986 research outputs found

    Territorial and industry analysis of the fulfillment of Zaporizhian regional projects

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    The subject matter of the regional project in the context of regional and inter-regional influences has been determined. A comparative analysis of the economic potential of Dnieper economic region has been held. Characteristics and the purpose of major regional projects in Zaporizhzhya region have been established. Tendencies of the regional programs and projects use in the context of the fulfillment of the regional territory development strategy have been determined

    Prevalence of co-morbidity and its relationship to treatment among unselected patients with Hodgkin's disease and non Hodgkin's lymphoma, 1993-l996

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    A population-based series of patients with cancer is likely to comprise more patients with serious co-morbidity than clinical trials because of restrictive eligibility criteria for the latter. Since co-morbidity may influence decision-making, we studied the age-specific prevalence of co-morbidity and its relationship to applied treatment. Data on all 194 patients with Hodgkin's disease (HD) and on 904 patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) diagnosed between 1993 and 1996 were derived from the Eindhoven Cancer Registry. In the age-group below 60 years, 87% of patients with HD and 80% with NHL did not have a co-morbid condition. The prevalence of serious co-morbidity was 56% for patients with Hodgkin's disease who were 60 years and over and 43% and 61% for non Hodgkin patients who were 60-69 years and 70 years and over, respectively. The most common co-morbid conditions were cardiovascular disease (18%), hypertension (13%), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD; 13%), and diabetes mellitus (10%) for elderly Hodg kin's patients. For non-Hodgkin's patients of 60-69 years and 70 years and over, cardiovascular disease (15 and 22%, respectively), hypertension (14 and 14%, respectively), COPD (6 and 10% respectively), and diabetes mellitus (8 and 10% respectively) were the most prevalent co-morbid conditions. The presence of co-morbidity was not related to stage or grade of disease at diagnosis. In the presence of co-morbidity, 50% less chemotherapy was administered to elderly patients with Hodgkin's disease and 10-15% less to elderly patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The presence of co-morbidity was associated with a decreased overall survival within the first 4 months after diagnosis in both Hodgkin's disease and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma for all age-groups. In conclusion, serious co-morbidity was found for more than half of all lymphoma patients who were 60 years and older. Elderly patients with serious co-morbidity received chemotherapy less often, which is likely to affect survival adversely, as was indicated by a decreased survival within the first 4 months after diagnosis

    Composite vertices that lead to soft form factors

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    The momentum-space cut-off parameter Λ\Lambda of hadronic vertex functions is studied in this paper. We use a composite model where we can measure the contributions of intermediate particle propagations to Λ\Lambda. We show that in many cases a composite vertex function has a much smaller cut-off than its constituent vertices, particularly when light constituents such as pions are present in the intermediate state. This suggests that composite meson-baryon-baryon vertex functions are rather soft, i.e., they have \Lambda considerably less than 1 GeV. We discuss the origin of this softening of form factors as well as the implications of our findings on the modeling of nuclear reactions.Comment: REVTex, 19 pages, 5 figs(to be provided on request

    Dynamical moment of inertia and quadrupole vibrations in rotating nuclei

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    The contribution of quantum shape fluctuations to inertial properties of rotating nuclei has been analysed within the self-consistent one-dimensional cranking oscillator model. It is shown that in even-even nuclei the dynamical moment of inertia calculated in the mean field approximation is equivalent to the Thouless-Valatin moment of inertia calculated in the random phase approximation if and only if the self-consistent conditions for the mean field are fulfilled.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Boson-fermion mappings for odd systems from supercoherent states

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    We extend the formalism whereby boson mappings can be derived from generalized coherent states to boson-fermion mappings for systems with an odd number of fermions. This is accomplished by constructing supercoherent states in terms of both complex and Grassmann variables. In addition to a known mapping for the full so(2NN+1) algebra, we also uncover some other formal mappings, together with mappings relevant to collective subspaces.Comment: 40 pages, REVTE

    Riemann's theorem for quantum tilted rotors

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    The angular momentum, angular velocity, Kelvin circulation, and vortex velocity vectors of a quantum Riemann rotor are proven to be either (1) aligned with a principal axis or (2) lie in a principal plane of the inertia ellipsoid. In the second case, the ratios of the components of the Kelvin circulation to the corresponding components of the angular momentum, and the ratios of the components of the angular velocity to those of the vortex velocity are analytic functions of the axes lengths.Comment: 8 pages, Phys. Rev.

    Zelfevaluatie van het lectoraat Geïntegreerd Natuur- en Landschapsbeheer : evaluatieperiode 2010-2013

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    Het lectoraat Geïntegreerd Natuur- en Landschapsbeheer (GNL) wordt ingevuld door drie Groene Plus lectoren in deeltijd, elk gespecialiseerd in een ander aspect van natuur- en landschapsbeheer: milieu-econoom Martijn van der Heide, ecoloog John Janssen en sociaal wetenschapper Derk Jan Stobbelaar. Behalve door de invulling met drie lectoren met een verschillende achtergrond, maakt ook de aansturing door een externe stuurgroep (met personen uit het werkveld) en de koppeling van lectoren aan hoogleraren dit lectoraat bijzonder (en kan mogelijk dienen als voorbeeld voor andere lectoraten van Van Hall Larenstein). In dit rapport wordt de kwaliteit van het lectoraat Geïntegreerd Natuur- en Landschapsbeheer geëvalueerd aan de hand van de input en output van het lectoraat, een evaluatie van “gebruikers” van het lectoraat (docenten, studenten en vertegenwoordigers van het werkveld), met een reflectie van de lectoren daarop en een schets van het toekomstperspectief van het lectoraat

    Super-Hubble de Sitter Fluctuations and the Dynamical RG

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    Perturbative corrections to correlation functions for interacting theories in de Sitter spacetime often grow secularly with time, due to the properties of fluctuations on super-Hubble scales. This growth can lead to a breakdown of perturbation theory at late times. We argue that Dynamical Renormalization Group (DRG) techniques provide a convenient framework for interpreting and resumming these secularly growing terms. In the case of a massless scalar field in de Sitter with quartic self-interaction, the resummed result is also less singular in the infrared, in precisely the manner expected if a dynamical mass is generated. We compare this improved infrared behavior with large-N expansions when applicable.Comment: 33 pages, 4 figure