118 research outputs found

    Salmonella enterica serovar hvittingfoss in bar-tailed godwits (limosa lapponica) from Roebuck Bay, Northwestern Australia

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    Salmonella enterica serovar Hvittingfoss is an important foodborne serotype of Salmonella, being detected in many countries where surveillance is conducted. Outbreaks can occur, and there was a recent multistate foodborne outbreak in Australia. S. Hvittingfoss can be found in animal populations, though a definitive animal host has not been established. Six species of birds were sampled at Roebuck Bay, a designated Ramsar site in northwestern Australia, resulting in 326 cloacal swabs for bacterial culture. Among a single flock of 63 bar-tailed godwits (Limosa lapponica menzbieri) caught at Wader Spit, Roebuck Bay, in 2018, 17 (27%) were culture positive for Salmonella. All other birds were negative for Salmonella. The isolates were identified as Salmonella enterica serovar Hvittingfoss. Phylogenetic analysis revealed a close relationship between isolates collected from godwits and the S. Hvittingfoss strain responsible for a 2016 multistate foodborne outbreak originating from tainted cantaloupes (rock melons) in Australia. While it is not possible to determine how this strain of S. Hvittingfoss was introduced into the bar-tailed godwits, these findings show that wild Australian birds are capable of carrying Salmonella strains of public health importance. IMPORTANCE Salmonella is a zoonotic pathogen that causes gastroenteritis and other disease presentations in both humans and animals. Serovars of S. enterica commonly cause foodborne disease in Australia and globally. In 2016-2017, S. Hvittingfoss was responsible for an outbreak that resulted in 110 clinically confirmed human cases throughout Australia. The origin of the contamination that led to the outbreak was never definitively established. Here, we identify a migratory shorebird, the bar-tailed godwit, as an animal reservoir of S. Hvittingfoss. These birds were sampled in northwestern Australia during their nonbreeding period. The presence of a genetically similar S. Hvittingfoss strain circulating in a wild bird population, 2 years after the 2016-2017 outbreak and ~1,500 km from the suspected source of the outbreak, demonstrates a potentially unidentified environmental reservoir of S. Hvittingfoss. While the birds cannot be implicated in the outbreak that occurred 2 years prior, this study does demonstrate the potential role for wild birds in the transmission of this important foodborne pathogen. © 2020 American Society for Microbiology

    Managing the premenstrual body : a body mapping study of women's negotiation of premenstrual food cravings and exercise

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    Background: Women’s eating behaviours and exercise patterns have been found to fluctuate across the menstrual cycle, manifested by premenstrual food cravings and reduced exercise. However, the meaning and consequences of premenstrual changes in eating and exercise behaviours remains underexplored. The aim of this qualitative study was to explore how women who feel negatively about their premenstrual bodies construct and experience premenstrual changes to eating and exercise practices, which disrupt their usual patterns of body management. Methods: Four hundred and sixty women aged 18–45 completed an online survey in response to a Facebook advertisement targeted at women who feel negatively about their bodies during the premenstrual phase of the cycle. Participants reported moderate premenstrual distress, high body shame and high risk of disordered eating attitudes using standardised measures. Sixteen women reporting rich accounts of premenstrual body dissatisfaction were invited to participate in body-mapping, involving visually illustrating experiences on a life-sized outline of the body, followed by a telephone interview. Thematic analysis was used to explore qualitative survey, interview, and body mapping data. Results and discussion: Results found that outside of the premenstrual phase these women engaged in restrictive eating and intensive exercise behaviours, which were disrupted by premenstrual cravings, hunger, fatigue, pain and feeling physically uncomfortable. For a minority of the women, this facilitated self-care in reducing the strict management of their bodies during the premenstrual phase. Others experienced feelings of guilt, shame, self-disgust and pushed their bodies physically through increased exercise. Conclusions: These findings emphasise the need to acknowledge changes in body management across the menstrual cycle, with implications for women’s mental health and feelings about the self. Internalisation of pressures placed on women to manage their bodies through restrictive eating behaviours and rigorous exercise plays a role in women’s premenstrual body dissatisfaction and distress. Plain English summary: The current study aimed to explore how women who feel negatively about their premenstrual bodies construct and experience premenstrual changes to eating and exercise practices. Outside of the premenstrual phase these women engaged in restrictive eating and intensive exercise behaviours which were disrupted by premenstrual cravings, hunger, fatigue, pain and feeling physically uncomfortable. Some women allowed themselves to take a premenstrual break from their usual strict eating and exercise behaviours, whereas others felt guilt, shame, self-disgust and physically pushed their bodies through increased exercise. These findings emphasise that changes to eating and exercise behaviours across the menstrual cycle and pressures placed on women to manage their eating and exercise behaviours have implications for women’s premenstrual distress and body dissatisfaction

    "I treat my daughters not like my mother treated me" : migrant and refugee women's constructions and experiences of menarche and menstruation

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    Menstruation is a material reality at some point in most women’s lives. Yet, the discursive meaning assigned to menstruating bodies and the way in which they are experienced is dependent on the sociocultural and historical spaces which they occupy (Lee and Sasser-Coen 1996, 13). Across cultural contexts, menarche is constructed as a symbolic transition from childhood to womanhood, a period of growth and change, often linked with sexual maturation (Lee 2009, 622). While menstrual activists, artists, poets, and women’s rights organizations are challenging negative representations and practices surrounding menstruation (Bobel 2010, 42), dominant discourses often still portray menstruation as something dirty and disgusting, and a bodily function to be silenced and concealed (Brantelid, Nilvér, and Alehagen 2014, 606; Mason et al. 2013, 4; see also Wood [Chapter 25] in this volume)

    An Eye-Opening Approach to Developing and Communicating Integrated Environmental Assessments

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    Communication among managers, the public, and scientists is the key to successful ecosystem management; however, the varied perspectives and interests of these groups can make such communication difficult. One way to achieve effective communication is to develop a common knowledge base by combining syntheses of key scientific results with information-rich visual elements. Within a management landscape, integrated environmental assessments provide a useful framework for evaluating resources and directing management efforts. The integrated assessment process involves (1) initial investigation, (2) development of a conceptual framework, (3) data navigation, (4) environmental report cards, and (5) science communication. Each step requires the synthesis and visualization of information on the status and trends connected with multiple natural resources. We provide a case study, using examples from selected National Park Service sites in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States. Visual elements (conceptual diagrams, maps, graphs, tables, and photographs) were used to facilitate comparative assessments and to provide a more visual, or eye-opening , approach to effective environmental decision making

    Genome Sequence of Acinetobacter baumannii Strain D36, an Antibiotic-Resistant Isolate from Lineage 2 of Global Clone 1.

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    Multiply antibiotic-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii isolate D36 was recovered in Australia in 2008 and belongs to a distinct lineage of global clone 1 (GC1). Here, we present the complete 4.13 Mbp genome sequence (chromosome plus 4 plasmids), generated via long read sequencing (PacBio)

    Embodying Transgender: An Analysis of Trans Women in Online Forums

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    This paper discusses the way that trans women embody their transgender identity, focusing on identity questioning, gender dysphoria, clinical gatekeeping and medicalized narratives. Situated within the hermeneutics methodological approach, we adopted the unobtrusive research as our research method, where data was derived from online forums where trans women posted content about their perspectives and experiences of gender and gender transitioning. Thematic analysis method was used for data analysis. Our findings suggest that gender identity is embodied and socially negotiated. Many trans women were initially ambivalent about their transgender identity and some continued to question their desired identity throughout adulthood. When presenting to healthcare professionals many trans women reported being expected to adopt a ‘wrong body’ narrative in order to gain access to treatment and surgery for gender transitioning and affirmation. In doing so, trans women interact with significant others and health care providers, and face many challenges. These challenges must be understood so that trans women can perform self-determination practices as a way to achieve gender autonomy

    Evolution of a clade of Acinetobacter baumannii global clone 1, lineage 1 via acquisition of carbapenem- and aminoglycoside-resistance genes and dispersion of ISAba1.

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    Resistance to carbapenem and aminoglycoside antibiotics is a critical problem in Acinetobacter baumannii, particularly when genes conferring resistance are acquired by multiply or extensively resistant members of successful globally distributed clonal complexes, such as global clone 1 (GC1) . Here, we investigate the evolution of an expanding clade of lineage 1 of the GC1 complex via repeated acquisition of carbapenem- and aminoglycoside-resistance genes. Lineage 1 arose in the late 1970s and the Tn6168/OCL3 clade arose in the late 1990s from an ancestor that had already acquired resistance to third-generation cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones. Between 2000 and 2002, two distinct subclades have emerged, and they are distinguishable via the presence of an integrated phage genome in subclade 1 and AbaR4 (carrying the oxa23 carbapenem-resistance gene in Tn2006) at a specific chromosomal location in subclade 2. Part or all of the original resistance gene cluster in the chromosomally located AbaR3 has been lost from some isolates, but plasmids carrying alternate resistance genes have been gained. In one group in subclade 2, the chromosomally located AbGRI3, carrying the armA aminoglycoside-resistance gene, has been acquired from a GC2 isolate and incorporated via homologous recombination. ISAba1 entered the common ancestor of this clade as part of the cephalosporin-resistance transposon Tn6168 and has dispersed differently in each subclade. Members of subclade 1 share an ISAba1 in one specific position in the chromosome and in subclade 2 two different ISAba1 locations are shared. Further shared ISAba1 locations distinguish further divisions, potentially providing simple markers for epidemiological studies

    Emergence and rapid global dissemination of CTX-M-15-associated Klebsiella pneumoniae strain ST307

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    Objectives: Recent reports indicate the emergence of a new carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae clone, ST307. We sought to better understand the global epidemiology and evolution of this clone and evaluate its association with antimicrobial resistance (AMR) genes. Methods: We collated information from the literature and public databases and performed a comparative analysis of 95 ST307 genomes (including 37 that were newly sequenced). Results: We show that ST307 emerged in the mid-1990s (nearly 20 years prior to its first report), is already globally distributed and is intimately associated with a conserved plasmid harbouring the blaCTX-M-15 ESBL gene and several other AMR determinants. Conclusions: Our findings support the need for enhanced surveillance of this widespread ESBL clone in which carbapenem resistance has occasionally emerged.publishedVersio

    Epidemiology and genomic analysis of Klebsiella oxytoca from a single hospital network in Australia.

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    BACKGROUND: Infections caused by Klebsiella oxytoca are the second most common cause of Klebsiella infections in humans. Most studies have focused on K. oxytoca outbreaks and few have examined the broader clinical context of K. oxytoca. METHODS: Here, we collected all clinical isolates identified as K. oxytoca in a hospital microbiological diagnostic lab across a 15-month period (n = 239). Whole genome sequencing was performed on a subset of 92 isolates (all invasive, third-generation cephalosporin resistant (3GCR) and non-urinary isolates collected > 48 h after admission), including long-read sequencing on a further six isolates with extended-spectrum beta-lactamase or carbapenemase genes. RESULTS: The majority of isolates were sensitive to antimicrobials, however 22 isolates were 3GCR, of which five were also carbapenem resistant. Genomic analyses showed those identified as K. oxytoca by the clinical laboratory actually encompassed four distinct species (K. oxytoca, Klebsiella michiganensis, Klebsiella grimontii and Klebsiella pasteurii), referred to as the K. oxytoca species complex (KoSC). There was significant diversity within the population, with only 10/67 multi-locus sequence types (STs) represented by more than one isolate. Strain transmission was rare, with only one likely event identified. Six isolates had extended spectrum beta-lactamase (blaSHV-12 and/or blaCTX-M-9) or carbapenemase (blaIMP-4) genes. One pair of K. michiganensis and K. pasteurii genomes carried identical blaIMP-4 IncL/M plasmids, indicative of plasmid transmission. CONCLUSION: Whilst antimicrobial resistance was rare, the resistance plasmids were similar to those found in other Enterobacterales, demonstrating that KoSC has access to the same plasmid reservoir and thus there is potential for multi-drug resistance. Further genomic studies are required to improve our understanding of the KoSC population and facilitate investigation into the attributes of successful nosocomial isolates

    Crossing the line: Lived experience of sexual violence among trans women of colour from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds in Australia

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    The project aim was to increase understanding of the lived experience of being a trans woman of colour living in Australia, in relation to gender transitioning and experiences of sexual violence. The project used a sequential mixed methods design and a feminist intersectional approach to address this aim. The research design, data collection and analysis, and outcomes from the findings were underpinned by principles of integrated knowledge translation, which included input from an advisory group and trans community stakeholders, integrating lived experience into the knowledge production and translation process. Study methods included: thirty-one interviews with trans women of colour, and follow-up interviews with 19 women which included photovoice analysis of thirty-nine online forum threads, with 480 unique posters and 950 comments, in relation to discussion of trans sexual violence a national survey exploring sexual violence and women’s responses to violence that included trans women, cisgender heterosexual women and cisgender lesbian, bisexual or queer women. The research found that trans women of colour living in Australia are more likely than other women to report having been assaulted by a stranger. The report shows that trans women of colour are subject to pervasive violence both outside and inside the home, from verbal violence—such as catcalling—to assaults. As a result, there are very few places where trans women of colour are safe from abuse. This research demonstrates that the absence of culturally competent information and knowledge about transgender experience, accompanied by misinformation, can lead to stigma, prejudice and discrimination, results in unmet health and justice needs for trans women. This can have serious consequences for trans women’s physical and psychological wellbeing. The report includes recommendations for policy and practice
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