40 research outputs found

    On a generic symmetry defect hypersurface

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    We show that symmetry defect hypersurfaces for two generic members of the irreducible algebraic family of n-dimensional smooth irreducible subvarieties in general position in C²ⁿ are homeomorphic and they have homeomorphic sets of singular points. In particular symmetry defect curves for two generic curves in C² of the same degree have the same numer of singular points

    HPTLC-profiling of eleutherosides, mechanism of antioxidative action of eleutheroside E1, the PAMPA test with LC/MS detection and the structure-activity relationship

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    Human body is constantly generating free radicals, which causes oxidative stress. Despite naturally occurring antioxidant systems in human body, free radicals cause lipid, proteins and DNA oxidation. New antioxidants are still urgent as well as their mechanisms of action should be explained. In this study, we investigated the mechanism by which eleutherosides B, E and E1 may act as antioxidants, identified eleutherosides in Eleutherococcus lasiogyne and Eleutherococcus giraldii, and explained in vitro the absorption of eleutheroside E1 based on passive transport. The DPPH∗ and DB-HPTLC tests were used to assess the antioxidant activity. Of the three eleutherosides, only eleutheroside E1 exhibited a strong anti-DPPH∗ activity (EC50 37.03 μg/mL; 63 mMol) compared to the raw extracts (EC50 170 and 180 μg/mL for E. lasiogyne and E. giraldii). This activity was also confirmed by the DB-HPTLC autography technique. According to Załuski’s hypothesis, the antioxidant mechanism of eleutheroside E1 is based on the complexation of DPPH∗ molecule with its aryl radical. During this reaction, the aryl radical of eleutheroside E1 (E1∗) and DPPHH are created. Next, the aryl radical (E1∗) is complexed with another DPPH∗ molecule. Additionally, the aryl radical can be stabilized by the presence of the methoxy groups in the aromatic ring, which increases its antioxidative action. The HPTLC-identification of extracts showed the presence of eleutherosides B, E and E1 in both species. The PAMPA test coupled with LC/MS detection showed a low permeability of eleutheroside E1 across artificial membrane. Because eleutherosides belong to the polyphenols, the TPC and TFC were quantified. The TPC and TFC varied from 51.4 to 49.3 mg/g dry extract for TPC, and from 5.73 to 4.91 mg/g dry extract for TFC, for E. giraldii and E. lasiogyne, respectively. In conclusion, eleutheroside E1 in its pure form could be a chemopreventive ingredient of new pharmacological or dietary products, stimulating the GALT. These findings can explain partially the adaptogenic activity of eleutheroside E1 on the GALT, which has been still unknown. Keywords: Eleutherococcus, Eleutheroside E1, Załuski’s hypothesis, HPTLC-autography, Antioxidant, PAMPA test, SA

    HPTLC-profiling of eleutherosides, mechanism of antioxidative action of eleutheroside E1, the PAMPA test with LC/MS detection and the structure–activity relationship

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    AbstractHuman body is constantly generating free radicals, which causes oxidative stress. Despite naturally occurring antioxidant systems in human body, free radicals cause lipid, proteins and DNA oxidation. New antioxidants are still urgent as well as their mechanisms of action should be explained. In this study, we investigated the mechanism by which eleutherosides B, E and E1 may act as antioxidants, identified eleutherosides in Eleutherococcus lasiogyne and Eleutherococcus giraldii, and explained in vitro the absorption of eleutheroside E1 based on passive transport. The DPPH∗ and DB-HPTLC tests were used to assess the antioxidant activity. Of the three eleutherosides, only eleutheroside E1 exhibited a strong anti-DPPH∗ activity (EC50 37.03μg/mL; 63mMol) compared to the raw extracts (EC50 170 and 180μg/mL for E. lasiogyne and E. giraldii). This activity was also confirmed by the DB-HPTLC autography technique. According to Załuski’s hypothesis, the antioxidant mechanism of eleutheroside E1 is based on the complexation of DPPH∗ molecule with its aryl radical. During this reaction, the aryl radical of eleutheroside E1 (E1∗) and DPPHH are created. Next, the aryl radical (E1∗) is complexed with another DPPH∗ molecule. Additionally, the aryl radical can be stabilized by the presence of the methoxy groups in the aromatic ring, which increases its antioxidative action. The HPTLC-identification of extracts showed the presence of eleutherosides B, E and E1 in both species. The PAMPA test coupled with LC/MS detection showed a low permeability of eleutheroside E1 across artificial membrane. Because eleutherosides belong to the polyphenols, the TPC and TFC were quantified. The TPC and TFC varied from 51.4 to 49.3mg/g dry extract for TPC, and from 5.73 to 4.91mg/g dry extract for TFC, for E. giraldii and E. lasiogyne, respectively. In conclusion, eleutheroside E1 in its pure form could be a chemopreventive ingredient of new pharmacological or dietary products, stimulating the GALT. These findings can explain partially the adaptogenic activity of eleutheroside E1 on the GALT, which has been still unknown

    A triterpene saponin from "Lysimachia thyrsiflora L."

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    A triterpene saponoside (LTS-4) isolated from the underground parts of Lysimachia thyrsiflora L. was defined as 3-O-{β-D-xylopyranosyl-(1→2)-β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→4)-[β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→2)]-α- L-arabinopyranosyl}-cyclamiretin A. Structure assignment was performed on the basis of spectroscopic data including homo- and heteronuclear 1D and 2D NMR (COSY, TOCSY, NOESY, HETCOR, HMBC and DEPT) and FAB-MS studies. The compound was tested in vitro for antimicrobial and cytotoxic activity

    Plan De Intervención Sobre La Puntualidad escolar Para Fortalecer La Identidad Cultural en Los Alumnos De La Institución Educativa N°16213. Tomocho, Bagua Grande, Utcubamba.

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    La investigación titulada: “Plan de intervención sobre la puntualidad escolar para fortalecer la identidad cultural en los alumnos de la institución educativa N°16213. Tomocho, Bagua Grande, Utcubamba”, tiene como objetivo: “Determinarla influencia del plan de intervención sobre la puntualidad escolar se fortalece la identidad cultural en los alumnos de la institución educativa N° 16213. Tomocho,Bagua Grande, Utcubamba” El estudio se abordó en el marco de una investigación cuantitativa a través del desarrollo del tipo de investigación aplicativa–explicativa, se aplicó un plan de intervención sobre la puntualidad escolar y se explica a través de las teorías científicas, a través de un diseño pre experimental con un solo grupo, en una muestra de 26 estudiantes de la institución educativa en mención. La variable identidad cultural se ejecutó con las dimensiones: gastronomía, música y danzas tradicionales y artesanías; del mismo modo la variable plan de intervención sobre la puntualidad escolar se ejecutó con el desarrollo de las dimensiones: aumento de eficacia, incremento de confianza, adquisición de respeto y conquista del empleo En los resultados alcanzados se observa que de los 26 alumnos entrevistados antes de aplicar el programa en las tres dimensiones se ubicaron en el nivel bajo gastronomía 53.8%, Música y danza 46.2% y artesanías 50%.Mientras que después de aplicar el programa alcanzaron un nivel muy bueno gastronomía 46.2%, Música y danzas 38.5% y artesanía 23.1%. Demostrando de esa manera la eficacia del plan de intervención sobre puntualidad escolar

    Maria Oświęcimska (1922-1999)

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