24 research outputs found

    Need for recovery from work in relation to age: a prospective cohort study

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    To investigate the impact of increasing age on the need for recovery (NFR) over time among day workers The study is based on data from the first 2 years of follow-up of the Maastricht Cohort Study (n = 7,734). To investigate whether age predicted the onset of elevated NFR, multivariate survival analyses were conducted The highest levels of NFR were observed in the age group of 46-55 years. The relative risk for developing elevated NFR was highest in the age groups 36-45 years (RR 1.30; 1.07-1.58) and 46-55 years (RR 1.25; 1.03-1.52) in men and 46-55 years (RR 1.36; 1.04-1.77) in women when compared to the reference group While NFR increased with age until the age of 55, this was followed by decreased levels of NFR among older employees. Explanations for the decreasing levels of NFR in the highest age group can be found in several domains such as the work environment, private situation and compensation strategies

    Jornadas de trabalho na enfermagem: entre necessidades individuais e condições de trabalho

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar fatores associados à jornada de trabalho profissional e à jornada de trabalho total (profissional + doméstica) em profissionais de enfermagem. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado em hospital universitário no município de São Paulo, SP, entre 2004 e 2005. Participaram 696 trabalhadores (enfermeiros, técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem), predominantemente mulheres (87,8%), que trabalhavam em turnos diurnos e/ou noturnos. Foi aplicado questionário autopreenchível sobre dados sociodemográficos, condições de trabalho e de vida; e versões traduzidas e adaptadas para o português das escalas de demanda-controle-apoio social no trabalho, de desequilíbrio esforço-recompensa, do Questionário Genérico de Avaliação de Qualidade de Vida e do Índice de Capacidade para o Trabalho. Foram utilizados modelos de regressão logística para a análise dos dados. RESULTADOS: Ser o único responsável pela renda familiar, o trabalho noturno e o desequilíbrio esforço-recompensa foram as únicas variáveis associadas tanto à jornada profissional (OR = 3,38; OR = 10,43; OR = 2,07, respectivamente) quanto à jornada total (OR = 1,57; OR = 3,37; OR = 2,75, respectivamente). Nenhuma das variáveis ligadas às jornadas de trabalho se associou significativamente ao baixo Índice de Capacidade para o Trabalho. O tempo insuficiente para o repouso se mostrou estatisticamente associado às jornadas profissional (OR = 2,47) e total (OR = 1,48). O tempo insuficiente para o lazer se mostrou significativamente associado à jornada profissional (OR = 1,58) e valor limítrofe para a jornada total (OR = 1,43). CONCLUSÕES: A responsabilidade financeira, o trabalho noturno e o desequilíbrio esforço-recompensa são variáveis que merecem ser contempladas em estudos sobre as jornadas de trabalho em equipes de enfermagem. Sugere-se que estudos sobre o tema abordem a renda individual do trabalhador, detalhando melhor a relação entre os esforços e recompensas, e principalmente discussões que considerem as relações de gênero

    Need for recovery across work careers: the impact of work, health and personal characteristics

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    Purpose Employees experiencing a high need for recovery (NFR) are at risk of long-term adverse effects in both their health and labour participation. So far, the determinants of NFR across age categories remain unknown. The aim of this study is to investigate the determinants of the NFR among employees in three age categories (30–44, 45– 54 and 55–65 years), for men and women separately. Methods T he study was based on data from the prospective Maastricht Cohort Study. Wave T3 (May 1999) was chosen as article baseline (n = 7,900). The followup period of 20 months included five follow-up waves. Cox regression analyses were performed to investigate the determinants, which originated from the work environment, health and lifestyle and personal domain of employees, of NFR across age categories over time. Results C ross-sectional results demonstrated substantial differences in mean scores and proportion of cases of NFR across age categories. Longitudinal analyses demonstrated risk factors in the multifactorial aetiology of NFR that played a role in all age categories, but also showed several age-specific risk factors, e.g. low decision latitude appeared to be a risk factor only in the oldest age category. Conclusions Although selection effects may have occurred, this study shows that the risk factors for a high NFR were different among the age categories. To prevent and reduce a high NFR among employees, it is important to develop preventive measures that target age-specific risk factors.status: publishe