57 research outputs found

    Distinct Oscillatory Frequencies Underlie Excitability of Human Occipital and Parietal Cortex.

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    Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of human occipital and posterior parietal cortex can give rise to visual sensations called phosphenes. We used near-threshold TMS with concurrent EEG recordings to measure how oscillatory brain dynamics covary, on single trials, with the perception of phosphenes after occipital and parietal TMS. Prestimulus power and phase, predominantly in the alpha band (8-13 Hz), predicted occipital TMS phosphenes, whereas higher-frequency beta-band (13-20 Hz) power (but not phase) predicted parietal TMS phosphenes. TMS-evoked responses related to phosphene perception were similar across stimulation sites and were characterized by an early (200 ms) posterior negativity and a later (>300 ms) parietal positivity in the time domain and an increase in low-frequency ( approximately 5-7 Hz) power followed by a broadband decrease in alpha/beta power in the time-frequency domain. These correlates of phosphene perception closely resemble known electrophysiological correlates of conscious perception of near-threshold visual stimuli. The regionally differential pattern of prestimulus predictors of phosphene perception suggests that distinct frequencies may reflect cortical excitability in occipital versus posterior parietal cortex, calling into question the broader assumption that the alpha rhythm may serve as a general index of cortical excitability.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Alpha-band oscillations are thought to reflect cortical excitability and are therefore ascribed an important role in gating information transmission across cortex. We probed cortical excitability directly in human occipital and parietal cortex and observed that, whereas alpha-band dynamics indeed reflect excitability of occipital areas, beta-band activity was most predictive of parietal cortex excitability. Differences in the state of cortical excitability predicted perceptual outcomes (phosphenes), which were manifest in both early and late patterns of evoked activity, revealing the time course of phosphene perception. Our findings prompt revision of the notion that alpha activity reflects excitability across all of cortex and suggest instead that excitability in different regions is reflected in distinct frequency bands

    Role of surgical hyoid bone repositioning in modifying upper airway collapsibility

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    Background: Surgical hyoid bone repositioning procedures are being performed to treat obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), though outcomes are highly variable. This is likely due to lack of knowledge regarding the precise influence of hyoid bone position on upper airway patency. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of surgical hyoid bone repositioning on upper airway collapsibility.Methods: Seven anaesthetized, male, New Zealand White rabbits were positioned supine with head/neck position controlled. The rabbit’s upper airway was surgically isolated and hyoid bone exposed to allow manipulation of its position using a custom-made device. A sealed facemask was fitted over the rabbit’s snout, and mask/upper airway pressures were monitored. Collapsibility was quantified using upper airway closing pressure (Pclose). The hyoid bone was repositioned within the mid-sagittal plane from 0 to 5 mm (1 mm increments) in anterior, cranial, caudal, anterior-cranial (45°) and anterior-caudal (45°) directions.Results: Anterior displacement of the hyoid bone resulted in the greatest decrease in Pclose amongst all directions (p = 0.002). Pclose decreased progressively with each increment of anterior hyoid bone displacement, and down by −4.0 ± 1.3 cmH2O at 5 mm. Cranial and caudal hyoid bone displacement did not alter Pclose (p > 0.35). Anterior-cranial and anterior-caudal hyoid bone displacements decreased Pclose significantly (p < 0.004) and at similar magnitudes to the anterior direction (p > 0.68).Conclusion: Changes in upper airway collapsibility following hyoid bone repositioning are both direction and magnitude dependent. Anterior-based repositioning directions have the greatest impact on reducing upper airway collapsibility, with no effect on collapsibility by cranial and caudal directions. Findings may have implications for guiding and improving the outcomes of surgical hyoid interventions for the treatment of OSA

    An efficient and high-throughput approach for experimental validation of novel human gene predictions

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    AbstractA highly automated RT-PCR-based approach has been established to validate novel human gene predictions with no prior experimental evidence of mRNA splicing (ab initio predictions). Ab initio gene predictions were selected for high-throughput validation using predicted protein classification, sequence similarity to other genomes, colocalization with an MPSS tag, or microarray expression. Initial microarray prioritization followed by RT-PCR validation was the most efficient combination, resulting in approximately 35% of the ab initio predictions being validated by RT-PCR. Of the 7252 novel genes that were prioritized and processed, 796 constituted real transcripts. In addition, high-throughput RACE successfully extended the 5′ and/or 3′ ends of >60% of RT-PCR-validated genes. Reevaluation of these transcripts produced 574 novel transcripts using RefSeq as a reference. RT-PCR sequencing in combination with RACE on ab initio gene predictions could be used to define the transcriptome across all species

    Asynchronous coupling of hybrid models for efficient simulation of multiscale systems

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    We present a new coupling approach for the time advancement of multi-physics models of multiscale systems. This extends the method of E et al. (2009) [5] to deal with an arbitrary number of models. Coupling is performed asynchronously, with each model being assigned its own timestep size. This enables accurate long timescale predictions to be made at the computational cost of the short timescale simulation. We propose a method for selecting appropriate timestep sizes based on the degree of scale separation that exists between models. A number of example applications are used for testing and benchmarking, including a comparison with experimental data of a thermally driven rarefied gas flow in a micro capillary. The multiscale simulation results are in very close agreement with the experimental data, but are produced almost 50,000 times faster than from a conventionally-coupled simulation

    Prevailing theories of consciousness are challenged by novel cross-modal associations acquired between subliminal stimuli

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    While theories of consciousness differ substantially, the ‘conscious access hypothesis’, which aligns consciousness with the global accessibility of information across cortical regions, is present in many of the prevailing frameworks. This account holds that consciousness is necessary to integrate information arising from independent functions such as the specialist processing required by different senses. We directly tested this account by evaluating the potential for associative learning between novel pairs of subliminal stimuli presented in different sensory modalities. First, pairs of subliminal stimuli were presented and then their association assessed by examining the ability of the first stimulus to prime classification of the second. In Experiments 1-4 the stimuli were word-pairs consisting of a male name preceding either a creative or uncreative profession. Participants were subliminally exposed to two name-profession pairs where one name was paired with a creative profession and the other an uncreative profession. A supraliminal task followed requiring the timed classification of one of those two professions. The target profession was preceded by either the name with which it had been subliminally paired (concordant) or the alternate name (discordant). Experiment 1 presented stimuli auditorily, Experiment 2 visually, and Experiment 3 presented names auditorily and professions visually. All three experiments revealed the same inverse priming effect with concordant test pairs associated with significantly slower classification judgements. Experiment 4 sought to establish if learning would be more efficient with supraliminal stimuli and found evidence that a different strategy is adopted when stimuli are consciously perceived. Finally, Experiment 5 replicated the unconscious cross-modal association achieved in Experiment 3 utilising non-linguistic stimuli. The results demonstrate the acquisition of novel cross-modal associations between stimuli which are not consciously perceived and thus challenge the global access hypothesis and those theories embracing it

    The Confidence Database

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    Understanding how people rate their confidence is critical for the characterization of a wide range of perceptual, memory, motor and cognitive processes. To enable the continued exploration of these processes, we created a large database of confidence studies spanning a broad set of paradigms, participant populations and fields of study. The data from each study are structured in a common, easy-to-use format that can be easily imported and analysed using multiple software packages. Each dataset is accompanied by an explanation regarding the nature of the collected data. At the time of publication, the Confidence Database (which is available at https://osf.io/s46pr/) contained 145 datasets with data from more than 8,700 participants and almost 4 million trials. The database will remain open for new submissions indefinitely and is expected to continue to grow. Here we show the usefulness of this large collection of datasets in four different analyses that provide precise estimations of several foundational confidence-related effects

    Can the Income Tax Be Saved?: The Promise and Pitfalls of Unitary Formulary Apportionment

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    Presidential Signing Statements and Executive Power

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    A recent debate about the Bush administration\u27s use of presidential signing statements has raised questions about their function, legality, and value. We argue that presidential signing statements are legal and that they provide a useful way for the president to disclose his views about the meaning and constitutionality of legislation. In addition, basic tenets of positive political theory suggest that signing statements do not undermine the separation of powers or the legislative process and that, under certain circumstances, they can provide relevant evidence of statutory meaning. Although President Bush has raised many more constitutional challenges within his signing statements than prior presidents have, at least on their face these challenges are similar to challenges made by other recent presidents, such as President Clinton. Whether Bush\u27s views of executive power are significantly different from Clinton\u27s, and if so, whether they are inferior, remain open questions, but these issues are independent of whether signing statements are lawful
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