series of morphometric and molecular events controlled by a multitude of angiogenic factors and morphogens. Wnt/frizzled signaling is required for proper vascular formation. In this study, we investigated the role of the Fzd7 (frizzled-7) receptor in retinal vascular development and its relationship with the Wnt/β-catenin canonical pathway and Notch signaling. APPROACH AND RESULTS: Using transgenic mice, we demonstrated that Fzd7 is required for postnatal vascular formation. Endothelial cell (EC) deletion of fzd7 (fzd7ECKO) delayed retinal plexus formation because of an impairment in tip cell phenotype and a decrease in stalk cell proliferation. Dvl (dishevelled) proteins are a main component of Wnt signaling and play a functionally redundant role. We found that Dvl3 depletion in dvl1-/- mice mimicked the fzd7ECKO vascular phenotype and demonstrated that Fzd7 acted via β-catenin activation by showing that LiCl treatment rescued impairment in tip and stalk cell phenotypes induced in fzd7 mutants. Deletion of fzd7 or Dvl1/3 induced a strong decrease in Wnt canonical genes and Notch partners' expression. Genetic and pharmacological rescue strategies demonstrated that Fzd7 acted via β-catenin activation, upstream of Notch signaling to control Dll4 and Jagged1 EC expression. CONCLUSIONS: Fzd7 expressed by EC drives postnatal angiogenesis via activation of Dvl/β-catenin signaling and can control the integrative interaction of Wnt and Notch signaling during postnatal angiogenesis

    Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) Gene Insertion/Deletion Polymorphism and ACE Inhibitor-Related Cough: A Meta-Analysis

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    Objective: An insertion/deletion (I/D) variant in the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) gene was associated with ACE inhibitor (ACEI)-related cough in previous studies. However, the results were inconsistent. Our objective was to assess the relationship between the ACE I/D polymorphism and ACEI-related cough by meta-analysis and to summarize all studies that are related to ACE I/D polymorphism and ACEI-cough and make a summary conclusion to provide reference for the researchers who attempt to conduct such a study. Methods: Databases including PubMed, EMbase, Cochrane Library, and China National Knowledge Infrastructure, were searched for genetic association studies. Data were extracted by two independent authors and pooled odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence interval (CI) was calculated. Metaregression and subgroup analyses were performed to identify the source of heterogeneity. Results: Eleven trials, including 906 cases (ACEI-related cough) and 1,175 controls, were reviewed in the present meta-analysis. The random effects pooled OR was 1.16 (95% CI: 0.78-1.74, p = 0.46) in the dominant model and 1.61 (95% CI: 1.18-2.20, p = 0.003) in the recessive model. Heterogeneity was found among and within studies. Metaregression indicated that the effect size was positively associated with age and negatively associated with follow-up duration of ACEI treatment. Subgroup analysis revealed a significant association between ACE I/D polymorphism and ACEI-related cough in studies with mean age >60 y, but not in studies with mean age 2 mo or in studies in Caucasians. No heterogeneity was detected in these two subgroups. Conclusions: Synthesis of the available evidence supports ACE I/D polymorphism as an age-dependent predictor for risk of ACEI-related cough

    Gender-based violence against women in contemporary France: domestic violence and forced marriage policy since the Istanbul Convention

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    ABSTRACT: In 2014, France ratified the Council of Europe’s Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (the Istanbul Convention) and passed the Law for Equality between Women and Men to bring French law into line with it. The Law for Equality between Women and Men situates the fight against violence against women within a broader context of the need to address inequalities between women and men. This is not new at the international level, but it is new to France. When the structural, transformative understandings of violence against women found in international texts are translated into national laws, policy documents and implementation on the ground, they might challenge widespread ideas about gender relations, or they might be diluted in order to achieve consensus. To what extent has French violence against women policy moved into line with UN and Council of Europe initiatives which present violence against women as both a cause and a consequence of gendered power relations? Have internationally accepted concepts of gender and gender-based violence been incorporated into French policy debates and, if so, how? What implications, if any, does all this have for the continued struggle in France and elsewhere to eliminate violence a gainst women? RÉSUMÉ: En 2014, la France a ratifié la Convention du Conseil de l’Europe sur la prévention et la lutte contre la violence à l’égard des femmes et la violence domestique (dite Convention d’Istanbul) et a adopté dans la foulée la loi pour l’égalité réelle entre les femmes et les hommes afin de mettre en conformité la législation française. Cette loi place la lutte contre la violence à l’égard des femmes dans un contexte de lutte contre les inégalités de genre. Si cela est loin d’être une nouveauté à l’échelle internationale, cela l’est en France. Lorsque les conceptions structurelles et transformatrices de la violence à l’égard des femmes présentes dans les textes internationaux sont traduites à l’échelle nationale en lois, documents d’orientation et mesures de mise en œuvre sur le terrain, elles peuvent alors remettre en question des idées largement répandues sur les rapports de genre, ou au contraire être édulcorées afin d’aboutir à un consensus. Dans quelle mesure la politique de la France relative à la violence à l’égard des femmes s’est-elle alignée sur les initiatives de l’ONU et du Conseil de l’Europe qui présentent ce type de violence comme étant à la fois une cause et une conséquence des rapports de force liés au genre? Le genre et la violence fondée sur le genre, qui sont des concepts internationalement reconnus, ont-ils été intégrés dans les débats politiques français, et si oui, de quelle manière? Quelles en sont les implications le cas échéant sur la poursuite, en France et ailleurs, de la lutte pour éliminer la violence à l’égard des femmes

    Resolving the Role of Plant Glutamate Dehydrogenase. I. in vivo Real Time Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Experiments

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    In higher plants the glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) enzyme catalyzes the reversible amination of 2-oxoglutarate to form glutamate, using ammonium as a substrate. For a better understanding of the physiological function of GDH either in ammonium assimilation or in the supply of 2-oxoglutarate, we used transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) plants overexpressing the two genes encoding the enzyme. An in vivo real time 15N-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy approach allowed the demonstration that, when the two GDH genes were overexpressed individually or simultaneously, the transgenic plant leaves did not synthesize glutamate in the presence of ammonium when glutamine synthetase (GS) was inhibited. In contrast we confirmed that the primary function of GDH is to deaminate Glu. When the two GDH unlabeled substrates ammonium and Glu were provided simultaneously with either [15N]Glu or 15NH4+ respectively, we found that the ammonium released from the deamination of Glu was reassimilated by the enzyme GS, suggesting the occurrence of a futile cycle recycling both ammonium and Glu. Taken together, these results strongly suggest that the GDH enzyme, in conjunction with NADH-GOGAT, contributes to the control of leaf Glu homeostasis, an amino acid that plays a central signaling and metabolic role at the interface of the carbon and nitrogen assimilatory pathways. Thus, in vivo NMR spectroscopy appears to be an attractive technique to follow the flux of metabolites in both normal and genetically modified plants

    Human physiologically based pharmacokinetic model for ACE inhibitors: ramipril and ramiprilat

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    BACKGROUND: The angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors have complicated and poorly characterized pharmacokinetics. There are two binding sites per ACE (high affinity "C", lower affinity "N") that have sub-nanomolar affinities and dissociation rates of hours. Most inhibitors are given orally in a prodrug form that is systemically converted to the active form. This paper describes the first human physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model of this drug class. METHODS: The model was applied to the experimental data of van Griensven et. al for the pharmacokinetics of ramiprilat and its prodrug ramipril. It describes the time course of the inhibition of the N and C ACE sites in plasma and the different tissues. The model includes: 1) two independent ACE binding sites; 2) non-equilibrium time dependent binding; 3) liver and kidney ramipril intracellular uptake, conversion to ramiprilat and extrusion from the cell; 4) intestinal ramipril absorption. The experimental in vitro ramiprilat/ACE binding kinetics at 4°C and 300 mM NaCl were assumed for most of the PBPK calculations. The model was incorporated into the freely distributed PBPK program PKQuest. RESULTS: The PBPK model provides an accurate description of the individual variation of the plasma ramipril and ramiprilat and the ramiprilat renal clearance following IV ramiprilat and IV and oral ramipril. Summary of model features: Less than 2% of total body ACE is in plasma; 35% of the oral dose is absorbed; 75% of the ramipril metabolism is hepatic and 25% of this is converted to systemic ramiprilat; 100% of renal ramipril metabolism is converted to systemic ramiprilat. The inhibition was long lasting, with 80% of the C site and 33% of the N site inhibited 24 hours following a 2.5 mg oral ramipril dose. The plasma ACE inhibition determined by the standard assay is significantly less than the true in vivo inhibition because of assay dilution. CONCLUSION: If the in vitro plasma binding kinetics of the ACE inhibitor for the two binding sites are known, a unique PBPK model description of the Griensven et. al. experimental data can be obtained

    Computational and Statistical Analyses of Amino Acid Usage and Physico-Chemical Properties of the Twelve Late Embryogenesis Abundant Protein Classes

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    Late Embryogenesis Abundant Proteins (LEAPs) are ubiquitous proteins expected to play major roles in desiccation tolerance. Little is known about their structure - function relationships because of the scarcity of 3-D structures for LEAPs. The previous building of LEAPdb, a database dedicated to LEAPs from plants and other organisms, led to the classification of 710 LEAPs into 12 non-overlapping classes with distinct properties. Using this resource, numerous physico-chemical properties of LEAPs and amino acid usage by LEAPs have been computed and statistically analyzed, revealing distinctive features for each class. This unprecedented analysis allowed a rigorous characterization of the 12 LEAP classes, which differed also in multiple structural and physico-chemical features. Although most LEAPs can be predicted as intrinsically disordered proteins, the analysis indicates that LEAP class 7 (PF03168) and probably LEAP class 11 (PF04927) are natively folded proteins. This study thus provides a detailed description of the structural properties of this protein family opening the path toward further LEAP structure - function analysis. Finally, since each LEAP class can be clearly characterized by a unique set of physico-chemical properties, this will allow development of software to predict proteins as LEAPs

    Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy on Human Blood

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    Dielectric spectra of human blood reveal a rich variety of dynamic processes. Achieving a better characterization and understanding of these processes not only is of academic interest but also of high relevance for medical applications as, e.g., the determination of absorption rates of electromagnetic radiation by the human body. The dielectric properties of human blood are studied using broadband dielectric spectroscopy, systematically investigating the dependence on temperature and hematocrit value. By covering a frequency range from 1 Hz to 40 GHz, information on all the typical dispersion regions of biological matter is obtained. We find no evidence for a low-frequency relaxation (alpha-relaxation) caused, e.g., by counterion diffusion effects as reported for some types of biological matter. The analysis of a strong Maxwell-Wagner relaxation arising from the polarization of the cell membranes in the 1-100 MHz region (beta-relaxation) allows for the test of model predictions and the determination of various intrinsic cell properties. In the microwave region beyond 1 GHz, the reorientational motion of water molecules in the blood plasma leads to another relaxation feature (gamma-relaxation). Between beta- and gamma-relaxation, significant dispersion is observed, which, however, can be explained by a superposition of these relaxation processes and is not due to an additional delta-relaxation often found in biological matter. Our measurements provide dielectric data on human blood of so far unsurpassed precision for a broad parameter range. All data are provided in electronic form to serve as basis for the calculation of the absorption rate of electromagnetic radiation and other medical purposes. Moreover, by investigating an exceptionally broad frequency range, valuable new information on the dynamic processes in blood is obtained.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure