601 research outputs found
Penelitian Ini Berjudul “ Peranan Komunikasi Internal Dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Karyawan di BKKBN Provinsi Jawa Barat “ dengan Sub Judul Studi Deskriptif Analisis Mengenai Peranan Komunikasi Internal dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Karyawan di BKKBN Provinsi Jawa Barat”.
Tujuan diadakannya penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana Peran komunikasi internal dalam meningkatkan kinerja Karyawan di BKKBN Provinsi Jawa Barat, selain itu juga untuk mengetahui hambatan-hambatan dan usaha dalam peningkatan kinerja.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriptif analisis. Teknik pengumpulan datanya adalah Studi kepustakaan, observasi, wawancara dan penyebaran angket yang dibagikan kepada 102 responden.
Berdasarkan penelitian maka diperoleh hasil bahwa komunikasi internal di BKKBN Provinsi Jawa Barat berhasil dalam melaksanakan Komunikasi Internal, sehingga dapat memenuhi kepuasan Pimpinan BKKBN Provinsi Jawa Barat.
BKKBN Provinsi Jawa Barat memiliki prioritas yang tinggi terhadap kepuasan pimpinan. Komunikasi Internal yang terjadi di BKKBN Provinsi Jawa Barat senantiasa mewujudkan dengan kinerja kerja yang optimal guna mencapai tujuan organisasi
The role of glacier system in migration of calcium carbonate on Svalbard
The general objective of this research has been to identify the factors and condi−
tions of migration of CaCO3 within glaciers and their marginal zones in Svalbard. Special
attention has been paid to the cryochemical processes responsible for precipitation of cal−
cium carbonate in icing (naled ice) formed near fronts of polythermal glaciers during win−
ter. Estimates of the importance of those processes in respect of the general mineral mass
transfer in the glacier system are attempted here. Field studies concerning the carbonate
contents in proglacial sediments and icing fields were carried out in the Werenskioldbreen
and the Elisebreen basins (S and NW Spitsbergen respectively). A functional model of
CaCO3 migration in a glacier system is proposed which indicates the various paths of the
mineral mass flow. Considerations on intensity of glacial processes permitted quantitative
estimation of the particular components in respect to the Werenskioldbreen basin. Cryo−
chemical processes do not appear to be of overriding importance in such migration but,
clearly, they play a specific role in retaining CaCO3 in the proglacial zone on land. The crys−
talline forms present in the icings, which have many lattice defects, are very easily re−dis−
solved or removed by wind
In Memoriam Professor Krzysztof Ludwik Birkenmajer (1929–2019) an outstanding Polish geologist and polar researcher
"The community of polar researchers and explorers is saddened by the death
of Professor Krzysztof Birkenmajer, who passed away on 23rd February 2019
after a short illness. He was 90 years old at his passing and had led a long and
productive life, leaving a legacy that is captured in his many scientific contributions." […] (fragm.
An Analysis Of Masculinity In Picture Book “A Cool Kid Like Me”
Penelitian ini menginvestigasi sifat-sifat maskulin di dalam buku cerita bergambar A Cool Kid Like Me karangan Hans Wilhelm. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menginvestigasi sifat-sifat maskulin yang terdapat di dalam buku cerita bergambar dan menganalisisnya menggunakan teori maskuliniti dari Spence dan Beynon (2002). Berdasarkan data analisis, telah ditemukan bahwa maskuliniti di dalam buku ini dibangun melalui dua cara: secara verbal dan secara visual. Konstruksi verbal dan visual mengindikasi maskuliniti yang bermasalah.Teks menunjukkan bahwa lingkungan social menuntut sifat-sifat maskulin seperti menjadi jantan, berani dan terang-terangan, sementara tokoh utama Boy di cerita ini digambarkan sebagai anak laki-laki dengan karakter yang bertentangan dengan tuntutan lingkungan sosial. Orangtua Boy mengharapkan dia untuk menunjukkan sifat-sifat maskulin seperti berani, teguh, dan lain-lain, sementara sifat-sifat maskulin itu bertentangan dengan identitas dirinya sendiri seperti takut pada gelap dan lain-lain. Oleh karena itu buku ini menunjukkan banyak bentuk dari maskuliniti.
This research investigates the masculinity traits in Hans Wilhelm’s picture book A Cool Kid Like Me. The aim of the research is to identify the masculinity traits contained in the picture book and analyze them using Masculinity theory suggested by Spence and Beynon (2002). Based on the data analysis, it is found that masculinity is constructed in two ways: verbally and visually. The visual and verbal constructionsindicateproblematized masculinities. The text implies that the society demands certain type of masculinity such as being manly, brave and straightforward; however the main character Boy in the story is portrayed as a boy with conflicting experiences. He is expected by his parent to show a type of masculinity which relates to bravery, courages, indepedent related to traits such as being brave, courages, etc.However,these traits are in conflict with his own identity such as being afraid of dark, etc. Therefore the book has shown that there are many forms of masculinity
Evaluating Institutional Arrangements to Support Watershed-scale Cumulative Effects Assessment in the Grand River Watershed, Canada
The Grand River watershed (GRW) lies within a designated urban growth plan area known as the Greater Golden Horseshoe (GGH) region in Southern Ontario, Canada. Development activities within this watershed cause environmental effects that accumulate over space and time resulting in degradation of water resources. Some of these cumulative environmental effects include poor water quality and quantity, increased sedimentation and surface run-off. In light of such cumulative effects issues, this research study attempts to advance watershed-scale cumulative effects assessment (W-CEA) by evaluating institutional arrangements (IAs) to support it in the GRW.
The methods applied in evaluating these IAs include document review, a focus group and semi-structured interviews. The document review both positioned the research study within the current literature of watershed management and cumulative effects assessment and revealed important resource management information related to W-CEA in the GRW, while the focus group yielded an evaluative framework for existing institutional arrangements. A semi-structured interview schedule was then developed to investigate in-depth the status of institutional arrangements within the GRW. Twenty-nine interviews were conducted with academic experts; project proponents; government and watershed agencies; non-governmental organizations; First Nations; and others. Interviewees discussed eight themes related to institutional arrangements identified as prerequisites for supporting W-CEA: lead agency; multi-stakeholder collaboration; CEA baselines, indicators and thresholds; multi-scaled monitoring; data management and coordination; vertical and horizontal policy and planning linkages; enabling legislation and financial resources.
Data analysis reveals varying opinions on the capacity of existing institutional arrangements to support W-CEA at present due to different understanding of the tasks and duties required for W-CEA, and a plethora of management mandates within the watershed. The interview data also show that scattered monitoring data and lack of a strong responsible authority for W-CEA in the GRW also hamper institutional capacity. Study participants raised questions about whether existing science in the watershed is ‘mature’ enough to conduct W-CEA at this time, and there is a documented need to identify a potential funding authority for watershed-scale initiatives. Lessons learnt help to advance W-CEA frameworks in Canada and abroad
The Effect of Total Asset Turnover, Debt to Equity Ratio, Net Profit Margin, and Firm Size on Profitability in Company of Consumer Goods Industry
The aims of this research is to determine the effect of TATO, DER, NPM, Firm Size on Profitability. Method fordetermining the sample is by taking objects according to certain criteria, namely the purposive sampling. This research uses Eviews 10 software for data processing with various kinds of data analysis tests. The results of this research indicate two independent variables do not have a partial effect on profitability, such as TATO and Firm Size. There are also two independent variables that have a partial effect on profitability, such as DER and NPM. Meanwhile, 67.5% of the independent variables TATO, DER, NPM and Firm Size have an influence simultaneously on profitability and the remaining 32.5% are variables not examined.
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