4,467 research outputs found

    The Emerging Role of Universities in Collective Impact Initiatives for Community Benefit

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    Universities are increasing their efforts to more clearly demonstrate their social value. This article illustrates how higher education administrators can incorporate collective impact partnerships in their community benefit strategies. The article explores two of the more familiar paradigms for community benefit—community engagement and anchor institution. Collective impact principles and practices are then presented. Finally, a case study provides a tangible example of how one university’s role in a collective impact initiative transitioned in response to the community. We end the article with ten takeaways and an invitation for higher education administrators to identify their own learning and action steps that can help shift focus from proving to improving their institution’s value to the community

    Observation of excited state charge transfer with fs/ps-CARS

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    Excited state charge transfer processes are studied using the fs/ps-CARS probe technique. This probe allows for multiplexed detection of Raman active vibrational modes. Systems studied include Michler\u27s Ketone, Coumarin 120, 4-dimethylamino-4\u27-nitrostilbene, and several others. The vibrational spectrum of the para di-substituted benzophenone Michler\u27s Ketone in the first excited singlet state is studied for the first time. It is found that there are several vibrational modes indicative of structural changes of the excited molecule. A combined experimental and theoretical approach is used to study the simplest 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin, Coumarin 120. Vibrations observed in FTIR and spontaneous Raman spectra are assigned using density functional calculations and a continuum solvation model is used to predict how observed modes are affected upon inclusion of a solvent. The low frequency modes of the excited state charge transfer species 4-dimethylamino-4\u27-nitrostilbene are studied in acetonitrile. Results are compared to previous work on this molecule in the fingerprint region. Finally, several partially completed projects and their implications are discussed. These include the two photon absorption of Coumarin 120, nanoconfinement in cyclodextrin cavities and sensitization of titania nanoparticles

    Mapping olive varieties and within-field spatial variability using high resolution QuickBird imagery

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    [Abstract]: The growth of the Australian olive (Olea europaea L.) industry requires support from research to ensure its profitability and sustainability. To contribute to this goal, our project tested the ability of remote sensing imagery to map olive groves and their attributes. Specifically, this study aimed to: (a) discriminate olives varieties; and to (b) detect and interpret within-field spatial variability. Using high spatial resolution (2.8m) QuickBird multispectral imagery acquired over Yallamundi (southeast Queensland) on 24 December 2003, both visual interpretation and statistical (divergence) measures were employed to discriminate olive varieties. Similarly, the detection and interpretation of within-field spatial variability was conducted on enhanced false colour composite imagery, and confirmed by the use of statistical methods. Results showed that the two olive varieties (i.e. Kalamata and Frantoio) can be visually differentiated and mapped on the enhanced image based on texture. The spectral signature plots showed little difference in the mean spectral reflectance values, indicating that the two varieties have a very low spectral separability. In terms of within-field spatial variability, the presence or absence of Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) was detected using visual interpretation, corroborated by the results of quantitative statistical measures. Spatial variability in soil properties, caused by the presence of a patch of sandy soil, was also detected visually. Finally, the “imprint” of former cover-type or land-use prior to olive plantation establishment in 1998 was identified. More work is being done to develop image classification techniques for mapping within-field spatial variability in olive varieties, biomass and condition using hyperspectral image data, as well as interpreting the cause of observed variability

    Reciprocal intronic and exonic histone modification regions in humans.

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    While much attention has been focused on chromatin at promoters and exons, human genes are mostly composed of intronic sequences. Analyzing published surveys of nucleosomes and 41 chromatin marks in humans, we identified histone modifications specifically associated with 5' intronic sequences, distinguishable from promoter marks and bulk nucleosomes. These intronic marks were spatially reciprocal to trimethylated histone H3 Lys36 (H3K36me3), typically transitioning near internal exons. Several marks transitioned near bona fide exons, but not near nucleosomes at exon-like sequences. Therefore, we examined whether splicing affects histone marking. Even with considerable changes in regulated alternative splicing, histone marks were stable. Notably, these findings are consistent with exon definition influencing histone marks. In summary, we show that the location of many intragenic marks in humans can be distilled into a simple organizing principle: association with 5' intronic or 3' exonic regions
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