4 research outputs found

    Rapport/Report 35/2016 - Norsk sammendrag

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    -This report introduces the URCHIN project, funded by the Northern Peripheries and Arctic Programme (NPA). It then describes the main techniques used for stock monitoring in sea urchin fisheries around the world, including techniques used in the NPA. Trials in Norway and Iceland run with the aim to develop cheap, effective and reliable methods of stock monitoring suitable for the environmental conditions found in the NPA are described. These include methods for both surveying new fishing areas as well as scientific monitoring. This report describes suitable sea urchin stock assessment techniques for both scenarios and describes the methodology to all participating NPA countries. It also makes recommendations for the most suitable methods for each of the participating NPA countries (Norway, Iceland, Ireland and Greenland).Denne rapporten omtaler URCHIN prosjektet, finansiert av Northern Peripheres and Arctic Programme (NPA). Rapporten beskriver de viktigste metodene som brukes for bestandsovervÄking av krÄkebollefiskeriene rundt om i verden, inkludert metoder som brukes i NPA-omrÄdet. Den beskriver ogsÄ forsÞk i Norge og pÄ Island som er gjennomfÞrt med sikte pÄ Ä utvikle billige, effektive og pÄlitelige metoder for bestandsovervÄking som samtidig er egnet for de miljÞmessige forholdene som finnes i NPA. Disse omfatter bÄde metoder for oppmÄling av nye fiskeomrÄder og metoder for vitenskapelig overvÄking. For begge scenariene gis det en beskrivelse av egnede metoder for vurdering av krÄkebollebestandene og metodene som benyttes av de deltakende NPA-land. Til slutt presenteres anbefalinger for de mest egnede metodene for hver av de deltakende NPA-landene (Norge, Island, Irland og GrÞnland)

    Rapport/Report 18/2016 – norsk sammendrag

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    -This report gives a brief introduction to the URCHIN project, funded by the Northern Peripheries and Arctic Programme (NPA). The scope of the report is also outlined. This is followed by a summary of the sea urchin fishery management techniques that are used in sea urchin fisheries around the world. These are listed in order of size of the fisheries and include a brief description of the history of the fishery and what management practices have led to the current state of the fishery. There are three more detailed case studies of Fisheries Management from Chile, the world’s largest fishery, New Zealand, a small but sustainably managed fishery and Canada, a fishery that has substantial management in place and a sustainable fishery that experiences similar environmental conditions to countries in the NPA. The report then summarises the management practices, or lack of, that have been in place in the participating NPA countries (Ireland, Iceland, Greenland and Norway). Finally, conclusions are made on the history of sea urchin fisheries management in the NPA countries and the impacts that a lack of fisheries management and regulation has had in these countries.Denne rapporten gir en kortfattet innfĂžring i prosjektet URCHIN, finansiert av Northern Periphery og Arctic Programme (NPA). Dette etterfĂžlges av et sammendrag av metoder som brukes i krĂ„kebollefiskerier verden rundt. Disse er listet etter stĂžrrelse og inneholder en kort historisk beskrivelse av fiskeriene, og hvordan praksis har pĂ„virket den nĂ„vĂŠrende tilstanden av fisket. Det er tre mer detaljerte studier av fiskemetoder fra Chile, verdens stĂžrste fiskeri, New Zealand, et lite, men bĂŠrekraftig forvaltet fiskeri og Canada, et fiskeri som har betydelig forvaltning pĂ„ plass og et bĂŠrekraftig fiskeri som har lignende miljĂžforhold som land innenfor NPA-ordningen. Rapporten oppsummer forvaltningspraksis, eller mangel pĂ„, som har vĂŠrt pĂ„ plass i NPA-land. Disse inkluderer Irland, Island, GrĂžnland og Norge. Avslutningsvis er det gitt en rekke konklusjoner pĂ„ hvordan krĂ„kebollefiskeriene har vĂŠrt forvaltet og betydningen manglende forvaltning og regulering har hatt i de ulike NPA-landene

    Report 15/2018 - Amended Version - Norwegian summary

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    This report gives a brief introduction to the URCHIN project, funded by the Northern Peripheries and Arctic Programme (NPA), followed by a summary of the fishing techniques that are used in sea urchin fisheries around the world. The main sea urchin fisheries around the world are then briefly described, together with the fishing techniques that are used in each fishery. This gives some indication of the frequency of use for the different techniques in various countries around the world. The current status of the fishery and fishing methods utilized in participating NPA countries (Norway, Iceland, Greenland and Ireland) are described. A brief description of the history of roe enhancement in Norway is also included. Finally, the factors that contribute to define the optimal sea urchin fishing techniques for any given country and company are outlined. The efficacy of a fishing technique will depend on a number of these factors and the interactions between them. In the following NPA report a cost/benefit analysis will be conducted for each of the participating NPA countries on what method of fishing is most effective. Finally, Nofima and Pure Arctic AS undertook a trial testing a new and novel collection system in 2017. The results from this trial are included as an Appendix in this report.Report 15/2018 - Amended Version - Norwegian summarypublishedVersio