57 research outputs found

    Impacts of U.S. Production-Dependent Ethanol Policy on Agricultural Markets

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    U.S. agricultural commodity prices have been volatile in recent years, attributed to many factors, including renewable fuel standard (RFS) mandates. While the RFS is legislatively able to be altered, the mandate largely required the same volume of corn for ethanol in the 2012 drought year as it would have if 2012 were a normal production year. This contributed to a surge in corn prices, having significant economic ramifications throughout the agricultural industry. An important question that arose from these events was if this variability was avoidable with a RFS relaxation policy? In this work, the economic effects of a policy that relaxes ethanol mandates in cases of major corn production shortfalls is investigated to determine the market relationships between RFS policy and commodity markets. This is done in a three step process. First the historical incidence of shortfalls is addressed by developing a stationary probability distribution of total and regional production using econometric procedures. Second, the short-run economic impact of RFS relaxation alternatives is investigated using an optimization modeling framework where crop mix and livestock breeding herds are held fixed. Third, the long-run implications of RFS relaxation are investigated by incorporating a stochastic optimization framework of ag-producer decisions with recourse. When a shortfall driven relaxation policy is in place, crop mix/livestock breeding decisions are able to adjust. The results show RFS relaxation has a significant impact on reducing price spikes and livestock production impacts due to reduced feeding costs when shortfalls occur. Although an ethanol waiver benefits consumers through decreased commodity prices, the reduction in producer welfare was found to be larger, resulting in an overall negative agricultural sector welfare impact. In the long-run, the RFS relaxation mitigates price spikes during production shortfall years but also stimulates a producer response of decreasing corn acreage due to lower expected prices. This caused corn prices in non-shortfall years to increase, resulting in a negligible impact on the average long-run corn prices, while reducing commodity price variability. The model findings demonstrated that risk reduction implications could exist from a production-dependent conventional ethanol waiver, with limited long-run changes to future expected prices

    Economic benefits of the Mediterranean-style diet consumption in Canada and the United States

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    Background: The Mediterranean-style diet (MedDiet) is an established healthy-eating behavior that has consistently been shown to favorably impact cardiovascular health, thus likely improving quality of life and reducing costs associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD). Data on the economic benefits of MedDiet intakes are, however, scarce. Objective: The objective of this study was to estimate the annual healthcare and societal cost savings that would accrue to the Canadian and American public, independently, as a result of a reduction in the incidence of CVD following adherence to a MedDiet. Design: A variation in cost-of-illness analysis entailing three stages of estimations was developed to 1) identify the proportion of individuals who are likely to adopt a MedDiet in North America, 2) assess the impact of the MedDiet intake on CVD incidence reduction, and 3) impute the potential savings in costs associated with healthcare and productivity following the estimated CVD reduction. To account for the uncertainty factor, a sensitivity analysis of four scenarios, including ideal, optimistic, pessimistic, and very-pessimistic assumptions, was implemented within each of these stages. Results: Significant improvements in CVD-related costs were evident with varying MedDiet adoption and CVD reduction rates. Specifically, CAD 41.9millionto2.5billioninCanadaandUS41.9 million to 2.5 billion in Canada and US 1.0–62.8 billion in the United States were estimated to accrue as total annual savings in economic costs, given the ‘very-pessimistic’ through ‘ideal’ scenarios. Conclusions: Closer adherence to dietary behaviors that are consistent with the principles of the MedDiet is expected to contribute to a reduction in the monetary burdens of CVD in Canada, the United States, and possibly other parts of the world

    Predicting Potential Impacts of China’s Retaliatory Tariffs on the U.S. Farm Sector

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    In April 2018, China proposed import tariffs up to 25% on hundreds of U.S. products, including soybeans, cotton, sorghum, and pork. We analyze the potential impact of these tariffs on U.S. domestic prices, production, and economic welfare. U.S. exports to China could decrease as much as 83%

    Corporate Practices

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