8 research outputs found

    Crystal Structure of the “PhoU-Like” Phosphate Uptake Regulator from Aquifex aeolicus

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    The phoU gene of Aquifex aeolicus encodes a protein called PHOU_AQUAE with sequence similarity to the PhoU protein of Escherichia coli. Despite the fact that there is a large number of family members (more than 300) attributed to almost all known bacteria and despite PHOU_AQUAE's association with the regulation of genes for phosphate metabolism, the nature of its regulatory function is not well understood. Nearly one-half of these PhoU-like proteins, including both PHOU_AQUAE and the one from E. coli, form a subfamily with an apparent dimer structure of two PhoU domains on the basis of their amino acid sequence. The crystal structure of PHOU_AQUAE (a 221-amino-acid protein) reveals two similar coiled-coil PhoU domains, each forming a three-helix bundle. The structures of PHOU_AQUAE proteins from both a soluble fraction and refolded inclusion bodies (at resolutions of 2.8 and 3.2Å, respectively) showed no significant differences. The folds of the PhoU domain and Bag domains (for a class of cofactors of the eukaryotic chaperone Hsp70 family) are similar. Accordingly, we propose that gene regulation by PhoU may occur by association of PHOU_AQUAE with the ATPase domain of the histidine kinase PhoR, promoting release of its substrate PhoB. Other proteins that share the PhoU domain fold include the coiled-coil domains of the STAT protein, the ribosome-recycling factor, and structural proteins like spectrin

    Structure of a NAD kinase from Thermotoga maritima at 2.3 Å resolution

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    The expression, purification, crystallization, and structure determination of NAD-kinase from T. maritima are reported. Similarity to other NAD-kinases as well as homo-oligomrization state of the enzyme from T. maritima are discussed

    DOI 10.1007/s10969-005-2651-9 Structural genomics of minimal organisms and protein fold space

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    space, structural genomics The initial aim of the Berkeley Structural Genomics Center is to obtain a near-complete structural complement of two minimal organisms, closely related pathogens Mycoplasma genitalium and M. pneumoniae. The former has fewer than 500 genes and the latter fewer than 700 genes. To achieve this goal, the current protein targets have been selected starting with those predicted to be most tractable and likely to yield new structural and functional information. During the past 3 years, the semi-automated structural genomics pipeline has been set up from cloning, expression, purification, and ultimately to structural determination. The results from the pipeline substantially increased the coverage of the protein fold space of M. pneumoniae and M. genitalium. Furthermore, about 1/2 of the structures of ‘unique ’ protein sequences revealed new and novel folds, and over 2/3 of the structures of previously annotated ‘hypothetical proteins ’ inferred their molecular functions. The goal of obtaining protein structures on a genomic scale has motivated the development of high throughput technologies and protocols for macromolecular structure determination, an