817 research outputs found

    Music of the Multiethnic Minority: A Postnational Perspective

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    This article examines implications of a postnational perspective on the music of minorities. As an example, the musical practices of a multiethnic hip-hop group in Norway are discussed with reference to musicological, linguistic and social studies. Lyrics and field observations present the complex image of a group of young people positioning themselves through music style, performance practices and language use. The article argues that a postnational perspective can provide a helpful approach to understanding the hybridized practices of minority youths engaged in globalized hip-hop culture, while it is also necessary to pay careful attention to the locally embedded discourses they take part in and contribute to shaping

    What makes ethnicity matter?

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    What makes ethnicity matter? For most ethnomusicologists, as well as for the discipline as such, there is an underlying assumption that the cultivation of ethnic belonging is of fundamental importance for minority groups, and that this often is expressed through involvement in traditional music. The intention of my paper is to explore, question and challenge this notion. This will be done by juxtaposing two examples from field research: on the one hand, a group of Chilean immigrants who enthusiastically cultivate traditional music and dance, and on the other hand, Minoritet1: a group of young immigrants of various national backgrounds who engage in creating rap music commenting on their own minority experience. The paper discusses similarities and differences between these two cultural strategies which both elaborate on the minority experience through “necessary symbolic work”. My paper does not dwell on discussions of cultural specificity, but rather engages in more general theoretical material based on a multidimensional understanding of cultural strategies. Concepts employed will for example be cultural cohesion and cultural visibility, openness vs. closure”, catalytic vs. emblematic functions, and chosen vs. enforced activities. The theoretical thrust of my paper is especially inspired by writings of Ulf Hannerz, Fredrik Barth, Paul Willis and Thomas Hylland Eriksen. In conclusion, my paper asserts that creating a sense of belonging in many cases is of a particular importance for minority groups, but that manifestations and strategies of belonging may point in various different directions and can not necessarily be linked to a “raised ethnic awareness”. Finally, I intend to draw up some of the implications this complex picture has for the field of ethnomusicology, essentially challenging the discipline to widen its area of research interest

    Den nasjonale minneseremonien etter 22. juli 2011

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    Terrorangrepene i Regjeringskvartalet i Oslo og på Utøya ble etterfulgt av en lang rekke offentlige arrangementer, de fleste med musikalsk opptreden som en vesentlig uttrykksform. 21. august 2011 ble den offisielle statlige minneseremonien holdt i Oslo Spektrum med opptredener ved noen av Norges mest kjente og populære artister. Dette arrangementet, med 6000 inviterte tilskuere i salen og direkte fjernsynsoverføring til alle de nordiske landene, er tema for dette kapitlet

    Music of the multiethnic minority : a postnational perspective

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    This article examines implications of a postnational perspective on the music of minorities. As an example, the musical practices of a multiethnic hip-hop group in Norway are discussed with reference to musicological, linguistic and social studies. Lyrics and field observations present the complex image of a group of young people positioning themselves through music style, performance practices and language use. The article argues that a postnational perspective can provide a helpful approach to understanding the hybridized practices of minority youths engaged in globalized hip-hop culture, while it is also necessary to pay careful attention to the locally embedded discourses they take part in and contribute to shaping

    Integrating communication protocol selection with partitioning in hardware/software codesign

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    This paper presents a codesign approach which incorpo-rates communication protocol selection as a design param-eter within hardware/software partitioning. The presented approach takes into account data transfer rates depending on communication protocol types and configurations, and different operating frequencies of system components, i.e. CPUs, ASICs, and busses. It also takes into account the tim-ing and area influences of drivers and driver calls needed to perform the communication. The approach is illustrated by a number of design space exploration experiments which use models of the PCI and USB communication protocols. 1

    PACE: A dynamic programming algorithm for hardware/software partitioning

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    . This paper presents the PACE partitioning algorithm which is used in the LYCOS co-synthesis system for partitioning control/dataflow graphs into hardwareand software parts. The algorithm is a dynamic programming algorithm which solves both the problem of minimizing system execution time with a hardware area constraint and the problem of minimizing hardware area with a system execution time constraint. The target architecture consists of a single microprocessor and a single hardware chip (ASIC, FPGA, etc.) which are connected by a communication channel. The algorithm incorporates a realistic communication model and thus attempts to minimize communication overhead. The time-complexity of the algorithm is O(n 2 \Delta A) and the space-complexity is O(n \Delta A) where A is the total area of the hardware chip and n the number of code fragments which may be placed in either hardware or software. 1 Introduction The hardware/software partitioning of a system specification onto a target..

    Communication Estimation for Hardware/Software Codesign

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    This paper presents a general high level estimation model of communication throughput for the implementation of a given communication protocol. The model, which is part of a larger model that includes component price, software driver object code size and hardware driver area, is intended to be general enough to be able to capture the characteristics of a wide range of communication protocols and yet to be sufficiently detailed as to allow the designer or design tool to efficiently explore tradeoffs between throughput, bus widths, burst/non-burst transfers and data packing strategies. Thus it provides a basis for decision making with respect to communication protocols/components and communication driver design in the initial design space exploration phase of a co-synthesis process where a large number of possibilities must be examined and where fast estimators are therefore necessary. The full model allows for additional (money)cost, software code size and hardware area tradeoffs to be ..

    Aspects of system modelling in Hardware/Software partitioning

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    This paper addresses fundamental aspects of system modelling and partitioning algorithms in the area of Hardware/Software Codesign. Three basic system models for partitioning are presented and the consequences of partitioning according to each of these are analyzed. The analysis shows the importance of making a clear distinction between the model used for partitioning and the model used for evaluation. It also illustrates the importance of having a realistic hardware model such that hardware sharing can be taken into account. Finally, the importance of integrating scheduling and allocation with partitioning is demonstrated. 1 Introduction Hardware/software partitioning is often viewed as the synthesis of an architecture consisting of a single CPU and a single dedicated hardware component (full custom, FPGA, etc.) from an initial system specification, e.g., [1]. The aim of this paper is to emphasize the importance of clearly defining and reporting the partitioning model assumed by a pa..
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