9,963 research outputs found

    Mine water outbreak and stability risks : examples and challenges from England and Wales

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    Abstract Although their frequency of occurrence is rare, the sudden outbreak of mine water from abandoned mines, or collapse of waste rock stores can be environmentally significant and represent significant postclosure legacies. This paper reports on a national survey of abandoned non-coal mine sites where concerns over mine water outbreak or stability are apparent across England and Wales. A range of respondents across environmental regulators and local authorities were consulted to populate a geodatabase. Outbreak risk was highlighted as a documented or suspected concern at 19 mine sites. Typical issues were related to adit blockages and associated perched mine water alongside issues of sudden ingress of surface waters into mines under high flow conditions. The majority of the responses concerning stability issues (72 sites in total) were related to fluvial erosion of riparian waste rock heaps. While successful management of such issues is highlighted in some cases, these are generally isolated examples. In both cases, the fact that stability or outbreak issues are often caused or exacerbated by extreme rainfall events highlights a potential future management issue with the predicted effects of climate change in north west Europe

    Covariant spinor representation of iosp(d,2/2)iosp(d,2/2) and quantization of the spinning relativistic particle

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    A covariant spinor representation of iosp(d,2/2)iosp(d,2/2) is constructed for the quantization of the spinning relativistic particle. It is found that, with appropriately defined wavefunctions, this representation can be identified with the state space arising from the canonical extended BFV-BRST quantization of the spinning particle with admissible gauge fixing conditions after a contraction procedure. For this model, the cohomological determination of physical states can thus be obtained purely from the representation theory of the iosp(d,2/2)iosp(d,2/2) algebra.Comment: Updated version with references included and covariant form of equation 1. 23 pages, no figure

    A class of quadratic deformations of Lie superalgebras

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    We study certain Z_2-graded, finite-dimensional polynomial algebras of degree 2 which are a special class of deformations of Lie superalgebras, which we call quadratic Lie superalgebras. Starting from the formal definition, we discuss the generalised Jacobi relations in the context of the Koszul property, and give a proof of the PBW basis theorem. We give several concrete examples of quadratic Lie superalgebras for low dimensional cases, and discuss aspects of their structure constants for the `type I' class. We derive the equivalent of the Kac module construction for typical and atypical modules, and a related direct construction of irreducible modules due to Gould. We investigate in detail one specific case, the quadratic generalisation gl_2(n/1) of the Lie superalgebra sl(n/1). We formulate the general atypicality conditions at level 1, and present an analysis of zero-and one-step atypical modules for a certain family of Kac modules.Comment: 26pp, LaTeX. Original title: "Finite dimensional quadratic Lie superalgebras"; abstract re-worded; text clarified; 3 references added; rearrangement of minor appendices into text; new subsection 4.

    Bad moon on the rise? Lunar cycles and incidents of crime

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    Popular cultures in Western societies have long espoused the notion that phases of the moon influence human behavior. In particular, there is a common belief the full moon increases incidents of aberrant, deviant, and criminal behavior. Using police, astronomical, and weather data from a major southwestern American city, this study assessed whether lunar cycles related with rates of reported crime. The findings fail to support popular lore, which has suggested that lunar phase influenced the volume of crime reported to the police. Future research directions examining qualitative rather than quantitative aspects of this problem may yield further inform the understanding of whether lunar cycles appreciably influence demands for policing services

    A Selected Ion Flow Tube Study of the Reactions of Several Cations with the Group 6B Hexafluorides SF6, SeF6, and TeF6

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    The first investigation of the ion chemistry of SeF6_6 and TeF6_6 is presented. Using a selected ion flow tube, the thermal rate coefficients and ion product distributions have been determined at 300 K for the reactions of fourteen atomic and molecular cations, namely H3_3O+^+, CF3+_3^+, CF+^+, CF2+_2^+, H2_2O+^+, N2_2O+^+, O+^+, CO2+_2^+, CO+^+, N+^+, N2+_2^+, Ar+^+, F+^+ and Ne+^+ (in order of increasing recombination energy), with SeF6_6 and TeF6_6. The results are compared with those from the reactions of these ions with SF6_6, for which the reactions with CF+^+, CF2+_2^+, N2_2O+^+ and F+^+ are reported for the first time. Several distinct processes are observed amongst the large number of reactions studied, including dissociative charge transfer, and F−^-, F, F2−_2^- and F2_2 abstraction from the neutral reactant molecule to the reagent ion. The dissociative charge transfer channels are discussed in relation to vacuum ultraviolet photoelectron and threshold photoelectron-photoion coincidence spectra of XF6_6 (X = S, Se, and Te). For reagent ions whose recombination energies lie between the first dissociative ionisation limit, XF6_6 →\rightarrow XF5+_5^+ + F + e−^-, and the onset of ionisation of the XF6_6 molecule, the results suggest that if dissociative charge transfer occurs, it proceeds via an intimate encounter. For those reagent ions whose recombination energies are greater than the onset of ionisation, long-range electron transfer may occur depending on whether certain physical factors apply, for example non-zero Franck-Condon overlap. From the reaction kinetics, limits for the heats of formation of SeF4_4, SeF5_5, TeF4_4 and TeF5_5 at 298 K have been obtained; Δf\Delta_fHo^o(SeF4_4) < -369 kJ mol−1^{-1}, Δf\Delta_fHo^o(SeF5_5) < -621 kJ mol−1^{-1}, Δf\Delta_fHo^o(TeF4_4) > -570 kJ mol−1^{-1}, and Δf\Delta_fHo^o(TeF5_5) < -822 kJ mol−1^{-1}

    The environment and host haloes of the brightest z~6 Lyman-break galaxies

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    By studying the large-scale structure of the bright high-redshift Lyman-break galaxy (LBG) population it is possible to gain an insight into the role of environment in galaxy formation physics in the early Universe. We measure the clustering of a sample of bright (-22.7<M_UV<-21.125) LBGs at z~6 and use a halo occupation distribution (HOD) model to measure their typical halo masses. We find that the clustering amplitude and corresponding HOD fits suggests that these sources are highly biased (b~8) objects in the densest regions of the high-redshift Universe. Coupled with the observed rapid evolution of the number density of these objects, our results suggest that the shape of high luminosity end of the luminosity function is related to feedback processes or dust obscuration in the early Universe - as opposed to a scenario where these sources are predominantly rare instances of the much more numerous M_UV ~ -19 population of galaxies caught in a particularly vigorous period of star formation. There is a slight tension between the number densities and clustering measurements, which we interpret this as a signal that a refinement of the model halo bias relation at high redshifts or the incorporation of quasi-linear effects may be needed for future attempts at modelling the clustering and number counts. Finally, the difference in number density between the fields (UltraVISTA has a surface density ~1.8 times greater than UDS) is shown to be consistent with the cosmic variance implied by the clustering measurements.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, accepted MNRAS 23rd March 201

    Reactive strength index and its associations with measures of physical and sports performance: a systematic review with meta-analysis

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    Reactive strength index (RSI) is used frequently in the testing and monitoring of athletes. Associations with sports performance measures may vary dependent on the task but a literature synthesis has not been performed. The aim of this meta-analysis was to examine associations between RSI measured during rebound jumping tasks and measures of strength, linear and change of direction speed, and endurance performance. A systematic literature search with meta-analysis was conducted using databases PubMed, SPORTDiscus, Web of Science, and Ovid. Inclusion criteria required studies to (1) examine the relationship between RSI and an independent measure of physical or sporting performance for at least one variable; and (2) provide rebound test instructions to minimise ground contact time and maximise displacement of the jump. Methodological quality was assessed using a modified version of the Downs and Black Quality Index tool. Heterogeneity was examined via the Q statistic and I . Pooled effect sizes were calculated using a random-effects model, with Egger's regression test used to assess small study bias (inclusive of publication bias). Of the 1320 citations reviewed, a total of 32 studies were included in this meta-analysis. RSI was significantly and moderately associated with strength (isometric: r = 0.356 [95% CI 0.209-0.504]; isotonic: r = 0.365 [0.075-0.654]; pooled strength measures: r = 0.339 [0.209-0.469]) and endurance performance (r = 0.401 [0.173-0.629]). Significant moderate and negative associations were indicated for acceleration (r = - 0.426 [- 0.562 to - 0.290]), top speed (r = - 0.326 [- 0.502 to - 0.151]), and significant large negative associations were noted for change of direction speed (r = - 0.565 [- 0.726 to - 0.404]). Heterogeneity was trivial to moderate across all measures (I  = 0-66%), and significant for isotonic strength and change of direction speed (p < 0.1). Evidence of small study bias was apparent for both acceleration and change of direction speed (p < 0.05). We identified primarily moderate associations between RSI and independent measures of physical and sporting performance, and the strength of these relationships varied based on the task and physical quality assessed. The findings from this meta-analysis can help practitioners to develop more targeted testing and monitoring processes. Future research may wish to examine if associations are stronger in tasks that display greater specificity. [Abstract copyright: © 2021. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

    A note on monopole moduli spaces

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    We discuss the structure of the framed moduli space of Bogomolny monopoles for arbitrary symmetry breaking and extend the definition of its stratification to the case of arbitrary compact Lie groups. We show that each stratum is a union of submanifolds for which we conjecture that the natural L2L^2 metric is hyperKahler. The dimensions of the strata and of these submanifolds are calculated, and it is found that for the latter, the dimension is always a multiple of four.Comment: 17 pages, LaTe

    Using the split squat to potentiate bilateral and unilateral jump performance

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    The purpose of this study was to examine if a split squat conditioning exercise with no or light loads could potentiate unilateral and bilateral jump performance. Twelve semi-professional rugby players (age: 22.3 +/- 1.4 years; height: 1.84 +/- 0.05 m, mass: 92.4 +/- 9.6 kg) from the English National League 1 performed a series of unilateral and bilateral countermovement jumps (CMJ) and broad jumps (BJ) over the course of two testing days. Both testing days involved performing baseline jumps before completing two sets of ten repetitions of a split squat, this completed with either bodyweight (testing session 1) or a 30kg weighted vest (testing session 2). A five-minute recovery period was permitted both following the warm up and following the completion of the split squat exercise. Significantly larger bilateral jump scores were reported following completion of the bodyweight split squat: CMJ (p = 0.001, ES = 0.44, [mean difference 2.517]), BJ (p = 0.001, ES = 0.37, [mean difference 3.817]), and the weighted vest split squat; CMJ (p = 0.001, ES = 0.8, [mean difference 4.383]), BJ (p = 0.001, ES = 0.68, [mean difference 6.817]). The findings of this study demonstrate that no or light loads of a split squat conditioning exercise are able to potentiate bilateral jump performance in semi-professional rugby players without the need for expensive weight room equipment. As such, this may provide coaches with a viable option of enhancing bilateral jump performance as part of a warm up or on-field conditioning practice
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