235 research outputs found

    Update Consistency for Wait-free Concurrent Objects

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    In large scale systems such as the Internet, replicating data is an essential feature in order to provide availability and fault-tolerance. Attiya and Welch proved that using strong consistency criteria such as atomicity is costly as each operation may need an execution time linear with the latency of the communication network. Weaker consistency criteria like causal consistency and PRAM consistency do not ensure convergence. The different replicas are not guaranteed to converge towards a unique state. Eventual consistency guarantees that all replicas eventually converge when the participants stop updating. However, it fails to fully specify the semantics of the operations on shared objects and requires additional non-intuitive and error-prone distributed specification techniques. This paper introduces and formalizes a new consistency criterion, called update consistency, that requires the state of a replicated object to be consistent with a linearization of all the updates. In other words, whereas atomicity imposes a linearization of all of the operations, this criterion imposes this only on updates. Consequently some read operations may return out-dated values. Update consistency is stronger than eventual consistency, so we can replace eventually consistent objects with update consistent ones in any program. Finally, we prove that update consistency is universal, in the sense that any object can be implemented under this criterion in a distributed system where any number of nodes may crash.Comment: appears in International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, May 2015, Hyderabad, Indi

    Brief Announcement: Update Consistency in Partitionable Systems

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    Data replication is essential to ensure reliability, availability and fault-tolerance of massive distributed applications over large scale systems such as the Internet. However, these systems are prone to partitioning, which by Brewer's CAP theorem [1] makes it impossible to use a strong consistency criterion like atomicity. Eventual consistency [2] guaranties that all replicas eventually converge to a common state when the participants stop updating. However, it fails to fully specify shared objects and requires additional non-intuitive and error-prone distributed specification techniques, that must take into account all possible concurrent histories of updates to specify this common state [3]. This approach, that can lead to specifications as complicated as the implementations themselves, is limited by a more serious issue. The concurrent specification of objects uses the notion of concurrent events. In message-passing systems, two events are concurrent if they are enforced by different processes and each process enforced its event before it received the notification message from the other process. In other words, the notion of concurrency depends on the implementation of the object, not on its specification. Consequently, the final user may not know if two events are concurrent without explicitly tracking the messages exchanged by the processes. A specification should be independent of the system on which it is implemented. We believe that an object should be totally specified by two facets: its abstract data type, that characterizes its sequential executions, and a consistency criterion, that defines how it is supposed to behave in a distributed environment. Not only sequential specification helps repeal the problem of intention, it also allows to use the well studied and understood notions of languages and automata. This makes possible to apply all the tools developed for sequential systems, from their simple definition using structures and classes to the most advanced techniques like model checking and formal verification. Eventual consistency (EC) imposes no constraint on the convergent state, that very few depends on the sequential specification. For example, an implementation that ignores all the updates is eventually consistent, as all replicas converge to the initial state. We propose a new consistency criterion, update consistency (UC), in which the convergent state must be obtained by a total ordering of the updates, that contains the sequential order of eachComment: in DISC14 - 28th International Symposium on Distributed Computing, Oct 2014, Austin, United State

    Causal Consistency: Beyond Memory

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    In distributed systems where strong consistency is costly when not impossible, causal consistency provides a valuable abstraction to represent program executions as partial orders. In addition to the sequential program order of each computing entity, causal order also contains the semantic links between the events that affect the shared objects -- messages emission and reception in a communication channel , reads and writes on a shared register. Usual approaches based on semantic links are very difficult to adapt to other data types such as queues or counters because they require a specific analysis of causal dependencies for each data type. This paper presents a new approach to define causal consistency for any abstract data type based on sequential specifications. It explores, formalizes and studies the differences between three variations of causal consistency and highlights them in the light of PRAM, eventual consistency and sequential consistency: weak causal consistency, that captures the notion of causality preservation when focusing on convergence ; causal convergence that mixes weak causal consistency and convergence; and causal consistency, that coincides with causal memory when applied to shared memory.Comment: 21st ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, Mar 2016, Barcelone, Spai

    Back in Time Petri Nets

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    11th Int. Conf. on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS'13) July 2013 Buenos AiresInternational audienceThe time progress assumption is at the core of the semantics of real-time formalisms. It is also the major obstacle to the development of partial-order techniques for real-time distributed systems since the events are ordered both by causality and by their occurrence in time. Anyway, extended free choice safe time Petri nets (TPNs) were already identi ed as a class where partial order semantics behaves well. We show that, for this class, the time progress assumption can even be dropped (time may go back in case of concurrency), which establishes a nice relation between partial-order semantics and time progress assumption

    Distributed Implementation of Message Sequence Charts

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    International audienc

    Synthesis of Distributed Testers from True-concurrency Models of Reactive Systems

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    Automatic synthesis of test cases for conformance testing has been principall- y developed with the objective of generating sequential test cases. In the distributed system context, it is worth extending the synthesis techniques to the generation of multiple testers. We base our work on our experience in using model-checking techniques, as successfully implemented in the TGV tool. Continuing the works of A. Ulrich and H. König, we propose to use a true-concurrency model based on graph unfolding. The article presents the principles of a complete chain of synthesis, starting from the definition of test purposes and ending with a projection onto a set of testers
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