26 research outputs found

    Attenuation of Soft-Tissue Sarcomas Resistance to the Cytotoxic Action of TNF-α by Restoring p53 Function

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    BACKGROUND: Isolated limb perfusion with TNF-α and melphalan is used with remarkable efficiency to treat unresectable limb sarcomas. Here we tested the ability of TNF-α to directly induce apoptosis of sarcoma cells. In addition, we investigated the impact of p53 in the regulation of such effect. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We first analysed the ability of TNF-α to induce apoptosis in freshly isolated tumour cells. For this purpose, sarcoma tumours (n = 8) treated ex vivo with TNF-α were processed for TUNEL staining. It revealed substantial endothelial cell apoptosis and levels of tumour cell apoptosis that varied from low to high. In order to investigate the role of p53 in TNF-α-induced cell death, human sarcoma cell lines (n = 9) with different TP53 and MDM2 status were studied for their sensitivity to TNF-α. TP53(Wt) cell lines were sensitive to TNF-α unless MDM2 was over-expressed. However, TP53(Mut) and TP53(Null) cell lines were resistant. TP53 suppression in TP53(Wt) cell lines abrogated TNF-α sensitivity and TP53 overexpression in TP53(Null) cell lines restored it. The use of small molecules that restore p53 activity, such as CP-31398 or Nutlin-3a, in association with TNF-α, potentiated the cell death of respectively TP53(Mut) and TP53(Wt)/MDM2(Ampl). In particular, CP-31398 was able to induce p53 as well as some of its apoptotic target genes in TP53(Mut) cells. In TP53(Wt)/MDM2(Ampl) cells, Nutlin-3a effects were associated with a decrease of TNF-α-induced NF-ÎșB-DNA binding and correlated with a differential regulation of pro- and anti-apoptotic genes such as TP53BP2, GADD45, TGF-ÎČ1 and FAIM. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: More effective therapeutic approaches are critically needed for the treatment of unresectable limb sarcomas. Our results show that restoring p53 activity in sarcoma cells correlated with increased sensitivity to TNF-α, suggesting that this strategy may be an important determinant of TNF-α-based sarcomas treatment

    Analyse du rÎle de la voie p53 dans la réponse des sarcomes des tissus mous au traitement par TNF-alpha

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    Introduction: Although named for its antitumor properties, TNF-a is implicatedin a wide spectrum of diseases including chronic inflammation, autoimmunity andcancer. It is used for the loco regional treatment of limb’s sarcoma. P53 is an antioncogenewhose mutation is associated with tumour development. Experimental datademonstrated that TNF-a cytotoxic activity and p53 status are related.Material and methods: Our objective was to study by immunohistochemistrythe p53 status in 110 sarcoma patients treated by isolated limb perfusion with TNF-a. Then, we studied by confocal microscopy in 8 freshly obtained sarcoma tumours,the localization of apoptosis. Finally, in 9 sarcoma cell lines with different p53 status,we tested the p53/TNF-a relationship by abrogating p53 with a sh-RNA and by usingsmall molecules known to restore p53 functions. To better understand the mechanismsof resistance to TNF-a, we measured by EMSA the NF-kB-binding to DNA and withRT-PCR, we explored the regulation of some apoptosis related genes.Results: We demonstrated a relationship between p53 status and thehistological response to TNF-a use in humans. TNF-a induced apoptosis was presentin endothelial cells as well as in the tumour cells. TNF-a cytotoxicity was dependent onthe p53 status since in the cell lines studied, p53 abrogation reduced it and p53restoration allowed it to increase. Moreover, a potentiation of TNF-a cytotoxic effectwas observed when it was combined to CP-31398 or Nutlin-3a. The killing magnitudewas therefore related to the decrease in the NF-kB-binding to DNA when Nutlin-3awas added. A gene expression increase for RIPK2, TP53BP2 and GADD45 and adecrease for TGF-b1 and FAIM was observed if the combined treatment wassynergistic on tumour death cells.Conclusions: These results suggest that the use of compounds able to restorep53 activity could reverse the soft tissue sarcoma’s resistance to TNF-a treatment.Clinical studies should be performed in order to utilize this approach and to use it inthe context of sarcomas that are particularly resistant to conventional treatments.Introduction : Le TNF-a, impliquĂ© dans l’inflammation et la dĂ©fense de l’hĂŽte, aaussi des propriĂ©tĂ©s anti-tumorales et est utilisĂ© dans le traitement local des sarcomesdes membres. P53 est un anti-oncogĂšne dont la mutation est associĂ©e audĂ©veloppement de tumeurs. Des donnĂ©es expĂ©rimentales ont dĂ©montrĂ© une relationentre activitĂ© anti-tumorale de TNF-a et le statut de p53. MatĂ©riel et mĂ©thodes : Notre objectif a Ă©tĂ© d’étudier en immunohistochimie lestatut de p53 chez 110 patients atteints de sarcomes et traitĂ©s par TNF-a. Ensuite,dans 8 sarcomes cultivĂ©s ex-vivo, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© la localisation de l’apoptoseinduite par le TNF-a par microscopie confocale. Puis, dans 9 lignĂ©es de sarcomeshumains, nous avons testĂ© la relation p53/TNF-a en abrogeant p53 grĂące Ă  un sh-RNA, ou en utilisant des petites molĂ©cules telles que CP-31398 ou Nutlin-3a aptes Ă restaurer p53. Enfin, pour mieux comprendre les mĂ©canismes de rĂ©sistance au TNF-a,nous avons mesurĂ© par mĂ©thode EMSA la liaison de NF-kB Ă  l’ADN et recherchĂ© parRT-PCR quels gĂšnes de l’apoptose Ă©taient diffĂ©rentiellement rĂ©gulĂ©s.RĂ©sultats : Le statut mutĂ© de p53 corrĂšle avec la rĂ©ponse histologique autraitement par TNF-a chez l’homme. L’apoptose induite par le TNF-a est trouvĂ©e aussibien au niveau de la cellule endothĂ©liale que de la cellule tumorale. De plus, larĂ©ponse au TNF-a est modulĂ©e par le statut de p53 puisque dans les lignĂ©es Ă©tudiĂ©es,l’abrogation de p53 supprime celle-ci alors que la rĂ©paration d’une activitĂ© p53 permetde l’augmenter. Enfin, une potentialisation de l’apoptose induite par TNF-a estobservĂ©e lorsqu’il est associĂ© avec CP-31398 ou Nutlin-3a et elle corrĂšle avec ladiminution de la liaison du NF-kB Ă  l’ADN. Une augmentation de l’expression desgĂšnes RIPK2, TP53BP2 et GADD45 et une diminution de l’expression de TGF-b1 etFAIM est observĂ©e lorsque l’association de Nutlin-3a et TNF-a est synergique sur lamort cellulaire.Conclusions : Ces rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que l’utilisation de molĂ©cules capablesde restaurer l’activitĂ© de p53 peut inverser la rĂ©sistance des sarcomes des tissusmous au traitement par TNF-a. Dans ce contexte, des Ă©tudes cliniques pourraientexploiter cette approche pour l’utiliser dans le cadre des sarcomes particuliĂšrementrĂ©sistants aux traitements conventionnels ainsi que dans d’autres tumeurs

    Role of p53 pathway in the response of soft tissue sarcomas to TNF-alpha treatment

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    Introduction : Le TNF-a, impliquĂ© dans l’inflammation et la dĂ©fense de l’hĂŽte, aaussi des propriĂ©tĂ©s anti-tumorales et est utilisĂ© dans le traitement local des sarcomesdes membres. P53 est un anti-oncogĂšne dont la mutation est associĂ©e audĂ©veloppement de tumeurs. Des donnĂ©es expĂ©rimentales ont dĂ©montrĂ© une relationentre activitĂ© anti-tumorale de TNF-a et le statut de p53. MatĂ©riel et mĂ©thodes : Notre objectif a Ă©tĂ© d’étudier en immunohistochimie lestatut de p53 chez 110 patients atteints de sarcomes et traitĂ©s par TNF-a. Ensuite,dans 8 sarcomes cultivĂ©s ex-vivo, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© la localisation de l’apoptoseinduite par le TNF-a par microscopie confocale. Puis, dans 9 lignĂ©es de sarcomeshumains, nous avons testĂ© la relation p53/TNF-a en abrogeant p53 grĂące Ă  un sh-RNA, ou en utilisant des petites molĂ©cules telles que CP-31398 ou Nutlin-3a aptes Ă restaurer p53. Enfin, pour mieux comprendre les mĂ©canismes de rĂ©sistance au TNF-a,nous avons mesurĂ© par mĂ©thode EMSA la liaison de NF-kB Ă  l’ADN et recherchĂ© parRT-PCR quels gĂšnes de l’apoptose Ă©taient diffĂ©rentiellement rĂ©gulĂ©s.RĂ©sultats : Le statut mutĂ© de p53 corrĂšle avec la rĂ©ponse histologique autraitement par TNF-a chez l’homme. L’apoptose induite par le TNF-a est trouvĂ©e aussibien au niveau de la cellule endothĂ©liale que de la cellule tumorale. De plus, larĂ©ponse au TNF-a est modulĂ©e par le statut de p53 puisque dans les lignĂ©es Ă©tudiĂ©es,l’abrogation de p53 supprime celle-ci alors que la rĂ©paration d’une activitĂ© p53 permetde l’augmenter. Enfin, une potentialisation de l’apoptose induite par TNF-a estobservĂ©e lorsqu’il est associĂ© avec CP-31398 ou Nutlin-3a et elle corrĂšle avec ladiminution de la liaison du NF-kB Ă  l’ADN. Une augmentation de l’expression desgĂšnes RIPK2, TP53BP2 et GADD45 et une diminution de l’expression de TGF-b1 etFAIM est observĂ©e lorsque l’association de Nutlin-3a et TNF-a est synergique sur lamort cellulaire.Conclusions : Ces rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que l’utilisation de molĂ©cules capablesde restaurer l’activitĂ© de p53 peut inverser la rĂ©sistance des sarcomes des tissusmous au traitement par TNF-a. Dans ce contexte, des Ă©tudes cliniques pourraientexploiter cette approche pour l’utiliser dans le cadre des sarcomes particuliĂšrementrĂ©sistants aux traitements conventionnels ainsi que dans d’autres tumeurs.Introduction: Although named for its antitumor properties, TNF-a is implicatedin a wide spectrum of diseases including chronic inflammation, autoimmunity andcancer. It is used for the loco regional treatment of limb’s sarcoma. P53 is an antioncogenewhose mutation is associated with tumour development. Experimental datademonstrated that TNF-a cytotoxic activity and p53 status are related.Material and methods: Our objective was to study by immunohistochemistrythe p53 status in 110 sarcoma patients treated by isolated limb perfusion with TNF-a. Then, we studied by confocal microscopy in 8 freshly obtained sarcoma tumours,the localization of apoptosis. Finally, in 9 sarcoma cell lines with different p53 status,we tested the p53/TNF-a relationship by abrogating p53 with a sh-RNA and by usingsmall molecules known to restore p53 functions. To better understand the mechanismsof resistance to TNF-a, we measured by EMSA the NF-kB-binding to DNA and withRT-PCR, we explored the regulation of some apoptosis related genes.Results: We demonstrated a relationship between p53 status and thehistological response to TNF-a use in humans. TNF-a induced apoptosis was presentin endothelial cells as well as in the tumour cells. TNF-a cytotoxicity was dependent onthe p53 status since in the cell lines studied, p53 abrogation reduced it and p53restoration allowed it to increase. Moreover, a potentiation of TNF-a cytotoxic effectwas observed when it was combined to CP-31398 or Nutlin-3a. The killing magnitudewas therefore related to the decrease in the NF-kB-binding to DNA when Nutlin-3awas added. A gene expression increase for RIPK2, TP53BP2 and GADD45 and adecrease for TGF-b1 and FAIM was observed if the combined treatment wassynergistic on tumour death cells.Conclusions: These results suggest that the use of compounds able to restorep53 activity could reverse the soft tissue sarcoma’s resistance to TNF-a treatment.Clinical studies should be performed in order to utilize this approach and to use it inthe context of sarcomas that are particularly resistant to conventional treatments

    Implications of Perioperative Polypharmacy in Adolescents Undergoing Bariatric Surgery: a Single-Center Experience.

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    Adolescents seeking bariatric surgery may present with pre-existing psychiatric diagnoses for which they use chronic medications. To heighten awareness concerning perioperative polypharmacy in adolescents with extreme obesity, we conducted a retrospective review of patients undergoing laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy between February 2010 and May 2017 at Children’s National Health System (CNHS). A total of 167 adolescent patients had pre-existing psychiatric diagnoses which included depression (50%), anxiety (23%), ADHD (23%), and binge eating disorder (11%). Medications prescribed to treat these diagnoses included selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). Additionally, all patients were given fentanyl, ondansetron, morphine and acetaminophen perioperatively. Although no life threatening symptoms of drug-drug interactions (DDIs) were appreciated, the combined use of many different potent drugs in these patients warrants attention

    Guidelines for clothing in the operating theatre, 2021

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    International audienceOBJECTIVE: To provide guidelines for the choice of items of clothing (except sterile surgical gown) for staff working in the operating theatre. DESIGN: A committee of nine experts from SFAR and the SF2H learned societies was convened. A formal conflict-of-interest policy was developed at the beginning of the process and enforced throughout. Likewise, it did not benefit from any funding from a company marketing a health product (drug or medical device). The authors were required to follow the rules of the GRADE¼ method (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation) to assess the quality of the evidence on which the recommendations were based. METHODS: We aimed to formulate recommendations according to the GRADE¼ methodology for four different fields: operating theatre suits, operating theatre hats, masks, and shoes/over-shoes. Each question was formulated according to the PICO format (Patient, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome). The literature review and recommendations were formulated according to the GRADE¼ methodology. RESULTS: The experts’ synthesis work and their application of the GRADE¼ method resulted in 13 recommendations. As the GRADE¼ method could not be integrally applied to all questions, some recommendations were formulated as expert opinions. CONCLUSION: Based on strong agreement between experts, we produced 13 recommendations to guide the choice of operating theatre attire

    European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care consensus document on sustainability: 4 scopes to achieve a more sustainable practice

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    Climate change is a defining issue for our generation. The carbon footprint of clinical practice accounts for 4.7% of European greenhouse gas emissions, with the European Union ranking as the third largest contributor to the global healthcare industry's carbon footprint, after the United States and China. Recognising the importance of urgent action, the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (ESAIC) adopted the Glasgow Declaration on Environmental Sustainability in June 2023. Building on this initiative, the ESAIC Sustainability Committee now presents a consensus document in perioperative sustainability. Acknowledging wider dimensions of sustainability, beyond the environmental one, the document recognizes healthcare professionals as cornerstones for sustainable care, and puts forward recommendations in four main areas: direct emissions, energy, supply chain and waste management, and psychological and self-care of healthcare professionals. Given the urgent need to cut global carbon emissions, and the scarcity of evidence-based literature on perioperative sustainability, our methodology is based on expert opinion recommendations. A total of 90 recommendations were drafted by 13 sustainability experts in anaesthesia in March 2023, then validated by 36 experts from 24 different countries in a two-step Delphi validation process in May and June 2023. To accommodate different possibilities for action in high- versus middle-income countries, an 80% agreement threshold was set to ease implementation of the recommendations Europe-wide. All recommendations surpassed the 80% agreement threshold in the first Delphi round, and 88 recommendations achieved an agreement >90% in the second round. Recommendations include the use of very low fresh gas flow, choice of anaesthetic drug, energy and water preserving measures, "5R" policies including choice of plastics and their disposal, and recommendations to keep a healthy work environment or on the importance of fatigue in clinical practice. Executive summaries of recommendations in areas 1, 2 and 3 are available as cognitive aids that can be made available for quick reference in the operating room.Sin financiaciĂłn3.6 Q2 JCR 20220.987 Q1 SJR 2023No data IDR 2022UE

    Tenue vestimentaire au bloc opératoire 2021

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    International audienceObjectifÉmettre des recommandations pour le choix des Ă©lĂ©ments composant la tenue vestimentaire du personnel (hors casaque chirurgicale stĂ©rile) exerçant au bloc opĂ©ratoire.ConceptionUn comitĂ© de neuf experts issus de la SFAR et de la SF2H a Ă©tĂ© constituĂ©. Une politique de dĂ©claration des liens d’intĂ©rĂȘts a Ă©tĂ© appliquĂ©e et respectĂ©e durant tout le processus de rĂ©alisation du rĂ©fĂ©rentiel. De mĂȘme, celui-ci n’a bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© d’aucun financement provenant d’une entreprise commercialisant un produit de santĂ© (mĂ©dicament ou dispositif mĂ©dical). Le comitĂ© devait respecter et suivre la mĂ©thode GRADEÂź (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation) pour Ă©valuer la qualitĂ© des donnĂ©es factuelles sur lesquelles Ă©taient fondĂ©es les recommandations.MĂ©thodesNous avons formulĂ© des recommandations selon la mĂ©thodologie GRADEÂź en identifiant quatre champs diffĂ©rents : tuniques, articles coiffants, masques et chaussures/sur-chaussures. Chaque question a Ă©tĂ© formulĂ©e selon le format PICO (Patients, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome). L’analyse de la littĂ©rature et les recommandations ont Ă©tĂ© formulĂ©es selon la mĂ©thodologie GRADEÂź.RĂ©sultatsLe travail de synthĂšse des experts et l’application de la mĂ©thode GRADEÂź ont abouti Ă  13 recommandations. Pour l’ensemble des questions, la mĂ©thode GRADEÂź ne pouvant pas s’appliquer en totalitĂ©, les recommandations ont Ă©tĂ© formulĂ©es sous forme d’avis d’experts.ConclusionÀ partir d’un accord fort entre experts, nous avons pu formuler 13 recommandations sur la tenue vestimentaire au bloc opĂ©ratoire