16 research outputs found

    Modified Biaxial Accelerometer Framework in G-sensing Mode

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    This paper deals with an acceleration measuring unit, which uses two biaxial accelerometers, and compares its performance with a typical triaxial framework. In cases of small aircrafts, UAVs, robots, or terrestrial vehicle navigation units utilizing sensors manufactured by a MEMS technology are preferred due to their cost-effectiveness. In order to suppress imperfections of the measuring system (noise, drift, nonlinearities, small sensitivity) a solution based on the difference configuration of accelerometers is proposed


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    The aim of this paper is to evaluate soil shear strength from the Dobkovicky landslide. The landslide was activated on June 6, 2013 after heavy rains and the D8 motorway, which was under construction at the time, was damaged. The laboratory tests were carried out on two types of soils, clay and tuff, both from the surface of the rupture. Critical and residual friction angles were evaluated on both types of soils


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    The aim of this paper is to evaluate soil shear strength from the Dobkovicky landslide. The landslide was activated on June 6, 2013 after heavy rains and the D8 motorway, which was under construction at the time, was damaged. The laboratory tests were carried out on two types of soils, clay and tuff, both from the surface of the rupture. Critical and residual friction angles were evaluated on both types of soils

    Validation and Experimental Testing of Observers for Robust GNSS-Aided Inertial Navigation

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    This chapter is the study of state estimators for robust navigation. Navigation of vehicles is a vast field with multiple decades of research. The main aim is to estimate position, linear velocity, and attitude (PVA) under all dynamics, motions, and conditions via data fusion. The state estimation problem will be considered from two different perspectives using the same kinematic model. First, the extended Kalman filter (EKF) will be reviewed, as an example of a stochastic approach; second, a recent nonlinear observer will be considered as a deterministic case. A comparative study of strapdown inertial navigation methods for estimating PVA of aerial vehicles fusing inertial sensors with global navigation satellite system (GNSS)-based positioning will be presented. The focus will be on the loosely coupled integration methods and performance analysis to compare these methods in terms of their stability, robustness to vibrations, and disturbances in measurements

    Different strategies of brownfields regeneration: case studies of Karolina and Michal mine in Ostrava

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    Comparison of different use of two industrial brownfields situated in Ostrava, Karolina and Důl Michal mine, and especially identification of factors of this differentiation, are the subjects of my work. Karolina represents a former industrial complex, where industrial manufacturing was finished in 1980s. The area was demolished and cleaned in following years. Karolina disposes of great development potential thanks to its size (60 hectares) and exclusive location (proximity of the city). At present building of commercially-administrative center takes place there. In Důl Michal mine industrial production was finished in 1993. Unlike Karolina, minimal size (4,5 hectares) and peripheral location limit investment intentions. On the other hand, extraordinary culturally- historical value of Důl Michal mine, which is declared with national cultural heritage status, is higher than in case of Karolina. At present there is a technical museum in Důl Michal mine. In my opinion the different use of Karolina and Důl Michal mine is the result of entirely different character of these objects, which is manifested in different cultural value, location, size and evolution. During making this work, I was utilizing following methods - literature search, study of documents and other sources, method of controlled interview..

    Startups in Czechia: Stages of Development, Financing and Spatial Behavior

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    Startups is the phenomenon that has been entering into the public awareness. However the increasing popularity of startups is not reflected by academics, whose interest in this topic is still limited. Universally valid definition of startup is missing. There is small number of research projects studying development and growth of startups. We know a little about the individuals that stay behind these entrepreneurial acts. Startups can in fact contribute to economic development of regions considerably. This applies doubly for the startups operating in knowledge-intensive economic sectors as information technology (IT), which is characterized by the highest performance in terms of founding rates of startups. Setting of systematic and effective regional policy instruments for startups support is, however, dependent on their detailed understanding. The ambition of diploma thesis is contribute to this understanding and at least assist in the creation of regional-development policy of startups support. The aim of this work is to find and describe behavior patterns of Czech IT and internet startups during their growth from the perspective of developmental process, financing and spatial organization. Development of startups within the discussed fields of research is examined through four stages of development...

    Individuals with disabilities and their integration in the enterprise

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    Tématem této bakalářské práce jsou zdravotně postižení jedinci a jejich integrace v podniku. Hlavním cílem je na základě odborné literatury a výzkumu vysvětlit problematiku zaměstnávaní osob se zdravotním postižením. Teoretická část je především věnovaná vysvětlení základních pojmů, poskytnutí informací o pracovní rehabilitaci, chráněném pracovním místě a o právech a povinnostech zaměstnavatelů. Praktická část se zaměřuje na zpracování statistických údajů nezaměstnanosti a příspěvků na zaměstnávání zdravotně postižených osob na základě informací Integrovaného portálu Ministerstva práce a sociálních věcí. Součástí práce je též výzkum, který je proveden formou anonymního dotazníkového šetření, kdy cílem bylo především zjistit spokojenost zaměstnavatelů se zaměstnáváním osob se zdravotním postižením.The topic of bachelor thesis are disabled individuals and their integration in the enterprise. Based on the scientific literature and research, the main objective is to explain the issue of employment disabled people. The theoretical part is mainly focused on the explanation of basic concepts, providing information about vocational rehabilitation, sheltered work place and the rights and obligations of employers. The practical part is focused on the processing statistical data of unemployment and contributions to the employees of disabled people, using information from Integrated Portal of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. The thesis also includes research that is conducted through an anonymous questionnaire, which main aim was to find out the satisfaction of employers when employing people with disabilities

    Volunteering with a focus on volunteer firefighters

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    The main aim of diploma thesis is to analyze by quantitative questionnaire and method of volunteer motivation inventory (VMI), what are the strongest motivational factors of individuals to perform activities at Volunteer Firefighter Unit in Prague. Part of the aim is also to determine based on F-test, T-test and non-parametric testing, whether there are statistically significant differences in these motivational factors between men and women in Prague. Partial goal is also to do secondary research focused on the development of the number of voluntary firefighters in Prague and the Czech Republic, in the last 10 year with a prediction for 2019 based on a linear trend. This thesis also deals with determining the most common barriers associated with the performance of voluntary firefighters in Prague. The result of this work is that Prague's volunteer firefighters are mostly motivated by their deep altruistic beliefs about the importance of helping others. Statistically significant deviations between men and women have been demonstrated in two motivational categories.Hlavním cílem této diplomové práce je zanalyzovat za pomoci kvantitativního dotazníkového šetření a metody katalogu motivace dobrovolníka (VMI), jaké jsou nejsilnější motivační faktory jedinců k vykonávání činnosti u dobrovolných hasičů v Praze. Součástí tohoto cíle je, na základě F-testu, T-testu a neparametrického testování, určit zda existují statisticky významné rozdíly v těchto motivačních faktorech mezi muži a ženami v pražských sborech. Dílčími cíli jsou též sekundární výzkum zaměřený na zkoumání vývoje počtu dobrovolných hasičů za posledních 10 let na území Prahy a ČR, s určením predikce pro rok 2019 na základě lineárního trendu. Zabývám se též určením nejčastějších bariér, spojených s výkonem dobrovolných hasičů v Praze. Výsledkem práce je, že pražské dobrovolné hasiče nejvíce k jejich činnosti motivuje hluboké altruistické přesvědčení o důležitosti pomoci druhým. Statisticky významné odchylky mezi muži a ženami byly u dvou motivačních kategorií prokázány. Výsledky této práce mohou pomoci pražským sborům pochopit motivaci svých členů

    Startups in Czechia: Stages of Development, Financing and Spatial Behavior

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    Startups is the phenomenon that has been entering into the public awareness. However the increasing popularity of startups is not reflected by academics, whose interest in this topic is still limited. Universally valid definition of startup is missing. There is small number of research projects studying development and growth of startups. We know a little about the individuals that stay behind these entrepreneurial acts. Startups can in fact contribute to economic development of regions considerably. This applies doubly for the startups operating in knowledge-intensive economic sectors as information technology (IT), which is characterized by the highest performance in terms of founding rates of startups. Setting of systematic and effective regional policy instruments for startups support is, however, dependent on their detailed understanding. The ambition of diploma thesis is contribute to this understanding and at least assist in the creation of regional-development policy of startups support. The aim of this work is to find and describe behavior patterns of Czech IT and internet startups during their growth from the perspective of developmental process, financing and spatial organization. Development of startups within the discussed fields of research is examined through four stages of development...