605 research outputs found

    Pinpointing the massive black hole in the Galactic Center with gravitationally lensed stars

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    A new statistical method for pinpointing the massive black hole (BH) in the Galactic Center on the IR grid is presented and applied to astrometric IR observations of stars close to the BH. This is of interest for measuring the IR emission from the BH, in order to constrain accretion models; for solving the orbits of stars near the BH, in order to measure the BH mass and to search for general relativistic effects; and for detecting the fluctuations of the BH away from the dynamical center of the stellar cluster, in order to study the stellar potential. The BH lies on the line connecting the two images of any background source it gravitationally lenses, and so the intersection of these lines fixes its position. A combined search for a lensing signal and for the BH shows that the most likely point of intersection coincides with the center of acceleration of stars orbiting the BH. This statistical detection of lensing by the BH has a random probability of ~0.01. It can be verified by deep IR stellar spectroscopy, which will determine whether the most likely lensed image pair candidates (listed here) have identical spectra.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, submitted to ApJ

    Reconstruction of Stellar Orbits Close to Sagittarius A*: Possibilities for Testing General Relativity

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    We have reconstructed possible orbits for a collection of stars located within 0.5 arcsec of Sgr A*. These orbits are constrained by observed stellar positions and angular proper motions. The construction of such orbits serves as a baseline from which to search for possible deviations due to the unseen mass distribution in the central 1000 AU of the Galaxy. We also discuss the likelihood that some of these stars may eventually exhibit detectable relativistic effects, allowing for interesting tests of general relativity around the 2.6 x 10^6 solar mass central object.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures submitted to Astrophysical Journal, substantial changes and additions based on referee's comment

    Investigating Binary Properties with Next-Generation Microlensing Surveys

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    We explore the usefulness of future gravitational microlensing surveys in the study of binary properties such as the binary fraction and the distributions of binary separation and mass ratio by using the binary sample detectable through a channel of repeating events. For this, we estimate the rate of repeating microlensing eventstoward the Galactic bulge field based on standard models of dynamical and physical distributions of Galactic matter combined with models of binary separation and mass function. From this, we find that the total number of repeating events expected to be detected from ∼4\sim 4-year space-based surveys will be ∼200\sim 200--400, that is ∼40\sim 40--50 times higher than the rate of current surveys. We find that the high detection rate is due to the greatly improved sensitivity to events associated with faint source stars and low-magnification events. We find that the separation range of the binaries to be covered by the repeating events will extend up to 100 AU. Therefore, the future lensing surveys will provide a homogeneous sample that will allow to investigate the statistical properties of Galactic binaries unbiased by brightness of the binary components.Comment: total 6 pages, including 4 figures, ApJ, in pres

    Characterizing the Cluster Lens Population

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    We present a detailed investigation into which properties of CDM halos make them effective strong gravitational lenses. Strong lensing cross sections of 878 clusters from an N-body simulation are measured by ray tracing through 13,594 unique projections. We measure concentrations, axis ratios, orientations, and the amount of substructure of each cluster, and compare the lensing weighted distribution of each quantity to that of the cluster population as a whole. The concentrations of lensing clusters are on average 34% larger than the typical cluster in the Universe. Despite this bias, the anomalously high concentrations (c >14) recently measured by several groups, appear to be inconsistent with the concentration distribution in our simulations, which predict < 2% of lensing clusters should have concentrations this high. No correlation is found between lensing cross section and the amount of substructure. We introduce several types of simplified dark matter halos, and use them to isolate which properties of CDM clusters make them effective lenses. Projections of halo substructure onto small radii and the large scale mass distribution of clusters do not significantly influence cross sections. The abundance of giant arcs is primarily determined by the mass distribution within an average overdensity of ~ 10,000. A multiple lens plane ray tracing algorithm is used to show that projections of large scale structure increase the giant arc abundance by a modest amount <7%. We revisit the question of whether there is an excess of giant arcs behind high redshift clusters in the RCS survey and find that the number of high redshift (z > 0.6) lenses is in good agreement with LCDM, although our simulations predict more low redshift (z < 0.6) lenses than were observed. (abridged)Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures. Submitted to Ap

    A kinetic model of radiating electrons

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    A kinetic theory is developed to describe radiating electrons whose motion is governed by the Lorentz-Dirac equation. This gives rise to a generalized Vlasov equation coupled to an equation for the evolution of the physical submanifold of phase space. The pathological solutions of the 1-particle theory may be removed by expanding the latter equation in powers of τ ≔ q 2/6πm. The radiation-induced change in entropy is explored and its physical origin is discussed. As a simple demonstration of the theory, the radiative damping rate of longitudinal plasma waves is calculated
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