166 research outputs found
Concentrations of natural radionuclides in imported zirconium minerals
The natural radioactivity in imported zircon samples used as glaze for ceramic tiles in the ceramics industry has been presented in this paper. The measurements were made by gamma spectrometry with a high purity germanium detector. The average activity concentrations of 238U and 232Th determined in the measured samples (3250 Bq/kg, and 556 Bq/kg, respectively) are much higher than the concentrations found in the Earth’s crust. The activity concentration of 226Ra is also high in all analyzed samples, while 40K was not detected. The gamma index, I, the external hazard index, Hex, the internal hazard index, Hin, and the radium equivalent activity, Raeq, were calculated. Due to relatively high activity concentration level of uranium in imported zircon samples, specific regulations are necessary for zircon compound used in ceramic industry. It can be concluded that the investigated samples can be used as the component of ceramic glaze in the concentrations not above 3%
Tritium content in precipitation and atmospheric water vapour of the reactor hall in the Vinča institute of nuclear sciences
Tritium activity was determined in precipitation samples collected at two locations in Belgrade over the period 1998-2007: meteorological station Belgrade (Zeleno Brdo 44º47' N, 20º32' E, altitude 243.2m asl) and the station at the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences. Tritium concentrations in precipitation ranged from 0.4 to 4.41 Bq l-1 (samples collected at Zeleno Brdo) and from 2.31 to 41.30 Bq l-1 (samples collected at VINS). Tritium content in atmospheric water vapour of the indoor reactor hall and inside of the reactor during the regular inspection of the fuel channels in the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences in March and May 2006 was measured. The obtained results showed that the tritium content in HTO form varied from 1.56x102 Bq m-3 to 4.05x102 Bq m-3.Physical chemistry 2008 : 9th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 24-28 September 200
Symmetrical index application for monitoring temporal changes of tritium concentration in the waters of environmental
Tritijum (3H), radioaktivni izotop vodonika, koji je dospeo u prirodu 60-tih
godina veštačkim putem iz nuklearnih eksplozija i nuklearne industrije, povećao je
prirodni sadržaj ovog radionuklida u atmosferi i u vodama iz životne sredine. Opasnost
od zagađenja voda i potreba da se kontroliše stepen tog zagađenja bio je i danas je sve
više jedan od najvećih razloga proučavanja količine i načina dolaženja 3H u vode.
Padavine predstavljaju glavni put za eliminaciju tritijuma iz atmosfere, bilo da je
stvoren prirodnim ili veštačkim putem. Putem padavina, tritijum dospeva u površinske
vode. U Beogradu se, u Institutu za nuklearne nauke Vinča, od 1976. god. vrši
ispitivanje sadržaja tritijuma u sakupljenim uzorcima padavina i površinskih voda. Zbog
postojanja teškovodnih istraživačkih reaktora u Institutu za nuklearne nauke "Vinča"
kao potencijalnih emitera tritijuma, potrebno je pratiti distribuciju tritijuma u
padavinama u samom Institiutu, a takođe i na drugim referentnim meteorološkim
stanicama (Zeleno Brdo i Usek). Usled moguće kontaminacije reka Save i Dunava
tritijumom zbog niza nuklearnih elektrana na uzvodnim obalama ovih reka, važno je
ispitivati njegov sadržaj, naročito zbog toga što se Beograd snabdeva vodom za piće iz
Save i Dunava. Ispitivanje sadržaja tritijuma u potoku Mlaka, koji izvire u krugu
Instituta Vinča je značajno, jer se potok uliva u Dunav (u Vinči), preko reke Bolečice.
Potok protiče pored istraživačkog reaktora u Institutu Vinča, tako da može doći do
kontaminacije Dunava.
U svim uzorcima voda koji su analizirani u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji, praćena
je vremenska promena koncentracije tritijuma u dugom vremenskom intervalu od 1985
– 2009. godine. S obzirom na činjenicu da se srednja koncentracija tritijuma u
padavinama i u površinskim vodama na severnoj hemisferi kreće se od 0,6 Bq l-1 do
1,19 Bq l-1, svi uzorci su elektrolitički obogaćeni u cilju povećanja koncentracije i kao
takvi su mereni na tečnom scintilacionom detektoru LKB Wallac 1219 RackBeta.
Određeni su parametri koji definišu sam proces elektrolize, separacioni faktor,
parametar obogaćenja i faktor obogaćenja. Izračunati su mesečni i kvartalni sezonski
indeksi koji ukazuju na pojavu maksimalnih i minimalnih vrednosti koncentracije
tritijuma u godišnjim dobima.Tritium (3H), a radioactive isotope of hydrogen, which reached in the nature in
the sixties, by nuclear explosions and nuclear industries, increased the natural
abundance of this radionuclide in the atmosphere and in the water from the
environment. The reason for studying the tritium content in natural waters is a risk of
water pollution by this radionuclide.
Precipitation is the main route for the elimination of tritium from the
atmosphere, whether it is natural origin or made artificially. Tritium enters in the
surface water by precipitation. Environmental monitoring of tritium began, in a
systematic way, in 1976 in the Institute of Nuclear Sciences "Vinča" in Belgrade, with
sampling and measurements of precipitation and surface waters. Because of the
existence of the heavy research reactors in the Institute as potential emitters of tritium, it
is necessary to monitor the distribution of tritium in precipitation in the Institute, as well
as at the other reference meteorological stations (Zeleno Brdo and Usek). Due to
possible contamination of the Sava and Danube rivers by tritium because of a number of
nuclear power plants on the banks of the river upstream, it is important to examine its
contents, particularly since Belgrade is supplied with drinking water from the Sava and
Danube. Investigation of tritium in the creek Mlaka, which starts within the Institute
Vinča is significant to detect any unsuspected change in local discharge, because it
flows along the heavy reactor boundary in the Institute into the Danube River (Vinča),
across the river Bolečice.
In all samples of natural water that have been analyzed in this PhD thesis,
distribution of tritium concentration was followed for the long-term time period (1985 –
2009). Given the fact that the concentration of tritium in natural water is low (0,6 Bq l-1
- 1,19 Bq l-1), all samples were electrolytically enriched in order to increase the
concentration and, as such, were measured by liquid scintillation detector LKB Wallac
1219 RackBeta. The parameters that define the process of electrolysis, the separation
factor, enrichment parameter and enrichment factor were determined. The seasonal
variations of 3H could also be analyzed by seasonal indices. Monthly and quarterly
seasonal indices were calculated and they indicate the occurrence of the maximum and
minimum values of tritium concentration in the season
Symmetrical index application for monitoring temporal changes of tritium concentration in the waters of environmental
Tritijum (3H), radioaktivni izotop vodonika, koji je dospeo u prirodu 60-tihgodina veštačkim putem iz nuklearnih eksplozija i nuklearne industrije, povećao jeprirodni sadržaj ovog radionuklida u atmosferi i u vodama iz životne sredine. Opasnostod zagađenja voda i potreba da se kontroliše stepen tog zagađenja bio je i danas je sveviše jedan od najvećih razloga proučavanja količine i načina dolaženja 3H u vode.Padavine predstavljaju glavni put za eliminaciju tritijuma iz atmosfere, bilo da jestvoren prirodnim ili veštačkim putem. Putem padavina, tritijum dospeva u površinskevode. U Beogradu se, u Institutu za nuklearne nauke Vinča, od 1976. god. vršiispitivanje sadržaja tritijuma u sakupljenim uzorcima padavina i površinskih voda. Zbogpostojanja teškovodnih istraživačkih reaktora u Institutu za nuklearne nauke "Vinča"kao potencijalnih emitera tritijuma, potrebno je pratiti distribuciju tritijuma upadavinama u samom Institiutu, a takođe i na drugim referentnim meteorološkimstanicama (Zeleno Brdo i Usek). Usled moguće kontaminacije reka Save i Dunavatritijumom zbog niza nuklearnih elektrana na uzvodnim obalama ovih reka, važno jeispitivati njegov sadržaj, naročito zbog toga što se Beograd snabdeva vodom za piće izSave i Dunava. Ispitivanje sadržaja tritijuma u potoku Mlaka, koji izvire u kruguInstituta Vinča je značajno, jer se potok uliva u Dunav (u Vinči), preko reke Bolečice.Potok protiče pored istraživačkog reaktora u Institutu Vinča, tako da može doći dokontaminacije Dunava.U svim uzorcima voda koji su analizirani u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji, praćenaje vremenska promena koncentracije tritijuma u dugom vremenskom intervalu od 1985– 2009. godine. S obzirom na činjenicu da se srednja koncentracija tritijuma upadavinama i u površinskim vodama na severnoj hemisferi kreće se od 0,6 Bq l-1 do1,19 Bq l-1, svi uzorci su elektrolitički obogaćeni u cilju povećanja koncentracije i kaotakvi su mereni na tečnom scintilacionom detektoru LKB Wallac 1219 RackBeta.Određeni su parametri koji definišu sam proces elektrolize, separacioni faktor,parametar obogaćenja i faktor obogaćenja. Izračunati su mesečni i kvartalni sezonskiindeksi koji ukazuju na pojavu maksimalnih i minimalnih vrednosti koncentracijetritijuma u godišnjim dobima.Tritium (3H), a radioactive isotope of hydrogen, which reached in the nature inthe sixties, by nuclear explosions and nuclear industries, increased the naturalabundance of this radionuclide in the atmosphere and in the water from theenvironment. The reason for studying the tritium content in natural waters is a risk ofwater pollution by this radionuclide.Precipitation is the main route for the elimination of tritium from theatmosphere, whether it is natural origin or made artificially. Tritium enters in thesurface water by precipitation. Environmental monitoring of tritium began, in asystematic way, in 1976 in the Institute of Nuclear Sciences "Vinča" in Belgrade, withsampling and measurements of precipitation and surface waters. Because of theexistence of the heavy research reactors in the Institute as potential emitters of tritium, itis necessary to monitor the distribution of tritium in precipitation in the Institute, as wellas at the other reference meteorological stations (Zeleno Brdo and Usek). Due topossible contamination of the Sava and Danube rivers by tritium because of a number ofnuclear power plants on the banks of the river upstream, it is important to examine itscontents, particularly since Belgrade is supplied with drinking water from the Sava andDanube. Investigation of tritium in the creek Mlaka, which starts within the InstituteVinča is significant to detect any unsuspected change in local discharge, because itflows along the heavy reactor boundary in the Institute into the Danube River (Vinča),across the river Bolečice.In all samples of natural water that have been analyzed in this PhD thesis,distribution of tritium concentration was followed for the long-term time period (1985 –2009). Given the fact that the concentration of tritium in natural water is low (0,6 Bq l-1- 1,19 Bq l-1), all samples were electrolytically enriched in order to increase theconcentration and, as such, were measured by liquid scintillation detector LKB Wallac1219 RackBeta. The parameters that define the process of electrolysis, the separationfactor, enrichment parameter and enrichment factor were determined. The seasonalvariations of 3H could also be analyzed by seasonal indices. Monthly and quarterlyseasonal indices were calculated and they indicate the occurrence of the maximum andminimum values of tritium concentration in the season
Radioactivity Concentrations in Spa Waters - Dose Assessment
In this study 6 different spa water samples from Serbia, Hungary and Czech Republic were investigated in order to determine their radioactivity concentrations. These waters have been used on a large scale for medical and bathing purposes; for therapy, rehabilitation and recreation and also used for drinking, which is the most important. The obtained results showed that natural activity concentrations of alpha emitting radionuclides was within World Health Organization recommended levels and Serbian applicable regulations, but the gross beta activity exceed 1 Bq L-1 for some of the samples. Considering the fact that gross beta activity in four samples was higher than recommended levels, gamma spectrometric measurements were performed, in order to identify radionuclides which caused increase of the gross beta activity. It was found that K-40 was responsible for the elevated gross beta activity. Based on the obtained results the annual effective dose was calculated.3rd International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research (RAD), Jun 08-12, 2015, Budva, Montenegr
Radioactivity in raw materials used in ceramics industry
The natural radioactivity in zirconium samples used in the ceramics industry has
been measured. One of the most important use of zircon is as opacifier for ceramic
tiles. The measurements were made by gamma spectrometry with a high purity
germanium detector (HPGe). The gamma index, I, the external hazard index, Hex
and the internal hazard index, Hin, were calculated. The investigated samples can
be used as one component in the recipe for the production of ceramics only if 3%
of the samples used
Comparison of two different methods for gross alpha and beta activity determination in water samples
Measurement of the gross alpha and beta activity concentrations in various matrices is suitable as a preliminary screening procedure to determine whether further analysis related to specific radionuclide is necessary. In Serbia, according to current regulations, radioactivity concentrations in drinking water for gross alpha and gross beta should be LT 0.5 and LT 1.0 Bq L-1, respectively. The generally accepted methods for gross alpha and beta activity analysis of drinking water in different countries are: EPA 900.0 and ISO methods (ISO 9696, water quality - measurement of gross alpha activity in non-saline water - thick source method, and ISO 9697, water quality - measurement of gross beta activity in non-saline water). This paper describes comparison of preparations and measurement gross alpha and beta activity in bottled mineral waters as well as in tap waters in Serbia using two methods: EPA 900.0 with and without ash, and ISO methods. Concentration of total dissolved solids (TDS) in investigated water samples was determined. Based on obtained TDS, certain volume was evaporated. The instrumentation used to count the gross alpha and gross beta activities for both methods is alpha/beta low level proportional counter Thermo Eberline FHT 770 T
The measurement of tritium in water samples with electrolytic enrichment using liquid scintillation counter
Tritium (3H) present in the environment decreased in the last decades and nowadays it has low activity concentrations. Measurement of low-level tritium activities in natural waters, e. g. in precipitation, groundwater, and river water requires special techniques for water pretreatment and detection of low-level radioactivity. In order to increase the tritium concentration to an easily measurable level, electrolytic enrichment must be applied. This paper presents the enrichment method performed by electrolysis in a battery of 18 cells, giving an enrichment factor of 5.84 (calculated from 59 electrolyses). The calculated mean values of the separation factor and enrichment parameter were 4.10 and 0.84, respectively. Results for tritium activity in precipitation and surface water collected in Belgrade during 2008 and 2009 are presented. The Radiation and Environmental Protection Department of the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, participated in the IAEA TRIC2008 international intercomparison exercise. The participation in the intercomparisons for any laboratory doing low-level 3H measurements in the waters is very important and useful. It is considered the best way to check the entire procedure and methods of the measurements and the reliability of the standard used. The analysis of the reported 3H activity results showed that all results for five intercomparison samples, for which electrolytic enrichment were applied prior to the 3H measurement, are acceptable
Natural and artificial (90Sr) radionuclides in some carbonated mineral waters used in Serbia
A radiological characterization of 7 different carbonated mineral water samples collected in the local supermarkets in the area of Belgrade (produced in Serbia) was carried out. Analysis included determination of gross alpha and gross beta activities. The obtained results showed that the natural activity concentrations of alpha and beta emitting radionuclides in carbonated mineral water samples were within World Health Organization recommended levels, except for the Heba Strong and Kiseljak samples where the beta activity exceeds 1 Bq/L. For these two water samples gamma spectrometry analysis was performed as well as determination of 90Sr by oxalic method. The instrumentation used to count the gross alpha and gross beta activities, as well as for 90Sr, was a/b low level proportional counter Thermo Eberline FHT 770 T. Gamma spectrometric measurements were performed using a HPGe Canberra detector with a counting efficiency of 20%. The annual effective dose equivalent due to ingestion of investigated waters was calculated for age group >17, and obtained values are lower than 0.1 mSv recommended reference level. Finally, a comparison of the investigated waters with worldwide data was made. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III43009
Gross alpha and beta activity in clay and the influence of clay on dynamic of Briggs-Rauscher reaction
U radu je prikazana skrining metoda određivanja ukupne alfa i beta aktivnosti u
uzorcima glina. Merenja su obavljena na niskofonskom gasnom proporcionalnom
brojaču. Takođe je prikazan i uticaj datih glina na oscilatornu Briggs-Rauscher
reakciju. Briggs-Rauscher (BR) reakcija je oscilatorna reakcija, u kojoj je oksidacija
malonske kiseline (CH2(COOH)2) u prisustvu vodonik peroksida (H2O2) i kalijum
jodata (KIO3), katalizovana jonom mangana (Mn2+) u kiseloj (HClO4) sredini. Ova
reakcija se uspešno koristi kao matriks za određivanje koncentracije analita, kao i
njihove potencijalne antioksidativne/antiradikalske aktivnosti. U ovom radu, po prvi put
je upotrebljen BR reakcioni sistem kao medijum za ispitivanje različitih vrsta glina.This paper presents the screening method for determination of the gross alpha and beta
activity in clay samples. The measurements were performed using a low-level gas
proportional counter. The influence of clays on the Briggs-Rauscher oscillatory
reaction is also shown. Briggs-Rauscher (BR) reaction is an oscillatory reaction in
which the oxidation of malonic acid (CH2(COOH)2) in the presence of hydrogen
peroxide (H2O2) and potassium iodate (KIO3) is catalyzed with manganese ions (Mn2+)
in acid medium (HClO4). This reaction is successfully used as a matrix to determine the
concentration of analytes, as well as their potential antioxidant/antiradical activity. In
this paper, for the first time, BR reaction system was used as a medium for investigation
different types of clay
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