17 research outputs found

    Výsledky průzkumu měkkýšů (Mollusca: Gastropoda, Bivalvia) v okolí města Blatná v jihozápadních Čechách

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    Results of the faunistic survey on molluscs in the vicinity of the town of Blatná (south-western Bohemia, Czech Republic) are presented. This research was carried out in 2004–2007 at 28 sites complemented by other older unpublished records. Altogether 87 species (76 gastropods, 11 bivalves) have been recorded that the freshwater molluscs represented the most abundant ecological group in this region (about 40% of all species recorded). However, the rare species (e.g. Aplexa hypnorum, Physa fontinalis, Pisidium obtusale) have been found usually in small water bodies while the majority of common freshwater molluscs was recorded predominantly in large and mid-sized ponds. The snail Gyraulus acronicus is the rarest freshwater species found only at one locality. Important proportion of investigated malacofauna consisted of wetland and floodplain species with rare elements such as Vertigo antivertigo, V. substriata, Euconulus praticola or even V. angustior, the former being protected in the whole Europe. Occurrence of this endangered species in the studied region represents one of the most important clusters of its populations in Bohemia. Only several forest species have been recorded, the species Acanthinula aculeata and Vertigo pusilla are of particular importance. Unique are finds of the steppe species Chondrula tridens on old slacking walls in the town of Blatná

    Late Pleistocene lacustrine sediments and their relation to red soils in the Northeastern margin of the Dinaric Karst

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    A large karst doline at section Hrastje – Lešnica in the Dolenjska region (SE Slovenia) was uncovered during the construction of Slovene highway No. A2. Its fill consists of brownish-yellow clay to silt with plant remains and ferrugineous coatings after root casts and gastropods (paleosol horizon) in the bottom, and overlying thick lacustrine laminated grey clayey sediments which were partly rubified. Brownish-yellow clay to silt contains quartz, chlorite, muscovite and feldspars transported as external clastic material from evolved karst and non-carbonate landscapes from surroundings into the site. The material is well weathered only in the area of the paleosol horizon. The strongly impoverished malacocoenosis indicates any Quaternary warm phase characterized by light semi-open forest with patches of open ground habitats. Only the last paleomagnetic sample in the bottom of sediment sequence shows reverse polarity of magnetic field and represents the geomagnetic excursion, i.e., the Blake excursion at ca 120–112 ka (MIS 5e), rather than Brunhes/Matuyama boundary at 0.78 Ma (MIS 19). Thick lacustrine laminated grey clayey sediments above are also dominated by quartz, muscovite, chlorite and feldspar. That overlying sediment was almost unweathered (content of feldspars, muscovite and chlorite); it was only slightly rubified on its surface, in middle part of the section and at the contact with the underlying karstified limestone slope of the depression. The grey sediment has a different mineralogical composition than underlying soils (e.g., lack of quartz, chlorite) and non-carbonate residue of the host limestone. Therefore, the grey sediments could not serve as a parent (source) material for terra rossa formation in the broader area (i.e., polygenetic red soils developed in paleoclimate related to current Mediterranean climatic conditions). Laminated grey sediment was deposited in a rather cold climate. Relatively poor palynospectra may indicate transport of pollen grains out of the depocentre with flowing water and/or the rapid deposition. The latter is supported by insufficiently centered paleosecular variations. Plant assemblages indicate that the dominant cover of the surrounding landscape was temperate climatic zone riparian forest with some quite humid environment as wetlands and ponds on periodically flooded plain. The regional correlation, based especially on an abundance of Fagus, indicates the deposition at the beginning of the last glacial cycle (Würmian) in its warmer substage – MIS 5c (ca 105–95 ka). All paleomagnetic samples from this part of the sediment section show normal magnetization and negligible clockwise rotation of 1.8° ± 4.7°.Key words: karst sediments, mineralogy, gastropods, palynology, paleomagnetism, paleoenvironment, Dolenjska region, Slovenia.Pozno pleistocenski jezerski sedimenti in njihova povezava z rdečimi tlemi na severovzhodnem robu Dinarskega krasa Na Dolenjskem krasu je bila med graditvijo trase A2 slovenskega avtocestnega križa na odseku Hrastje–Lešnica razgaljena večja vrtača. V spodnjem delu je bila povsem zapolnjena z rjavkastorumenim sedimentom glinene do meljaste frakcije, v zgornjem delu pa z debelim zaporedjem laminiranega sivega glinenega sedimenta, ki je bil ponekod rahlo rubificiran. Rjavkasto rumeni glineni do meljasti sediment na dnu vrtače, v katerem so posamezni rastlinski ostanki, s koreninami povezane ferigene skorje in gastropodi (paleotalni horizont), vsebuje kremen, klorit, muskovit in plagioklaze. Ti so bili preneseni v vrtačo kot klastični material z bližnjih območij razvijajočega se kraškega in nekarbonatnega (fluvialnega) površja. Dobro preperel material je le v območju paleotalnega horizonta. Močno osiromašena malakocenoza nakazuje eno od toplih faz kvartarja, ko so prevladovali svetli gozdovi z redkimi drevesi in jasami odprtih talnih habitatov. Samo zadnji od paleomagnetnih vzorcev na dnu raziskanega sedimentnega zaporedja kaže reverzno polarnost magnetnega polja. Menimo, da ta reverzna polarnost kaže na t. i. Blakeovo geomagnetno ekskurzijo pred cca 120.000 in 112.000 leti (MIS 5e) in ne meje Brunhes/Matuyama pred 780.000 leti (MIS 19). Tudi v debelem zaporedju sivih laminiranih glinastih jezerskih sedimentov prevladujejo med minerali kremen, muskovit, klorit in glinenci. Glede na ohranjenost glinenih mineralov, muskovita in klorita sklepamo, da so ti sedimenti skoraj neprepereli; rahlo so rubificirani le na površju, v osrednjem delu profila in na stiku z zakraselo podlago vrtače. Mineraloška sestava sivih sedimentov je drugačna kot v spodaj ležečem talnem horizontu, kjer je manj kremena in klorita, razlikuje pa se tudi od nekarbonatnega preperinskega ostanka apnenčaste prikamnine. Kot tak torej siv sediment ni izvorni material na sosednjih območjih pogoste terre rosse (poligenetska rdeča tla, razvita v pleoklimatskih razmerah, podobnih današnjemu mediteranskemu podnebju). Laminirani sedimenti so se odložili v razmeroma hladnem obdobju. Dokaj siromašen palinospekter lahko kaže po eni strani, da so bila pelodna zrna odstranjena iz depocentra s tekočo vodo, po drugi pa na visoko hitrost sedimentacije. V prid temu procesu pritrjujejo tudi premalo centrirane paleosekularne variacije. Rastlinske združbe nakazujejo, da je bila bližnja okolica v glavnem porasla z obrežnimi gozdovi zmernega podnebnega pasu, kjer so se v humidnih obdobjih poplavljenih ravnic občasno pojavljala tudi mokrišča in manjše ojezeritve. Regionalne korelacije, ki temeljijo predvsem na veliki količini pelodov bukve (Fagus) kažejo, da so se sivi glinasti sedimenti odlagali v toplejšem obdobju na začetku zadnjega poledenitvenega cikla (Würm) med t. i. MIS 5c pred okoli 105.000 do 95.000 leti. Vsi paleomagnetni vzorci tega dela sedimentnega profila kažejo normalno magnetizacijo in zanemarljivo rotacijo 1,8° ± 4,7° v smeri urinega kazalca.Ključne besede: kraški sedimenti, mineralogija, polži, palinologija, paleomagnetizem, paleookolje, Dolenjska, Slovenija.

    Měkkýši Hostýnských vrchů

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    This study deals with the molluscan fauna of the Hostýnské vrchy Hills (Central Moravia, Czech Republic). The main goal was to make a systematic inventory of the molluscan fauna in this area. Snails were collected in September 2010 by hand picking and litter sampling at selected sites. Final database was pooled with earlier published and unpublished data. In total, 85 terrestrial and 20 freshwater mollusc species were recorded at 56 study sites across the area during 2000–2010. Terrestrial snails Monachoides incarnatus, Punctum pygmaeum, Vitrina pellucida, and freshwater molluscs Pisidium casertanum, and Radix labiata were the most frequently recorded species. The land snails Daudebardia brevipes, Eucobresia nivalis, Vitrea transsylvanica, and Chondrula tridens are notable species from the local viewpoint. The clausilid Vestia ranojevici moravica, an endemic subspecies that colonized some regions of Moravia during the Holocene climatic optimum, is an iconic mollusc species in the area, deserving high conservation priority

    Holocene environmental history of the Czech Karst on the basis of malacostratigraphic analyses

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    Introduction The faunal response to crimatic- and vegetal change during the HolocenelPostglacial) is known in far. r.t. a.ti'r,' although the information issufficient ťor certain amongst invertebrates f::'lť ^* ."*uT' regions. Molluscs are unusual potentrally be ","o t3"'i3;.::"'::;:.T *;:Í..Ti:,T#T:j, ""*Ípalaeoenvironmental questions. rne mosi vatuable sequeň",?i^oliiou,rythose that are continuous' cover long periods of time and furnish fossilassemblages that faithfulty reflect tn.li"i"g ""mmunities, from whicrr trrey''r ere derived. Relatively few deposits "onřuini.'g molluscs fulfill all these :HÍ:^ but calcareous tufa áeposits ;;;^ thes. ..qui,"-.n;; ]; i".g" The czech Karst' formed by pareozoic limestone and rocated in the centrarpart of Bohemia between |.tl ana zaliě, is an area with numerousieposits of calcareous tufa. In this karst area about 70 localities are know "rhere calcareous tufa precipitates or was deposited in the past. (Kovanda]971: Ložek 1992;Kaď1ecoia a Žat, rqďsl. '"" Purpose of dissertation The purpose of submitted work is to give the characteristicpaleoenvironmental development of selected io"uiiti", in the Czech řarst'and to complete existing- knowledge utout it. environmentar developmentrn this karst area during Holocene p"eriod- --'- rnls worl( comes from data acquired from a...Introduction The faunal response to crimatic- and vegetal change during the HolocenelPostglacial) is known in far. r.t. a.ti'r,' although the information issufficient ťor certain amongst invertebrates f::'lť ^* ."*uT' regions. Molluscs are unusual potentrally be ","o t3"'i3;.::"'::;:.T *;:Í..Ti:,T#T:j, ""*Ípalaeoenvironmental questions. rne mosi vatuable sequeň",?i^oliiou,rythose that are continuous' cover long periods of time and furnish fossilassemblages that faithfulty reflect tn.li"i"g ""mmunities, from whicrr trrey''r ere derived. Relatively few deposits "onřuini.'g molluscs fulfill all these :HÍ:^ but calcareous tufa áeposits ;;;^ thes. ..qui,"-.n;; ]; i".g" The czech Karst' formed by pareozoic limestone and rocated in the centrarpart of Bohemia between |.tl ana zaliě, is an area with numerousieposits of calcareous tufa. In this karst area about 70 localities are know "rhere calcareous tufa precipitates or was deposited in the past. (Kovanda]971: Ložek 1992;Kaď1ecoia a Žat, rqďsl. '"" Purpose of dissertation The purpose of submitted work is to give the characteristicpaleoenvironmental development of selected io"uiiti", in the Czech řarst'and to complete existing- knowledge utout it. environmentar developmentrn this karst area during Holocene p"eriod- --'- rnls worl( comes from data acquired from a...Institute of Geology and PaleontologyÚstav geologie a paleontologieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Paramedic fear during his practice

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    Kvalifikační práce je zaměřena na strach při výkonu profese zdravotnického záchranáře. Práce je rozdělena na teoretickou část a praktickou část. Teoretická část se dělí na tři kapitoly. První kapitola se zabývá definicí strachu a jeho vznikem. Dále je v ní strach členěn do jednotlivých forem a je blíže specifikován. Ve druhé kapitole je objasněna definice urgentní medicíny, její rozdělení a potřebné vzdělání k jejímu vykonávání, a také kompetence zdravotnického záchranáře. V třetí kapitole teoretické části je charakterizována psychosociální první pomoc. Mimo to jsou definovány pojmy, které souvisí s danou problematikou. Popsány jsou metody postupů psychosociální první pomoci, jejich cíle a navazující krizová intervence. V praktické části zjišťujeme pomocí kvantitativní metody anonymního dotazníkového šetření, zda zdravotnický záchranář při výkonu své profese vnímá pocity strachu, jaké konkrétní obavy jsou jím při výkonu povolání pociťovány, jakou formou se strach projevuje na jeho chování, a také jak se zdravotnický záchranář s pocity strachu vyrovnává. Tyto údaje zjišťujeme i studentů oboru Zdravotnický záchranář. Data byla získána formou elektronického dotazníku a výsledky jsou zobrazeny prostřednictvím přehledných grafů.ObhájenoThe thesis is focused on fear during performing the profession of paramedic. The thesis is divided into a theoretical part and a practical part. The theoretical part is divided into three chapters. The first chapter deals with the definition of fear and its origin. Furtherrmore, fear is divided into individual forms there and it is specified in more detail. The second chapter explains the definition of emergency medicine, its division and the necessary education to practice it, as well as the competence of a paramedic. The third chapter of the theoretical part characterizes by psychosocial first aid. In addition, terms that are related to the issue are defined. The methods of the psychosocial first aid procedures, their aims and the subsequent crisis intervention are described. In the practical part, we use the quantitative method of anonymous questionnaire survey to find out whether the paramedic perceives feelings of the fear, which particular concerns are felt during performing the profession, what formo f the fear manifests itself in his, as well as how the paramedic copes with the feelings of fear. The data were obtained in the form of an electronic questionnaire and the results are displayed in well-arranged graphs

    Holocene environmental history of the Czech Karst on the basis of malacostratigraphic analyses

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    Introduction The faunal response to crimatic- and vegetal change during the HolocenelPostglacial) is known in far. r.t. a.ti'r,' although the information issufficient ťor certain amongst invertebrates f::'lť ^* ."*uT' regions. Molluscs are unusual potentrally be ","o t3"'i3;.::"'::;:.T *;:Í..Ti:,T$#T:j, ""*Ípalaeoenvironmental questions. rne mosi vatuable sequeň",?i^oliiou,rythose that are continuous' cover long periods of time and furnish fossilassemblages that faithfulty reflect tn.li"i"g ""mmunities, from whicrr trrey''r ere derived. Relatively few deposits "onřuini.'g molluscs fulfill all these :HÍ:^ but calcareous tufa áeposits ;;;^ thes. ..qui,"-.n;; ]; i".g" The czech Karst' formed by pareozoic limestone and rocated in the centrarpart of Bohemia between |.tl ana zaliě, is an area with numerousieposits of calcareous tufa. In this karst area about 70 localities are know "rhere calcareous tufa precipitates or was deposited in the past. (Kovanda]971: Ložek 1992;Kaď1ecoia a Žat, rqďsl. '"" Purpose of dissertation The purpose of submitted work is to give the characteristicpaleoenvironmental development of selected io"uiiti", in the Czech řarst'and to complete existing- knowledge utout it. environmentar developmentrn this karst area during Holocene p"eriod- --'- rnls worl( comes from data acquired from a..

    Holocene environmental history of the Czech Karst on the basis of malacostratigraphic analyses

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    Ústav geologie a paleontologieInstitute of Geology and PaleontologyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult