75 research outputs found

    Construcción de la Escala de evaluación del tipo y fase del maltratador (EETFM)

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    XVI Jornades de Foment de la Investigació (Any 2011)En la actualidad, la violencia de género es una lacra social muy extendida y arraigada en nuestra sociedad. Este problema, educacional, de creencias, económico y de comportamiento se debe de investigar para aportar una solución. El comportamiento del maltratador es la causa de la violencia contra la mujer, siendo ésta la consecuencia del comportamiento del maltratador. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es la construcción de una Escala de Evaluación del Tipo y Fase del Maltrato (EETFM). La escala contiene 37 ítems que miden las creencias y pautas de comportamiento y educacionales relacionadas con los maltratadores. En este trabajo, presentamos los principales datos y el procedimiento para construir esta escala evaluativa

    Validez factorial y fiabilidad de la Escala de Evaluación del Perfil y la Fase de la Violencia del Maltratador (EEPFVM)

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    El presente estudio constituye un intento de identificar aquellos rasgos sociales, psicológicos y/o comportamentales de los maltratadores domésticos capaces de situar a su víctima en peligro de muerte. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo principal medir, analizar y explorar los comportamientos, las creencias, y las actitudes de los maltratadores que se encuentran en los centros penitenciarios de la Comunidad Valenciana. Una muestra de 34 participantes fueron entrevistados mediante la Escala de Evaluación del Perfil y la Fase de la Violencia del Maltratador (eepfv m). Se realiza un anàlisis factorial exploratorio con el que se obtuvienen dos variables latentes que hemos denominad sometimiento y control e inestabiliad. Estas variables permitirán detectar diferencias en variables clave del comportamiento delictivo de los maltratadores, los resultados muestran diferencias significativas entre los maltratadores homicidas y los no homicidas.The present study attempts to identify those social, psychological or behavioural traits in home abusers which might situate the victim in mortal danger. This work aims to measure, analyze and explore the behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes of abusers who are in Penitentiaries Centers of the Valencianish Community. The sample of 34 participants was interviewed using the scale «Abuser Violence Prolife and Phase Assessment Scale» (eepfv m). An exploratory factorial analysis was conducted, which showed two latent variables that we have called «submission and control» and «instability». These variables allow detecting differences in key variables in the criminal behavior of the abusers, the results show significant differences between homicidal and not homicidal abuser

    Depresión en parados. El efecto de la resiliencia y el apoyo social.

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    Introducción: La actualidad nos pone ante una situación de crisis en la que, durante los últimos años, se ha generado una gran cantidad de parados, concretamente 5.457.700 a finales de 2014. Entre los efectos de esta situación, a nivel psicológico, se encuentra el padecimiento de depresión (Libby y cols., 2010). Los estudios muestran que hay una relación positiva entre estar parado y tener depresión (Booker y Sacker, 2012). Así mismo, diversos estudios (Kroll, Lampert y Devitt, 2011), muestran que los desempleados tienen más problemas de salud que los empleados, y que el apoyo social facilita afrontar el desempleo. El objetivo del presente trabajo es conocer si existe diferencia en cuanto a la depresión que padecen los sujetos que se encuentran en paro y los que no lo están; asimismo nos interesa conocer el efecto que puede tener en ambas muestras el apoyo social percibido y la resiliencia. Método: Para dar respuesta al objetivo se recogió muestra de 98 sujetos que se encontraban trabajando y en paro y, de modo voluntario y anónimo, rellenaron los cuestionarios: BDI de Beck para depresión, DUKE UNK para apoyo social y la escala de resiliencia de Wagnild y Young. Resultados: Los resultados muestran altos niveles en depresión, especialmente entre la muestra de parados; no obstante, apuntan a que el efecto del apoyo social matiza y mejora los niveles de depresión entre los parados y que los parados con baja resiliencia son proclives a padecerla.Introduction: Nowadays in a situation of crisis, during the last years, it has generated a lot of unemployed people, particularly 5.457.700 at the end of 2014. Among the effects of this situation, in the psychological field, it is found suffering from depression (Libby et al., 2010). Studies show that there is a positive relationship between being unemployed and being depressed (Booker & Sacker, 2012). In that way, several studies (Kroll, Lampery and Devitt, 2011) show that the unemployed people have more health problems than the employed ones, and that social support facilitates facing up to unemployment. The aim of this study is to determine whether there is difference in depression suffered by subjects who are unemployed and those who are not; also we want to know the effect it can have on both samples perceived social support and resilience. Method: To be able to give an answer to the main goal, 98 samples of subjects who were working or unemployed were gathered together and voluntarily and anonymously, completed questionnaires: BDI Beck Depression, DUKE UNK for social support and resilience’s scale of Wagnild and Young. Results: The results show high levels of depression, especially among the sample of unemployed people; nevertheless, they suggest that the effect of social support clarifies and improves levels of depression among the unemployed and also shows that unemployed people with low resilience are prone to suffer from it

    The effect of awareness-raising and explicit instruction of compensatory strategies on young learners? EFL oral and written production

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    This article presents a study intended to analyze the effects of awareness-raising and explicit strategy instruction on the performance of young learners of English as a foreign language (EFL) in a multilingual context. In particular, we focused on the teaching of compensatory strategies (CpSs), a subset of communication strategies (CSs), and examined the immediate and delayed effects of explicit instruction of conceptual CpSs on young learners’ oral and written object description in English. Students’ description appropriateness and CpS use were assessed at three different times during the study. Three intact classes of eleven-year-old learners in a Spanish primary school participated in the study: Two classes formed the experimental group (n = 43) and the third class served as the control group (n = 20). Object description was part of the learners’ EFL syllabus, but only the experimental group received explicit instruction in identifying and using CpSs. Results revealed a positive effect of awareness-raising and explicit instruction of CpSs on overall description appropriateness in oral production immediately after intervention. Moreover, with regard to specific strategies, the use of superordinate appears to be the CpS that benefits the most from instruction

    Risk factors and youth recidivism prediction in general and property offenders

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    The predictive validity of risk factors for recidivism in general offenders is well known, but few studies have considered specific crimes – such as non-violent property offences – in this context. The prediction of risk factors on recidivism among general and property offenders is analysed in an attempt to capture any motivational differences underlying diverse types of crimes. Subsamples of theft and property damage offenders were extracted from a general population of 210 juvenile offenders aged between 14 and 18 years. All participants were assessed using the Spanish version of the Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (YLS/CMI) and their recidivism rates were evaluated in terms of the number of new records in a 24-month follow-up period. Factors pertaining to the Big Four (especially the antisocial peers risk factor) seem to be the most predictive factors for both general offenders and non-violent property offenders; the type of crime does not seem to make a significant difference to youth offenders’ needs.This work was supported by the Fundación Dávalos-Fletcher, Castellón, under Grant Ciencias Sociales 2015

    Effect of Victim-Offender Mediation versus Dispositions on Youth Recidivism: The Role of Risk Level

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    The objective was to determine the efficacy of the victim-offender mediation (VOM) procedure in addressing recidivism. Altogether, 210 juvenile offenders (14–18 years old) participated in four different types of educational interventions: VOM as a diversion procedure, and case closure, reprimand, and community service as dispositions. Results showed the lack of any clear differences in recidivism rates between victim-offender mediation and the rest of the groups. An increase of the rate of recidivism could be observed in VOM at 12 months and in case closure at 24 months, as level of risk increase

    Impact of type of intervention on youth re-offending: Are gender and risk level involved?

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    The objective of this study was to analyse the impact of the type of intervention on youth reoffending. Moreover, the possible influence that the offender’s gender and level of risk could have on this relationship was also explored. Juvenile offenders from four different types of educational interventions participated in the study (N D 210): victim offender mediation (VOM) as a diversion procedure, and case closure, reprimand, and community service as dispositions. Aged between 14-18 years, they were assessed by means of the Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (YLS/CMI). Recidivism rates were evaluated as the number of new records in a follow-up period of 24 months. Results of this study showed that type of intervention (diversion versus dispositions) had no apparent effect on youth recidivism. Furthermore, an important aspect to consider in youth assessment was the different impact that risk level had on boys’ and girls’ recidivism

    Variables sociodemográficas relacionadas con la violencia de género en una muestra clínica (N=40)

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    XVI Jornades de Foment de la Investigació (Any 2011)La violencia contra la mujer, desafortunadamente, sigue realizándose en la actualidad. La mujer afectada por este tipo de violencia, vive en situación de maltrato demasiado larga. El objetivo principal de este estudio piloto es conocer si existen diferencias entre los posibles factores que conforman el cuestionario, confeccionado el año anterior: “Evaluación del tipo y fase de la violencia de género” (EETFVG), en relación con diferentes variables sociodemográficas consideradas en el estudio como son: tipo de maltrato sufrido; lugar de nacimiento; lugar de residencia, apoyo social; apoyo familiar; creencias y edad de estas mujeres. Los resultados indican variabilidad en cuanto al perfil sociodemográfico de estas mujeres. En este sentido, concluimos que las variables sociodemgráficas y las variables medidas mediante el cuestionario están relacionados

    Incidencia del apoyo social y familiar en mujeres maltratadas y hombres maltratadores

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    El apoyo social y familiar es un factor fundamental en nuestro entorno. En el escenario que rodea un maltrato, tanto la persona que lo sufre como quien lo realiza necesitan este tipo de apoyo. Se ha demostrado que saber que se cuenta con personas cercanas puede representar una diferencia abismal en la resolución de los problemas que se presentan en la vida diaria, pero, pese a que las diferencias de género en las relaciones interpersonales son evidentes a lo largo de todo el ciclo vital, sugiriendo , como indica Belle (1987) que mujeres y hombres difieren en las formas en que participan en las relaciones sociales y en los recursos que buscan en tales relaciones, las diferencias de género en apoyo social no han sido muy estudiadas y por ello aún persisten muchas cuestiones y áreas por explorar; por eso, mediante un estudio empírico cuya muestra fue tomada entre 34 presos de distintas cárceles y 40 mujeres maltratadas pertenecientes a diversos centros penitenciarios de la Comunidad Valenciana pretendemos estudiar en qué medida existe o no apoyo social y/o familiar y, por último, observar en qué aspectos se produce la incidencia de las variables «apoyo familiar» y «apoyo social» en el comportamiento, actitudes y creencias de ambos colectivos.Support is a key factor in our environment. In situations of abuse, both the abuser and the abused suffer need family and social support. It has been shown that people close to them can make a huge difference in the resolution of problems that arise in everyday life, but, gender differences in interpersonal relationships are evident throughout the life cycle, suggesting that women and men differ in the ways they participate in social relations and resources in seeking such relationships (Belle, 1987). Gender differences in social support have not been studied and therefore there are still many issues and areas to explore. We performed an empirical study in which the sample was taken from 34 different prison inmates and 40 women from various Prisons of Valencia. We analyzed to what extent that social support and / or familial was present, and analyzed which aspects occurred in each incidence of variables «family support» and «social support» in behavior, attitudes and beliefs of both groups