180 research outputs found

    Bacteriën die aardgas produceren

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    Project Bio P2G WP 7:communicatie

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    Onderzoeksplan BIO P2G; - Het communiceren over vorderingen (en resultaten) van het BIO P2G onderzoek - Organiseren van 2 evenementen - Opstellen communicatie- en implementatiepla

    Bacteriën die aardgas produceren

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    Met de sterk groeiende aantallen zonnepanelen en windmolens maakt Nederland een inhaalslag met de opwekking van duurzame energie in de vorm van elektriciteit. Helaas bestaat er nog geen goede balans tussen vraag en aanbod en is betaalbare opslag van duurzame stroom nog niet vanzelfsprekend. Een mogelijk alternatief is opslag in de vorm van methaan. Daarover meer leren is de kern van het vierjarige onderzoeksproject Biologische Power-to-Gas (Bio-P2G) van lector Jan-Peter Nap

    Project Bio P2G WP 7:communicatie

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    Power to methane:WP1: state-of-the-art and future prospects of biological power-to-methane (bioP2M) approaches

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    Power to methane provides a solution to a couple of two problems: unbalanced production and demand of wind plus solar power electricity and the low methane content of biogas by storing electricity via hydrogen into methane gas using carbon dioxide from biogas and methanogenic bacteria. The four-year project is performed by a consortium of three research institutes and five companies. In WP1 the-state-of- the-art of scientific knowledge on P2M technology is reviewed and evaluated

    Biomass and biogas:potentials, efficiencies and flexibility

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    In the field of ‘renewable energy resources’ formation of biogas is an important option. Biogas can be produced from biomass in a multistep process called anaerobic digestion (AD) and is usually performed in large digesters. Anaerobic digestion of biomass is mediated by various groups of microorganisms, which live in complex community structures. However, there is still limited knowledge on the relationships between the type of biomass and operational process parameters. This relates to the changes within the microbial community structure and the resulting overall biogas production efficiency. Opening this microbial black box could lead to an better understanding of on-going microbial processes, resulting in higher biogas yields and overall process efficiencies
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