8 research outputs found

    The analysis of repeatability and reproducibility of bladder neck mobility measurements obtained during pelvic floor sonography performed introitally with 2D transvaginal probe

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was the evaluation of repeatability and reproducibility of chosen urethral neck mobility measurements obtained during introital pelvic floor sonography performed with a 2D transvaginal probe. Material and methods: In order to assess the repeatability and reproducibility, independent measurements on the ultra­sound image were taken by two specialists on 92 female patients at rest and at strain (Valsalva maneuver). 2D ultrasound examination was performed introitally with a transvaginal probe (PFS-TV). The location of the urethral internal orifice was defined with coordinates of two points. Point CI marks the urethral anterior edge visualized on ultrasound as closer to the pubic symphysis. Point CII marks the posterior edge visualized more peripherally from pubic symphysis. Results: Repeatability and reproducibility measurements of point CI location and mobility were good and very good (0.6710–0.9961), while of point CII — were medium, good and very good (0.5738–0.9944). Point CI was clearly visible in all cases. It was not possible to accurately mark point CII in 4.3–17.4% of cases. Conclusions: The possibility to visualize point CI in every single case with very good and good repeatability and reproduc­ibility of measurements of this point’s location and mobility allows the usage of CI point as a universal reference point for evaluation of bladder neck mobility and position during PFS-TV in the clinical practice and for research purposes

    Rola czynników neurotroficznych w procesach regeneracji układu nerwowego

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    Czynniki neurotroficzne regulują przeżycie, rozwój i funkcję tkanki nerwowej. Działają poprzez dwie klasy receptorów i aktywację różnych szlaków sygnałowych w komórkach docelowych. Poznanie fizjologicznej roli neurotrofin w utrzymaniu homeostazy ośrodkowego układu nerwowego oraz regeneracji uszkodzonej tkanki rozbudziło nadzieję na wykorzystanie ich w leczeniu ciężkich schorzeń neurodegeneracyjnych, m.in. stwardnienia bocznego zanikowego oraz choroby Parkinsona. Postęp wiedzy w obszarze farmakoterapii, terapii genowej oraz biologii komórek macierzystych umożliwił rozwój nowoczesnych form leczenia z zastosowaniem transplantacji komórek regenerujących. Mogą one w niedalekiej przyszłości doprowadzić do opracowania bezpiecznych i skutecznych form leczenia tych ciężkich i nieuleczalnych dotychczas schorzeń

    Correlation of physical activity and fitness with arches of the foot in children

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    Study aim: Physical activity is crucial for a child’s development, as well as for the development of the foot. The aim of this study was to assess the correlation of the level of physical activity and physical fitness with the arches of the foot in children in non-weight-bearing and weight-bearing conditions

    Effects of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibition on Circulating Endothelial Progenitor Cells in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke

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    Background. Therapeutic neovascularization might represent an important strategy to salvage tissue after ischemia. Circulating bone marrow-derived endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) were previously shown to augment the neovascularization of ischemic tissue. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) might modulate EPC mobilization. We evaluated populations of circulating stem cells and early EPCs in acute ischemic stroke (AIS) patients and the effect of ACEI on circulating EPCs in these patients with respect to aspects of stroke pathogenesis. Methods. We studied 43 AIS patients (group I), comprising 33 treated with ACEI (group Ia) and 10 untreated (group Ib). Risk factor controls (group II) included 22 subjects. EPCs were measured by flow cytometry. Results. In AIS patients, the number of circulating stem cells and early EPCs upon admission was similar to that in control group individuals. There were no significant differences in the numbers of stem cells and early EPCs over subsequent days after AIS. There were also no significant differences in stem cell and early EPC numbers over the first 3 days between group Ia and group Ib. However, on day 7, these numbers were significantly higher in group Ib than in group Ia (p<0.05). In AIS patients chronically treated with ACEI, there was a negative correlation between CD133+ cell number and neurological deficit on the first, third, and seventh days (p<0.005). Conclusions. An increased number of circulating stem cells and early EPCs were not observed in stroke patients chronically treated with ACEI. In patients chronically treated with ACEI, a significant correlation was observed between decreased neurological deficit and higher levels of CD133+ cells; this could be due to the positive influence of these cells on the regeneration of the endothelium and improved circulation in the ischemic penumbra

    The Relationship between Selected Demographic Factors and Speech Organ Dysfunction in Sporadic ALS Patients

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    Background and objectives: Speech disorders are observed in 30% of newly diagnosed sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients. Characterized by a dynamic course, dysfunction of articulation has not so far been well understood. The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of demographic factors (sex, age, duration of the disease) and concomitant diseases (degenerative spine disease, depression, hypertension, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and allergy) on the functioning of speech organs in ALS patients. Materials and Methods: The study group consisted of 65 patients with sporadic ALS. Patients were examined for articulatory functions by means of the Frenchay Dysarthria Assessment (FDA). Results: 68% of the study sample had spinal disorders. Logistic regression analysis showed that a decline in the functioning of lips, soft palate, length of phonation, and voice loudness was more common among men. Patients diagnosed with degenerative spine disease more often suffered from respiratory disorders, while younger patients (&lt;60 years of age) significantly more often had the impairment of the sentence and spontaneous speech functions. Conclusions: The male gender in patients with ALS is associated with an increased risk of deterioration of the phonation length function. Patients under 60 years of age are associated with more often pronouncing sentences disorders and spontaneous speech disorders

    Humoral Influence of Repeated Lineage-Negative Stem/Progenitor Cell Administration on Articulatory Functions in ALS Patients

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) remains a fatal, neurodegenerative disease frequently leading to dysarthria and impaired swallowing. Better understanding of ALS pathophysiology is prompting the use of humoral cell therapies. Hence, a repeated cellular therapy was applied to ALS patients as an attempt to prevent speech deterioration. Autologous bone marrow-derived lineage-negative (Lin−) cells were intrathecally administered three times at six-week intervals to 42 sporadic ALS patients. Patients were examined for articulatory functions using subjective (VHI) and objective (FDA) scales. Selected trophic, proinflammatory factors and expression profiles of miRNA were measured in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and plasma by multiplex Luminex and q-PCR in different timepoints. Of the 42 patients who received the Lin− cells, 6 showed improvement in articulatory functions, 27 remained stable, and 9 deteriorated after 18 weeks of therapy according to FDA scale. Clinical improvement was particularly evident by the 7th day of each cell application and concerned better cough and swallow reflex, soft palate, laryngeal time, pitch, and volume. These results correlated with significant changes in the concentration of various trophic and proinflammatory factors and miRNA expression profiles. A multiple application of Lin− cells proved to be safe and feasible. The repeated procedure can potentate a humoral effect and prevent speech deterioration. A short-lasting trophic effect of each Lin− cells administration was observed on local and systemic level. However, further in-depth studies are necessary to sustain the beneficial effect