28 research outputs found

    Analysis of composition of residues of inorganic pharmaceuticals from the 18th century

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    In this bachelor thesis, sixteen samples of inorganic pharmaceuticals from the 18th century were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, atomic absorption spectrometry, atomic emission spectrometry, UV/VIS spectrometry, capillary zone electrophoresis, titrations, and gravimetric analysis. The analysis confirmed that the composition of fourteen of the analyzed samples corresponded with their respective Latin inscriptions on the apothecary jars, while two of the samples proved to be a completely different substance. All samples, except for one, contained a relatively high number of impurities. These impurities helped determine if the source of the sample was a mineral commonly occurring in nature or a chemical reaction. Keywords: History of pharmacy, ICP-MS, F-AAS, F-AES, UV/VIS spectrometry, historical pharmaceuticalsV této bakalářské práci bylo analyzováno šestnáct vzorků anorganických farmak z 18. století pomocí spektrometrie s indukčně vázaným plazmatem, atomové absorpční spektrometrie, atomové emisní spektrometrie, UV/VIS spektrometrie, kapilární zónové elektroforézy, titrací a gravimetrických stanovení. Analýza potvrdila, že složení čtrnácti analyzovaných vzorků odpovídá latinským signaturám na příslušných barokních stojatkách, avšak ve dvou případech bylo prokázáno, že se jedná o látky zcela odlišné. Každý ze vzorků, s výjimkou jednoho, obsahoval poměrně vysoké množství nečistot. Tyto nečistoty pomohly určit, zda je daný vzorek původem minerál běžně se vyskytující v přírodě anebo produkt chemické reakce. Klíčová slova: dějiny farmacie, ICP-MS, F-AAS, F-AES, UV/VIS spektrometrie, historická léčivaKatedra analytické chemieDepartment of Analytical ChemistryFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Social Media Marketing

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    Tato diplomová práce se týká marketingu na sociálních sítích, což se v posledních letech stalo velice populárním nástrojem marketingové komunikace všech světoznámých značek. Vzhledem k tomu, že stále existuje mnoho marketérů, kteří se ve světě sociálních médií neorientují, cílem práce je poskytnutí více informací o tomto fenoménu obecně, poradit, jak sociální média využívat pro marketingové účely a skrze případovou studii přiblížit proces vytváření strategie na sociálních sítích pro nový projekt.ObhájenoThis diploma thesis provides with information about social media marketing, which has recently become a really popular way of marketing communication across brands worldwide. Since there are still a lot of marketers who are lost in the world of social media, the aim of this thesis was to give more insights of what social media is in general, how to use them for marketing purposes and, through a basic case study, design the process of establishing a social media marketing strategy for a brand new project

    Disparities in Tourism Demand of UNESCO Destinations

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    This paper clarifies disparities in tourism demand of some chosen UNESCO destinations in the Czech Republic, which is located in Central Europe. The Czech Republic, despite its relatively small area, is an important destination for cultural tourism ‒ a large number of unique cultural and other historic monuments are located on its territory. Twelve of those historic monuments are inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, including the Czech capital, the city of Prague. As capitals are usually very different from the regions as far as tourism demand is concerned, another separate study area was chosen for this case ‒ the Vysočina Region located in the middle of the Czech Republic. This region has the most UNESCO World Heritage Sites of all the Czech regions ‒ there are three of them there: Telč, Třebíč and Zelená hora in Žďár nad Sázavou. Within the framework of developing a new regional tourism strategy and at the request of the Regional Authority of the Vysočina Region, an extensive marketing survey among visitors to the region was carried out. This research was done by the College of Polytechnics Jihlava in 2014-2015 and within it, various characteristics of tourism demand in all three UNESCO destinations were gathered. The research provided background information for creating visitor profiles of the destinations. Primary data obtained from the questionnaire survey enabled, after being processed by various mathematical and statistical methods, a comparative analysis of the chosen UNESCO destinations in Central Europe in terms of tourism demand. Its results show, e.g. that all surveyed destinations attract mainly one-day visitors, but not all of them regard a visit to unique cultural heritage sites of those destinations as their main reason for travelling there. The research results show not only new visitor profiles of the UNESCO destinations in the smallest statistical unit (the municipality), but they can also be used by destination management for planning customised tourism development strategies. Moreover, the study gives a comprehensive picture of tourism demand, which is important for the regional policy. Finally, the paper can be used as a case study for sustainable development of tourism in other UNESCO destinations

    The changes in health service utilisation in Malawi during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic and the restriction policies implemented by the Government of Malawi may have disrupted routine health service utilisation. We aimed to find evidence for such disruptions and quantify any changes by service type and level of health care. Methods We extracted nationwide routine health service usage data for 2015–2021 from the electronic health information management systems in Malawi. Two datasets were prepared: unadjusted and adjusted; for the latter, unreported monthly data entries for a facility were filled in through systematic rules based on reported mean values of that facility or facility type and considering both reporting rates and comparability with published data. Using statistical descriptive methods, we first described the patterns of service utilisation in pre-pandemic years (2015–2019). We then tested for evidence of departures from this routine pattern, i.e., service volume delivered being below recent average by more than two standard deviations was viewed as a substantial reduction, and calculated the cumulative net differences of service volume during the pandemic period (2020–2021), in aggregate and within each specific facility. Results Evidence of disruptions were found: from April 2020 to December 2021, services delivered of several types were reduced across primary and secondary levels of care–including inpatient care (-20.03% less total interactions in that period compared to the recent average), immunisation (-17.61%), malnutrition treatment (-34.5%), accidents and emergency services (-16.03%), HIV (human immunodeficiency viruses) tests (-27.34%), antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiations for adults (-33.52%), and ART treatment for paediatrics (-41.32%). Reductions of service volume were greatest in the first wave of the pandemic during April-August 2020, and whereas some service types rebounded quickly (e.g., outpatient visits from -17.7% to +3.23%), many others persisted at lower level through 2021 (e.g., under-five malnutrition treatment from -15.24% to -42.23%). The total reduced service volume between April 2020 and December 2021 was 8 066 956 (-10.23%), equating to 444 units per 1000 persons. Conclusion We have found substantial evidence for reductions in health service delivered in Malawi during the COVID-19 pandemic which may have potential health consequences, the effect of which should inform how decisions are taken in the future to maximise the resilience of healthcare system during similar events

    Modeling Contraception and Pregnancy in Malawi : A Thanzi La Onse Mathematical Modeling Study

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    Malawi has high unmet need for contraception with a costed national plan to increase contraception use. Estimating how such investments might impact future population size in Malawi can help policymakers understand effects and value of policies to increase contraception uptake. We developed a new model of contraception and pregnancy using individual-level data capturing complexities of contraception initiation, switching, discontinuation, and failure by contraception method, accounting for differences by individual characteristics. We modeled contraception scale-up via a population campaign to increase initiation of contraception (Pop) and a postpartum family planning intervention (PPFP). We calibrated the model without new interventions to the UN World Population Prospects 2019 medium variant projection of births for Malawi. Without interventions Malawi's population passes 60 million in 2084; with Pop and PPFP interventions. it peaks below 35 million by 2100. We compare contraception coverage and costs, by method, with and without interventions, from 2023 to 2050. We estimate investments in contraception scale-up correspond to only 0.9 percent of total health expenditure per capita though could result in dramatic reductions of current pressures of very rapid population growth on health services, schools, land, and society, helping Malawi achieve national and global health and development goals

    Analysis of composition of residues of inorganic pharmaceuticals from the 18th century

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    In this bachelor thesis, sixteen samples of inorganic pharmaceuticals from the 18th century were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, atomic absorption spectrometry, atomic emission spectrometry, UV/VIS spectrometry, capillary zone electrophoresis, titrations, and gravimetric analysis. The analysis confirmed that the composition of fourteen of the analyzed samples corresponded with their respective Latin inscriptions on the apothecary jars, while two of the samples proved to be a completely different substance. All samples, except for one, contained a relatively high number of impurities. These impurities helped determine if the source of the sample was a mineral commonly occurring in nature or a chemical reaction. Keywords: History of pharmacy, ICP-MS, F-AAS, F-AES, UV/VIS spectrometry, historical pharmaceutical

    Growth and development of the face in patients with orofacial clefts

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    Department of Anthropology and Human GeneticsKatedra antropologie a genetiky člověkaFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Event management - tennis tournament

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na problematiku event managementu a její využití pro malý tenisový turnaj, který e koná ve Starém Plzenci-Sedleci. Odvětví event managementu v současnosti zaznamenává rapidní nárůst a začíná být poépulární i v České republice. V práci lze nalézt nejen teoretické poznatky, ale také skutečný event managementový plán, který obsahuje například akční plán, plán marketingu, liogistikiy a financí. Cílem této bakalářské práce bylo vytvření použitelného kínceptu pro organizátory vybraného eventu a dle získané zpětné vvazby od event manažera se tento cíl podařilo splnit.Katedra marketingu, obchodu a služebObhájenoThis bachelor thesis focuses on event management and its application to a small tennis tournament held in the town of Starý Plzenec-Sedlec. The event management industsry is rapidly growing an daims to beecome really popular n the Czech Republic. The thesis contains not only theoretical knowledge but also a real event management plan including action plan, marketing, logistics and finance. The entire work on this thesis aimed to develope a usable concept for a chosen event´s organizers and it did well according to the event manager´s feedback

    The effect of different bariatric operations on the weight loss in the treatment of obesity

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    Introduction: Bariatric procedures belong to modern methods of therapy of obesity, especially in patients with higher degree of obesity. Currently, different procedures are performed, among those gastric banding, sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass. Our research investigated the effect of various bariatric procedures on the weight loss and some other metabolic values in the treatment of obesity. Methods: The data collection for quantitative research was carried out at the 3rd medical department of 1st faculty of medicine of Charles University and General Faculty Hospital in Prague, partially retrospectively and mainly prospectively. We monitored the change of weight and compensation of type 2 diabetes mellitus in the first year after operation in group of 54 patients of which 32 patients had a two-year monitoring as well. For monitoring changes of weight throughout a particular period of time after operation, the conversion on % EWL a % EBMIL was used. The data was evaluated by basic statistical methods. Results 1: In our reference group (n=54) average value of EWL was found 37,58 % in the first year after the surgery. The value of EWL for sleeve gastrectomy was 47,52 %. The value of EWL for gastric bypass was 39,82 %. The value of EWL for gastric banding was 23,28 %. Results 2: In the subset of..

    Social Media Marketing

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    Tato diplomová práce se týká marketingu na sociálních sítích, což se v posledních letech stalo velice populárním nástrojem marketingové komunikace všech světoznámých značek. Vzhledem k tomu, že stále existuje mnoho marketérů, kteří se ve světě sociálních médií neorientují, cílem práce je poskytnutí více informací o tomto fenoménu obecně, poradit, jak sociální média využívat pro marketingové účely a skrze případovou studii přiblížit proces vytváření strategie na sociálních sítích pro nový projekt.ObhájenoThis diploma thesis provides with information about social media marketing, which has recently become a really popular way of marketing communication across brands worldwide. Since there are still a lot of marketers who are lost in the world of social media, the aim of this thesis was to give more insights of what social media is in general, how to use them for marketing purposes and, through a basic case study, design the process of establishing a social media marketing strategy for a brand new project