13 research outputs found

    Dendrobium Swarz.(ラン科)の類縁に関する研究 : I. Eugenanthe Schlechter節内での交配親和性

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    1.ノビルタイプのデンドロビウム品種に.新しい遺伝子を導入する可能性を調べるため, Eugenanthe節内の22種と、D. moniliforme(セッコク), D. nobileとの交配を行なった.2.交配稔性からみて, 本節内にはD. moniliforme, D. nobileとは遠縁と思われる種が含まれていた.3.D. moniliformeは, D. nobileに比べ, 多くの種と交雑可能で, 今後の育種のために有用な種と考えられた.In order to check the possibility of introducing new genes into the modern nobile-type cultivars of Dendrobium, D. nobile Lindl. and D. moniliforme (L.) Swarz. were crossed with selected species of section Eugenanthe Schlechter. D. moniliforme showed a wider range of crossability with Eugenanthe species compared to D. nobile. Eugenanthe species were divided into two groups according to their crossability with D. moniliforme

    Graphical View of All Duplicated Segments

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    <p>The 12 chromosomes are depicted along the perimeter of a circle, not in order but slightly rearranged so as to untangle the connections between segments. Overall, we cover 65.7% of the genome.</p

    A Region on Beijing <i>indica</i> Chromosome 2, Showing Three Gene Islands Separated by Two Intergenic Repeat Clusters of High 20-mer Copy Number

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    <p>Transposable elements identified by RepeatMasker are classified based on the nomenclature of <a href="http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.0030038#st002" target="_blank">Table S2</a>. Depicted genes include both nr-KOME cDNAs and FGENESH predictions.</p

    A Sample Bioverse-Predicted Interaction Network for Defense Proteins and Their Direct Neighbors

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    <p>The symbols are colored to indicate some of the major GO categories under “molecular function.” We draw a cross over the symbol for an NH gene. Rectangles indicate proteins that are manually classified as being R-genes. They appear on genes that are not colored as defense, because some genes have multiple functions, not because of an annotation error. The white circles with green outline are unannotated genes that might also belong to this network, at a lower confidence.</p

    Distribution of Substitutions per Silent Site (Ks) for Homolog Pairs in Segmental, Tandem, and Background Duplications

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    <p>In (A), contributions from the recent segmental duplication on Chromosomes 11 and 12 are colored in red. The tandem duplication data are shown on two different scales, one to emphasize the magnitude of the zero peak (B) and another to highlight the exponential decay (C). Background duplications are shown in (D).</p

    Overlapping FGENESH Predictions in All Three Rice Assemblies

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    <p>Two predictions are shared when 50% of their coding regions can be aligned. Because of imprecision in the predictions and overlap criteria, we get slightly different numbers for each assembly, and these are encoded through multiple color-coded numbers in the Venn diagram. EST confirmation requires 100 bp of exact match. Unlike the genes, we do not bother to show a different number for each assembly, because they are very similar.</p

    Ka/Ks Distribution for Homolog Pairs

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    <p>Ka and Ks are the fraction of the available nonsynonymous and synonymous sites that are changed in the homolog pairs. Ka/Ks > 1 is an indicator of positive selection. Shown is the Ka/Ks distribution for segmental duplications (A) and for tandem duplications (B).</p

    Duplicated Segments in the Beijing <i>indica</i> Assembly

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    <p>Depicted here are the plots for Chromosomes 2 (A) and 6 (B). Each data point represents the coordinated genomic positions in a homolog pair, consisting of one nr-KOME cDNA and its one and only TBlastN homolog in rice. Shown on the <i>x</i>-axis is the position of a gene on the indicated chromosome, and shown on the <i>y</i>-axis is the position of its homolog on any of the rice chromosomes, with chromosome number encoded by the colors indicated on the legend at the right.</p