10 research outputs found

    EM-OLAP Framework - Econometric Model Transformation Method for OLAP Design in Intelligence Systems

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    Econometrics is currently one of the most popular approaches to economic analysis. To better support advances in these areas as much as possible, it is necessary to apply econometric problems to econometric intelligent systems. The article describes an econometric OLAP framework that supports the design of a multidimensional database to secure econometric analyses to increase the effectiveness of the development of econometric intelligent systems. The first part of the article consists of the creation of formal rules for the new transformation of the econometric model (TEM) method for the econometric model transformation of multidimensional schema through the use of mathematical notation. In the proposed TEM method, the authors pay attention to the measurement of quality and understandability of the multidimensional schema, and compare the proposed method with the original TEM-CM method. In the second part of the article, the authors create a multidimensional database prototype according to the new TEM method and design an OLAP application for econometric Analysis

    Economic Value of Information Systems in Agriculture: Cohesion and Coupling of Information Elements

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    Evaluating the economics of information systems is a difficult task. In addition to classical approaches to the economic evaluation of information systems, attention is paid to individual processes and workflows. The quality of information systems functionality is based on a quality workflow processes. A poorly designed workflow of the information system leads to a number of errors and problems in exchanging information within the system. The lower the error rate and the higher the efficiency of individual activities, the higher the economic value of the information system and, as the case may be, of other analytical, expert or decision systems in the organisation. In this paper, known principles of cohesion and coupling are used. The selected real process is evaluated within the framework of the agricultural information system operated by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic. In the article is created a design the structure of information elements of the modelled workflow, measured cohesion and coupling and compared with two alternatives

    Transformation Econometric Model to Multidimensional Databases to Support the Analytical Systems in Agriculture

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    Econometric model application in farms is a very complex process requiring knowledge not only the economy but also statistical and mathematical methods in agriculture workers themselves. The solution may be an application of econometric problems in analytical decision support systems for farms managers. For such a solution is necessary to design a multidimensional database for support online analytical data processing (OLAP). This paper proposes a new method (called TEM-CM) for formal transformation of econometric model to the conceptual data model for creating multidimensional schemes. This new method allows to formalize the process of transferring production function in agriculture to multidimensional data model and thus contribute to a more efficient design of data warehouses and OLAP databases for decision support in the agricultural analytics systems

    Optimizing Design of Smart Workplace through Multi-Objective Programming

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    Smart environments have proven very supportive to the improvement of the performance of people in different workplaces. Plenty of applications have been introduced spanning different settings including healthcare, ambient assisted living, homes, offices, and manufacturing environment, etc. However, subjectivity and ambiguity prevail in the majority of research, and still, up to date, rare approaches found quantitatively and objectively constructing or assessing the impact of smart enabling technologies on the performance of the subject environment. Further, no approaches have considered optimizing the adoption of those smart technologies with respect to objectives achievement. This article presents a novel optimization methodology for designing a smart workplace environment in conditions of ambiguity or fuzziness. The methodology begins with defining and weighing the overall goals and objectives of the workplace. The Prometthe multi-criterion decision-making technique is used to weigh the operational objectives with respect to the overall workplace goals. Next, the relation among basic building blocks of the model; namely: the operational objectives, smartness features, and smart enabling technologies are quantified, utilizing fuzzy relations. Then, the fuzzy goal programming techniques will be utilized to optimize the impact relation values while considering the budget constraint. The proposed optimization methodology is implemented on the development and optimization of the smart clinic, as a typical instance of the workplace

    Knowledge Support of Information and Communication Technology in Agricultural Enterprises in the Czech Republic

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    Presented article deals with issue of knowledge support of managerial decision making of entrepreneurs with regards to knowledge management principles. Basic idea of proposed solution is such a concept of information management of ICT/IT that would provide appropriate knowledge to decision makers. The core line of the approach is capturing of explicit knowledge relevant to given business activities into multidimensional databases that would become part of utilized ICT/IT. These issues are demonstrated on the agriculture domain where the need to computer storage of relevant knowledge and provide them on-demand is very up to date. Recently, it has become very necessary in frequently discussed agriculture technique called precision agriculture

    Towards Compromise User Experience Design in Ambient Intelligent Environment

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    Building, testing and evaluating UX for applications for Agricultural Ambient Intelligence Environments can be a difficult and time-consuming job. It can be an even longer and more challenging process due to their complexity and area of scope for complex intelligent systems. Many studies address the issue of UX design and evaluation of website user interface, mobiles, tangible equipment, wearable equipment and other, but it is necessary to look for UX deficiencies in all possible functions, every possible task. Depending on the structure of expert teams, experts’ opinions can vary broadly vary or may even contradict. This paper presents possibilities of use the Best-Compromise-Mean (BeCoMe) method for evaluation UX design. BeCoMe was not used for UX evaluation yet

    Towards Framework for Economic Value of Analytical Systems in Agriculture: Proposal of Research

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    An important criterion for agricultural businesses and farmers who make investment decisions is the profitability of their investments. If the profitability criterion is applied to investments in analytical systems, problems arise with determining the exact value of such criteria. Special approaches for assessing the benefits of such systems must be used to cope with this problem. This paper focuses on the economic evaluation of analytical systems, whose economic impact in agriculture is unclear. Two main types of research approaches are identified: normative approach and positive approach to the evaluation of analytical systems. These approaches can be used to identify the benefits of analytical systems for agricultural activities, and to express their economic value for the management of agricultural enterprises. A new research process and research phases for the design of a conceptual framework for analytical systems’ economic evaluation in agriculture is proposed based on this theoretical and research background

    Towards Framework for Economic Value of Analytical Systems in Agriculture: Proposal of Research

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    An important criterion for agricultural businesses and farmers who make investment decisions is the profitability of their investments. If the profitability criterion is applied to investments in analytical systems, problems arise with determining the exact value of such criteria. Special approaches for assessing the benefits of such systems must be used to cope with this problem. This paper focuses on the economic evaluation of analytical systems, whose economic impact in agriculture is unclear. Two main types of research approaches are identified: normative approach and positive approach to the evaluation of analytical systems. These approaches can be used to identify the benefits of analytical systems for agricultural activities, and to express their economic value for the management of agricultural enterprises. A new research process and research phases for the design of a conceptual framework for analytical systems’ economic evaluation in agriculture is proposed based on this theoretical and research background

    Evaluation of electronic public services in agriculture in the Czech Republic

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    The goals of the paper are to analyze the uptake and to evaluate the quality of electronic public services among Czech agricultural enterprises. A sample of 119 entrepreneurs in the agriculture from different regions in the Czech Republic was chosen. This research is based on the application of scientific analysis, synthesis and deduction. Descriptive statistics were calculated from the data obtained in the questionnaire survey. There were fifteen different electronic services examined in the survey. Respondents made a plain ordinal-scaled evaluation of all used services in terms of the frequency of use, usefulness, importance and quality. Working hypotheses about dependencies among rates of use of particular services and five factors (plant production, animal raising, hectares of land, number of employees, subsidies) were examined with regression analysis. Eleven statistically significant dependencies were proved between the number of hectares and electronic services, which means that with growing number of hectares of land the rate of use of particular electronic services increases. Electronic services provided at eAGRI Portal run by Czech Ministry of Agriculture were utilized the most among agricultural enterprises (each by more than 50 %) and electronic mail (79 %). eAGRI Portal services were assessed the best in terms of importance, usefulness and quality. Farmers and agricultural businesses in the Czech Republic are currently not obliged by any law to use any electronic service, and they can still opt for traditional paper mail or personal visit