73 research outputs found

    Open access wind tunnel measurements of a downwind free yawing wind turbine

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    A series of free yawing wind tunnel experiments was held in the Open Jet Facility (OJF) of the TU Delft. The ≈ 300 W turbine has three blades in a downwind configuration and is optionally free to yaw. Different 1.6m diameter rotor configurations are tested such as blade flexibility and sweep. This paper gives a brief overview of the measurement setup and challenges, and continues with presenting some key results. This wind tunnel campaign has shown that a three bladed downwind wind turbine can operate in a stable fashion under a minimal yaw error. Finally, a description of how to obtain this open access dataset, including the post-processing scripts and procedures, is made available via a publicly accessible website

    Optimal Control for Wind Turbine Wake Mixing on Floating Platforms

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    Dynamic induction control is a wind farm flow control strategy that utilises wind turbine thrust variations to accelerate breakdown of the aerodynamic wake and improve downstream turbine performance. However, when floating wind turbines are considered, additional dynamics and challenges appear that make optimal control difficult. In this work, we propose an adjoint optimisation framework for non-linear economic model-predictive control, which utilises a novel coupling of an existing aerodynamic wake model to floating platform hydrodynamics. Analysis of the frequency response for the coupled model shows that it is possible to achieve wind turbine thrust variations without inducing large motion of the rotor. Using economic model-predictive control, we find dynamic induction results that lead to an improvement of 7% over static induction control, where the dynamic controller stimulates wake breakdown with only small variations in rotor displacement. This novel model formulation provides a starting point for the adaptation of dynamic wind farm flow control strategies for floating wind turbines.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication for IFAC World Congress 202

    Eye movements in patients with Whiplash Associated Disorders: A systematic review

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    Background: Many people with Whiplash Associated Disorders (WAD) report problems with vision, some of which may be due to impaired eye movements. Better understanding of such impaired eye movements could improve diagnostics and treatment strategies. This systematic review surveys the current evidence on changes in eye movements of patients with WAD and explains how the oculomotor system is tested. Methods: Nine electronic data bases were searched for relevant articles from inception until September 2015. All studies which investigated eye movements in patients with WAD and included a healthy control group were screened for inclusion. Qualifying studies were retrieved and independently assessed for methodological quality using the Methodology Checklists provided by the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network. Results: Fourteen studies out of 833 unique hits were included. Ten studies reported impaired eye movements in patients with WAD and in four studies no differences compared to healthy controls were found. Different methods of eye movement examination were used in the ten studies: in five studies, the smooth pursuit neck torsion test was positive, in two more the velocity and stability of head movements during eye-coordination tasks were decreased, and in another three studies the cervico-ocular reflex was elevated. Conclusions: Overall the reviewed studies show deficits in eye movement in patients with WAD, but studies and results are varied. When comparing the results of the 14 relevant publications, one should realise that there are significant differences in test set-up and patient population. In the majority of studies patients show altered compensatory eye movements and smooth pursuit movements which may impair the coordination of head and eyes

    Dynamic wind farm flow control using free-vortex wake models

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    A novel dynamic economic model-predictive control strategy is presented that improves wind farm power production and reduces the additional demands of wake steering on yaw actuation when compared to an industry state-of-the-art reference controller. The novel controller takes a distributed approach to yaw control optimisation using a free-vortex wake model. An actuator-disc representation of the wind turbine is employed and adapted to the wind-farm scale by modelling secondary effects of wake steering and connecting individual turbines through a directed graph network. The economic model-predictive control problem is solved on a receding horizon using gradient-based optimisation, demonstrating sufficient performance for realising real-time control. The novel controller is tested in a large-eddy simulation environment and compared against a state-of-the-art look-up table approach based on steady-state model optimisation. Under realistic variations in wind direction and wind speed, the novel controller yields additional gains in power production during transients as well as a reduction in yaw actuator usage

    The influence of cervical movement on eye stabilization reflexes

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    To investigate the influence of the amount of cervical movement on the cervico-ocular reflex (COR) and vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) in healthy individuals. Eye stabilization reflexes, especially the COR, are changed in neck pain patients. In healthy humans, the strength of the VOR and the COR are inversely related. In a cross-over trial the amplitude of the COR and VOR (measured with a rotational chair with eye tracking device) and the active cervical range of motion (CROM) was measured in 20 healthy participants (mean age 24.7). The parameters were tested before and after two different interventions (hyperkinesia: 20 min of extensive active neck movement; and hypokinesia: 60 min of wearing a stiff neck collar). In an additional replication experiment th

    Major bleeding during negative pressure wound/V.A.C.® - therapy for postsurgical deep sternal wound infection - a critical appraisal

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    Negative-pressure wound therapy, commercially known as vacuum-assisted closure (V.A.C.®) therapy, has become one of the most popular (and efficacious) interim (prior to flap reconstruction) or definite methods of managing deep sternal wound infection. Complications such as profuse bleeding, which may occur during negative-pressure therapy but not necessarily due to it, are often attributed to a single factor and reported as such. However, despite the wealth of clinical experience internationally available, information regarding certain simple considerations is still lacking. Garnering information on all the factors that could possibly influence the outcome has become more difficult due to a (fortunate) decrease in the incidence of deep sternal wound infection. If more insight is to be gained from fewer clinical cases, then various potentially confounding factors should be fully disclosed before complications can be attributed to the technique itself or improvements to negative-pressure wound therapy for deep sternal wound infection can be accepted as evidence-based and the guidelines for its use adapted. The authors propose the adoption of a simple checklist in such cases