117 research outputs found

    Flora and vegetation of the old pine tree stand in the Broników forest range (Załęcze Landscape Park)

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    In this paper the geobotanical character of some parts of the Broników forest range is presented. The results of researches taken place during 1998 and 1999 are 36 taxons of lichens, 24 species of bryophytes and 77 species of vascular plants found on this area. The following plant communities were distinguished: Cladonio-Pinetum, Leucohryo-Pinetum, Molinio-Pinetum, Vaccinio uliginosi-Pineium. The location of distinguished communities was shown on a real vegetation map.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Patologie zachowań kierowniczych i sposoby ich ograniczania w aspekcie przeprowadzanych zmian organizacyjnych

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    rozdział z: Dysfunkcje i patologie w sferze zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi, t. 4, red. Z. Janowska, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2011,W obliczu wysokiej dynamiki zmian zachodzących w otoczeniu systemu pracy, przedsiębiorstwa zmuszone są do podejmowania niemalŜe nieustannych wewnętrznych przeobraŜeń. Problemy poruszane w niniejszym artykule, a dotyczące zarządzania zmianą organizacyjną wywołanej ostatnim kryzysem, są nadal niezwykle aktualne. Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja i analiza patologii zachowań kierowniczych, jakie ujawniły się w mijającym kryzysie, jako źródle wymuszonych zmian organizacyjnych oraz wskazanie na sposoby ich ograniczania. Artykuł został oparty na badaniach pilotaŜowych przeprowadzonych w następujących obszarach: rola i sprawność decyzyjna kadry zarządzającej, komunikowanie się z pracownikami w okresie kryzysu oraz ich motywowanie. Badania zostały przeprowadzone w drugim kwartale 2010 roku w dziewięciu przedsiębiorstwach na terenie Dolnego Śląska. W badaniu uczestniczyło 135 pracowników w takiej samej ilości z kaŜdej firmy. Wykorzystano w nich metodę ankietową oraz wywiady nieustrukturalizowane.In the face of high dynamics of changes happening in working system environment, enterprises are forced to take internal transformations. Problems brought up in this article, concerning managing the organizational change caused by the latest economic downturn, still exist. This article aims to identify and analyse managerial behavioral pathologies, which have become apparent in the passing crisis situation, and pointing at ways of reducing them. The article has been based on pilot studies conducted in the following areas: the role and the decision-making efficiency of managing staff, communicating with employees as well as motivation, which determine effective operation of the company in times of economic downturn. The article has been based on the research conducted in 9 companies operating in Lower Silesia (Poland) in the second quarter of 2010. The total of 135 employees, the same number in each company, were surveyed by means of a questionnaire and non-structured interviews

    „Uczyć się od mistrzów” – zastosowanie tanatoedukacji do nauczania historii najnowszej

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    The article shows how to use the method of social sensitization of young people, i.e. the introduction of the so-called difficult topics such as dying, death, mourning, which can be referred to in the teaching of modern history. Referring to the methodological orientation of the action research, two thanatology actions were analyzed: interventional and planned, taking into account the perspective of didactics of history in the analysis and interpretation phase. The article constitutes a kind of a methodical proposal with examples, such as working with emotions, creating a school community of memory, using ego-documents and cemetery - a place of remembrance, to pursue the postulate of teaching history as an “opportunity for individual searches, discoveries and emotions”. Displaying thanatological threads in history education, or more broadly, humanistic subjects, creates an opportunity to confront the student (and the teacher) with one of the most difficult existential worries, which is death.Artykuł wskazuje, jak można wykorzystać metodę uwrażliwienia społecznego młodzieży - wprowadzanie tzw. trudnych tematów takich, jak umieranie, śmierć,  żałoba, do których można się odwołać w nauczaniu historii najnowszej. Nawiązując do orientacji metodologicznej action research poddano oglądowi dwa zrealizowane działania tanatoedukacyjne: interwencyjne i zaplanowane, uwzględniając w fazie analizy i interpretacji perspektywę dydaktyka historii. Artykuł stanowi rodzaj propozycji metodycznej pokazującej na konkretnych działaniach, jak praca z emocjami, tworzenie szkolnej wspólnoty pamięci, wykorzystanie ego – dokumentów i cmentarza - miejsca pamięci, realizuje postulat nauczania historii   jako „okazji do indywidualnych poszukiwań, odkryć i wzruszeń”, a z kolei eksponowanie wątków tanatologicznych w edukacji historii - i szerzej: przedmiotów humanistycznych  - stwarza sposobność konfrontacji ucznia (i nauczyciela) z jedną z trudniejszych trosk egzystencjalnych – śmiercią

    Modern teachers of Ars moriendi

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    It is evident that a change is happening, a breakthrough, in perceptions of death; the next episode is being unveiled. After the stages Philippe Aries named death of the tame and then death of the wild, people today are finally experiencing the humanizing of death, which we call sharing death, whose influence is worth deep analysis. Our hypothesis is that today, Ars moriendi, meeting the needs of the dying, may be learned from the so-called death teachers, whose message is growing noticeably in society. This research shows a certain reversal of social roles that are worth noting and accepting. In the past, a priest was a guide and a teacher in the face of dying and death; today, he has the opportunity to learn Ars moriendi from contemporary teachers of dying, to imagine an empty chair standing by a dying person


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    Chemical composition of 341 charges – samples of fodder phosphates, their physico-chemical properties (solubility in different solvents), harmful elements content, phase composition and thermal analysis of 150 selected samples of phosphates were determined. Average solubility of monocalcium phosphates (% P2O5 in relation to total P2O5) (in%) amounted to: in water 74.8 – 82.1; in 2% citric acid from 96.6 to 98.3; in 0.4% HCl 94.8 – 98.8 and in neutral ammonium citrate 93.6 – 97.1. Solubility of dicalcium phosphates amounted to (in %): in water from 1.4 to 7.4; in 2% citric acid 50.9 – 98.5; in 0.4% HCl 78.7 – 92.3 and in neutral ammonium citrate 70.3-85.1. Average solubility of monosodium phosphates amounted to (in %): in water 0.1-89.6; in 2% citric acid 25.0 – 90.0; in 0.4% HCl 26.9 – 47.7 and in neutral ammonium citrate 27.7 – 90.2. Solubility of the remaining groups of phosphates (tricalcium, calcium-magnesium and sodium-calcium phosphates) amounted to (in %): in water from 0.1 to 25.8; in 2% citric acid from 25.1 to 95.7; in 0.4% HCl from 26.9 to 56.2 and in neutral ammonium citrate from 23.1 to 79.3. Hydrated monocalcium phosphates with admixture of both hydrated and dehydrated dicalcium phosphate were characterized by the highest solubility in water. In the group of dicalcium phosphates the lowest solubility in 0.4% HCl was stated for dehydrated forms, while the highest solubility was observed in hydrated phosphates. Solubility in water or in 0.4% hydrochloric acid together with the roentgenographical and thermogravimetrical investigations as well as solubility in 2% citric acid and in neutral ammonium citrate are good and cheap methods for identifying by precise the quality of phosphates.Određen je kemijski sastav 341 uzorka fosfata krmiva, njihova fizikalno-kemijska svojstva (topivost u raznim otopinama), sadržaj štetnih elemenata, fazni sastav i termalna analiza 150 odabranih uzoraka fosfata. Prosječna topivost monokalcijevih fosfata (%P2O5 u odnosu na ukupno P2O5) (%) iznosila je u vodi 74,8 - 82,1; u 2% limunskoj kiselini od 96,6 do 98,3; u 0,4% HCI 94,8 - 98,8 i u neutralnom amonijevom citratu 93,6 - 97,1. Topivost dikalcijevih fosfata iznosila je (u %) u vodi od 1,4 do 98,5; u O4%HCI 78,7 -92,3 i u neutralnom amonijevom citratu 70,3 - 85,1. Prosječna topivost mononatrijevih fosfata iznosila je (u%) u vodi 0,1 - 89,6; 2% limunskoj kiselini 25,0 - 90,0; u 0,4% HCI 26,9 - 47,7 i u neutralnom amonijevom citratu 27,7 - 90,2. Topivost ostalih skupina fosfata (trikalcij, kalcijev magnezij i natrijevi-kalcijevi fosfati) iznosila je (u %) u vodi od 0,1 do 25,8; u 2% limunskoj kiselini od 25,1 do 95,7; u 0,4% HCI od 26,9 do 56,2 i u neutralnom amonijevom citratu od 23,1 do 79,3. Hidratni monokalcijevi fosfati s primjesom hidratog i dehidratnog dikalcijevog fosfata obilježila je najviša topivost u vodi. U skupini dikalcijevih fosfata najniža topivost u 0,4% HCI ustanovljena je za dehidrirane oblike, ali je najviša topivost primijećena u hidratnim fosfatima. Topivost u vodi ili u 0,4% hidroklornoj kiselini zajedno s rendgenografskim i termogravimetrijskim ispitivanjima kao i topivost u 2% limunskoj kiselini i neutralnom amonijevom citratu dobre su i jeftine metode za precizno identificiranje kakvoće fosfata

    Jakość kształcenia na studiach historycznych w Polsce – rekrutacja i proces dyplomowania.

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    Abstrakt:: W latach 2016–2019 Polska Komisja Akredytacyjna dokonała oceny jakości kształcenia na kilkunastu uniwersytetach Polski. Artykuł podsumowuje wnioski z tych ocen w odniesieniu do sposobów weryfikacji wstępnych kompetencji kandydatów na studia historyczne oraz wymagań dotyczących prac dyplomowych związanych z ukończeniem studiów.   Abstract: Between 2016–2019, the Polish Accreditation Committee assessed the quality of education at several Polish universities. This article summarises the conclusions of these assessments with regard to the methods used to check the initial level of candidates for historical studies and the requirements for diploma theses related to graduation

    Jakość kształcenia na studiach historycznych w Polsce – rekrutacja i proces dyplomowania.: W świetle ocen programowych Polskiej Komisji Akredytacyjnej.

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    Abstrakt:: W latach 2016–2019 Polska Komisja Akredytacyjna dokonała oceny jakości kształcenia na kilkunastu uniwersytetach Polski. Artykuł podsumowuje wnioski z tych ocen w odniesieniu do sposobów weryfikacji wstępnych kompetencji kandydatów na studia historyczne oraz wymagań dotyczących prac dyplomowych związanych z ukończeniem studiów. Abstract: Between 2016–2019, the Polish Accreditation Committee assessed the quality of education at several Polish universities. This article summarises the conclusions of these assessments with regard to the methods used to check the initial level of candidates for historical studies and the requirements for diploma theses related to graduation

    A large-scale survey of genetic variation and genome evolution within the invasive Reynoutria complex : [streszczenie]

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    The taxa from the genus Reynoutria: R. japonica, R. sachalinensis, originating from Asia, and their hybrid R. ×bohemica are some of the most troublesome alien invasive species in Europe and North America, particularly dangerous to riparian ecosystems. Simultaneously, these taxa constitute a unique model system for the creation of hybrids and the initiation of evolutionary processes in an invaded range. The aim of the study was: (i) to examine the level of genetic diversity using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) markers in selected populations of three Reynoutria taxa from Poland, Hungary, Ukraine and Slovakia in comparison with Japan, (ii) to identify marked chromosomes in all taxa using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with rDNA sequences, and (iii) to establish genome size and ploidy level in the knotweed species using flow cytometry (FCM) (Fragment tekstu)

    From Learning “Doing the Work of a Paramedic” to “Being a Paramedic” – the Results of Research on Students of the Last Year of Wroclaw Medical University

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    Theoretical background: The limited number of scientific studies on the specifics of the professional identity formation of paramedics makes it possible to conclude that this subject is insufficiently identified. In addition, the growing demand for medical professions, including paramedics, has led the authors to fill the research gap related to the recognition of the real professional identity of future representatives of the discussed profession. Accepting the fact that professional identity of paramedics is formed at different stages of the professional life of the person practicing the job, the authors took up the challenge of looking at the problem in question from the perspective of, inter alia, the identification of key determinants of the choice of this profession, the accompanying values and motivations, as well as the degree of fulfilment of expectations from the process of preparation for this profession offered in the framework of higher education.Purpose of the article: The article draws attention to a very important stage in the process of shaping the professional identity of paramedics, which is the higher-level of education. Its purpose is to recognize the opinions of students of the last year of emergency medical care about their values, motivations that determined the choice of this field of study and the competences acquired by them.  These elements determine the degree of satisfaction of students with the broadly understood process of study and, consequently, the forming of their professional identity. Research methods: The article refers to the results of own research conducted among students of the last year in the field of medical rescue service at the Medical University of Wroclaw. The study covered a four-year period and was done each time in the second quarter of 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. The authors of the article conducted a diagnostic survey using the authors' survey questionnaire.Main findings: Future paramedics, while undertaking higher studies in the said field, though internally convinced that their decisions were right, were guided by different values and motivations. Among the most important were the desire to pursue their passions, fulfill dreams, care for their own health, family and relationships with friends. Work as a value and the directly related need to help others, as well as the resulting economic benefits, were not considered the most important for future paramedics at that moment. The identified dissonance pertaining to the degree of fulfilment of expectations towards the process of education and the degree of benefits gained from that process demonstrate a limited level of satisfaction from preparation for the studied profession.Implications/Recommendations: The attempt made in the article to insight into the professional identity of future paramedics, and in particular the weaknesses and concerns identified in relation to the learned profession, certainly invite further research that can contribute to both, improving the current education system and taking action by further actors in the subsequent stages of shaping this identity. Taking into account the concerns identified by future paramedics and the enormity of tasks they are going to face, the professional predisposition as well as psychophysical characteristics of potential candidates should be taken into account at the stage of recruitment for the studies. In this context the teaching time should be increased for such subjects as psychology, patient communication and stress management. So far, the Polish education system of paramedics offers no planned career path, no vertical differentiation and promotion during professional work, which would certainly be a motivating factor. Continuous professional development should be an important element, which could enable them to develop their professional identity from learning "doing the work of a paramedic" to "being a paramedic".Theoretical background: The limited number of scientific studies on the specifics of the professional identity formation of paramedics makes it possible to conclude that this subject is insufficiently identified. In addition, the growing demand for medical professions, including paramedics, has led the authors to fill the research gap related to the recognition of the real professional identity of future representatives of the discussed profession. Accepting the fact that professional identity of paramedics is formed at different stages of the professional life of the person practicing the job, the authors took up the challenge of looking at the problem in question from the perspective of, inter alia, the identification of key determinants of the choice of this profession, the accompanying values and motivations, as well as the degree of fulfilment of expectations from the process of preparation for this profession offered in the framework of higher education.Purpose of the article: The article draws attention to a very important stage in the process of shaping the professional identity of paramedics, which is the higher-level of education. Its purpose is to recognize the opinions of students of the last year of emergency medical care about their values, motivations that determined the choice of this field of study and the competences acquired by them. These elements determine the degree of satisfaction of students with the broadly understood process of study and, consequently, the forming of their professional identity.Research methods: The article refers to the results of own research conducted among students of the last year in the field of medical rescue service at the Medical University of Wroclaw. The study covered a four-year period and was done each time in the second quarter of 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. The authors of the article conducted a diagnostic survey using the authors’ survey questionnaire.Main findings: Future paramedics, while undertaking higher studies in the said field, though internally convinced that their decisions were right, were guided by different values and motivations. Among the most important were the desire to pursue their passions, fulfil dreams, care for their own health, family and relationships with friends. Work as a value and the directly related need to help others, as well as the resulting economic benefits, were not considered the most important for future paramedics at that moment. The identified dissonance pertaining to the degree of fulfiment of expectations towards the process of education and the degree of benefis gained from that process demonstrate a limited level of satisfaction from preparation for the studied profession.Implications/Recommendations: The attempt made in the article to insight into the professional identity of future paramedics, and in particular the weaknesses and concerns identified in relation to the learned profession, certainly invite further research that can contribute to both improving the current education system and taking action by further actors in the subsequent stages of shaping this identity. Taking into account the concerns identified by future paramedics and the enormity of tasks they are going to face, the professional predisposition as well as psychophysical characteristics of potential candidates should be taken into account at the stage of recruitment for the studies. In this context the teaching time should be increased for such subjects as psychology, patient communication and stress management. So far, the Polish education system of paramedics offers no planned career path, no vertical differentiation and promotion during professional work, which would certainly be a motivating factor. Continuous professional development should be an important element, which could enable them to develop their professional identity from learning “doing the work of a paramedic” to “being a paramedic”

    Forward Genetics Approach Reveals a Mutation in bHLH Transcription Factor-Encoding Gene as the Best Candidate for the Root Hairless Phenotype in Barley

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    Root hairs are the part of root architecture contributing significantly to the root surface area. Their role is particularly substantial in maintaining plant growth under stress conditions, however, knowledge on mechanism of root hair differentiation is still limited for majority of crop species, including barley. Here, we report the results of a mapbased identification of a candidate gene responsible for the lack of root epidermal cell differentiation, which results in the lack of root hairs in barley. The analysis was based on the root hairless barley mutant rhl1.b, obtained after chemical mutagenesis of spring cultivar ‘Karat’. The rhl1 gene was located in chromosome 7HS in our previous studies. Fine mapping allowed to narrow the interval encompassing rhl1 gene to 3.7 cM, which on physical barley map spans a region of 577 kb. Five high confidence genes are located within this region and their sequencing resulted in the identification of A>T mutation in one candidate, HORVU7Hr1G030250 (MLOC_38567), differing the mutant from its parent variety. The mutation, located in the 30 splice-junction site, caused the retention of the last intron, 98 bp long, in mRNA of rhl1.b allele. This resulted in the frameshift, the synthesis of 71 abnormal amino acids and introduction of premature STOP codon in mRNA. The mutation was present in the recombinants from the mapping population (F2 rhl1.b ‘Morex’) that lacked root hairs. The candidate gene encodes a bHLH transcription factor with LRL domain and may be involved in early stages of root hair cell development. We discuss the possible involvement of HORVU7Hr1G030250 in this process, as the best candidate responsible for early stages of rhizodermis differentiation in barley