1,118 research outputs found

    A general time element using Cartesian coordinates: Eccentric orbit integration

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    A general time element, valid with any arbitrary independent variables, and used with Cartesian coordinates for the integration of the elliptic motion in orbits, is examined. The derivation of the time element from a set of canonical elements of the Delaunay type, developed in the extended phase space, is presented. The application of the method using an example of a transfer orbit for a geosynchronous mission is presented. The eccentric and elliptic anomaly are utilized as the independent variable. The reduction of the in track error resulting from using Cartesian coordinates with the time element is reported

    The Europeanization of Territorial Governance: results from an analysis across the board

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    Since the 1990s developments in the territorial dimension of EU policies has progressively fostered member states’ territorial governance and spatial planning systems to become one of the key components of EU integrated development strategies and policy delivery mechanisms. The extent to which this created a catalytic environment resulting in a so called ‘Europeanization’ of territorial governance and spatial planning is however subject of debate. Aiming at shedding light on this matter, the paper builds on the provisional results of the ESPON COMPASS project to investigate the role that the EU plays in shaping national territorial governance and spatial planning and vice versa. It does so by understanding territorial governance and spatial planning systems as ‘institutional technologies’ subject to continuous change and classifying the possible influences that link the EU and the Member States within the overall European territorial governance framework. In particular, it identifies three types of top-down influence from the EU to the country level (structural, instrumental, discursive top-down), two types of bottom-up influence through which the European countries potentially influence EU policy- making (discursive bottom-up, practical), and the horizontal influence through which countries potentially influence one another. The impact of these six types of influence is explored systematically for the 32 States of the ESPON area (28 EU Member States plus 4 neighbour countries), in order to reflect on the main commonalities and differences that characterise the Europeanization of territorial governance and (ii) on what this can suggest for the improvement of European territorial governance

    Structure, tools, discourse and practices: a multidimensional comparative approach to EU territorial governance

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    The concept of "EU territorial governance" has been recently adopted by planners and decision-makers to indicate the occurrence of a complex, multifaceted and largely undefined process of spatial planning and development activities guided, at various levels, in the European Union's institutional context. Building on a EU territorial governance conceptual framework elaborated by the authors in previous work, which individuates the specific „channels‟ of interaction that convey change in European countries, on the one hand, and institutional progress at the EU level, on the other hand, the contribution aims to shed some light on the differential impact exerted by such channels as they manifests in relation to different Member States domestic contexts. It does so by adopting three different national contexts as case studies, representative of as many „ideal types‟ of planning system traditions existing in Europe – namely , „comprehensive integrated‟ (Germany), „urbanism‟ (Italy), plus a supposed „Central and Eastern European socialist transition‟ type (Poland) – and providing a comparative analysis of the elements that, in relation to each of them, influence the evolution of European spatial planning and spatial planning domestic contexts within the complex framework of EU territorial governance

    Interventions and instruments to promote sustainable land use in Europe

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    Since the first examples of human settlements, land has been subject to transformations. With the industrial revolution and in particular after the Second World War, land transformation has become more intense in terms of overexploitation of natural resources. Only recently, however, have policy and decision makers acknowledged the importance of land as a finite resource. Sustainable development has increasingly become the subject of many studies and a reason for debate, leading to different lines of thought among the various disciplines. This has led to the design and implementation of a great number of sustainable land use practices in many European cities and regions. In fact, it seems that sustainability of land use depends both on the socio-economic processes that trigger spatial development and the effectiveness of the instruments that regulate these processes (Solly et al., 2020). The need for a more sustainable and eco-compatible approach, and the European objective to achieve zero net land take 2050 (Science for Environment Policy, 2016), have been one of the reasons why ESPON launched the pan-European research project SUPER – Sustainable Urbanization and land-use in the European Regions. The project examines, on the one hand, the nature and the structure of urbanization processes and, on the other, it seeks to analyze the degree of success of interventions and instruments aiming at a more sustainable use of land. This contribution presents the results of the project by focusing especially on the content of the SUPER “Guide to Sustainable Urbanisation and Land Use” (Cotella et al., 2020). Thanks to the exploration of more than two hundred examples of urbanization interventions gathered all over Europe, the guide suggests a set of policy recommendations for policy and decision makers in order to address land use in a more sustainable perspective. According to the different objectives and contextual needs, policy and decision makers should focus more on: (i) which intervention (i.e. densification, regeneration, containment, governance and sectoral policies) and (ii) which instrument, should be used (i.e. visions and strategies, rules and legal devices, land use regulations, programmes and projects)

    ESPON SUPER – Sustainable Urbanisation and land-use Practices in European Regions. A GUIDE TO SUSTAINABLE URBANISATION AND LAND-USE

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    Guides help you do things. You turn to them when you need to find out how to solve a problem. They are a form of knowledge transfer, written by experts in a way that is accessible and helpful to a wide audience. This guide was written by the researchers engaged in the ESPON 2020 applied research project on Sustainable Urbanisation and Land-Use Practices in European Regions (SUPER). It aims to help people and institutions engaged with land-use management at various levels across Europe to promote sustainable urbanisation in their territories. Overall, the guide offers information, ideas and perspectives to help decision-makers and policymakers to proactively contribute to more equal, balanced, and sustainable territorial development. The decision to convert land to a different use influences our quality of life and that of future generations, and, as this Guide shows, a large toolbox of interventions exists that can help alter prevailing land-use practices. Choosing among them is a tough decision, and implementation may require strong political commitment and bold leadership. We hope that this Guide provides the inspiration to accept this challenge

    Breaking the isolation: fundraisers, informal support groups, and professional growth

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    Although understanding of the fundraising profession is growing, less is known about fundraisers working in smaller nonprofits, with limited access to professional associations. In this grounded theory study, we conducted focus groups with fundraisers who created an informal professional association. Literature has indeed shown that such associations can provide self-regulation, knowledge diffusion, and professional identity–similar to that offered by larger, formal associations. Our objective was to explore why, when, and how fundraisers in small organizations form and use informal associations for professional growth and confidence. We created a model/theory describing one group’s process with implications for supporting the profession

    ESPON Project 2.3.1., Application and effects of the ESDP in Member States. First Interim Report

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    This First Interim Report includes the initial results of the project “Application and Effects of the ESDP in the Member States” within the ESPON Programme 2000-2006. The focus of the study is the application of the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP), which was adopted at the Potsdam European Council meeting in May 1999

    Qualité du bois de six essences du maquis méditerranéen

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    L étude des caractéristiques physico-mécaniques du bois de six essences du maquis, ainsi qu un essai de tournage conduit par une petite entreprise spécialisée, a montré que certaines utilisations (tournage, menuiserie fine) permettent une bonne valorisation des bois du maquis, et que ceux-ci peuvent rivaliser par leur finition, leur dureté et leur bel aspect avec de nombreux bois tropicaux importés
