22 research outputs found
First-principles study for the adsorption of segments of BPA-PC on alpha-Al2O3(0001)
We have studied the adsorption of bisphenol-A-polycarbonate (BPA-PC) on the
alpha-Al2O3(0001) surface using density-functional theory (DFT) with van der
Waals (vdW) corrections. The BPA-PC polymer can be divided into its chemical
fragments which are phenylene, carbonate and isopropylidene groups. We have
calculated the adsorption energy and geometry of the BPA-PC segments that
consist of two to three adjacent groups of the polymer. Our DFT results show
that the adsorption is dominated by the vdW interaction. It is also important
to include the interaction of nearest-neighbor groups in order to provide a
realistic environment for the adsorption of the polymer onto the surface. Our
results also show that the BPA-PC molecule attaches to the alumina surface via
the carbonate group located in the middle of the molecule chain
Older adults' perceptions and opinions regarding digitalization - Interviews among older adults in the Turku region
This study aims to explore older adults’ perceptions and opinions regarding digitalization, including devices and services. Based on results achieved through interviews of older adults, the actions needed to improve the situation of less or non-digitalized individuals were determined. The research aims to deepen the understanding of older adults’ perceptions and opinions of digital skills, which are increasingly required by the majority of the population to receive the needed information. The study was conducted with older adults living in Turku and the participants were found in co-operation with Turun Seudun Vanhustuki ry, which organized a computer course for older adults, who were not expected to have had any previous experience in using digital devices and services.
This thesis aims to answer the following research questions:
• How could the older adults be supported most appropriately with digitalization?
• What motivated the older adults to participate in the course?
• How motivated are the older adults to learn digital skills?
The expectation is that digitalization and the use of digital devices and services will increase. Simultaneously, the number of people in unequal digital competence situations will also increase. The outcome of the study is that everyone should have access to digital information. However, technical devices and services are often experienced as complicated by older adults. Furthermore, the complexity of using digital devices and services often arouses fear and anxiety among older adults. When planning to teach digital skills to older adults, it should be noted that the entry level of every person may vary remarkably. Therefore, older adults should be taught and treated bearing this in mind. In the future, particular attention should be given to older adults with low entry level and anti-digital attitudes to prevent digital exclusion and promote both digital and societal inclusion
Fast convergence to equilibrium for long-chain polymer melts using a MD/continuum hybrid method
Effective and fast convergence toward an equilibrium state for long-chain
polymer melts is realized by a hybrid method coupling molecular dynamics and
the elastic continuum. The required simulation time to achieve the equilibrium
state is reduced drastically compared with conventional equilibration methods.
The polymers move on a wide range of the energy landscape due to large-scale
fluctuation generated by the elastic continuum. A variety of chain structures
is generated in the polymer melt which results in the fast convergence to the
equilibrium state.Comment: 13 page
Systemic hypertonic saline enhances glymphatic spinal cord delivery of lumbar intrathecal morphine
The blood-brain barrier significantly limits effective drug delivery to central nervous system (CNS) targets. The recently characterized glymphatic system offers a perivascular highway for intrathecally (i.t.) administered drugs to reach deep brain structures. Although periarterial cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) influx and concomitant brain drug delivery can be enhanced by pharmacological or hyperosmotic interventions, their effects on drug delivery to the spinal cord, an important target for many drugs, have not been addressed. Hence, we studied in rats whether enhancement of periarterial flow by systemic hypertonic solution might be utilized to enhance spinal delivery and efficacy of i.t. morphine. We also studied whether the hyperosmolar intervention affects brain or cerebrospinal fluid drug concentrations after systemic administration. Periarterial CSF influx was enhanced by intraperitoneal injection of hypertonic saline (HTS, 5.8%, 20 ml/kg, 40 mOsm/kg). The antinociceptive effects of morphine were characterized, using tail flick, hot plate and paw pressure tests. Drug concentrations in serum, tissue and microdialysis samples were determined by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Compared with isotonic solution, HTS increased concentrations of spinal i.t. administered morphine by 240% at the administration level (T13-L1) at 60 min and increased the antinociceptive effect of morphine in tail flick, hot plate, and paw pressure tests. HTS also independently increased hot plate and paw pressure latencies but had no effect in the tail flick test. HTS transiently increased the penetration of intravenous morphine into the lateral ventricle, but not into the hippocampus. In conclusion, acute systemic hyperosmolality is a promising intervention for enhanced spinal delivery of i.t. administered morphine. The relevance of this intervention should be expanded to other i.t. drugs and brought to clinical trials.Peer reviewe
Dexmedetomidine enhances glymphatic brain delivery of intrathecally administered drugs
Drug delivery to the central nervous system remains a major problem due to biological barriers. The blood-brainbarrier can be bypassed by administering drugs intrathecally directly to the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The glymphatic system, a network of perivascular spaces promoting fluid exchange between CSF and interstitial space, could be utilized to enhance convective drug delivery from the CSF to the parenchyma. Glymphatic flow is highest during sleep and anesthesia regimens that induce a slow-wave sleep-like state. Here, using mass spectrometry and fluorescent imaging techniques, we show that the clinically used alpha(2)-adrenergic agonist dexme-detomidine that enhances EEG slow-wave activity, increases brain and spinal cord drug exposure of intrathecally administered drugs in mice and rats. Using oxycodone, naloxone, and an IgG-sized antibody as relevant model drugs we demonstrate that modulation of glymphatic flow has a distinct impact on the distribution of intrathecally administered therapeutics. These findings can be exploited in the clinic to improve the efficacy and safety of intrathecally administered therapeutics.Peer reviewe
Symptoms of depression in parents after discharge from NICU associated with family-centred care
AimsThe aim of this study was to examine the potential association of family-centred care as perceived by parents during a NICU stay with parents’ depressive symptoms at discharge and at 4 months corrected for infant age.DesignA longitudinal, multicentre cohort study was conducted from 2018 to 2020 in 23 NICUs across 15 countries.MethodsParents (n = 635 mothers, n = 466, fathers) of infants (n = 739) born before 35 weeks of gestation and admitted to the participating NICUs were enrolled to the study during the first weeks of their infants’ hospitalizations. They responded to Digi-FCC daily text messages inquiring about their perception of family-centred care provided by NICU staff. In addition, they completed a questionnaire assessing their overall perception of family-centred care at discharge. Parents’ depressive symptoms were measured by the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale at discharge and again after discharge when their infants were at 4 months corrected for age.ResultsThe mothers’ and the fathers’ perceptions of family-centred care were associated with their depressive symptoms at discharge and at 4 months corrected age, controlling for gestational age, multiple birth, parent education and relationship status. Parents’ participation in infant care, care-related decisions and emotional support provided to parents by staff explained the variation in the parents’ perceptions of family-centred care. The factors facilitating the implementation of family-centred care included unlimited access to the unit for the parents and for their significant others, as well as amenities for parents.ConclusionsOur study shows that family-centred NICU care associates with parents’ depressive symptoms after a NICU stay.ImpactDepression is common in parents of preterm infants. The provision of family-centred care may protect the mental well-being of parents of preterm infants.</p
Henkilökunnan kokemuksia omatoimikirjastoista
Kehittämistyö käsittelee kirjaston henkilökunnan omakohtaisia kokemuksia omatoimikirjastoista. Laadullisen tutkimuksen taustalla on Raaseporin Tenholassa sijaitsevan kirjaston muuttuminen kohti omatoimisuutta. Tutkimukseen haastateltiin kolmen vastaperustetun omatoimikirjaston henkilökuntia. Lisäksi taustamateriaalina käytettiin muita kirjaston henkilökuntia koskevia tutkimuksia. Kävi ilmi, että omatoimikirjaston henkilökuntien kokemuksista on vähän aikaisempaa tutkimusta.
Tarkoituksena oli selvittää haastateltavien kokemuksia ja niiden vertautumista muihin tutkimuksiin. Tutkimus toteutettiin teemahaastatteluina vuonna 2014 vasta-avattujen omatoimikirjastojen henkilökunnille Inkoossa, Tampereella ja Turussa. Lisäksi kysyttiin puoli vuotta avaamisen jälkeen sähköpostitse, miten omatoimikirjastolla on mennyt. Haastattelujen tulokset litteroitiin ja sen jälkeen analysoitiin aineistolähtöisen sisällönanalyysimenetelmän avulla.
Henkilökuntien haastatteluista nousi esiin kahdeksan omatoimikirjaston kokemuksia kuvaavaa pääkategoriaa. Omatoimikirjaston myötä työmäärän koettiin lisääntyneen. Haasteita ja uhkia ovat resurssien väheneminen ja mahdollinen ilkivalta. Tilojen hyötykäytön ja aukiolon lisääntyminen lisää mahdollisuuksia. Suurimpia pelkoja ja uhkia ovat järjestyshäiriöt, resurssien väheneminen ja päättäjien lyhytnäköisyys. Toiveita ja odotuksia ladataan tietoisuuden lisääntymiseen ja kirjastojen säilymiseen. Tulevaisuudessa omatoimikirjastot lisääntyvät. Henkilökunnat neuvovat suosimaan yhtä (laite)toimittajaa. Asiakkaat ovat tyytyväisiä omatoimikirjastoon ja sen palveluun, mutta ovat toisaalta huolissaan työntekijöiden työpaikoista.
Sisällönanalyysiprosessin jälkeen lopputulokseksi muodostui omatoimikirjaston mahdollisimman hyvän suunnittelun, ennakoinnin, opastuksen, perehdytyksen ja markkinoinnin tärkeys. Projektiin on myös syytä uhrata riittävästi aikaa. Muutosta johtavalta esimieheltä vaaditaan ihmisten johtamisen, organisoinnin ja yhteistyön taitoja erilaisten ihmisten ja ryhmien kanssa. Kehittämistyön tulokset ovat hyvin samankaltaisia Suomen ja Pohjoismaiden kokemusten kanssa. Työn lisääntymisestä ja tietyistä haasteista huolimatta omatoimikirjasto koetaan positiivisena asiana, joka näkyy kirjastojen määrän lisääntymisenä.
On syytä painottaa, että omatoimikirjasto ei toimi ilman osaavaa kirjastohenkilökuntaa. Tämä on erityisen tärkeää taloudellisesti kovina aikoina, jolloin laaditaan leikkauslistoja ja harkitaan jopa lainsäädännöllä kirjaston ja ylipäätään kulttuurin supistamista.This thesis focuses on the experiences of library personnel in self-service libraries. The background lies in the change process of a local library in Tenhola village in the City of Raasepori, which has been developing as a self-service library. Employees of three new self-service libraries in Inkoo, Tampere and Turku were interviewed. In addition, other related research material was used as background information and supporting evidence. It became clear that very little earlier investigation has been done on the experiences of library personnel.
The purpose of this research was to find out the nature of the personnel experiences and how they compare to other studies. Themed interviews were done in 2014 at three recently opened self-service libraries. In addition, the personnel were followed-up with via email six months after the initial interview to find out how the new system had been working out. The results were recorded, transcribed and analyzed by using a material-based context analysis method.
The interviews resulted in eight main categories that describe the experiences. The personnel’s workload had increased. Decreased resources and possible damage to property were identified as challenges and threats. The increased use of the library space and longer opening hours were seen as positive opportunities. The most significant fears and threats were disorder, decreasing resources and shortsightedness of the public policy makers. Hopes and expectations are focused on increasing awareness of libraries and preservation of libraries. The number of self-service libraries will increase in the future. The personnel recommend the use of one provider for equipment. Customers are satisfied with the self-service library model, but on the other hand are worried about the jobs of library workers.
As a result, the following aspects were found to be crucial: planning, anticipating, customer guidance, training in the workplace as well as right marketing. It is equally important to give time for the process. The executive manager in charge of the process and change must be competent in leadership, organization and in working with different kinds of people and groups. The results of the research are similar to other studies. Despite the experienced increase in workload and certain challenges, the overall experience with the self-service library model is a positive one, which can be seen in an increased number of new libraries.
It is important to highlight the fact that self-service library cannot work without capable personnel. This is important especially during economically challenging times when budget cuts take place, and new policies diminishing the importance of library and culture as a whole are considered
Leipomon tilinpäätösanalyysi : Case: Yritys X
Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli laatia tilinpäätösanalyysi Yritys X:lle, joka on suomalainen leipomoalan yritys. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää yrityksen taloudellisen tilan kehitys sekä sen nykytila tilipäätösanalyysin sisältämien eri analyysimuotojen avulla. Lisäksi yrityksen talouden kehitystä verrattiin sen valitsemiin kahteen saman liikeidean omaavaan ja liikevaihdoltaan saman kokoluokan kilpailijayritykseen sekä toimialaan. Tilinpäätösaineistona käytettiin sekä kohdeyrityksen että kilpailijayritysten osalta vuosien 2011-2016 tilinpäätöstietoja. Toimialavertailussa käytettiin Finnveran julkaisemia toimialan tilinpäätöstilastoja vuosien 2012-2016 osalta. Vuoden 2011 tilinpäätöstilastoja ei ollut saatavilla.
Opinnäytetyön ensimmäisessä teoriaosuudessa perehdytään kirjanpitoon sekä siitä johdettuun tilinpäätökseen, jonka pohjalta tilinpäätösanalyysi tehdään.Teoriaosuuden toisessa luvussa käsitellään tilinpäätösanalyysin käyttö, ongelmat, rajoitukset, vaiheet sekä eri analyysimenetelmät. Tunnuslukuanalyysin osalta käydään läpi kannattavuuden, vakavaraisuuden, maksuvalmiuden sekä muut Yritystutkimus ry:n Yritystutkimuksen tilinpäätösanalyysi -oppaan sisältämät tunnusluvut. Tutkimuksen empiriaosuudessa käydään läpi Yritys X:n tilinpäätösanalyysi, kilpailija- ja toimialavertailuineen sekä johtopäätöksineen.
Tilinpäätösanalyysin perusteella selvisi, että Yritys X:n taloudellinen tila on kehittynyt tarkastelujakson aikana parempaan suuntaan ja on hyvällä tasolla. Kilpailijoihin verrattuna yrityksen taloudellinen tila on myös kehittynyt hyvin ja on tällä hetkellä hyvä. Toimialavertailussa selvisi, että Yritys X:n taloudellisen tilan kehitys on ollut parempaa kuin toimialalla keskimäärin ja tämän hetkinen taloudellinen tila on myös parempi kuin toimialalla yleensä. Parannettavaa yrityksellä olisi vielä absoluuttisen kannattavuuden osalta, kuten toimialalla yleensäkin, jonka kehitys on ollut viime vuodet laskusuuntaista. Myös kilpailijoihin ja toimialaan verrattuna yrityksen absoluuttinen kannattavuus on heikentynyt, ollen kuitenkin edelleen toimialan yläkvartiilin ja mediaanin välillä.The purpose of the study was to create a financial statement analysis to the case company Yritys X, which is a bakery company in Lahti. The aim of the thesis was to examine the development of the company’s financial condition and its current state with the help of various methods of the financial statement analysis. The company’s economic development was compared with two competing companies having the same business idea and a turnover of the same size and operating in the same industry. The financial statements for the target company and the competitors consist of the financial statements from the years 2011-2016. In the industry comparisons utilized Finnvera’s industry financial statements statistics from the years 2012-2016. The statistics from the year 2011 were not available.
The first theoretical part of the thesis deals with the accounting and the financial statements derived from it. The second theoretical part discuss the use, the problems, the constraints and the various methods of the financial statement analysis. The key figure analysis covers profitability, solvency, liquidity and other key figures that are in the guide of Yritystutkimus ry. In the empirical part, the financial statement analysis of Yritys X will be examined with the competitors and the industry comparisons and with the conclusions.
Based on the financial statements analysis, the financial condition of Yritys X has developed for the better during the period under review and is at a good level. Compared to competitors, Yritys X’s financial condition has also developed well and is currently good. The industry comparison showed that the development of Yritys X’s financial condition has been better than the industry’s average, and the current financial condition is also better than generally in the industry. Development of the company’s absolute profitability could be better, as in the industry as a whole, whit development having a downward trend in recent years. Compared to competitors and industry, the absolute profitability has also deteriorated, but still remains between the industry’s upper quartile and the median
Syre-inducerad rekonstruktion av en Cu(100) yta
During the past few decades, great advances in surface science have occurred.
New experimental methods such as scanning tunneling microscopy have allowed studies of surfaces and surface processes on an atomic scale.
At the same time computer capacity has improved to the point where methods that previously could only be used for bulk materia1s can now be used for studying surfaces and surface processes.
By employing density-functional theory I have studied oxygen on a reconstructed Cu (l00) surface.
Copper surfaces have been extensively studied during the past few years due to their promising catalytic properties, such as oxidation of carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide in the water-gas process.
To better understand these processes, I have calculated various adsorption and diffusion trajectories on the Cu(l00)-(2sqrt(2) x sqrt(2)R45°-O missing row reconstructed surface.
The project has resulted in data about the energetics of oxygen and copper on the above mentioned surface.
Also, a phenomenon where adsorption of oxygen caused two copper atoms beside the missing row to be pulled out from the surface has been observed.
These data have been compared to recent experimental results